Legal Referencing

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Hereto of this event / fact

If necessary, make amendments to this
Protocol and to the Annex hereto.

Hereunder below this heading or phrase

All considerations and questions
developed hereunder.

Herein in this document

Shall be admitted for importation into
country X according to the conditions
contained herein and in the Annex.

Hereof relating or belonging to this document

The document referred to in Article 3 hereof
and the export declaration shall be lodged
at the competent customs of ce in the
Member State

Hereafter from this time o

Hereafter referred to as the ‘market
economy investor principle.

Hereto to this documen

Shall be replaced by the text attached hereto,
together with the relevant Joint

Heretofore previously, earlier or before no

This simple amendment makes it easier
than heretofore to determine the thickness of
the pieces of lard by specifying that the
layer of lard itself must not be less than 3
cm thick, thereby excluding the thickness
of the rind.

Herewith together with this letter or document

The Commission herewith appoints for a
period of two years 15 members
representing the private sector and a
Chairman in the Joint Transfer Pricing




Hereinafter stated later in this document: the same

word should be used to complete both
The Portuguese Republic (hereinafter
referred to as Portugal)

Hereby as a result or in this way

The Commission hereby initiates a review in
accordance with Article 11(3) of the basic

Aforementioned mentioned earlier

In the event that the national competition
authorities are competent to apply national
laws to the aforementioned agreements
which are capable of affecting the common
organisation of the market

There after after tha

By 28 February 2008 and by 28 February in
each year thereafter, the registry
administrator shall transfer

Thereby by that, thus, as a resul

Within two years of the adoption of the
Thematic Strategy, thereby consolidating
current work on the collection of data

Therein in tha
If the Commission nds that a programme
which has been submitted or some of the
measures therein are not in line with
Community rules or, for the measures to be
carried out on the internal market

Thereinbefore before mentioned in the documen

Thereto to tha
The International Maritime Dangerous
Goods Code adopted in 1965, with the
amendments thereto adopted and having
entered into force, covers the information
required by X forms.




Thereinunder mentioned under that headin

In accordance with the X and the K
Protocol and subsequent decisions adopted
thereinunder, Member States are to refrain
from using CERs.

Therewith with or in the thing mentione

Modi cations to the draft budget relating
to expenditure necessarily resulting from
this Treaty or from acts adopted in
accordance therewith.

Whereby by whic
It must enter into agreements with the
EFTA State whereby it commits itself to
achieve environmental objectives

Wherein in whic
A General Assistance Document, wherein
the Commission informs about the co-
ordination of pre-accession aid.

Whereof of whic
In witness whereof the undersigned,
respectively duly authorised, have signed
this Agreement.

Whereon on whic
As they are larger in both value and
volume and less dependent on low-end
products where Brand can no longer be
competitive and whereon the strong growth
in eastern Europe is based.

Forthwith at onc
In any event, all parties should contact the
Commission forthwith by fax, but not later
than the time limit set out in paragraph 6.

Henceforth from this time o

In Portugal, external audits should be
conducted henceforth at least once every
eight years on the expenses of bodies that
manage public expenditure

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