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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


NAME : _________________________ SCORE:______________

YEAR/SECTION : _________________ DATE :______________

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose and write the correct answer in the
space provided for each number.

_____ 1. Which of the following is the study that uses human reason to investigate the
ultimate causes, reasons, and principles that govern all things?
a. Philosophy
b. Anthropology
c. Economics
d. Psychology
_____ 2. Which branch of philosophy explores the fundamental nature of reality and
a. Logic
b. Ethics
c. Metaphysics
d. Epistemology
_____ 3. There are reasons why philosophy is hard to define. Which of the following
could best describe the reason why?
a. Philosophy is specific.
b. Philosophy is reflective.
c. Philosophy includes standards and thoughts.
d. Philosophy changes historically in respect to its content and character.
_____ 4. The following statements describe philosophy except:
a. Philosophy contributes to self-development.
b. Philosophy enables a person to engage in critical thinking.
c. Philosophy does not improve problem-solving and decision making.
d. Philosophy helps us to be good communicators who can present
himself/herself clearly.
_____ 5. George is thinking about how he can deepen his knowledge of
philosophizing. Which of the choices can best help him develop his
a. Dream
b. Dialogue
c. Reflection
d. Problem-solving

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

_____ 6. Which of the following is a way of thinking that is accompanied by people’s

beliefs and views?
a. Ideals
b. Framework
c. Opinion
d. Personal view
_____ 7. What do we call the activity that requires a person to examine his or her
a. Analysis
b. Meditation
c. Reasoning
d. Reflection
_____ 8. When trying to understand a particular problem or situation, which
perspective is characterized as inclusive in nature?
a. Bias
b. Claim
c. Opinion
d. Holistic perspective
_____ 9. What do you call the series of statements that provide reasons to convince
the reader or listener that a claim is true?
a. Arguments
b. Conclusion
c. Fact
d. Knowledge
_____ 10. A particular student is charged of lying before a discipline officer in the
school because of faulty reasoning. In effect, he cannot fully explain himself.
What do we call the arguments based on faulty reasoning?
a. Fallacy
b. Ideas
c. Knowledge
d. Opinion
_____ 11. Which of the following is technically based on judgment on certain facts?
a. Argument
b. Beliefs
c. Conclusion
d. Judgment
_____ 12. What fallacy assumes that what is true for the whole is true for the parts?
a. Ad hominem
b. Appeal to emotion
c. Appeal to force
d. Fallacy of division

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

_____ 13. Ricardo cannot arrive to solid and profound decisions and many things
because of a particular tendency. The way he views people and things is
oftentimes faulty. What do we call the tendency experienced by Ricardo?
a. Bias
b. Claims
c. Explanations
d. Fallacies
_____ 14. Which method of philosophizing distinguishes opinion from facts or from
personal feelings or emotions?
a. Bias elimination
b. Critical thinking
c. Reduction criticism
d. Wishful thinking
_____ 15. Which of the following is the Latin word for Science?
a. Sciea
b. Sciente
c. Scientia
d. Scientiu
_____ 16. Which of the following methods of philosophizing involves didactic
a. Classic Method
b. Dialectic Method
c. Scientific method
d. Socratic method
_____ 17. Which of the following is the method of philosophizing that involves a
process of determining the truth or knowledge through experimentation,
inductive and deductive reasoning, and hypothesis or theory testing?
a. Classic method
b. Dialectic method
c. Scientific method
d. Socratic method
_____ 18. George and Lucas hold different views about a subject matter. Though with
different views, they wish to establish the truth through reasoned methods of
argumentation. Which method of philosophizing is recommended for them?
a. Classic method
b. Dialectic method
c. Scientific method
d. Hermeneutics

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

_____ 19. These two methods of philosophizing are based on a discussion between
two or more people who carry differing views but wish to pursue the truth by
seeking an agreement with one another.
a. Classical and Dialectic methods
b. Dialectic and Scientific methods
c. Scientific and Socratic methods
d. Socratic and Dialectic methods
_____ 20. Julius always stands with his own beliefs and perceptions because he
believes that he has value and worth. What nature of human person does Julius
a. Dignity
b. Externality
c. Self-awareness
d. self-determination
_____ 21. Which of the following enables us to do and experience the things that make
us human?
a. Acquire
b. Embodiment
c. Possess
d. Spirited
_____ 22. Esther is a strong person. She always analyzes the situation before taking
any action. She is very much capable of acting and being aware of her actions.
What value is possessed and practiced by Esther?
a. Dignity
b. Externality
c. Self-awareness
d. Self-determination
_____ 23. Which of the following describes the individual's ability to connect with
a. Enhancement
b. Exchange
c. Expression
d. Externality
_____ 24. Lucille exerts all her efforts in order to overcome her weaknesses. Which of
the following is practiced by Lucille?
a. Exercises
b. Self- Activity
c. Self-assessment
d. Transcendence

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

_____ 25. This paradigm recognizes an inherent worth or intrinsic value of other
beings aside from their utility. It emphasizes the interdependence of organisms
within ecosystems and that if ecosystems with each other within the biosphere,
a. Deep Ecology
b. Ecofeminism
c. Environment
d. Social ecology
_____ 26. Which of the following refers to the sum total of all the surroundings of a
living organism, including natural forces and other living things, which provide
conditions for development and growth as well as danger and damage?
a. Deep ecology
b. Ecofeminism
c. Environment
d. Social Ecology
_____ 27. Which of the following is an example of an environmental solution to all the
environmental problems that we have today?
a. Acid Rain
b. Air Pollution
c. Reforestation
d. Water pollution
_____ 28. Which of the following views places great value on ecosystems and
biological communities?
a. Anthropocentrism
b. Biocentrism
c. Eco-Centrism
d. Environmentalism
_____ 29. Which of the following views considers man the most important species on
the planet?
a. Anthropocentrism
b. Biocentrism
c. Eco-Centrism
d. Environmentalism
_____ 30. Which of the following is the moral approach in analyzing the relationship
between humans and the environment?
a. Environmentalism
b. Environmental Justice
c. Environmental Ethics
d. Environmental Philosophy

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

_____ 31. Ben ensures that his business activities do not unduly disrupt the
ecosystems and human communities located in the area. Ben practices
a. Equity
b. Frugality
c. Economic efficiency
d. Environmental integrity
_____ 32. Which of the following refers to prudence in decision-making regarding the
use of resources to ensure that there is minimum to zero waste?
a. Equity
b. Frugality
c. Economic efficiency
d. Environmental Integrity
_____ 33. For this type of sustainable development, we are demanded that we use
our natural resources in such a manner that they are conserved so that the next
generations will be able to use them.
a. Equity
b. Frugality
c. Economic Efficiency
d. Environmental Integrity
_____ 34. What do you call the concept that advocates the wise and efficient use of
natural resources?
a. Environmental Aesthetics
b. Environmental Ethics
c. Environmental Justice
d. Sustainable Development
_____ 35. Talia wants to help her community resolve the issue of waste pollution.
What is the best thing that Talia can do?
a. Brag how clean their house is.
b. Let her neighborhood do the job
c. Ask the barangay officials to do it.
d. Advocate how to do simple recycling and garbage sorting and ask for
assistance of the Barangay officials.
_____ 36. In which statement shows the BEST example of usage of responsible
a. Reyna decided to buy new pair of shoes using her excess allowances.
b. Despite the threats made on his life, the witness decided to come forward
and disclosed important information regarding the crime witnessed.
c. A woman used the internet to humiliate her ex-boyfriend by spreading lewd
photos of him on social media.
d. Despite of knowing that many of his clients were poor and desperate, a
moneylender continues to impose very high interest rates on loans.

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

_____ 37. Agnes has a Philosophy test on Friday. On Thursday night Agnes's friend
asks her to go to the movies. Agnes weighs the positives and negative
outcomes of each choice. Agnes’s action can be categorized under good
a. Judgment
b. Freedom
c. Norms
d. Responsibility
_____ 38. Theresia is a Human Resource recruiter in a company, her boss is looking
for a competent Engineer. She thinks of her cousin who needs a job due to
financial circumstance. Theresia thought of hiring her cousin abruptly and
fail to follow the company rules and regulations. What do you think will be
the outcome of Theresia’s action?
a. Her cousin will be happy
b. Her boss will commend her for performing her tasks early
c. Her performance will be appreciated
d. Not following company rules and regulations can result to unfair and
biased system in the company, her credibility towards her job will be
_____ 39. As the call for help in time of crisis, Kristel did not spend her excess
allowance on a new pair of shoes but decided to donate the money to those
who are affected of lockdown in their barangay due to Covid-19. What kind
of freedom is being described in the scenario?
a. Intellectual Freedom
b. Moral Freedom
c. Physical Freedom
d. Psychological Freedom
_____ 40. Since you were a kid, you dreamt of becoming a doctor, but during your
family dinner your mother mentioned about her interest of sending you in a
business school. Considering your freedom of choice, what will you do?
a. I will stay in my room for a week
b. I will leave our house since they cannot support what I want
c. Say yes to my mother since I do not want to hurt her feelings
d. I will talk to her and explain that I want to go to medical school in a polite
and proper manner

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

_____ 41. A restaurant customer complains about the restaurant’s poor service.
During the monthly meeting the manager decided to conduct performance
evaluations on his employee due to the increasing complaint about poor
services and as a result some of the employees were lay-off. What can you
say about the management decision?
a. The Manager is inconsiderate
b. The Manager is heartless since his staff will be unemployed
c. The Manager exercise good decision making and fair judgment
d. The Manager is poor in judgment and jump to conclusion easily
_____ 42. Which of the following best describes inter-subjectivity?
a. Two students fighting in the corridor.
b. Students sharing notes in philosophy.
c. The guidance counselor ignored a student with disability asking for help.
d. The guidance counselor actively listened to the problems shared by a
_____ 43. Vanessa and Vien argue about their personal choices in life, and they keep
insisting on what they believe is true in each other. But later, they realized
that it is not the proper practice of ________________. Complete the
a. interest
b. intrarelationship
c. interrelationship
d. inter-subjectivity
_____ 44. Mrs. Santiago, a guidance counselor needed help in cleaning the guidance
office. Some students volunteered to help her eventually. What value in
inter-subjectivity is displayed by the students?
a. Alienation
b. Availability
c. Rejection
d. Responsibility
_____ 45. Mr. Cayabyab is not welcome in his new residence. For him, it is a worse
experience ever. In inter-subjectivity, how do we call his experience?
a. Alienation
b. Availability
c. Rejection
d. Responsibility
_____ 46. In a birthday party, Carlos felt uneasy because of the presence of his
enemies. However, he managed to smile the whole celebration because he
needed to. What action did Carlos show?
a. Alienation
b. Authenticity
c. Discrimination
d. Seeming-action

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

_____ 47. Which of the following is an example of ethics of care?

a. Solicitation
b. Cheering for a basketball team
c. Helping a PWD cross the street
d. Helping a sister finish her homework
_____ 48. As a Humanities and Social Science student, you are interested to be part
of the Sangguniang Kabataan in your Barangay. Considering that there are
increasing rate of out-of-school youth in your area, what program you will
a. Distribute school supplies
b. Kabuhayan program for families
c. Basketball league since it is a trend now a day
d. Launch an afterschool activity involving sports, livelihood, arts and crafts
and academic
_____ 49. Mellissa is a member of a group that aims to bring about changes in society.
What do you call the activity performed by Mellissa’s group?
a. Social morals
b. Social movement
c. Social roles
d. Social values
_____ 50. Maria established a patterned interactive relationship which is the most
important unit of a social system. What does Maria exhibit?
a. Culture Lag
b. Culture shock
c. Deviance
d. Human Relations
_____ 51. Andrea is a member of a various group that aims to bring equality and
fairness in the society. You were inspired to the actions of Andrea’s group.
What simple action you will perform as a student to show equality and
a. No to bullying
b. Answer politely when ask
c. Fall in line while ordering in school canteen
d. Attending school flag ceremony and flag retreat
_____ 52. Virtual society is known to be the product of ____________ society.
Complete the statement.
a. Feudal Society
b. Horticultural Society
c. Industrial Society
d. Post-industrial Society

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

_____ 53. In this type of society, those who own land are considered the most powerful
and influential members of society, while the peasants are considered the
lowest group.
a. Feudal Society
b. Horticultural Society
c. Industrial Society
d. Post-industrial Society
_____ 54. Plant in Laguna and other developing areas uses specialized machinery in
the production of goods and services. Thus, these machineries are a
product of what type of society?
a. Feudal Society
b. Horticultural Society
c. Industrial Society
d. Post-industrial Society
_____ 55. Ariane decided to enter the congregation of nuns in Tagaytay. For Ariane
to be a full pledged nun she needs to follow rules and regulations set in the
congregation. Among the statement below what do you think not accepted
to do by Ariane inside the congregation?
a. Teach children and care for the sick
b. Spend an hour and a half daily in mental prayer
c. Do spiritual reading for at least a half-hour a day
d. Create a black propaganda against the state and the government
_____ 56. Which of the following refers to the organized or patterned set of
relationships among individuals and groups that compose of a society that
arises from the norms, laws and other rules that regulate human
a. Social institution
b. Social norm
c. Social role
d. Social system
_____ 57. Rico is a very enthusiast person, and he created a list of all his goals,
dreams, and achievements that he wants to attain before death. This list is
known as?
a. Adventure list
b. Bucket list
c. Traveller’s list
d. Permanent list
_____ 58. What do you call the social conditions which enable persons and groups to
fulfill their goals and achieve perfection?
a. Common good
b. Noble good
c. Pleasurable good
d. Useful good

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

_____ 59. When someone came to the point of experiencing the separation of the
body and soul or end of his/her bodily functions which signals the end of a
person’s life. That person is on the stage of?
a. Baptism
b. Birth
c. Death
d. Resurrection
_____ 60. It is true that each one of us will experience physical death. But why do you
think many of the people believe that physical death is a fearful endpoint?
a. It is irreversible
b. It is predictable
c. It is unbearable
d. It only occurs among elderly

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education



Most Essential No. of No. of % of Item Specification (Type of Test and Placement)
Learning Hours Items Items Remem Under- Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Competency ( No. -bering standing
x 100)
The Meaning and 4 5 8.33% 1,2 4 3,5
Process of
The Distinction 4 3 5% 6,7 8
Between Holistic
Perspective and
Partial Point of
The Distinction 4 6 10% 9,11,1 10,13
Between Opinion 2,14
and Truth
Methods of 4 5 8.33% 15,16, 19
Philosophy that 17,18
Leads to Wisdom
and Truth
The Human Being 4 2 3.33% 21 20
as An Embodied

Evaluating Human 4 3 5% 23 22,24

Beings’ Limitations
and Transcendence
Environmental 4 6 10% 25,26, 28
Philosophy 27
Environmental 4 5 8.33% 31, 33, 32, 35
Ethics and 34

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Evaluate and 4 2 3.33% 2 5

exercise prudence in
Realize that: 4 2 3.33% 6 3
a. Choices have
b. Some things are
given up while
others are
obtained in making
Show situations that 4 2 3.33% 4 1
freedom of choice
and the
consequences of
their choices
Realize that 4 2 3.33% 7,8
requires accepting
differences and not
imposing on others
Explain that 4 3 5% 9,10,11
authentic dialogue
means accepting
others even if they
are different from
Performs activities 4 2 3.33% 12 13
that demonstrate
an appreciation for
the talents of
persons with
disabilities and those
from the
sectors of society
Recognize how 4 3 5% 14,15 16
individuals form
societies and how
individuals are
transformed by

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Compare different 4 3 5% 17 18 19
forms of societies
individualities (eg.
Agrarian, industrial
and virtual)
Explain how human 4 2 3.33% 21 20
relations are
transformed by
social systems
Enumerate the 2 2 3.33% 23 22
objectives he/she
really wants to
achieve and to
define the projects
he/she really
wants to do in
his/her life
Reflect on the 2 2 3.33% 24, 25
meaning of his/her
own life
Total 72 60 100%

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education




1. A 31. D
2. C 32. C
3. D 33. A
4. C 34. D
5. C 35. D
6. D 36. B
7. D 37. A
8. D 38. D
9. A 39. B
10. A 40. D
11. C 41. C
12. D 42. D
13. A 43. D
14. B 44. B
15. C 45. C
16. D 46. D
17. C 47. C
18. B 48. D
19. D 49. B
20. A 50. D
21. B 51. C
22. D 52. D
23. D 53. A
24. D 54. C
25. A 55. D
26. C 56. D
27. D 57. B
28. C 58. A
29. A 59. C
30. C 60. A

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education




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