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VOCABULARY SHORT TEST 9A 8 I like film music and I’ve got a lot of CDs with the performance /

Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________ Klasa: ________ soundtrack / plot from my favourite films. ___ / 8
1 Wpisz, do jakiej kategorii tematycznej z ramki należą podane wyrazy. VOCABULARY SHORT TEST 9B
FILM AND THEATRE LITERATURE ART MUSIC Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________ Klasa: ________
1 _______________________: tune, band 1 Wpisz, do jakiej kategorii tematycznej z ramki należą podane wyrazy.
2 _______________________: brush, drawing ART FILM AND THEATRE MUSIC LITERATURE

3 _______________________: cast, director 1 _______________________: poem, short story

2 _______________________: song, classical
4 _______________________: poem, novel ___ / 4
2 Do zdań z kolumny A dobierz ich poprawne i logiczne kontynuacje z 3 _______________________: sketch, portrait
kolumny B. Dwa fragmenty zdań z kolumny B zostały podane 4 _______________________: soundtrack, stage ___ / 4
dodatkowo. 2 Do zdań z kolumny A dobierz ich poprawne i logiczne kontynuacje z
A kolumny B. Dwa fragmenty zdań z kolumny B zostały podane
1 Leonardo DiCaprio plays the main … ___ dodatkowo.
2 I regularly watch one crime … ___ A
3 I’m going to see a circus … ___ 1 The film is … ___
B 2 It’s an annual film … ___
a performance next weekend. I love acrobats! 3 I’ve subscribed to an online … ___
b magazine, which comes out each week. B
c character who runs away from home. a performance, which made her famous.
d show to check out the new summer collection. b set in 1960s America.
e series which has a different story in each episode. ___ / 3 c channel with some rock video clips.
d festival which attracts a lot of fans.
3 Zaznacz poprawne opcje.
e journalist who writes about fashion. ___ / 3
1 The book is played / set / drew in 19th century London.
3 Zaznacz poprawne opcje.
2 Our drama group is going to put on / out / in a play by Shakespeare next
1 The film has a strong acting / cast / stars with some famous Hollywood names.
2 The main plot / actor / character in the book is a young girl.
3 I’ve subscribed to a YouTube channel / advert / headline where a man
3 The audience / band / presenters didn’t like the play and some even left
teaches people to play the guitar.
the theatre early.
4 I read an interesting documentary / article / image about politics in
4 A good advert / headline / comic should be short and attract the readers’
yesterday’s newspaper.
attention to the article.
5 Let’s go and see the new exhibition in our local art show / gallery /
5 My sister’s pencil tune / painting / drawing won first prize in the town art
6 I’d like to be an architect and design / paint / sketch new buildings.
6 Our theatre group are going to give / put / make on a comedy play.
7 Have you listened to the new album from / by / off Beyoncé?
7 I often post / visit / use my comments online after I’ve read an interesting
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8 He’s a famous author / director / designer who has made some Oscar-
winning films. ___ / 8

Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty © Macmillan Polska 2018 Photocopiable Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty © Macmillan Polska 2018 Photocopiable

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