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School Year: 2012/ 2O13 Time

allotment: 1 hour.

THE English Second Test of the Second Term

Read the text carefully then do the activities.

The term "global warming" is a specific example of global climate change. It is the
increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-
twentieth century. The global average air temperature near Earth's surface rose 0.74 _ 0.18 °C
during the hundred years ending in 2005. The scientific researches assumed that if we don't
reduce the carbon dioxide emissions, the temperature will continue to rise.
What will happen if the climate really changes? If Earth gets hotter, the glaciers will
melt. And if the glaciers melt, the volume of the water in the seas will increase. This will
cause flooding. As a result, vast areas of the Indian Coast, Bangladesh, Holland and even
London will be under water. On the contrary, other countries will suffer from drought;
consequently, they will have less food to eat and less water to drink. Besides, we will have
many other disasters in all fields; economically, socially and even politically.
Adapted from: Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change.

A/ Comprehension and Interpretation (7Pts.)

1- The text is about: A- Soil pollution B- Solidarity in the World C-

Global Warming.
2- Are there statements true, false or not mentioned in the text?

a-The global average air temperature near Earth's surface is decreasing.

b- Carbon dioxide is responsible for the increase in temperature.
c- The global warming will cause floods and droughts.
d- The global warming will help in providing drinkable water.

3- Answer the following questions according to the text.

a- What is the definition of global warming?

b- What are the consequences of the global warming?


c- Will people suffer from hunger? Justify by quoting from the text.

4- What do the underlined words refer to in text?

It (§1)= They (§2)=

B. Exploring the Text: (8pts)

1- A) Find in the passage words which mean the same as the following:
a- a word which is synonym to " decrease" (§1) ……………….
b- a word which means "a long period when there is a little or no rain." (§2) ……………….
B) Find in the passage words which are opposite in meaning to the following:
a) enjoy (§2)≠ ………………… b) freeze (§2)≠ …………………
2) Add the suffixes “ful” and “less” to the following nouns to form adjectives
Noun Adjective

3) Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a):

1)-a-Trees don't release carbon dioxide.

1)-b-Carbon dioxide..................................................................................................

2)-a-Planting trees can stop desertification.

3)-a- How can we stop desertification?


4- Mark the intonation on the words in bold with appropriate arrows ( ↑ or ↓ )

Water is essential to people in many ways. We need water for cooking, bathing,
transportation and recreation.

5- Fill in each gap with the appropriate word from the list below.

needs _ machines _ to satisfy _ serious

Pollution is a very …1…….........problem because most of it comes from……

2….............which man has invented……3……..........his daily……4……..........


Level : 1st Year- Literary Stream School Year: 2012/ 2O13

Time allotment: 1 hour.

THE English First Test of the Second Term

Read the text carefully then do the activities

Teenage boys read for an average of 20 minutes a day. Teenage girls spend almost
twice as much time reading as their male counterparts, according to a survey. A survey of
school children for Thursday’s World Book Day found that 15 to 16 years old teenage boys
spent 2 to 3 hours a week reading for pleasure, compared with 4.5 hours for girls. This
‘screen-age’ generation of boys prefers television, with an average of 11 hours a week, and
computer games, played for an average of nine hours a week.
But whenever they were reading, boys were doing so because they enjoyed it, with 81
% of 11 to 12 years old and 76% of 14 to 16 years old reporting their satisfaction with
reading. The most popular author was JK Rowling, writer of the Harry Potter series, and
teenage boys particularly enjoyed the works of Lord of the Rings author, JRR Tolkien.
Girls’ enthusiasm for reading is reflected in their test and exam results, outperforming
boys in English in both primary and secondary school. The survey found that 11 to 12 year
old girls were the most enthusiastic readers, with more than five hours of reading for pleasure.

A/ Comprehension and Interpretation:

I/ Circle the correct answer :

A - The text is : a- a survey b- a report c- an interview

B - The reporter did the survey about :

a- teenagers’ leisure time
b- teenagers’ reading habits
c- teenagers’ studying hours
2/ Are these sentences TRUE or FALSE according to the text ?

a- Teenagers girls spent 40 minutes a day in reading

b- Teenagers boys prefers reading more than playing computer games
c- The majority of the boys enjoyed the works of JK Rowling, the writer of Harry Potter
d- Both the boys and the girls like reading

3/ Answer the following questions :

1. Do good exams results of the girls have a relation with reading ?

2. Why did the reporter describe the teenagers boys as ‘screen-age’ generation ?

B. Exploring the Text: (8pts)

1) Find in the text the following:

a- A word which is synonym to “ research” (§1)=............................." two times” (§1)

b- a word which means " to achieve better results than others” (§3) …………….........….

c- A word which is opposite in meaning to: dissatisfaction (§2) ≠……………...............

2- Divide the following words into roots and suffixes:

Word Root Suffix


2- Syrian

3) Pretend your friend did not watch the interview of the Algerian president. Complete
the paragraph below to report the interview for him/ her.

Do you enjoy Yes, I do.


How many countries did

you visit? I don’t remember the
exact number.
The journalist asked the president........................................................................... .......
He replied that he did. Then, she asked
him.................................................................................................... He told her that he didn’t
remember the exact number.

4-Underline the stressed syllable:

introduction - financial - nightdress - activity

5- Fill in the gaps with only four words of the following list:

Results - survey – reading - interviewers - informants - questionnaire - writing

This is a report of the findings of a................................about teenagers

newspaper ..............................habits. I submitted thirty informants.
Surprisingly, I found out that most of the................................... did not read newspapers at all.
Therefore, I recommend that these teenagers spend more time reading newspapers.

Good luck!


Level : 1st Year- Scientific Stream School Year: 2012/ 2O13 Time
allotment: 1 hour. THE SECOND TERM English

Reading: Read the text carefully then do the activities ( 15 pts )

Our school project of English was a survey. My group wanted to know if today’s
teenagers are more or less interested in reading books. We decided to carry out the survey in
our own secondary school – Abdelkader BOUALKA.
The questionnaire included 05 precise questions. We asked 100 pupils as a sample. They
were aged between 16 and 18 from the three levels; first, second and third year. Only 31
pupils said that they enjoyed reading. Most of them did so at the school library. “I like to read
books of different subjects to broaden my knowledge”, said Ali, one of them. 14 pupils
admitted that they could not find time to read because they had other hobbies.52 pupils said
that they read only when they search for specific notes for school.
Among all the interviewees, only 03 pupils gave further details about the subject.
Khaddouja said, “The type of books I want is not available”. “That is absolutely true”, said
her friend Salem. “And if there is a chance to find one, it would be very expensive.” He
added. Dalia, a third year pupil said, “For me, the best source of books is the internet. E-books
are more available and less expensive than books we find in libraries”.
Unfortunately, we were very astonished by the negative fact that today’s pupil don’t read
so often. Most pupils read a few of their school documents and while getting ready for their
school tests and exams.
Abdelkader BOUALKA High School – Adrar. 2009
A/ Comprehension and Interpretation

1/ Circle the correct answer:

A. The text is: a) a story, b) a questionnaire or, c) a
B. The result of the survey is: a) negative, b) positive or, c) not
C. The survey was done by: a) a journalist, b) a group of pupils or, c) a
group of teachers.
D. E-books are: a) newspapers, b) magazines or, c)
electronic books.

2/ Say if the statements below are true or false or not mentioned

a. The survey is about the use of the internet at schools.

b. For some pupils, listening to music, sports, computer games etc, are better than books.
c. No pupil likes to read books.
d. Some pupils like reading books, but they can’t find good and cheap ones.

3/ Answer the following questions according to the text

A) - What did the reporter do the survey for?
B) - How many interviewees participated in the survey?
C) - Was the survey conducted at school? Justify

B/ Text Exploration (8Pts.)

1- Match words with their definitions:

Word Definition
a. hobby 1-General view of study of something
b. Survey 2-Something for which there exist a proof
c.fact 3-Activity you do for pleasure in your free time
2- Divide the following words into roots and suffixes
Word Root Suffix

3) Pretend your friend did not watch the interview of the Algerian president. Complete
the paragraph below to report the interview for him/ her.

Do you like Yes, of course I do.

sports ?

What is your favourite

I’m a big fun of the
football team?
Algerian football Team.

The journalist asked the president........................................................................... .......

He replied that of course he did. Then, she asked
him ................. ........... ..................... ................. .......... ..... ...... ............. He told her that he
was a big fun of the Algerian football team.

Number of informants : 10 Age : 15 - 18

Question Answers
Do you surf on the web? Yes : 10 No: 0
Where do you surf? At home: 3, in a cybercafé : 7
How often do you do it? Every day : 6 , at week-ends : 3, occasionally
What for? To chat : 6, for studies : 3 , to download
videos : 1
4)Underline the stressed syllable in the following words: headline - artistic
- generosity
5)Study the following survey results and write a report.
This is the report about the …………................…of a survey that I did to know about
teenagers and the web. I ……………………ten teenagers between the age
To my first question, which was ……………………………………...... , the
informants ………....... yes. Then, when I asked them ……………...................…………… ,
3 of them ……………….. they surf at home and…………in a cybercafé. As I wanted to
know………….................………….......….. they answered, …………everyday,
………..during the weekends and ………. occasionally.
Finally, I asked them .................………….on the web for. ………….of the informants
answered to…………..,3 said for……………and one did it just to download videos.
My Best
Wishes of success!

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