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Activity 1

1. Plate A is an oceanic crust because it is submerged underwater, while Plate B is a continental

crust since it’s above ground.
2. Plate A gets bent towards the mantle because it goes below plate B.
3. The leading edge of plate A will melt and form magma because the mantle is hotter than the
4. Magma
5. A volcano
6. Earthquakes

Activity 2

1. Trenches will form which will then become sources of earthquakes, and these earthquakes,
being underwater, will cause tsunamis. It will cause volcanic island arcs to be formed.
2. A trench and a volcanic island arc.
3. Tsunamis.
4. Subduction

Activity 3

1. 2 continental plates are involved in this collision.

2. They move towards each other.
3. Mountain ranges
4. Earthquakes
5. The Himalayas.


1. D.
2. B.
3. D.
4. B.
5. D.
6. B.
7. D.
8. D.
9. D.
10. A.

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