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School's Impact on Parents Improve Our Community

Golden Apple International Preschool and Kindergarten

Rose Li & Michelle Zhong
• Bilingual Kindergarten
• 2 to 6 years old
• 275 Students
• 11 Classes
• 31 PYP Teachers
Our Learning Journey

2009.9 2017.4
IB Interesting School IB PYP Evaluation

2000.9 2013.5
School Established IB PYP Authorization
School Vision
We as a school community strive
to work cooperatively to build a
caring mutually respectful and
closely cooperative environment.
We shall devote our utmost effort
to be responsible and
internationally-minded lifelong
School Value
 Love
 Responsibility
 Principled
 Open-mindedness
 Cooperation
 Respect

Session One
The role of a parent

Session Two
School’s Impact on Parents Improve Our Community
Session One: The role of a parent

What is the role of a parent?
Parents as a member in learning community.
1.Parents act a learner.

“Study Extensively, Enquire Accurately, Reflect Carefully, Discriminate

Clearly, Practice Earnestly”
——“The Book of Rites”
Through intentional and continuous learning, parents can
discover their children‘s abilities and support them more
effectively. During this process, parents can also learn to
be reflective and make adjustments in parenting based
on educational practice.
Four Types of Parents

They use their own growth experience to decide and plan children’s education.

This type of parents will apply their own successful experience directly to children’s
They lay all the responsibility for a child’s education at the feet of the school.

This type of parents totally agree with school’s education philosophy and comply with
school’s rules.
Parents can also positively influence other parents.
2. Parents act as an interactor with children
In the process of interaction, the most valued thing is
that parents and children can establish an emotional
bond by responding positively to children's emotions,
interests, and needs. In this way, they can build trust
and dependence with each other.
Types of Low-quality Interactions

Type Behavior
Parents and children do their own things.
Bystander Or being absent-minded with children, often thinking about work and other things.
Minder Just watch what kids do, lack interactions with them.
Mandator Unilaterally give instructions and require children to follow them.
Follower Follow and fulfill all children's requests.
Negative Rarely respond to their children's actions or words.
responder Show disinterest in children's affairs.
Untilitarian Evaluate children's actions and choices from a utilitarian perspective.
Keep mentioning the possible negative consequences of children's behaviors.
Anxious Keep expressing their concerns.
Wordy Repeat the same contents and interfere with children's behaviors.

• Teachers invite all caregivers in the same family

to participate in the family-school meeting.

• We advocate more interaction among different

family groups.

• The school organizes relevant parent workshops.

3.Parents act as a cooperator with school
We believe that a true cooperator can
communicate openly and honestly with each
other based on trust and acceptance. They can
also negotiate and solve problems together.
Different Perspective
Lack skills

Lack attitudes
Opportunities to cooperate

• We set up a liaison officer.

• We conduct Multi-party meetings.

• A Parent-Teacher Association has been formed.

Session Two:
School’s Impact on Parents Improve Our Community

Draw a picture of the “perfect parent”?
Inclusive Learning Communities

? How can we influence parents in an

inclusive school community?



Assessment Collaboration

"When I chose kindergarten, what I valued
is the opportunity for my child to learn
English. But now I find that I have gained
a community of learners and I have grown
a lot."

——William and Cynthia’s mother

"My daughter graduated from kindergarten, and I am now
writing a book to commemorate her kindergarten days. Thank
you kindergarten for the gifts to our family -- let us become
caring, active inquirers and reflective people. Thank you for
all the training in kindergarten. It was and is very helpful."

——Annie’s mother
Family Questionnaire
Questionnaires for Distant Learning
Parent-Teacher Conference (One-on-One)
Topic Discussion
Special Open Day
Parents Training Arrangement
The Advantages of Teacher-Led Workshops

 in the same learner community

 best understanding of students

 teachers have experienced the

process from theory to practice

 help parents improve from theory

to practice
Sharing Learning and Teaching
Sharing Experience via Public Article
Alicia and
Isabella in
Alicia and Isabella in Recent Years

In order to have an in-depth and lasting communication,

we have created a WeChat group.

If you are interested, please send an email to Rose.

And you will get the QR code. We are waiting for you.

Email address:

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