Examples of Presell - Sampler Articles

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Examples of Presell/Sampler

This is a compilation of various presell/sampler articles for you to peruse
and get ideas from.

The first 4 articles include the breakdown on how I used my presell formula
to craft them.

The main article itself is in black. I used red to illustrate each step of the
presell formula.

Feel free to model these for your own use. Notice that the keyword here is
to model. That means you should edit them using your own unique stories
and content.

If everyone copies the same thing to use online, the entire article will
quickly become useless and that won’t help anyone.

With that said, here are the presell articles.


Example 1: Ecom Presell Article

(This made me N2,430,000 in commissions for a
campaign that ran for 3 days on facebook)

(Headline) The high ROI business most Nigerians

don't know about
(Opening statement)

Sometimes back in 2016, I made an astounding discovery about a profitable

business that many Nigerians are not fully aware of.

(Opening statement continues into a story)

The discovery came as I was browsing on Linda Ikeji's blog.

I noticed that a particular woman was running a N50,000/day advert continually

on the blog.
In fact, in that month, I noticed that she ran the advert 15 times because I
counted it.

If you do the maths, that is N50,000 x 15 = N750,000

​ or someone to spend N750,000 a month on adverts, that tells you that the
business is working and making a lot of money.

She would never repeat that ad if it wasn't bringing in money.

So for her to be repeating the advert means she is making a lot of money.

What the woman was selling is waist trimmers.

But don't be deceived.

The "waist trimmer" is not the business.

Let me explain.

She was importing those waist trimmers for $2 (N700) each and selling each for

After removing shipping cost and other expenses, she will probably be left with
N10,000 profit per sale
If she sold only 20 copies each time she ran those ads on Linda Ikeji's blog, that
means she was pocketing N200,000 pure profits each day!

Crazy. Right?

I call this business model - smart ecommerce and it can be highly profitable.

(Establishing frame of authority and “I also used to be a newbie like you at


I wanted to know more.

So, I learnt a lot about the business model

The first product I imported to test out the model was a beauty product.

I imported 90 pieces and it cost me N45,000 (shipping included)

With shipping, each product comes to about N500 a piece.

I ran an advert on Instagram and sold all the products within 2 weeks at a cost of
N5000 each.
After removing all costs (product purchase, shipping, courier, instagram ads,
packaging), I was left with N305,000 pure profits which is not bad for a 2 weeks
project that started with N45,000 capital.

Think about that.

How many businesses can you start with N45,000 and make N305,000 pure
profits within 2 weeks?

But unfortunately, only a few people are aware of this business.

(Main Content Starts)

This business model works based on 3 things:

(1) Searching for physical products that solve problems for people or helps
them get closer to their desires mostly from China.

(2) Buying the products at the lowest cost possible and importing them to

(3) Selling the products using a genius marketing method to for a good

The last product I imported cost me N150,000 overall (including shipping

costs) and I made N1.6m within 30 days of selling it.
As you can see, this business is not for broke people.

You should have a minimum of N50,000 to get started.

But the good thing is that you can turn your capital into a lot of profits
within a few weeks if you use the proven system I use.

(Conclusion and call to action starts)

Talking about a proven system, permit me to invite you to the same guy who
taught me the proven system I use to profit from smart ecommerce (or mini

His name is Patrick Ogidi and on Sunday July 29th, he will be holding an online
class by 9pm where he will be showing you how you can start importing products
for lower prices from places like Hong Kong, China etc and selling them for crazy

The guy is a busy man.

I have been on his neck to do this training for more than 3 months now.

That means if you miss out on this online class, he most likely won't do it again
anytime soon.
So, if you will like to attend, click the green button below to register for the online

​I Want to Attend
​I will be attending this online class too because I need to learn some new tactics.

Don't miss out

Meet you in the class.


Example 2: Ecom Presell Article

This presell article was used in a campaign that
brought in N1,954,450 in about 37 days.

(Headline) The "Perfect Business" Every Mom Should

Know About
(​ Opening statement with authority suggestion – “people who read my book”
suggests that I am an author)
Once in a while, I get mails from people who read my book and who want me to
advise them on what businesses to do.

Last week alone, I got 17 of such mails.

12 of them were from moms who are looking for a profitable business with small
capital that they can start asap.

(Another attempt at the authorship positioning)

If you have read my book too, you should know by now that I know about many
delicious business opportunities.

But if I were to recommend a profitable business for a mom who only has a
start-up capital of N50,000 and about 3 hours a day to spare, I would recommend
what I call smart e-commerce

​(Main Content Starts)

What Is Smart E-commerce & Why Do I Recommend It for Moms?

​ efore I tell you what smart e-commerce is and why I recommend it, I want you
to stop for a moment and think about what many people spend their money on
asides shelter, transport, school fees, food and drinks.

If you think about it carefully, you will agree with me that most of what we spend
money on comes down to physical goods that help us to live a more comfortable
life and enjoy life better.
Things like:

- Fine clothing

- Shoes

- Health supplements

- Creams

- Lingerie

- Make-Up and other Beauty products

- Jewelry (Beads, wristwatches etc)

- Stuff for Kids

- Fitness Products

- Bathroom products
- Phones, Tablets and other mobile gadgets

- Computers and accessories

- Etc

The point I am trying to make is this...

"People spend a lot of money every year on physical products and that is
why companies like Jumia & Konga are growing FAT every day"

​The market for these products is HUGE and UNLIMITED.

And majority of these products are imported from places like China and the US

But unlike Jumia and Konga, you do not need a big website with lots of bells to
make a lot of money importing and selling these physical products.


As a matter of fact, you could make millions from a single product when you use
the smart e-commerce approach
I am not sure what your income goal is...

Maybe it is an extra N500,000 a month

Or N1 million a month

Or even N5 million a month

The smart e-commerce model I am about to explain to you can make it happen
for you (that is, if you are not lazy like many people are)

​How Smart E-commerce Works

I am about to explain how the smart e-commerce business works and I will be
using a story to do this

This is the story of one of the students in my Facebook group.

As a stay at home mom in Lagos, she needed a way to generate some income

She wanted to start a fashion design shop but her capital wasn't enough to get
her the shop and equipment needed.

So, someone introduced her to Smart E-commerce

After a few weeks, she imported her first product from China.

It was a simple hand-sewing machine that anyone could use for simple cloth

See the picture below:

​ ach of the mini sewing machine cost her about N800 to import (product cost +

At first, she imported 40 pieces which cost N40,000

Then she started selling them for N5500 each using Instagram (and she didn't
even have a website)

You might have even seen her adverts on Instagram

To cut the long story short, she sold all the 40 pieces within the first week of
importing them and she had to order another 200 pieces

Within the first month, she sold 250 pieces via Instagram and made N1.2m in net

Think about it - How many businesses do you know of where one can start with
N50,000 and make N1.2m in net profits within a month?
If you take a good look at this story (you can read it again), you will be able to
understand what Smart E-commerce is all about

But in case you don't, let me spell it out clearly for you

​Smart E-Commerce is All About 3 Things:

(1) You search for at least one physical product that solve problems for people or
helps them get closer to their desires.

E.g. In the example above, the mini sewing machine is a tool that helps a lot of
moms to easily make adjustments to clothes without having to go to the tailor and
without buying a standard sewing machine

(2) You buy the products at the lowest cost possible (from China or US) and you
import them to Nigeria.

E.g. Like the woman, she bought the sewing machines from a site called
Aliexpress and imported them via a shipping agent known as ChrisVicMall to
avoid heavy custom charges.

(3) You sell them using genius marketing methods to for a good ROI

E.g. In her case, she simply sold them using just Instagram adverts

This is why I said earlier that you can make millions from a single product when
you use this smart e-commerce approach
Later on, you can expand to more products.

Right now, the overall E-commerce business in Nigeria is booming.

According to a study published on Leadership.ng, the E-commerce industry in

Nigeria is now worth $13 Billion as you can see below:

​That is about 4.5 Trillion Naira

This is one of the reasons why I highly recommend this business model.

​I also recommend the Smart E-commerce business model because:

· ​You don't need a lot of money to start (You can start with even N25,000)

· ​ he market for physical products is HUGE and UNLIMITED (you will never run
out of products to sell)

· ​You don't need a shop or office to start

· ​It is not time-consuming

· ​And the profits can be fast and crazy

​As you can see, this business is not for broke or unserious people.

But the good thing is that you can turn your capital into a lot of profits within a few
weeks if you use a proven system.

Conclusion and call to action:

Talking about a proven system, let me invite you to a guy who has trained many
of the successful smart e-commerce business people in Nigeria

​ is name is Mr. Patrick Ogidi and he is also known as the Grand commander of
Importation business in Nigeria
Actually...He didn't give himself that title.

People gave him that title because this man has been able to single-handedly
raise hundreds of millionaires in this country by teaching them how to profit from
the same business you are about to learn

Many of his students are young men and women

And some of Patrick's students are stay at home moms and some are people
with employment who just want a better life

This business is straightforward but many people still fail at it because they don't
understand how it works.

I want you to succeed with this and that is why I want you to watch this intensive
1 hour+ video training by the E-commerce expert (Patrick Ogidi) where he
explains how you can start a smart e-commerce business and make it profitable
within a few weeks.

This Video Training Will Show You:

· How to identify and select hot products that sell like crazy

· ​How and where to find and import high quality products for low prices

· ​ ow to design an effective online system for selling your imported

Of course, this business isn't for everyone.

But if you really want to take this serious, I would recommend that you watch this
video training from Patrick Ogidi

Click the button below to access the video training.

​One more thing...

In case you are having doubts about if this business model will work for you or
not, my answer to that is - IT WILL WORK FOR YOU

As long as you follow the simple rules that Mr. Patrick explains in the video above

This business is actually an improved form of trading.

And trading (also known as buying and selling) is the most guaranteed form of
business on earth

What you are doing here is - You are buying wanted quality products for lower
prices and you are selling them for very good profits

And you are doing it without having to sit down in a shop waiting for customers.

Instead, customers will be the ones to contact you.

It is now your decision to make.

Watch the video training to get started

Example 3 - Presell Article For a Course on
Creating a Hit Product
I didn’t write this presell article.

It was written by a guy named Czar but it is a really good example of a presell

I have edited it so I can use it to sell a course on how to create a Hot product.

Here is the breakdown

(SUBJECT) How To Become A Celebrity In ANY Niche in 37 Short Days...

(opening part starts)

....what I'm about to show you is hardcore!

Using these strategies you can be able to host a seminar, pull your shirt at the
hall, fling it into the crowd and have every single person in the room
SCRAMBLING for that shirt....because they see you the exact same way lovers
of Nigerian music see Wizkid.

(Establish Instant Connection, Credibility/Authority - Here by sharing story)

Before I had an understanding of this, I was hopeless.

But then, one day, I stumbled on a book written by Mr. X.

In the opening paragraph, I talked about Wizkid; which song made him popular?
"Holla at your boy". In it?

Dbanj? - "why me" (Crazy song that year)

Tuface - "African Queen" (Almost every dude with hormones sang this to a girl
during midnight calls that year)
(Main Content Starts)

Are you seeing a pattern?

If you are not seeing a pattern yet, don't worry, it doesn't mean you are a
dumbass. You will get it in a bit.

Let's look at celebrities who became celebrities from writing books.

Chinua Achebe; which book comes to mind - "Things fall apart"

Robert Kiyosaki - "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

Reality TV Stars

Kim Kardashian - her sex tape with Ray was what took her from an unknown
Hollywood wannabe into a household name!

Do you see the pattern now?

To become a celebrity in your niche, you need what EVERY celebrity has.

Which is what?


Nobody becomes a celebrity without a hit product.

Olajumoke needed a picture of herself carrying bread to become a celebrity. That

photograph was her hit product.

A hit product is a product EVERYONE in your niche has heard about. (At this
point, demand has been created for the (hit product) and the reader is
aching to know how to have one, so conclusion and call to action follows)

I have just created a free video presentation that shows you how to create a hit
product in your market place -

Click here to watch the video

Example 4 - This One is a Sampler Content
This presell article was used by me for a campaign to sell a product on relocating
to Canada. I don’t even know how much this presell has brought in but I know it
is not less than N6m.

Enjoy it.

(Headline) The Real Truth About Living And

Working Permanently in Canada

(Opening statement)

If you are interested in moving to Canada and getting all the benefits of a
permanent resident, this article is for you.

(Establishing authority frame, “I have been getting mail requests” suggests that
people have been asking for my advice)

Since April this year, I have been getting a lot of mail requests to make a post
about relocating to Canada
At first, I didn't pay much attention to this because there are many websites out
there with tons of information on this subject

But I guess you guys want something real that is coming from a trusted and
experienced person

And since I am yet to travel to Canada myself, I didn't post anything about the
topic until now.

That is because early last month, I finally found someone trustworthy, a fellow
Nigerian man who processed his entire immigration to Canada all by himself.

And even got a good job within 2 weeks of arriving in Canada.

Not just that, he has also helped about 27 Nigerians to move to Canada as well.

I wrote this article based on the things I have been learning from him

(Main content starts here. Here I am simply sharing some of the content
from the main product itself. Also, the quality of this type of content really
makes the reader to see me as someone who knows what he is talking

With the present condition of the country at the moment, I really don't blame any
Nigerian who is looking for a better life for themselves and their family.

Truth is...Canada is a great country and home to about 100,000 Nigerians

As a permanent resident in Canada, you enjoy

- Free quality education for your children

- Free and premium health care

But if you want to relocate to Canada, you have to shine your eyes well, well so
that you simply don't waste a lot of money trying to process your relocation

Let's start with this...

(1) Canada targets to bring in 1 million immigrants between 2018 to 2020

You probably know this already. For 2018 alone, the Canadian authorities
announced that they have now welcomed 82,000 people this year alone.

1 million people is a lot but that does not mean everyone who applies will get in

First, their immigration programs suit people who are between ages 22-45

If you are older than 45, it will be difficult for you to get in

If you are within this age range of 22-45 and you are interested, then NOW is the
time to make a move

That is because...

(2) Canada's Immigration Policies Change From Time to Time

What this means is this...

As more people apply and try to get into Canada, the policies get tighter

The minimum requirements that got people into Canada 2 years ago won't get
you in today

That means the best time for you to start processing your relocation is today.

If you wait till 6 months time, well, the policies could have tightened up by then
making it more difficult for you

Another reason why many people won't get in is..

(3) Relocating to Canada is a big investment especially if you are coming with
your family

This is the simple truth

Relocating to Canada isn't for everyone especially if you are struggling to put
food on the table.

Don't believe anyone who says otherwise

Relocating to Canada will cost you a lot of money.

I can't give you a specific amount but here are some of the expenses involved:

=> The permanent resident application fee alone cost $550/adult and $150/child

=> The IELTS (English test) alone cost N75,000 per person (Which your spouse
will also do if you are married)

=> If you are moving with your family, well you know you will be paying for their
plane tickets.

If you think getting the funds to relocate to Canada isn't a big issue for you, then
the next thing you ought to know is this

(4) The entire Canada immigration program is based around what is called a
CRS point

Once you are able to achieve a pretty high CRS point, 80% of your job is done.

The CRS cut off point for each month is announced each month. So, there is no
constant figure for it.

For instance, on November 15, 2018, the cut off figure announced for the
Canadian express entry was 449

That means people who scored a minimum of 449 were issued an ITA (Invitation
to Apply)

Achieving this CRS point is the main key and it is calculated based on factors like
age range, education, work experience, your use of English language etc

If you are able to achieve a high enough CRS point within the next 3 months, you
could start packing your bags for Canada very soon.

Many people don't know how this works and that is why they keep throwing
money at various immigration agents and wasting their money

With what I have now learnt, I believe there is no need to waste your money on
any immigration agent as regards moving to Canada
What you need to do first is figure out how to get a high enough CRS point.

(Conclusion and Call to Action)

If you are truly interested in relocating to Canada, I think you should watch this
50-minutes video that was put together by the man I mentioned earlier.

The video explains what you need to get a high CRS point and successfully
relocate to Canada without having to waste a lot of money

Click this link to watch the video =>


Example 5: Presell content for a relocate to

Canada product
Let's talk about the new method for relocating to Canada in 2020

Firstly, I must apologize.

I was supposed to post this last week but I was the one taking care of the entire
family (my wife traveled)

Plus I had to verify this information before posting.

Here is the good news:

If relocating to Canada in 2020 is part of your goals, then you should know about
the new program that the Canadian government launched recently.
This is the ONLY Canada relocation program that allows you to become a
permanent Canadian resident even if you do not have a degree

With this new program, you can get a job anywhere in Canada and you are
allowed to move with your entire family.

§ Does not require high IELTS score (5.0 is okay)

§ You get a job almost immediately

§ Only 12 months previous work experience required

§ Age does not matter

§ Only 2 years post-secondary education required e.g. OND

§ Not based on points (like Express Entry)

This doesn’t mean it is open to anyone though.

Relocating to Canada regardless of what program you are going through cost at
least N1.5 and that is if they don’t ask you for proof of funds.

That is another good thing about this new program.

No proof of funds is required.

Many Nigerians are already using this method to relocate to Canada but like
other immigration channels, it will soon become highly competitive.

And that is why the time to learn more about it and start processing it is now

Mr Daniel Ola (a Nigerian immigration expert based in Canada) created a video

to explain how this new program works and how one can apply.

If you are interested, click here to watch the video: https://xyz.com

Example 6: Presell content for a relocate to
Canada product
I wrote this post to discuss what I consider to be the ugly truth about relocating to
Canada in 2020

Let me explain

When I wrote my first article about relocating to Canada via express entry in
2016, the cut off mark was 276

Today, it is 435 which is high.

In order to meet that cutoff, one will need a very high score in the IETLS test
which many fail

But what if you didn’t need to pass IELTS?

The good news is that such a program now exists.

The Canadian government launched it last year and this is the ONLY Canada
immigration program that allows you to become a permanent Canadian resident
even if you do not have a degree

With this new program, you can get a job anywhere in Canada and you are
allowed to move with your entire family.

§ Does not require high IELTS score (5.0 is okay)

§ You get a job almost immediately

§ Only 12 months previous work experience required

§ Age does not matter

§ Only 2 years post-secondary education required e.g. OND

§ Not based on points (like Express Entry)

This doesn’t mean it is open to anyone though.

Relocating to Canada regardless of what program you are going through cost at
least N1.5 and that is if they don’t ask you for proof of funds.

That is another good thing about this new program.

No proof of funds is required.

Many Nigerians are already using this method to relocate to Canada but like
other immigration channels, it will soon become highly competitive.

And that is why the time to learn more about it and start processing it is now

Mr Daniel Ola (a Nigerian immigration expert based in Canada) created a video

to explain how this new program works and how one can apply.

If you are interested, click here to watch the video: https://xyz.com

Example 7: Sampler content for a relocate to

Canada product
One of my friends who relocated to Canada recently shared some lessons with
me about his relocation and I thought I should share them.

Enjoy it


1. Using Immigration Lawyers and Travel Agents Are Not Necessary:

When I made a decision to relocate, I came across several immigration experts

charging as much as $15,000 to help you through the process.
I didn't use them mainly because I didn't have the money.

So, I had to do it myself and it worked

Later on, I found out that many people who paid those experts ended up wasting
their money.

With a little guidance, you too can apply yourself and save a lot


2. Open a Separate Bank Account for This Project:

I like taking the things I want to achieve as projects and relocating to a new
country isn’t a small project.

One of the things I did when I made up my mind to relocate was to open a
separate bank account with no ATM card.

I didn't have any rich uncle to help me.

So, I cut down on a lot of things and I started putting funds into the account for
the project.

If you are like me, do this too.

It will help


3. Prepare for IELTS

Many people spend at least 24 months before they finally relocate because they
have to write the IELTS exam twice
And that is because they didn't prepare for it the first time.

They think "it is just English"

If you want to relocate to Canada asap, you will need to get a good enough score


4. Prepare for at least 6 months ahead:

When you finally get to Canada, you will need some time to get used to the
system, get a job, a house etc and settle down.

Depending on you, this could be within 3 - 6 months.

Just make sure you prepare for it.


5. Acquire extra skills like plumbing, fixing electrical issues, how to change car oil
and how to generally fix things around the house.

Even though these services are cheap in Nigeria, you will be paying a lot of
money to get them in Canada. By learning how to do them, you will be saving a
lot of money.

Or even use it to get some change.

I hope you have gained something from this my short write-up


PS: There is a new immigration program recently introduced by the Canadian

This is the ONLY Canada relocation program that allows you to become a
permanent Canadian resident even if you do not have a degree

§ Does not require high IELTS score (5.0 is okay)

§ You get a job almost immediately

§ Only 12 months previous work experience required

§ Age does not matter

§ Only 2 years post-secondary education required e.g. OND

§ Not based on points (like Express Entry)

Mr Daniel Ola (a Nigerian immigration expert based in Canada) created a video

to explain how this new program works and how one can apply.

If you are interested, click here to watch the video: https://xyz.com

Example 8: A presell by one of my

students about a book
How Reading This Book Made Me 6-Figure Income
(this headline might not fly on Facebook)

I first heard about this book from John Obidi (Daddy J. O.) and since Daddy
J. O. is someone whose recommendations go beyond mere words, I took
the book seriously (See how he is borrowing credibility here).
Later on, when I was studying Strategic Management at International
Strategic Management Institute (ISMI) during my National Youth Service
(NYSC), I read about Blue Ocean Strategies again...
Could this be God trying to tell me something?
I bought the book on the 19th of December, 2018 and started studying it.
Using the principles in this book, I have won a business pitch competition
and made 6 figures in profit from my online business.
I’ve also used the principles from this book to start a segment of a business
in Ekiti that no one was paying attention to.
What are the principles?
Well, you need to get this book to really understand what the principles are.
You can get your copy form Christore Bookstore
if you’re in Ado-Ekiti.
But let me share one with you...
Don’t compete in the red ocean, create a blue ocean. Perhaps, there is one
area that your competitors aren’t looking at and you’re very good at it. Why
not just innovate that area and push it to the market.
For example, when I started affiliate marketing with a company, I noticed
that most people were using email marketing, Facebook Ads, etc to sell
their products. No one was using WhatsApp.
As soon as I found out that using WhatsApp won’t lead to penalties, I
focused on WhatsApp and within 2 weeks, I’ve made over N100,000.
Just by focusing on what others neglected.
Now, it might not be the same with your industry.
You need to be able to DISCOVER what it is that you or your business
needs to focus on or innovate.
That’s where this book (Blue Ocean Strategy) comes in.
The book will teach you all you need to know about the strategy. It would
help you to discover the missing link (like Marcus
would say in his book).
If you’re into business and you’re looking forward to increasing your profit,
this is a book for you.
Go and get it today.
May God help us.

To your success,

Example 9: Sampler Article

How to HACK Your Way Into People's Hearts...FAST!

In this short writeup, I want to share a powerful skill that I was forced to
learn when I was dead broke

This is the skill of getting people to like you fast...and help you out as a
Because of this skill, I can meet someone for the first time and get them to
really like me (that is if I like you though because I intentionally limit my
circle of people. So I usually put up my "No BS shield" most of the time)

And because of this skill, I usually avoid certain situations with women
because I usually end up getting into trouble when the woman begins to
develop feelings.

Please, do not use this for bad purposes.

To make you understand how powerful this skill is and how to use it, let me
tell you a story.

Back in 2006, I used to be dead-shy and awfully quiet.

I am still quiet but I have developed myself to do anything I want to do

these days.

Anyway...I was in school then with a pocket money of N2000 a month

which wasn't enough.

Yet, I wanted to learn how to do business online which required that I spend
a lot of time on the internet. The problem was...I needed money to pay at
the cybercafe or to get a modem

So, I figured that if I could be friends with the guys at the cybercafe, they
would actually help me with free browsing time.

But how would a shy, quiet guy do that.

I had been studying human behaviour for sometime starting from Dale
Carnegie's bestselling book - "How to win friends and influence people"

That book is powerful by the way.

From what I knew at the time about human behaviour, I knew that all
human beings have what I call hidden addictions.

These are called hidden addictions because people don't really know they
have these addictions.

When you help people to satisfy these addictions, you can become more
than their business associates or acquaintances. You can become more
like family.

There are 10 of these hidden addictions but let me tell you about 3 which

(1) People silently desire to be respected.

(2) People need to be noticed and feel understood.

(3) People want to feel important.

If you can genuinely fulfill those 3 things, you can quickly develop powerful
relationships with people

Take the desire to be respected for instance, people usually lack respect for
others and I am not talking about the Sir/Ma fake type of respect.

I think everyone deserves some level of respect even if they seem to be

"under" you.
Or the need to be noticed and feel understood.

A lot of men easily lose their women just because of this alone.

One of the ways I apply this is to "simply listen" to people I am interested in

with full attention and make them feel important.

And knowing that we human beings are selfish, I usually stop thinking
about myself and think of you with full attention.

One of the very simple ways to make people feel important for instance is
remembering their names and pronouncing it in a special way.


At the cybercafe, I will start conversations and listen to these guys talk
about their ambitions, problems, desires etc

This is powerful because majority of people are so selfish and don't know
how to listen to others

Being a quiet person, listening to people is the easiest thing for me to do

but anyone can also do it.

By the way, this might not work really well if you are a lying smuck.

People have an innate ability to detect bullshit.

I genuinely respect people regardless of their levels (except for people who
make it known that they don't deserve any respect)

So, when I listened to the guys at the cybercafe, it was genuine.

I simply gave them the type of respect they silently need as human beings.

I made them feel important and understood.

Before you know it, I made friends with all the staff at the cybercafe and I
got unlimited free browsing access.

It didn't end there.

I was even making some extra money because they will pay sometimes to
help them with a few things.

In case you are thinking this is just luck, I didn't do this at just one

I did the same thing at two other cybercafes.

And I have done the same thing to develop relationships with various
people since then.

When you get better at this, you will be able to detect which of the hidden
addictions is stronger for someone than the others and you can focus on

Anyway...I have to go.

If you want to learn more, I believe Dale Carnegie's book is a good place to
start. (I can insert a call to action here)

Hope this helps.

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