Useful Words and Phrases For S

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Useful words and phrases for Sprechprüfung in Jahrgang 10

English German Explanation/examples

democracy Demokratie A usually very stable form of government.

democratic processes demokratische Prozesse
Voting, forming an opinion and getting involved
democratic process

| I
Beteiligung, Engagement,
Voting or helping other people are good
getting involved sich einmischen; mitmachen
examples for getting involved.
to demonstrate demonstrieren Demonstrating is one way of getting involved.
demonstration Demonstration, Kundgebung

to vote wählen, abstimmen

In order to vote, people fill in ballot cards in

ballot card lIIIIITZ LL
oting booths.

roting booth Wahlkabine

the public die Öffentiichkeit The public has a right to know.

He has publicly announced that he wants to

publicły (adv.) öffentlich, in der der Öffentlichkeit | become the next

public swimming po öffentliches Schwimmbad There is a public pool next to the school.

publicity öffentliches Anseher Good publicity usually is helpful.

After the catastrophe, many people wanted to

donation Spende make a donation to help.

charity Wohltätigkeit

charity n Spendenlau
Dienst an der Öffentlichkeit In Germany, community service used to be a
community service gemeinnützigee Arbeit; Ziv preferred alternative to military service

In Israel, every person has to mlitary person for

military service at least two years.

the German military Bundeswehr

compulsory verpflchtend

Ehrenamt, freiwilliges
| volunteerng
voluntarily (adv.) freiwillige

volunteer ein/e Freiwillige(r)

Ausschuss, Gremium, Komitee The committee was in charge of organizing the

charity run.

to recycle sth. etw. wiederverwerter Recycling is very importar

garbage bag (AE), bin IIner Müllbeutel

(Müll-)Zange (sing.) Garbage tongs are a popular tool when

gan tongs (pl.) performing "Hofdienst“ at our school.

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English German Explanation/examples

working gloves Arbeitshandschuhe For raklng, |like wearing working gloves.

|to clean up aufräumen

to remove sth. etw. beseltigen, wegräumen Hemoving garbage with other people is
considered good service to the community.
trash, rubbish, garbage Mül|

Gathering signatures is also a way to politlcally
signatures involve yourself.

demand Oraerury At demonstrations, people usually carry signs

with their demands on them.
sign Schild

Schutzschild shield In the middle ages, knights carried shields.

a breche La tool to rake leaves in the garden.

to rake rechen Yesterday, I raked all the leaves in the garden.

gardening Gartenarbeit Raking is one way of gardening.

to plant sth etw. pflan

When in a wheelbarrow, heavy things can be
wheelbarrow Schubka transported easier.

outdoor pool ein Schwimmbecken draußen

drinking/consuming alcohol trinken (von Alkohol)

aICOnOIC D veraye
alkoholisches Getränk

danger Gefahr

alcohol abuse Alkoholmissbrauch

harmless harmlos

drug Droge; Medikament

pne's limits die elgenen Grenzen Know your limits when consuming alcohol.

to commit a minor offence ein kleineres Vergehen begehen

verdict Urtell
nat's the verdict?" the judge asked the jury.
an offenden eln Straftäter

punishment Strafe

to punÍsh sb. for sth. Jmd. für etw. bestrafen

legal authorities Stratverfolgungsbehörden

to delay sth. etw, verzöger

time abroad Zelt im Ausland l'd l|ke to spend some time abroad.

to go abroad Ins Ausland gehen to spand time In a different country

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English Gerr Explanation/examples

instructions Instruktionen, Anweisungen; Read out the instructions.

Aufgabenstellungen Should I repeat the instructions?
shopping for groceries Einkäufe tätigen
wvheel chair Rollstuhl

retirement home Altenheim Simpson lives at a retirement home.

penSIOner Renter*in
An older person who doesn't have to work

education Bildung; Erziehung

oducational reform Bildungsreform

to supervise sb./sth. etw./md. beaufsichtiger

supervision Aufsicht

to supervise sb. jmd. beaufsichtigen/betreuen

ppensation Ausgleich

Anschließend, darauffolgend,
subsequently später, nachhe

Planning before doing mostly is a good

apporach Ansatz, Herangehensweise approach.

ridiculous lächerlich

ridiculousness Lächerlichkeit

sights Sehenswürdigkelten

building Bauwerk, Gebäude

jungle Jungle, Urwald

work pants Arbeitshos

oden boards Holzbretter

There are many complexions among human

complexion Hautfarbe beings. Some have a dark complexion
have a light complexion.

Playgrounds are very popular with familes with

playground Spielplatz children

park Park

slide Rutsche “Kids love the slide!“

In poorer parts of the world, people have to live

tin shack Blechhütte

signpos Wegweise She walked until she reached a signpost.

Karrierelaufbahn, beruflicher
career path Werdegang

tle Krawatte

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English German Explanation/examples
shirt Hemd

questlon mark
(Straßen-)Kreuzung 1ssroads

to cross sth. etw. (durch)kreuzen

closure die Schließung Ire CIOSure O lIe p D C IIoraly 18u o pro S S

fire fighter Feuermann/-frau

nurse Krankenschwester/-pflegen

astron Astronaut

doctor Arzt UC S Sdv |IV 5.

Many children dream of becoming a veterinarian

veterinarian Te a

in the futu

In England, most schools start their days with a

sembly, gathering Versammlung, Zusammenkunft
morning assembly.
comfortable - more
bequem - bequemer - am Using Google instead of going to the publlc
mfortable - most
comfortable b " library is more comfortable for many people.

suitcase Koffer

1ggage/baggage Gepäck

Isomatte ping n

back pack Rucksack

bag Tasche

bowl Schüssel

bucket Eimer

argument, fight

ein Streit

sadness Traurigkeit, Kummer

to be deprimed deprimiert sein

to comfort sb. jmd. trösten

sporty sportlich

sportive verspielt, ausgelassen Don't mistake "sporty“ and “sportive“

gumboot, rubber bootE Gummistiefel keep your feet dry In shallow water.

board game Brettspiel, Gesellschaftsspiel san make an exciting evening.

arm chair Sessel .Is a part of living-room furnit

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