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Deaths to Pumps Map

Mean Deaths Map

Statistical Map
Density Map
Summary Analysis

Analyzing the map data via GIS allows us to determine the main source of cholera outbreak and take action in time to save many more that
could be affected by this outbreak. The first map composed via the mean of deaths shows that the street that has the most fatalities is Broad
Street and that areas near the Broad Street pump also have quite high means of deaths. While this is not conclusive enough on its own as there
is clumping is some other areas, we can see this does support Dr. Snow’s hypothesis about the Broad Street pump. The next map was
constructed via mean center of deaths and directional distribution relative to deaths. This map provides much stronger evidence and support for
Snow’s hypothesis as we can clearly see the majority of deaths ended up occurring closest to the Broad Street pump. The Broad Street pump in
this map is essentially right on top of the mean center, suggesting that this is the most likely candidate for the outbreak. Even looking towards
the outer sections of the map a lot of deaths not directly on Broad Street tend to lean towards the pump itself, compared to other pumps in the
area. The final map is density map of deaths and this one is the clearest in seeing the outbreak of cholera. It is abundantly evident that the Broad
Street pump is the outbreak source causing all most of the deaths occurring. Putting all of this together, we can readily determine the outbreak
and quickly take action to resolve the matter.

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