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Nama : dr.

NIM : C105221007
Prodi : Ilmu Kesehatan Anak

Association between obesity and anemia of chronic disease, iron deficiency anemia in children at Wahidin
Sudirohusodo Hospital

 Obesity
 Children
 Relationship
 Anemia of chronic disease
 Iron deficiency anemia


No. Tahun Judul Jurnal

1. 2018 Relationship between obesity and iron deficiency anemia: is there a role of
2. 2021 Is BMI associated with anemia and hemoglobin level of women and
children in Bangladesh: A study with multiple statistical approaches?
3. 2018 Are overweight and obesity in children risk factors for anemia in early
childhood? Results from a national nutrition survey in Tajikistan
4. 2017 High level of hemoglobin, white blood cells and obesity among Sudanese
women in early pregnancy: a cross sectional-study

5. 2022 Positive Associations between Body Mass Index and Hematological

Parameters, Including RBCs, WBCs, and Platelet Counts, in Korean
Children and Adolescents
6. 2022 Association between Obesity and Anemia in a Nationally Representative
Sample of South Korean Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study
7. 2021 Profiles of anemia among school-aged children categorized by body
mass index and waist circumference in Shandong, China
8. 2022 Association between overweight and anemia in Moroccan adolescents:
across-sectional study
9. 2021
Iron deficiency and obesity in pre-school children
10. 2020
Obesity, iron deficiency and anaemia: a complex relationship

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