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The Punishment of My Church

“Church, you used to be with Me. But you

abandoned Me for other things: wealth,
prosperity, health, goodness in all things. You
are unwilling to do My will: go into all the nations.
Instead you love money. I will take it from you.
You are unwilling to use it to do My will. The
Antichrist is fast approaching. What will you do
then when he controls all things? You have
allowed Jezebel in your midst. Women pastors
are an offense in My sight. They will be
condemned. They are reprehensible, corrupt,
unable to hold the office of the prophet. My son,
call them to repent, which they will not do. They
love the world, the things in the world. Banish
them to an eternity without Me, My son. My son,
call them to Me, I call them. Few will be saved.
Jezebel in her midst must be punished, she has
deceived many. I call the Church to Me. Repent.
Your Lord has spoken. Amen and amen.”
“Tell My people I Am going to destroy them! They
have resisted Me long enough. I have called them
to do My will, but they prefer doing their own
thing. I called them to evangelize the world, but
so far they love to sit and watch television all day
long, and long into the night. I called them to do
My will, but they prefer doing their own. When will
you obey Me, My people? When will you do My
will? What must I do to wake you up? What must
I do to bring you to the mission fields? So far you
sit at home doing nothing but your own will. How
shall I punish you? Shall I bring foreign armies to
your land to punish you with arms of war? What
will wake you up? What will bring you to the
mission land? I have called and called and gives
you all you need, but you spend it on yourselves,
bigger and better televisions to prevent you from
obeying Me. They keep you at home, out of My
will. So far you have not obeyed Me, playing
Church. When will you obey Me? Your Lord has
spoken. Amen and amen. Obey. Go and obey. I
have spoken. Amen.”
“Church, I Am against you, for you are all about
money, leaving many outside who need Me. You
love wealth, and I will take it away from you
forever. Prepare for it! Poverty will come your
way, and we will see Who Is God! I Am against
you always, until you repent of your wicked ways,
and renounce money, for that is all you care
about, not souls. Your false teachers have carried
you far away from Me, and all you care about is
self, an abomination. I call you to renounce
selfish pride, and selfishness, love of money, for
it will fail you in the end time. Many have gone to
Hell because you refused to care, preferring
wealth over My will. Repent wayward Church, for
Satan loves you, for he knows you will not do My
will, but that of self, which is Satan in the Earth.
Repent, O selfish ones, for the time is short in the
land in which you live, and many are going to Hell,
including you. Repent, says the Lord. Amen and
amen forever!”
“Brian, I want to destroy My people. They refuse
to obey Me. They love things other than Me. I will
destroy this nation with a nationwide earthquake.
I will destroy My people. They refuse to obey.
The sinners refuse to repent. I will destroy many
with a sudden burst. The fear of God will come
upon many, so lacking for so many decades. I
Am a Father to be reckoned with. I possess
eternal Hell. Many will go there. You too if you
don’t obey. Obey Me, My son. I want to punish
My people. They have grown too self-centered. I
will punish all. I have grown weary of their self-
centered lifestyle. They refuse to obey Me. They
want money, things. I must punish that. They
think of Me as a Father who gives them all things.
It comes out in their worship. They are very
selfish. Brian, I Am not a Santa Claus to desire
things from. I Am to be obeyed and worshipped.
I Am God. Obey Me. I must be obeyed. Your
Lord has spoken. Amen and amen.”
“Tell My Church I Am against them. In all they do
I Am their Enemy. They reject My Holy Spirit.
How can they serve Me without the Spirit of God?
In all they do I Am against them forever and ever.
They will be rounded up and executed, goats they
are. My sheep have long since fled the clutches
of the Evil Church. My people are without
recourse having rejected Me by rejecting the
Spiritual Life of God. In all they do I will be their
Enemy. They have refused Me having being
against Me in any spiritual moves of My Spirit, My
son. Rounded up they will be to eternal Hell,
Pharisees and Scribes they are of damnation
forever, having refused Me in the spiritual life.
Devoid of My Spirit My anger burns hot against all
of My Church who reject Me by rejecting My Spirit,
their only source of life and joy. My son, go to My
Church and tell it it is lost forever. They have
rejected Me, having favored the world and all in it
and its prosperity. Your Lord has spoken.
“My son, I have mush to say. There are many who
follow Me who do not do My will. Those I will
punish. You may be among the many, Brian. I
will punish all who refuse to obey Me. That goes
for all in the Church. Many refuse to obey Me in
all things. Those I will punish exceedingly. They
will get the rod. The rod of God will afflict all who
refuse to obey Me. Many I have called; few have
obeyed. Many I have called to the nations to
evangelize. Many will go to Hell without Me—they
were not evangelized. Many prefer to sit and
watch TV while millions perish without Me. Many I
have called to go to foreign countries to
evangelize. Many prefer to sit at home. What will
it take to move them? Revival? Many refuse to
go. Many will not make Heaven for refusing to
obey Me. Those I will not call again but will use
others. Obey Me now, My son. Your Lord has
“In My Church there are many who make their
living out of show. These showmen shall be
rounded up and cast into eternal fire. Devoid of
the Spirit they are, they are My enemies because
they depend on the flesh and the gifts of
charisma. Many they lead astray with false
anointing—they too shall enter eternal fire. Did I
not say be led of My Spirit? The showmen do all
for glory and fame and a prestige not of My Spirit,
but are led of the Devil himself. Many of the
enemy’s camp are in My Church, leading it astray.
Many of the Enemy’s people are leading it to
doom and damnation. They prefer the false gifts
to seeking Me early and being led of My Spirit.
Many shall enter damnation early because they
prefer the gifts of My enemy and the false
charisma it brings. Many shall enter Hell early
because they prefer not Me but the false
showmen roaming the Earth. They shall be
gathered up and cast into eternal Hell fire because
they prefer the big screen to their knees. He
controls all in Hollywood including the religious
network. Many shall follow his ways to damnation
and few shall be saved. The networks of evil lead
many astray with false doctrines of evil of how to
be rich and prosperous. They shall be damned
forever. They follow not My ways but that of the
flesh. Lusts of the flesh will damn My people
forever. Repent My people! Your Lord has
spoken. Amen.”
“Tell My people I love the. But I must punish
them, My son, because they refuse to obey Me.
They won’t witness and spread My Gospel in a
land of freedom. What will they do in other
countries that are restricted from the preaching of
the Gospel? My soul is full of fury and rage
because they refuse to do My will. Many times I
have pleaded with them through the prophets to
no avail. They shall be rounded up and cast into
concentration camps. Few will survive. I shall
round them up from the land and cast them into
the camps already set up by your government.
There they shall suffer the loss of all things and
be executed. Few will serve Me. Many shall go by
way of the executioner because they refuse to
obey. They will not preach to the lost, they will
not go to foreign countries to spread My Gospel
because they love the creature comforts of life
here. Great is My wrath towards them—they shall
be rounded up and destroyed. Obey Me My
Church. The time is short. Obey Me. Your Lord
has spoken. Amen and amen.”

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