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Promoting the Science

of Ecology

The Niche Concept Revisited: Mechanistic Models and Community Context

Author(s): Matthew A. Leibold
Source: Ecology, Vol. 76, No. 5 (Tul., 1995), pp. 1371-1382
Published by: Ecological Society of America
Stable URL: http://www
Accessed: 03/11/2008 10:40

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Editor's Note

Ecology’s love-hate relationship with the niche concept has been long and not
\ s
especially pretty. Whereas some ecologists continue to see value in the concept,
others have despaired of ever finding an expression that is both general and non-
circular. Part of the problem, originating early in our science, has been that different
investigators have meant different things by “‘niche.’’ Here, Leibold uses resource-
Emphasizing based competition theory to produce a single construct that accommodates the
earlier differences in meaning, while at the same time permitting measurement
new ideas and experimentation. Although attempts to define the niche of a species may still

to prove fruitless, Leibold’s contribution is to suggest that it is nevertheless possible

to delineate niche parameters relevant to a variety of ecological interactions.
stimulate research Nelson G. Hairson, Jr.

in ecology
Ecology, 76(5), 1995, pp. 1371-1382
© 1995 by the Ecological Society of America


Mathew A. Leibold
Department of Ecology and Evolution
University of Chicago, 1101 E. 57th Street
Chicago, lilinois 60637 USA
The niche concept is a central organizing aspect of modern ecology. Although
its history has often been reviewed, the structure of the concept and its connection
to advances in ecological theory has received less recent attention. I review the
niche concept using “‘mechanistic”’ models of community theory to identify two
distinct components. One describes the environmental requirements of organisms
and the other describes the per capita impact of organisms on the environment. I
argue that these correspond to significant differences between Grinnell’s and EI-
ton’s concepts distinct from the previously discussed “habitat” vs. “functional”
dichotomy. I illustrate the distinction between the requirement and impact com-
ponents of the niche using models of resource competition and of keystone pred-
ators, and I discuss ‘‘Gause’s axiom” and conventional ‘“‘niche theory” in the
context of these two distinct niche components. I suggest that the niche concept
be elucidated by explicit reference to these two distinct components; the “impact”
niche (corresponding to Elton’s concept) describing instantaneous per-capita ef-
fects of species on the environment, and the “‘requirement”’ niche describing the
response of species to the environment (corresponding to Hutchinson’s definition).
This approach connects conventional niche theory with “‘mechanistic”’ individual-
based ecological models and can help provide a more modern context for the niche
Key words: competition; niche; predation; species impact; species requirement; species
role; zero net growth isoclines,

Although most textbooks emphasize the use of the niche concept in community
ecology (e.g., Ricklefs 1979, Begon et al. 1990, Pianka 1994), the concept (or a
near synonym) is used by ecologists working at most levels of ecological orga-
nization. Thus, physiological ecologists often work to identify environmental con-

‘Manuscript received 9 June 1994; revised 7 November 1994; accepted 24 November

1372 MATHEW A. LEIBOLD Ecology, Vol. 76, No. 5

ditions (including factors other than resources) that it (see Goldberg 1990 for a related analysis of aspects
affect an organism’s performance (and implicitly, of competition in plants). My conclusions are more
some component of its fitness). Similarly, much of similar to those of Whittaker et al. (1973), who seem
population biology is concerned with identifying lim- to have anticipated many of the discomforts with the
iting factors of the environment that can alter the dy- niche concept that motivated my analysis, but who did
namics of populations (whether density dependent or not focus on an explicit distinction between a species’
not). Biogeographers consider how environmental requirements and.its impacts.
conditions can constrain the distributions of taxa, and When Grinnell (1917) described the niches of or-
ecosystems ecologists seek ways of describing how ganisms, he emphasized the multitude of environmen-
the functional traits of taxa (whether species or func- tal requirements of species and ignored, or only men-
tional groups) alter ecosystem processes or structure. tioned in passing, the potential impacts on other or-
The niche concept is not always used explicitly in ganisms. Grinnell included all of the commonly listed
theories at all these levels of organization, but it pro- environmental “‘limiting factors’’ in his formal de-
vides an important, if sometimes implicit, connection scriptions of species’ niches. These included micro-
between these disparate fields of ecology that justifies habitats, abiotic factors, resources, and predators, and
its status as a fundamental ecological concept (Cher- he emphasized the combination of physiological and
rett 1989, Real and Brown 1991). Despite its strong behavioral adaptations that allow species to respond
synthetic role and its crucial importance in community to such factors. In an era when field experiments were
theory, the niche concept remains unclear: ‘“‘most uncommon, he explicitly tried to identify conditions
[ecologists] would agree that niche is a central concept that allowed a given species to exist by examining the
of ecology, even though we do not know exactly what union set of conditions in all the environments where
it means” (Real and Levin 1991), it was found. This approach seems entirely consistent
In this paper, I re-examine the niche concept using with other population-based approaches, such as An-
“mechanistic”? models of species interactions. I sug- drewartha and Birch’s (1954, 1984) “‘ecological web’”’
gest that there are two closely related but potentially and Shelford’s ‘‘environmental complex”’ (1913), and
distinct types of trade-offs that affect species inter- it illustrates the great importance that ecologists have
actions related to the niche and IJ argue that each type placed on describing such factors at least since the
of trade-off is implicitly related to the two different time of Darwin (1859). These concepts appear syn-
niche concepts. The first corresponds to Grinnell’s onymous with Hutchinson’s (1957, 1978) ‘“‘fundamen-
(1917) and Hutchinson’s (1957) concepts concerning tal niche,”’ which he defined as a multi-dimensional
environmental requirements of species, whereas the “hyper-volume”’ describing the conditions where an
second is more closely related to Elton’s (1927) and organism’s expected absolute fitness is at least zero,
MacArthur and Levins’ (1967) concepts concerning in a conceptual space whose axes include all of the
the short-term impacts of species on resource use. I environmental variables affecting that species. Hutch-
conclude with the suggestion that the niche concept inson argued that this definition would ‘‘completely
be modified to combine these two narrower concepts define its ecological properties’? (Hutchinson 1957:
and I employ this broader concept to illustrate the link 416), though it is easy to see ways in which this might
between current ‘“‘mechanistic’’ community theory and not be so (e.g., the incidental impacts of large grazers
conventional “niche theory.” on plant soil structure by compaction).
Elton used the niche concept in a distinctly different
A Historical Evaluation way to describe the effect that a given species has on
Schoener (1989), Griesemer (1992), and Colwell the environment, sometimes including abiotic factors.
(1992) have provided recent historical overviews of Although Elton (1927) discussed “‘limiting factors”
the niche concept that contrast with earlier views of such as those described by Shelford (1913) and Grin-
Allee et al. (1949), Whittaker et al. (1973), and Hutch- nell (1917) at length, devoting an entire chapter (Chap-
inson (1978). These discussions focus largely on dis- ter 2) of his book to them, that chapter does not discuss
tinguishing between “‘habitat’’ and ‘‘functional” as- the niche concept. Instead, Elton devotes a section of
pects of the niche and on the importance given to the a separate chapter on community relations (Chapter 3)
relation of different species’ niches to each other (see to the niche. There, he describes the niche as an in-
also James et al.1984). In the discussion below I will creasingly fine description of the “‘role’’ of a species
focus instead on the distinction between environmen- in the community, beginning with its trophic level. It
tal requirements and environmental impacts of spe- is hard to know if the primary importance he placed
cies to highlight the dichotomy between the responses on trophic level reflected Elton’s view that this was
of organisms to the environment and their effects upon one of the more important ways to describe the re-

source requirements of a species, or if he viewed it as Thus Elton’s view of the niche was much more ori-
one of the more important ways to describe which ented toward describing how an organism affected the
aspects of the ecosystem it was most likely to affect. environment (primarily by consuming resources and
Elton’s discussion of limiting factors and species re- serving as resources for higher trophic levels) than in
quirements in his Chapter 2 shows that he appreciated describing what environmental factors affected the or-
the tremendous importance of abiotic factors on spe- ganism. I argue below that this view corresponds more
cies, but his explicit negation of most of them in de- strongly with MacArthur and Levins’ use of the con-
fining the niche of a species (Elton 1927: 64) suggests cept describing resource consumption than with either
a focus on what he calls “roles” or ‘“‘what they are Hutchinson’s definition or Grinnell’s concept. Deter-
doing.”’ Though Elton may have meant to include spe- mining the difference between the two versions of the
cies requirements in his definition of the niche (thus concept is difficult because resources must be con-
anticipating much of the following argument), I be- sumed if they are needed to satisfy any ‘“‘require-
lieve Elton’s focus was on the impact of a species on ments.”” Furthermore, on a long-term quasi-equilib-
the ecosystem for the following reasons: rium level, the full impact of a species on the envi-
1) The niche was “defined to a large extent by [a ronment depends on a complex interaction of both of
species’] size and food habits.”” Elton gave tremen- these niche concepts with features of the environment
dous significance to body size as a component of the as discussed below.
niche, not because it influenced requirements (as might Hutchinson contributed to the confusion by using
have been suggested by reference to the effects of body the concept ambiguously even in his seminal ‘“‘Con-
size on thermoregulation, for example) but because cluding Remarks” paper (Hutchinson 1957; see also
body size influenced what resources could be con- Hutchinson 1978). Although Hutchinson used a defi-
sumed and what predators could be dangerous for a nition of the niche explicitly focused on requirements,
given organism. his use of the niche in discussing competition was
2) Elton’s niche concept was intimately related to much more compatible with a concept related to im-
the trophic pyramid of numbers, food chains, and food pacts and roles of species. In his definition of the fun-
cycles, and patterns of relative body size between damental niche, Hutchinson specifically included
predators and prey describing interrelations among quantitative axes for every factor that could influence
species. Elton specifically notes that niches are im- fitness. Thus there could be an axis quantifying tem-
portant because they ‘enable us to see how very dif- perature, the concentration of hydrogen ions (pH), etc.
ferent animal communities may resemble each other However when discussing resources, Hutchinson il-
in the essentials of organization.”” This does not seem lustrated his point in a qualitatively different way.
related to an interest in the general set of all factors Instead of having an axis that described the levels or
that can allow a species to exist in different environ- concentration of each potential resource (a natural ex-
ments. It rather seems to reflect an interest in the sim- tension of his use of the concept for abiotic factors),
ilarity of impacts of species across community types he used axes that served as quantitative descriptions
rather than similarities in their requirements. Elton of resources (e.g., food particle size, or distribution
described species with very distinct requirements along a habitat gradient). This difference is important
(e.g., Arctic foxes and African hyenas) as having the because information about resource levels was sacri-
“same”’ niche because they ate similar things. It is ficed in order to reduce the dimensionality of the prob-
hard to imagine Grinnell saying the same thing, though lem by using a single axis to describe (actually to serve
Grinnell did claim identity of niches between species as an “index” for) a potentially large number of dif-
like jerboas and kangaroo rats that presumably had ferent resources. As discussed by Schoener (1989) and
very similar requirements as well as similar re- others (see Giller 1984), Hutchinson’s approach cre-
sources in different parts of the world. ated problems in understanding the association be-
3) Elton (1927: 64) specifically states that most tween resources and fitness and could not deal with
niche relations do not involve abiotic factors. How- resources that could not be described by simple quan-
ever, he later mentions examples wherein species have titative axes. Considering that, without knowing their
impacts on abiotic factors: the roles of earthworms density, it is impossible to determine if resources are
and other burrowing organisms (including land-crabs) adequate to allow survival and reproduction, there is
in affecting soil structure, and the roles of Sand Mar- a severe deviation in his use of the concept from his
tins and Bee-eaters in digging out sand banks. He also original definition, an observation that is commonly
discusses the role of holothurians in converting corals made even by undergraduate students exposed to
to “mud,” which illustrates that “the coral-eating Hutchinson’s paper (M. Leibold and E. Simms, per-
niche has a geological significance” (Elton 1927: 68). sonal observation). The analysis described below,
1374 : MATHEW A, LEIBOLD Ecology, Vol. 76, No. 5

Volterra models to more mechanistic models (e.g.,

MacArthur 1972, Schoener 1974, Tilman 1982). These

35 explicit resource competition models provide an im-

portant insight into the distinctions that I believe dis-
ae tinguish the Grinnell/Hutchinson niche and the Elton/
MacArthur-Levins niche. The essential elements of the
28 competition model are described in detail by Mac-
Arthur (1970, 1972), Maguire (1973), and Tilman
ce (1982) and summarized and compared by Naeem and
Colwell (1991). Here I give an abbreviated description
to illustrate the distinction between aspects of the bi-
ology of organisms that relate to their requirements
and those that relate to their impacts on resources.
Resource Density
The interaction between resources and consumers
Fic, 1. Resource-dependent (solid line, labeled 6) and depends in part on how resources affect fitness com-
resource-independent (dashed linc, labeled d) fitness com- ponents of the consumers. This can be illustrated as
ponents. Resource-dependent fitness components are thought shown in Fig. 1 by sepatating a resource-dependent
to affect individual growth and reproduction and should be
positive, whereas resource-independent components are component (hereafter referred to as the population
thought lo depend on individual respiration and senescence growth rate, b) and a resource-independent component
and should be negative. An equilibrium occurs when the (hereafter referred to as the loss rate, d), recognizing
absolute values of the two components are equal and deter- that each of these components involves both repro-
mines the minimum resource requirements of the organism
duction and survival probabilities related to produc-
to just replace itself; it is associated with an absolute fitness
of zero when resource levels are at R*, tion and respiration processes. If resource levels are
high enough for the growth rate to exceed the loss
rate, the population will increase; if the resource levels
however, shows that niche relations among species can lead to a growth rate lower than the loss rate, the
be analyzed with an approach entirely consistent with population will decline. There is a set (only one point
Hutchinson’s definition without resort to ignoring re- in Fig. 1, labeled R*) of conditions where the growth
source-level effects on fitness. rate equals the loss rate.
In taking an approach different than Hutchinson’s, Following Maguire (1973, see also Hutchinson
Maguire (1973) tried to re-describe the niche in terms 1978, Tilman 1982), assuming that other factors are
of resource levels in a fashion identical to that de- held constant, and focusing on a pair of resources
scribed below. Hutchinson (1978) seems to have
agreed with the compatibility of Maguire’s approach
with his niche concept (citing it as ‘“doubtless the most
important contribution to the concept of the niche
since the death of Robert MacArthur’’), but did not
seem to recognize the significance of the distinct use
of resource axes in the two approaches. The theoretical NN
basis for this distinction initiated by Maguire (1973) a
combined with more recent theoretical work provides
a framework for making this distinction explicit.

A Mechanistic Analysis of Resource Niche Relations

Following Hutchinson’s work it was widely rec- Li
ognized (see Begon et al. 1990, Abrams 1992) that Ry
there is a distinction between resources (defined as
Fic. 2. Resource-dependent fitness of a consumer feed-
depletable, potentially limiting, factors in the envi- ing substitutably on two resources. Resource densities are
ronment) and other environmental factors that limit shown on the two axes. The line shows the combination of
populations (e.g., temperature, or disturbances). Ap- resource densities that allow the consumer to have an ab-
proaches that explicitly consider the process of re- solute fitness of zero (labeled ZNGI) and delimits conditions
where the consumers fitness is less than zero (open area) and
source depletion have allowed ecological theory to
greater than zero (hatched area). Using Hutchinson’s formal
move away from phenomenological models based on definition, the consumer’s niche is described by the hatched
the highly “abstracted”’ (sensu Schaffer 1981) Lotka- area,

(whose densities are labeled R, and R, in Fig. 2), one

per capita feeding rate
can describe three sets of conditions for any consumer on R,
that depends on these two resources. If resources are
too low (the clear area in Fig. 2) the consumer's den-
sity-independent fitness loss component (dé) will ex- per capita
“ feeding
ceed the resource-density-dependent growth rate (/). or rate on Ro
By Hutchinson’s definition such conditions are ‘‘out-
side” the consumer's niche. In contrast, resource lev-
els may be high enough (the hatched area in Fig. 2) Cc;
that the growth rate exceeds the loss rate and the pop- Vector
ulation can increase. By Hutchinson’s definition, such
conditions are “‘inside™ the consumer’s niche. A third
set of conditions obtains when both fitness components
are equal. since the organism will have an expected Fic. 3. Per capita effects of a consumer on two substi-
tutable resources. Axes as in Fig. 2. Each individual con-
fitness of zero and will neither increase nor decrease.
sumer has an expected impact on each resource described
This set of conditions determines the “zero net growth by the vectors with thin lines. The magnitude of the vector
isocline™ or “ZNGI” (Tilman 1982) of the organism is proportional to the feeding rate of the consumer on each
and serves to decribe the “‘boundary conditions”’ that resource. The Lotal impact of the consumer on the two re-
sources Is described by the sum of these components, shown
delineate the organism’s Hutchinsonian niche. Though
by the thick arrow labeled C.
the derivation of the ZNGI does not depend on pop-
ulation equilibrium assumptions, MacArthur (1972),
Maguire (1973), and Tilman (1982) all point out that
and that their derivation does not depend on any as-
long-term numerical responses will tend to lead to
sumptions about population equilibria.
conditions on the “ZNGI" as density-dependent pro-
The relationship between impact vectors and ZNGIs
cesses occur if the consumers deplete the resources.
depends strongly on the efficiency of the consumer in
However, resource-consumer relations described by
converting resources to per capita growth. Thus, two
the ZNGI line are not fundamentally different from
consumers might have similar ZNGIs despite having
relations involving any other (non-resource) factor,
very different impact vectors if they also differ in the
and the relationship between resource levels and fit-
relative efficiency with which they convert each re-
ness does not explicitly describe resource consump-
source to growth. In the simplest linear model with
tion. It is possible to have two species with identical
substitutive resources (sensu Tilman 1982) comparing
ZNGIs but whose resource consumption rates are very
two species with identical loss rates and identical mag-
different (see below) and vice versa.
nitude (but not slope) of impact vectors, a pair of
Resource consumption can be described by a dif-
species would have the same ZNGI if the ratio of their
ferent set of relations illustrated by vectors relative to
consumption rates is equal to the inverse of the ratio
R, and R, as shown in Fig. 3 (see MacArthur 1972, of their efficiencies on the two resources. The long-
Tilman 1982). The short-term impacts of a consumer term population-level impact of the organism depends
on the two resources depend on the rates at which they on an interaction between the numerical response of
consume each of the resources. The magnitude of sep- the organism (which depends on its ZNGI) and its per
arate vectors parallel to each resource axis can de- capita impact vector at equilibrium.
scribe the expected rates at which cach individual con- Similarly, the basic principles described for com-
sumer consumes each resource. This can, and usually petition for two resources can also be used to examine
will, depend in a complex way on the abundances of interaction involving a single resource and a predator
the resources and will be affected by the functional on an intermediate consumer species (Holt et al. 1994,
responses of organisms. However, at any given set of Leibold, ia press). By separating fitness components
resource densities, the net expected effect of each con- into those that depend on resources and predators from
sumer can be described by adding the two orthogonal those that are density independent, we can plot the
vectors to define an “impact vector’ (Tilman refers combination of resource and predator densities that
to this as the consumption vector’ but I wish to result in an expected fitness <0 (population declines;
generalize the concept below and to emphasize its role the open area of Fig. 4), >0 (population growth; the
in discerning the effect of the consumer on the re- hatched area in Fig. 4) and fitness =0 (the ZNGI line
sources), An important point to make is that such vec- shown in Pig. 4). These conditions describe when re-
tors do not necessarily depend on consumer density, source levels are high enough to mitigate the negalive
1376 MATHEW A. LEIBOLD Ecology, Vol. 76, No. 5

tions of the ZNGI and the impact vector do not depend

Consumer's ZNGI
on population equilibrium assumptions.
As before, species can have similar ZNGIs yet have
Predator Density

distinct impact vectors. For example, consider a case

where two species have identical minimum resource
requirements in the absence of predators and are equal-
ly assimilated by.the predator and have linear func-
tional responses. Such species will have impact vec-

tors whose slope is their mortality risk to predators
divided by the feeding rates on their own resource.
Species could have identical ZNGIs despite having
different such vectors if the ratio of their relative as-
Resource Density similation efficiencies on their own food is equal to
the ratio of the slopes of their impact vectors.
Fic. 4. Effects of a predator and a resource on a species
with an intermediate position in a food chain. Notation as Again, though ZNGIs and impact vectors are related
in Fig. 2. Using Hutchinson’s formal definition, the organ- to each other, they describe two potentially distinct
ism’s niche is described by the hatched arca in the graph. aspects of the relationship of an organism with exter-
nal environmental factors. ZNGIs correspond closely
to Hutchinson’s niche concept and to Grinnell’s de-
effects (either involving direct mortality or reduced scription of biotic factors that affect the fitness of or-
performance of the species due to its facultative re- ganisms (including predators), whereas impact vectors
sponses to predators) of predators on the expected fit- reflect the roles that species play in the community by
ness of the organism. Again, the hatched area satisfies culling resources and contributing to the support of
Hutchinson’s definition of the niche but does not di- higher trophic levels as discussed by Elton. In this
rectly describe how organisms affect their prey (via case the distinction is even more striking by its rele-
consumption) nor their predators (via serving as food). vance to food chains and the ‘‘pyramid of numbers.”
The ZNGIs describe the environmental requirements
(and constraints) but do not describe the ecological Coexistence and the Niche
impacts on the predator and resource except those that Regardless of which concept is involved, the niche
are eventually expected to occur via long-term nu- has always been closely associated with ‘‘Gause’s ax-
merical responses if the species can modify predator iom,” that two species cannot coexist if they share a
densities, resource levels, or both. single niche (Gause 1934). The theoretical models de-
As before, the short-term ecological impact of the
species can be described using vector notation (Lei-
bold, in press) to partition the expected per capita
effects of the organism into the effect on its resource 2 per capita
and the effect on its predator. The vector component a Cc; mortality risk
describing the organism’s impact on its resource is 5 Impact x predator
a Vector assimilation
identical to the one used above to describe competition
for two resources. The impact on predators is de- oS
oD :
scribed by a vector parallel to the predator axis whose o per capita
magnitude is equal to the product of the death rate oO feeding rate
on resource
imposed by the predator on the organism and the pre-
dator’s conversion efficiency (i.e., the per capita con-
tribution of the organism to the predator’s population
growth rate). The net per capita effect of the organism Resource Density
on the environment (the resource and the predator) is
Fic. 5. Impact of a species with an intermediate position
described by the sum of the component vectors, which in a food chain on its resource and on its predator. Notation
defines an ‘“‘impact vector’ (labeled C in Fig. 5). In is similar to Fig. 3 except that the impact of the organism
contrast to the model for two resources where impact on its predator (the vertical component arrow) is proportional
vectors point toward the lower left (negative impacts to the mortality rate experienced by the organism due to
predation, multiplied by the assimilation efficiency (rate of
on both resources), here impact vectors will generally
conversion of prey to growth and reproduction) of the pred-
point to the upper left (positive impact on predators ator. The net per capita impact vector is the sum of the
and negative ones on resources). Again, the deriva- components shown with a thick arrow labeled C.

scribed above explicitly examine conditions for cc- quires a linked set of trade-offs between species; one
existence, and they identify two different criteria re- set must reflect a trade-off in the requirements of spe-
lated to the niche. Furthermore, both aspects of the cies, and the other must reflect a corresponding trade-
niche that can be identified by using these mechanistic off in the impacts of species. Of course, because both
models are determined by the expected (i.e., average) aspects are affected by some common parameters (di-
parameters of individuals without reference to popu- rect mortality and feeding rates), both conditions for
lation equilibria (though of course the prediction itself a stable equilibrium can be satisfied by trade-offs in-
is only expected to hold if populations have come to volving a single variable (relative feeding rates in the
near-equilibrium conditions): First the expected en- case of competition for two resources and the “impact
vironmental requirements for an individual to com- ratio’ described above for the keystone predation
plete its life cycle and replace itself, and second, the model). However, an important point is that trade-offs
expected per capita impact of individuals on other or- need not necessarily involve a single variable because
ganisms. such trade-offs could also involve assimilation and
I argue that these two different criteria are identified loss rate parameters.
with two different concepts of the niche; one associ- The two examples discussed above (competition for
ated with Grinnell (1917) and Hutchinson (1957, two resources and competition mediated by a keystone
1978), and the other associated with Elton (1927) and predator) are only two of a wide array of reciprocally
MacArthur and Levins (1967). In models of compe- negative species interactions that can result from many
tition for two resources (e.g., MacArthur 1972, Tilman different mechanisms. These examples only illustrate
1982) and in the model involving interactions among some of the points that characterized Grinnell’s and
two species that share a common resource and predator Elton’s views about niches and serve as a starting point
(Holt et al. 1994), coexistence of two species requires for a similar analysis of other mechanisms. To date
that their ZNGIs cross. These aspects of the models models of species interactions such as those described
describe conditions for the EXISTENCE of an equi- above are best understood in closed (i.e., self-sustain-
librium point allowing coexistence of species. Ignor- ing local populations), homogenous (no patchiness or
ing the “‘‘infinitely small’? possibility that different disturbance) situations. They can, however, serve as
species will have identical ZNGIs, this suggests that the basis for more complex situations, as illustrated
species must have different ZNGIs to coexist and that by the work on environmental heterogeneity by Levins
these differences must further be of the type where (1979), Chesson (1986), and Tilman (1982; see also
each species has higher fitness under some environ- Naeem and Colwell 1991), which illustrate the in-
mental conditions, For example, in the two-resource creased dimensionality of the problem when compared
model each resource must benefit one species more to the simple cases described above.
than the other. Likewise, in the keystone-predator As has been often noted (e.g., Levins 1968, Tilman
model, one species must be less affected by the pred- 1986), virtually all of the mechanisms proposed to
ator and the other must be a better resource exploiter explain long-term coexistence of species can be related
(sensu Tilman 1982) in the absence of predators. The to trade-offs in some components of their biology or
existence of this equilibrium point does not depend of their ‘‘niches” (Chesson 1991). It is not yet clear
on the impact vectors (except indirectly due to shared how many different mechanistic models of species in-
parameters common to both ZNGIs and impact vec- teractions can be analyzed in a way that separates the
tors). conditions for existence from those that determine sta-
Given the existence of an equilibrium point as de- bility of putative equilibria into the respective com-
scribed above, however, the stability of the point de- ponents of the niche concept involving requirements
pends critically on the impact vectors (Tilman 1982, and impacts.
Leibold, in press). In the case of competition for two
resources, stability requires that each species con- Short-term vs. Long-term Impacts of Species
sumes proportionately more of the resource that most One of the attractive features of the ‘‘mechanistic’’
strongly limits its growth (Tilman 1982). In the case approach is that biological parameters are described
of competition mediated by a keystone predator, sta- at the individual level (or at the level of the entire life
bility requires that the species most strongly affected history of individuals). Separating “requirement” and
by the predator (i.e., the “‘resource-exploitation spe- “per capita impact’? components of the niche are en-
cialist’?) contribute proportionately more to the pre- tirely consistent with this ‘‘individual-based’’ ap-
dator’s growth relative to its feeding rate (M. A. Lei- proach, and the concepts do not depend on making
bold, unpublished manuscript). equilibrium assumptions about the component popu-
Thus the joint criteria for a stable equilibrium re- lations of interacting species (including resources,
MATHEW A. LEIBOLD Ecology, Vol. 76, No. 5

competitors or predators). However, on a long-term under more complex situations, the general result has
basis the total impacts of a species depend on its pop- continued to be used as a practical ‘‘rule of thumb”
ulation size, and the most predictable aspect of such (Chesson 1990). There has subsequently developed a
long-term impacts are those that occur at the popu- large literature deriving quantitative metrics of “niche
lation equilibrium. In both of the models described overlap’’ and ‘“‘niche breadth” (see Petraitis 1979 for
above (involving competition for shared resources and a review) and studying resource use overlap in natural
predator-mediated competition) the long-term, equi- communities (e.g., Cody 1968, Pianka 1973). There
librium, impact of species depends more closely on are two ways of looking at this body of work to see
their requirements than on their per-capita impacts (see that they describe aspects of niche relations related to
Tilman 1982, Holt et al. 1994). Thus Tilman’s (1982) environmental impacts rather than to environmental
conclusion that species with the highest competitive requirements.
ability should be those with the lowest resource re- First, as shown by Vandemeer (1975), Lotka-Vol-
quirements (the ““R* rule’’), and Holt et al.’s (1994) terra competition coefficients are not sufficient to de-
analysis of apparent-competition ability (with an anal- termine whether two species will coexist. Instead they
ogous “P*” rule) illustrates that on a population level determine whether the equilibrium point will be stable
that assumes an equilibrium, impact vectors do not given that it exists (with both species having positive
play as important a role as do ZNGIs. However, a focus densities). Thus meeting the conditions of ‘‘permis-
on describing relative competitive ability that ignores sible” niche overlap is equivalent to determining the
impact vectors cannot elucidate the important roles stability of possible equilibrium points if MacArthur
that species play in the dynamic aspects of community and Levins’ (1967) isomorphism between overlap and
stability via their relative abilities to affect the envi- competition strength applies. Vandermeer’s result
ronment nor can they describe the roles that species shows that permissible niche overlap is necessary for
play in regulating turnover-rates of their resources or a stable equilibrium but does not guarantee the exis-
in supporting populations of their predators (see Til- tence of such an equilibrium point (see also Persson
man 1982, Holt et al. 1994), Furthermore, an approach 1985).
focused on long-term impacts (e.g., using ZNGIs only More to the point, Petraitis (1989) has shown that
to predict competitive ability) that ignores impact vec- the cosine of the difference between the angles of im-
tors cannot help make predictions about which species pact vectors of two species in Tilman’s (1982) com-
can coexist since it cannot predict which combinations petition model is equivalent to one of the specific mea-
allow for stable coexistence. sures of resource overlap based on the “‘conventional”’
niche model (Pianka 1973). As discussed above, im-
Relation of the Mechanistic Approach to Conventional pact vectors need not have a direct relation with re-
“Niche Theory" source requirements, because they are based on use
Which of the two aspects of the regulation of co- without respect to their effects on fitness. Rather, con-
existence is included in conventional niche theoretical clusions about coexistence based on differences be-
models? Modern ‘“‘Niche Theory” focuses on exam- tween diets (conventional niche theory) are equivalent
ining niche relations with respect to resource con- to differences in per capita impacts (graphical mech-
sumption (see Giller 1984, for a recent review). De- anistic models) on resources. This result shows that
spite the strong personal connection between Hutch- the overlap indices of conventional niche theory do
inson and MacArthur as they developed current niche not describe the expected long-term effect of organ-
theory, and acknowledging Hutchinson’s ambiguous isms on the densities of their resources (i.e., their ef-
use of the concept with respect to his formal definition, fects on equilibrium resource densities as modeled by
1 argue that modern niche theory most closely relates the intersection of ZNGIs using Tilman’s terminolo-
to impact vectors and has little to do with resource gy), and thus do not fully describe the process of in-
requirements (despite the observation that some def- terspecific competition but only describe the short-
initions of competitive ability depend more on require- term relations in relative impacts (impact vectors
ments than on per capita impacts as described above!). only). Such confusion about competitive abilities and
Modern niche theory owes much of its development the importance of short-term vs. long-term effects un-
to the idea, proposed by MacArthur and Levins (1967), derlies a number of current debates in ecology (e.g.,
showing that Lotka-Volterra competition coefficients disagreements between Tilman’s and Grime’s views of
could be equated with diet overlap of competitors. “competitive ability,’ see Grace 1990, and Goldberg
Although subsequent work (see Giller 1984), especial- 1990 for recent reviews).
ly by MacArthur (1970, 1972), Schoener (1974), and What is Hutchinson’s ‘‘realized niche’’? Hutchinson
Abrams (1975), has shown that this is not strictly true (1957) introduced the “‘realized niche” as a concept

Fig. 2 discussed above is the definition of the axes;

here the axes are supply points (what resource levels
would be if consumers were absent), whereas the axes
in Fig. 2 are resource densities (actual densities ex-
perienced by the consumers at a given point in time),
as discussed extensively by Tilman (1982). Different
possible environments are classified as having supply
points falling in various parts of the graph labeled with
Roman numerals. As discussed by Tilman (1982), spe-
cies are excluded from some such environments by
ZNGI (a) ZNGI (b) interspecific competition (In Fig. 6, species a@ is ex-
cluded from environments whose supply point lies in
region III, and species 6 is excluded from those found
Fic. 6. Environmental conditions. dependent on the Sup- in region V). Further, species can coexist only under
ply Point (equivalent to equilibrium resource densities in the conditions, determined by their consumption (i.e., im-
absence of the consumers, described by the axes labcled S,
pact) vectors, whose supply points are found in region
and §,) that determine the outcome of competition between
two species competing for substitutable resources. The solid IV. This separation of environmental conditions that
lines show the zero-net-growth isoclines of the two consum- determine where species exclude each other is a way
ers [Jabeled ZNGI (a) and ZNGI (b)|. The outcome depends of partitioning of the “‘environmental space’’; the rel-
on their impact vectors flabeled C(a) and C(/)| as illustrated ative densities of the species in the area allowing co-
by the extension of those shown as dashed lines. [f maximum
resource densities in the absence of consumers occur in Re-
existence in region IV could serve as weighting factors
gion I, neither species can exist. In Region II, only species to further describe the partitioning of the entire graph.
b can exist, whereas only species a can exist in Region VI. Again, partitioning the environmental space into the
Though both species can exist in the absence of interspecific different realized niches depends on the consumption
competion in the remaining regions, species a is excluded
vectors much more than on the ZNGIs.
from Region V and species > is excluded from Region Hl
by competition, The two species coexist only if the Supply A confusing issue is that the overall competitive
Point is in Region IV. See Tilman (1982) for a detailed dis- effect of the competing species on resources is de-
cussion. Petraitis (1989) has shown that the cosine of the scribed by the single point that describes the equilib-
angle between the two impact vectors |C(a@) and C(b)] is
rium outcome of the set of interactions (the intersec-
identical to Pianka’s (1973) measure of niche overlap,
tion of the ZNGIs if the species coexist). Thus this
concept of the ‘realized niche” (defined as a subset
to identify those types of niche axes that were influ- of the original supply points) cannot be quantified
enced by competitors (i-e., primarily resources) and to from simple observations of natural communities be-
describe how interspecitic competition acted to limit cause the position of the original supply points cannot
populations. The notion was to determine how an en- be reconstructed without conducting an experiment
vironment satisfied the requirements of an organism (eliminating the consumers). However this concept
before (the “fundamental niche” concept) and after serves to show that the minimum resource require-
(the ‘realized niche’? concept) accounting for the ef- ments play a crucial role in determining which species
fects of competitors. Further, Hutchinson suggested will win (equivalent to Tilman’s “R* rule’; coexis-
that environmental conditions describing overlap in tence depends on which species have the lowest min-
the fundamental niches of different species could be imum resource requirements; Tilman 1982). A similar
partitioned between them to quantify the realized argument can be made to evaluate interactions among
niche. As was pointed out by Schoener (1989), there species that share predators, and species that share
were a number of conceptual problems associated with both resources and predators (see Holt et al. 1994).
Hutchinson’s idea of such partitioning. However, In an apparent attempt to solve some of these prob-
mechanistic models can be used to illustrate the basic lems with Hutchinson’s niche concept and to make the
idea. concept operational, MacArthur and Levins (1967) re-
Using Tilman’s (1982) formulation of resource com- defined both the fundamental niche and the realized
petition for substitutable resources we can imagine niche in terms of resource utilization (see also Schoe-
defining species niches on the basis of the Supply Point ner 1989). A multitude of other papers have since
of the resources (i.¢., resource densities in the absence followed that collectively form “conventional niche
of consumers, before accounting for the effects of theory” (reviewed by Giller 1984). Though much of
competitors) as shown in Fig. 6. The only difference the distinction between “‘requirements’ and “‘im-
in the notion of the ‘‘niche’’ between this figure and pacts” outlined here was discussed by MacArthur
1380 MATHEW A. LEIBOLD Ecology, Vol. 76, No. 5

(1967, 1970, 1972), most “niche theory” has focused 4) Aspects of the niche related to environmental
on relative resource utilization without explicit ref- requirements of species most closely correspond to
erence to resource requirements (reviewed by Colwell Grinnell’s use (1917) and Hutchinson’s (1957) defi-
and Fuentes 1975 and by Giller 1984). nition of the concept as shown by Hutchinson’s ac-
In ‘‘conventional niche theory,”’ resources are made ceptance and discussion of Maguire’s (1973) interpre-
available and are consumed by organisms in propor- tation.
tions that depend on the occurrence (and density) of 5) Aspects of the niche related to environmental
other species. Thus competition describes the parti- impacts relate more closely to Elton’s (1927) concept.
tioning of resources as they become available (a rate They also correspond strongly to MacArthur and Lev-
described by resource renewal rather than a density ins (1967) development of ‘‘conventional niche the-
measure of availability), into different consumer pop- ory’? as shown by Petraitis’ (1989) demonstration of
ulations. The significance of Petraitis’ (1989) result an isomorphism between niche overlap (and breadth)
described above is that it shows that this approach is measures and relations among Tilman’s (1982) con-
most relevant to the consumption ratios of species, sumption vectors.
and that despite a superficial similarity to Hutchinson’s 6) A re-interpretation of the niche concept as the
description of realized niches described above, it is union of these two niche concepts can allow greater
not necessarily closely related to minimum food re- mechanistic insights into factors that determine the
quirements. outcome of species interactions as shown by the cor-
respondence in the analysis of niche relations in mod-
Discussion els of two-resource competition and of keystone-pred-
The significance of the recent focus on “mechanistic ator mediated competition for a single resource.
models’’ (Price 1986, Schoener 1986, Tilman 1988) The niche concept has always been meant to be
is that they allow results of community-level models general (and perhaps intractably so). Grinnell, Elton,
to be defined on the basis of parameters that distin- Hutchinson, and MacArthur and Levins all conceived
guish between the expected (i.e., average) properties that it was meant to summarize either ‘“‘many” or ‘“‘un-
of individuals (e.g., feeding rates, assimilation effi- countable’’ aspects of the biology of organisms. Dis-
ciency, and predator vulnerability) from those that are tinguishing between the two different views of the
properties of the environment (e.g., maximum re- niche concept clarifies it by identifying a different
source levels, disturbance level, and abiotic stress). In theoretical consequence for each component (exis-
contrast, much conventional niche theory used a more tence of an equilibrium vs. the stability of the equi-
phenomenological approach (based on Lotka-Volterra librium). Further, it is clear that the two aspects are
competition models) to evaluate to dynamic properties closely (though not necessarily) linked in many situ-
(Le., stability properties) of competition. The two ap- ations by sharing common parameters; in the case of
proaches have sometimes appeared to be distinct and trophic relations these are feeding rates and mortality
somewhat disparate. As implied in the work of Mac- risks to predators. I suggest that the term “‘requirement
Arthur (1970, 1972, see also Chesson 1990), I believe niche” be used to describe requirements (most closely
a synthesis is possible based on the joint consideration corresponding to Hutchinson’s definition) and that the
of Hutchinson’s definition of the niche and Elton’s term “impact niche”’ be used to describe the per capita
view of the concept as follows: effects of species on their environments (correspond-
1) Environmental requirements do not necessarily ing to Elton’s ‘“‘roles’’), The two aspects combine to
correspond to the per capita impacts of species on the form the ‘‘total niche” in its broadest sense. In much
environment (i.e., there is not a necessary one-to-one “conventional niche theory,” aspects related to im-
correspondence between ZNGIs and impact vectors). pacts of species have been emphasized as the ones that
2) The requirements of different species determine regulate coexistence by affecting the stability prop-
whether coexistence is possible, and coexistence can erties of the interactions, but such considerations are
only occur if there is a trade-off in species’ require- irrelevant if the conditions that permit coexistence (re-
ments. Such relationships also determine which spe- gardless of the stability features of the equilibrium)
cies combinations are most likely to coexist. do not apply: Tilman’s (1982, 1988) “R*” rule-of-
3) Whether coexistence will be achieved (because thumb must apply before the question of stability re-
it is stable) in a given environment depends on the lated to the ‘overlap’ rule-of-thumb can even be con-
relationship among the impacts on the environment of sidered.
the species that have different requirements. Each spe- My primary goal has been to highlight these results
cies must have a differential effect on the factor that with the hope of clarifying the niche concept and elu-
most limits its growth for coexistence to be stable. cidating its relationship to mechanistic models of com-

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