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Orientation for the Teacher

Welcome to the joy of teaching preschool. As a teacher you need to

commit to setting a high standard. Here are 4 principles to help you achieve
that goal.

1. Personal
In order to share Jesus with others, even small children, you must have a
personal connection with Jesus Christ. Personal devotional time, focus on prayer
and openness to the Sprit’s leading are all crucial to being a master teacher.
2. Excellence
Take your teaching responsibility as a God given challenge. Do your best in
all of your endeavors. Be reliable and prepared. God has given you these children
for a very short period of time, so use it well. Always be on time. “If the teacher
is properly prepared, every moment can be used to profit. The active minds of the
children should be kept constantly employed.” Counsels on Sabbath School Work p. 117
3. Nurturing
The best prepared teacher will not have success with young children if she
does not show a loving spirit. Get to know the children in your class and form a
warm bond with them. They will see God’s love shining through you.
4. Parent Interaction
Do not be discouraged if all your parents do not take the time to work with
their children at first. Our goal is to make the parents the first teachers, be-
cause that is in the best interest of the child. Be diplomatic in explaining the im-
portance of their role in the program. If they repeatedly come unprepared, try
calling them 3-4 days before the next meeting to remind them.

We have tried to make your job as stress free as possible. All the
lesson plans you will need are found in this manual. A list of the supplies you
will need is on the following page. Make sure you read everything and pre-
pared thoroughly. If you find any mistakes or have suggestions for improve-
ment, please e-mail me at May God bless
you as you dedicate your time to teaching of these precious children.
“It would be better for him if a millstone were hung about his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should
offend one of these little ones. “ Luke 17:2
Little Lambs Class Supply List
General Supplies needed for multiple months
Leader’s Manual : Printable from (Free)
It is best if you buy a three ring binder, with the monthly dividers.
Sort the pages by month, and file them in the notebook in the order you will be teaching them.
Little Folks Felts : Small Creation Circles
Little Folks Felts: Community Helpers
Little Folks Felts: Wild Animals
These felts can be ordered through your local ABC, or found on line at a variety of sources.
Raw Wool or Sheepskin
A Sample of woolen fabric
Pictures of Giraffe and Koala Bear
Fresh leaves for tasting
A variety of items from around the room (“Goods”)
Placemat craft supplies
Pictures of Indian’s homes and bows, spears, etc.
Book: “The Story of Thanksgiving by Nancy Skarmeds
ISBN # 0-8249-4164-0 Available from
Indian Craft Supplies Option; Design Your Own Paper Canoe
Item # 57/6719 Available from
Alphabet Flash Cards
Seed Planting supplies (cups, soil, seeds, markers)
Seed Craft Supplies
Stickers, Template Page,
Bible Sticker Book one per child
Option: Noah’s Ark by ISBN # 0-486-28928-1 Available also from
Animal Habitat Sticker Book (one per child by Available also from
Options: Forest Animals ISBN # 0-486-45651-X
Rain Forest ISBN # 0-486-40509-5
Desert Life ISBN # 0-486-40747-0
Swamp Life ISBN # 0-486-29847-7
African Animals ISBN # 0-486-40749-7
Jungle ISBN # 0-486-29645-8
Coral Reef ISBN # 0-486-29407-2
(You may choose to get them all the same or have a variety for the children to choose. All Sticker books are reusable.)

Flower Sticker Books (one per child by Available also from
Flower Garden ISBN # 0-486-40983-X

Marvelous Mix and Match Rhyming Game from
Month August September October November December January February March April May
Uniform t-shirt t-shirt t-shirt t-shirt t-shirt t-shirt t-shirt t-shirt t-shirt t-shirt
4:15 Opening Exercises Opening Exercises Opening Exercises Opening Exercises Opening Exercises Opening Exercises Opening Exercises Opening Exercises Opening Exercises Opening Exercises

4:20 Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship
Bee Obedient Bee Pure Bee True Bee Kind Bee Respectful Bee Attentive Bee Helpful Bee Cheerful Bee Thoughtful Bee Reverent
4:25 Creation Creation Creation Creation Creation Creation Creation Creation Creation Creation
Days 1&2 Days 3&4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Days 1&2 Days 3&4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
4:30 Learn About the Learn About the Learn About the Learn About the Learn About the Learn About the Learn About the Learn About the Learn About the Learn About the
Lamb Bear Elephant Lion Giraffe Raccoon Tiger Bison Rabbit Hippopotamus

4:40 Game Time Game Time Game Time Game Time Game Time Game Time Game Time Game Time Game Time Game Time


4:50 Bathroom Break Bathroom Break Bathroom Break Bathroom Break Bathroom Break Bathroom Break Bathroom Break Bathroom Break Bathroom Break Bathroom Break

4:55 Leaves Leaves Indians Indians ABC's Seeds Seeds Stickers Stickers ABC's
#3,4,5.6 #2,7,8 #1,2,3,4,5 #6,7,8 #1,2,8 #1,5 #7,8 #1,5,7 #3,4,6 #4,5


5:10 Bible Story Bible Story Bible Story Bible Story Bible Story Bible Story Bible Story Bible Story Bible Story Bible Story

5:15 See Schedule See Schedule See Schedule See Schedule See Schedule See Schedule See Schedule See Schedule See Schedule See Schedule

5:20 Neighbor Helper Neighbor Helper Neighbor Helper Neighbor Helper Neighbor Helper Neighbor Helper Neighbor Helper Neighbor Helper Neighbor Helper Neighbor Helper
Intro & Chores #1 Teacher Fireman Construction Pastor Postal Worker Doctor Mechanic Policeman Bible Story

5:30 Memory Verse Memory Verse Memory Verse Memory Verse Memory Verse Memory Verse Memory Verse Memory Verse Memory Verse Memory Verse
1 John 4:8 Psalm 23:1 Exodus 20:12 Genesis 1:1 John 3:16 Exodus 20:8 Proverbs 3:5 Ephesians 6:1 Psalm 24:1 Proverbs 20;11
5:35 Prayer #1,6 Prayer #1,3 Prayer #1,5 Prayer #1,4 Prayer #1,8 Bible Friends #1,4 Bible Friends #2,5 Bible Friends #1,6 Bible Friends #3,7 Bible Friends #1,8

5:40 Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing

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