Public International Law Digests

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Secretary vs. Lantion, January 8, 2000 of the international law and the constitution.

Efforts must first be taken to harmonize the

Facts: laws but if conflict is irreconcilable, the
In January 13, 1977, then President Ferdinand constitution must prevail.
Marcos issued Presidential Decree 1069,
“Prescribing the Procedure for the Extradition In the case at bar, private respondent does not
of Persons Who Have Committed Crimes in a only face a clear and present danger of loss of
Foreign Country.” property or employment but if liberty itself,
which may eventually lead to his forcible banish
Then Secretary of Justice, Drilon, representing to a foreign land. The convergence of
the Philippines, signed in Manila the petitioners favorable action on the extradition
“Extradition Treaty Between the Government of request and the deprivation of private
the Republic of the Philippines and the US. respondent’s liberty is easily comprehensible.
(Private respondent was not given due process
The Senate then expressed its concurrence in
if the DOJ deprives him of the documents)
the ratification of the said treaty.

By a vote of 9-6 the SC dismissed the petition

On 1999, the DOJ received a request, US Note
and ordered the Justice secretary to furnish
Verbale 0522 from the US department of
Jimenez copies of the extradition and the
Foreign Affairs for the extradition of Mark
supporting papers and to grant him a
Jimenez to the United States.
reasonable period within which to file his
Attached to the note were the Grand Jury
comment with supporting evidence.
Indictment, the warrant of arrest issued by the
US District Court and other supporting
documents for the said extradition
Tanada vs. Angara, May 2, 1997
Jimenez was charged in the US for conspiracy to
commit offense or defraud the US, Attempt to Historical Significance:
evade or defeat tax, fraud by wire, radio or
television, false statements or entries, election To hasten recovery from the devastation by
contributions in the name of another. WWII, three multilateral institutions were
Jimenez asked for copies of the request in order established, 1) the World Bank, for
to give his reply but the DOJ refused. rehabilitation and reconstruction after WWIII; 2)
He then filed a petition against the DOJ, the International Monetary Fund, for currency
Secretary of FA and Director of the NBI for problems; 3) International Trade Organization,
mandamus (to compel the DOJ to provide to foster order and predictability in world trade
access to the documents), certiorari (to set and minimize unilateral protectionist policies.
aside the DOJ’s letter) and prohibition (to However, the third was never took off. But what
restrain petitioner from considering the remained was GATT, or the General Agreement
extradition request). The RTC ruled in favor of on Tariffs and Trade. GATT is a collection of
Jimenez. treaties governing access to the economies of
treaty adherent with no institutionalized body
Issue: administering the agreements or dependable
Whether or not the respondent’s entitlement to system of dispute settlement.
the notice and hearing during the evaluation
stage of the proceedings constitute a breach of After half a century, it finally gave birth to that
legal duties of the Philippine government under administrative body known as the World Trade
the RP-US Extradition Treaty? Organization, with the signing of the Final Act in
Marrakesh, Morocco and the ratification of the
Ruling: WTO Agreement by its members.
There was no breach, as according to the Court,
the human rights guaranteed in the Now the Philippines joined the WTO as a
Constitution should take precedence over treaty founding member, as articulated by Pres. Fidel
rights claimed by a contracting party, the V. Ramos sent Senate 2 letters
doctrine of incorporation is applied when  They state to improve Philippine access
municipal tribunals are confronted with a in foreign markets through the
situation where there is conflict between a rule reduction of tariffs on its exports.
 It also saw new opportunities for the government properties and resources by
service sector, reduction of costs and respondent-heads of various executive offices
uncertainty associated with exporting, concerned therewith.
and the attraction of investors in the
Country Petition in Brief:
 Also the country will benefit from the Arguing mainly (1) that the WTO requires the
WTO system of dispute settlement by Philippines “to place nationals and products of
judicial adjudication through the member-countries on the same footing as
independent WTO settlement bodies Filipino and local products, (2) that the WTO
called the “Dispute Settlement Panels” “intrudes, limits, and/or impairs” the
and “Appellate Tribunal”. Heretofore, constitutional powers of both Congress and the
trade disputes were settled mainly Supreme Court,
through negotiations where solutions
the instant petition before this Court assails the
were arrived at frequently on the basis
WTO Agreement for violating the mandate of
of relative bargaining strengths, and
the 1987 Constitution “develop a self-reliant
where naturally, weak and
and independent national economy effectively
underdeveloped countries were at a
controlled by Filipinos … to give preference, to
qualified Filipinos (and to) promote the
Facts: preferential use of Filipino promote the
On April 15, 1994, Respondent, as preferential use of Filipino labor, domestic
representative of the Philippines, signed in materials and locally produced goods.
Marrakesh, Morocco, the Final Act Embodying
the Results of the Uruguay Round of
Multinational Negotiations.
Does the Philippine Constitution prohibit
He has agreed to:
Philippine participation in worldwide trade
1) To submit, as appropriate, the WTO liberalization and economic globalization?
Agreement for the consideration of
their respective competent authorities,
Whether provisions of the Agreement
with a view to seeking approval of the
Establishing the World Trade Organization
Agreement in accordance with their
unduly limit, restrict and impair Philippine
procedures; and
sovereignty specifically the legislative power
2) To adopt the Ministerial Declaration
which, under Sec. 2, Article VI, 1987 Philippine
and Decisions.
Constitution is ‘vested in the Congress of the
The members of the Senate received a letter
dated august 11, 1984 from the President of the
Philippines, stating among others that the
Uruguay Round Final Act is submitted to Senate
for concurrence On issue on national economy and the WTOA
 Declaration of Principles not self-
On December 14, 1994, the Senate adopted executing/ they need an enabling law.
Resolution No. 97 which concurs in the (Art 2. Sec. 19)
ratification by the President of the Philippines of  Economic Nationalism should be read
the Agreement Establishing the World Trade with other Constitutional Mandates to
Organization. On December 16, the President Attain Balanced Development of
signed the ratification. Economy
(Art. 12, Sec. 10 and 12) should
be read with other sec. of the same
Petitioners prayed for the nullification, on
article (Sec. 1 and 13). Hence to
constitutional grounds, of the concurrence of
establish these goals
the Philippine Senate in the ratification by the
1. A more equitable distribution
President of the Philippines of the Agreement
of opportunities, income and wealth;
Establishing the World Trade Organization
2. A sustained increase in the
(WTO Agreement, for brevity) and for the
amount of goods and services provided
prohibition of its implementation and
by the nation for the benefit of the
enforcement through the release and utilization
people; and
of public funds, the assignment of public
officials and employees, as well as the use of
3. An expanding productivity as
the key to raising the quality of life for
all especially the underprivileged.
On WTO impairs and intrudes on Legislative
 WTO recognizes need to Protect weak power and Judicial power.
economies – poor countries can protect No, the WTO agreement does not unduly limit,
their common interests more restrict, and impair the Philippine sovereignty,
effectively through the WTO than particularly the legislative power granted by the
through 1-on-1 negotiations with Philippine Constitution. The Senate was acting
developed countries. (negotiation strats in the proper manner when it concurred with
through law) the President’s ratification of the agreement.
 Specific WTO Provisos Protect
Developing Countries – WTO grants
While sovereignty has traditionally been
developing countries a more lenient
deemed absolute and all-encompassing on the
treatment, giving their domestic
domestic level, it is however subject to
industries some protection from the
restrictions and limitations voluntarily agreed to
rush of foreign competition. (E.g. in
by the Philippines, expressly or impliedly, as a
tariffs, preferential treatment is given to
member of the family of nations.
developing countries in terms of the
Unquestionably, the Constitution did not
amount of tariff reduction and the
envision a hermit-type isolation of the country
period within which the reduction is
from the rest of the world. In its Declaration of
spread out. (developed countries –
Principles and State Policies, the Constitution
tariff reduction of 36% w/n 6 years
“adopts the generally accepted principles of
while developing countries tariff
international law as part of the law of the land,
reduction of 24% w/ 10 years)
and adheres to the policy of peace, equality,
 Constitution does not rule out Foreign
justice, freedom, cooperation and amity, with
all nations.” By the doctrine of incorporation,
The WTO reliance on “most favored
the country is bound by generally accepted
nation,” “national treatment,” and
principles of international law, which are
“trade without discrimination” cannot
considered to be automatically part of our own
be struck down as unconstitutional as in
laws. One of the oldest and most fundamental
fact they are rules of equality and
rules in international law is pacta sunt servanda
reciprocity that apply to all WTO
— international agreements must be performed
members. Aside from envisioning a
in good faith. “A treaty engagement is not a
trade policy based on “equality and
mere moral obligation but creates a legally
reciprocity,” the fundamental law
binding obligation on the parties x x x. A state
encourages industries that are
which has contracted valid international
“competitive in both domestic and
obligations is bound to make in its legislations
foreign markets,” thereby
such modifications as may be necessary to
demonstrating a clear policy against a
ensure the fulfillment of the obligations
sheltered domestic trade environment,
but one in favor of the gradual
development of robust industries that
can compete with the best in the By their inherent nature, treaties really limit or
foreign markets. Indeed, Filipino restrict the absoluteness of sovereignty. By
managers and Filipino enterprises have their voluntary act, nations may surrender some
shown capability and tenacity to aspects of their state power in exchange for
compete internationally. And given a greater benefits granted by or derived from a
free trade environment, Filipino convention or pact. After all, states, like
entrepreneurs and managers in individuals, live with coequals, and in pursuit of
Hongkong have demonstrated the mutually covenanted objectives and benefits,
Filipino capacity to grow and to prosper they also commonly agree to limit the exercise
against the best offered under a policy of their otherwise absolute rights. Thus, treaties
of laissez faire. have been used to record agreements between
 Constitution Favors Consumers, not States concerning such widely diverse matters
industries or entrepreneurs as, for example, the lease of naval bases, the
 Constitution Designed to Meet Future sale or cession of territory, the termination of
Events and Contingencies war, the regulation of conduct of hostilities, the
formation of alliances, the regulation of commission is without jurisdiction to try herein
commercial relations, the settling of claims, the petitioner.”
laying down of rules governing conduct in peace - He also questions the participations of
and the establishment of international US attorneys Hussey and Port as they
organizations. The sovereignty of a state are not authorized by the SC and that
therefore cannot in fact and in reality be US is not a party in interest of the case.
considered absolute. Certain restrictions enter
into the picture: (1) limitations imposed by the Issues:
very nature of membership in the family of
WON the Philippines can adopt the
nations and (2) limitations imposed by treaty
rules and regulations laid down on The Hague
stipulations. As aptly put by John F. Kennedy,
and Geneva Conventions notwithstanding that
“Today, no nation can build its destiny alone.
it is not a signatory thereto and whether it can
The age of self-sufficient nationalism is over.
create a Military Commission to try violations of
The age of interdependence is here.”
The Hague Convention?

WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED for lack
of merit.
Yes. Executive Order No. 68, establishing a
National War Crimes Office and prescribing
rules and regulations governing the trial of
Kuroda vs. Jalandoni, March 26 1949 accused war criminals, was issued by the
President of the Philippines on the 29th day of
Facts: July, 1947. This Court holds that this order is
valid and constitutional. Article 2 of our
Constitution provides in its section 2, that
Shigenori Kuroda, formerly a Lieutenant-
General of the Japanese Imperial Army and
Commanding General of the Japanese Imperial “The Philippines renounces war as an
Forces in the Philippines during a period instrument of national policy, and adopts the
covering 1943 and 1944, who is now charged generally accepted principles of international
before a Military Commission with having law as part of the law of the nation.”
unlawfully disregarded and failed “to discharge
his duties as such commander to control the In accordance with the generally accepted
operations of members of his command, principles of international law of the present
permitting them to commit brutal atrocities and day, including the Hague Convention, the
other high crimes against noncombatant Geneva Convention and significant precedents
civilians and prisoners of the Imperial Japanese of international jurisprudence established by
Forces, in violation of the laws and customs of the United Nations, all those persons, military
war” — comes before this Court seeking to or civilian, who have been guilty of planning,
establish the illegality of EO No. 68, which preparing or waging a war of aggression and of
established a National War Crimes Offices and the commission of crimes and offenses
provides that persons accused as war criminals consequential and incidental thereto, in
shall be tried by military commission; and to violation of the laws and customs of war, of
permanently prohibit respondents from humanity and civilization, are held accountable
proceeding with the case of petitioner. therefor. Consequently, in the promulgation
and enforcement of Executive Order No. 68, the
Kuroda argues that EO No. 68 is illegal on the President of the Philippines has acted in
ground that it violates not only the provisions of conformity with the generally accepted
our constitutional law but also our local laws, to principles and policies of international law
say nothing of the fact (that) the Philippines is which are part of our Constitution.
not a signatory nor an adherent to The Hague
Convention on Rules and Regulations covering The promulgation of said executive order is an
Land Warfare and, therefore, petitioner is exercise by the President of his powers as
charged of `crimes’ not based on law, national Commander in Chief of all our armed forces, as
and international. Hence, petitioner argues — upheld by this Court in the case of Yamashita vs.
“That in view of the fact that this commission Styer L-129, 42 Off. Gaz., 654) 1 when we said
has been empanelled by virtue of an
unconstitutional law and an illegal order, this
“War is not ended simply because hostilities United States, and thus we were equally bound
have ceased. After cessation of armed together with the United States and with Japan,
hostilities, incidents of war may remain pending to the rights and obligations contained in the
which should be disposed of as in time of war. treaties between the belligerent countries.
`An important incident to a conduct of war is These rights and obligations were not erased by
the adoption of measures by the military our assumption of full sovereignty. If at all, our
command not only to repel and defeat the emergence as a free state entitles us to enforce
enemies but to seize and subject to disciplinary the right, on our own, of trying and punishing
measures those enemies who in their attempt those who committed crimes against our
to thwart or impede our military effort have people.
violated the law of war.’ (Ex parte Quirin, 317 U.
S., 1; 63 Sup. Ct., 2.) Indeed, the power to
create a military commission for the trial and
punishment of war criminals is an aspect of
waging war. And, in the language of a writer, a Inchong vs. Hernandez (101 Phil. 115)
military commission `has jurisdiction so long as
a technical state of war continues. This includes Facts:
the period of an armistice, or military
occupation, up to the effective date of a treaty Petitioner, and on behalf of other alien resident
of peace, and may extend beyond, by treaty corporations and partnerships, entered the
agreement.’ (Cowls, Trial of War Criminals by country to take advantage of business
Military Tribunals, American Bar Association opportunities in the Philippines.
Journal, June, 1944.)” He and his fellow Chinese businessmen enjoyed
a monopoly in the local market. However,
Consequently, the President as Commander in Congress passed the RA No. 1180 or the Act to
Chief is fully empowered to consummate this regulate Retail Business, which limits against
unfinished aspect of war, namely, the trial and persons, not citizens of the Philippines and
punishment of war criminals, through the organizations that are not wholly owned by
issuance and enforcement of Executive Order citizens from engaging directly or indirectly in
No. 68. retail trade.
In effect it nationalizes the retail trade business.
Petitioner argues that respondent Military Petitioner and other alien residents’
Commission has no jurisdiction to try petitioner corporations and partnerships were adversely
for acts committed in violation of The Hague affected by the enactment of Republic Act.
Convention and the Geneva Convention No.1180. They had brought an action to obtain
because the Philippines is not a signatory to the a judicial declaration that said Act is
first and signed the second only in 1947. It unconstitutional (denies equal protection,
cannot be denied that the rules and regulations deprives liberty and property without due
of The Hague and Geneva conventions form process of law) arguing that the act has violated
part of and are wholly based on the generally international treaties and obligations
accepted principles of international law. In fact,
these rules and principles were accepted by the Issues:
two belligerent nations, the United States and
WON RA 1180 is unconstitutional and violates
Japan, who were signatories to the two international treaties and obligations.
Conventions. Such rules and principles,
therefore, form part of the law of our nation
even if the Philippines was not a signatory to Ruling:
the conventions embodying them, for our Constitutional provisions:
Constitution has been deliberately general and  Valid exercise of police power –
extensive in its scope and is not confined to the o Does not only apply to citizens
recognition of rules and principles of but are admitted universal in
international law as contained in treaties to application
which our government may have been or shall o Doctrine of Purposeful
be a signatory. hesitancy; the legislative has
sufficient basis on its
Furthermore, when the crimes charged against implementation (alien
petitioner were allegedly committed, the predominance in the retail
Philippines was under the sovereignty of the
business, endangers national the Municipal Court of Manila. It is ordered the
economy) tenants to vacate the property and pay
o Does not violate equal its monthly rent of P625 from the first
protection clause; sufficient September 1945, plus damages in the amount
ground to distinguish between of P500 and legal expenses.
alien and citizen in the exercise
of the occupation regulated. The appellants contend that they are entitled to
o Does not violate due process; occupy the property for three full
because law is prospective and
years, the occupation must be effective, and
recognizes the privileges of
continuous material, which should not be
aliens engaged in the business
deprived of the use and enjoyment of the
and protects their privilege.
property, and the appellants are entitled to
deduct that period of three years, all the time
It cannot be said to be void for supposed
that no longer have the lease available
conflict with treaty obligations because no
treaty has actually been entered into on the to the Japanese army
subject and the police power may not be
curtailed or surrendered by any treaty or any Issue:
other conventional agreement. WON Hague Convention of 1907 allows
All that a treaty guarantees are equality of occupation and seizure of private lands. WON
treatment of aliens, subject to the same terms Japanese soldiers occupied the farm in dispute.
of Filipino nationals in any other country.
However, in the conduct of engaging into retail Ruling:
trade, foreign nationals, except those of the The Hague Convention of 1907 does not allow
United States, who are granted special rights by an occupying army to seize private
the Constitution, are all prohibited to such
property in the territory invaded. In contrast,
states that: "Family honor and rights, the
lives of persons, and private property, as well as
religious convictions and practice,
must be respected. Private property cannot be
Lo Ching vs. Archbishop of Manila (81 Phil. 601) confiscated." (Article 46).
The farm is not even used as army barracks, and
Facts: there is no evidence that it was
seized by military necessity, what can be
The Archbishop of Manila through the Bank of deduced that the Japanese soldiers disposed
the Philippine Islands (BPI) leased a of the property, not in the legitimate exercise
farm to Lo and So Yun Ching Chong Co. located the authority of an occupying army, but
at de la Calle Hidalgo, Manila, under a spurred on by uncontrolled and uncontrollable
monthly income of P500 by the end of three desire to take over other people.
years, extendable to two years (two years
upon agreement of the parties) (September 1,
1940 – August 31, 1943). The tenant took the Mijares vs. Ranada, April 12, 2005
property by setting it in a hotel.
Thereafter, the Japanese army echoed the Facts:
tenants of the property and delivered the
latter to German Otto Schulze who worked until
Invoking the Alien Tort Act, petitioners Mijares,
January 1945 at the advent of the
et al.*, all of whom suffered human rights
liberation army. violations during the Marcos era, obtained a
Final Judgment in their favor against the Estate
On Feb 1945 The tenant reoccupied the of the late Ferdinand Marcos amounting to
property and paid the monthly rental fee. roughly 1.9 Billion U.S. Dollars in compensatory
Before the end of August of that year, the and exemplary damages for tortuous violations
landlord required the tenants to vacate the of international law in the US District Court of
property, however, they refused. Therefore, the Hawaii. This Final Judgment was affirmed by the
landlord filed for an application for eviction in US Court of Appeals.
As a consequence, Petitioners filed a Complaint for the enforcement of foreign judgments is
with the Regional Trial Court of Makati for the Section7(b)(3), involving “other actions not
enforcement of the Final Judgment, paying Php involving property.”
410.00 as docket and filing fees based on Rule
141, Section 7(b) where the value of the subject
matter is incapable of pecuniary estimation. The
In Re: Garcia (2 SCRA 984)
Estate of Marcos however, filed a Motion to
Dismiss alleging the non-payment of the correct
filing fees. The Regional Trial Court of Makati Facts:
dismissed the Complaint stating that the subject
matter was capable of pecuniary estimation as Under the Treaty on Academic Degrees and the
it involved a judgment rendered by a foreign Exercise of Professions between the Philippines
court ordering the payment of a definite sum of and Spain, nationals of each of the two
money allowing for the easy determination of countries who have obtained the required
the value of the foreign judgment. As such, the degrees can practice their professions within
proper filing fee was 472 Million Philippine the territory of the other. Efren Garcia, a
pesos, which Petitioners had not paid. Filipino, finished law in the University of
Madrid, Spain and was allowed to practice the
Issue: law profession therein. He invokes the treaty in
Whether or not the amount paid by the order for him to be allowed to practice in the
Petitioners is the proper filing fee? Philippines without taking the bar examinations.

Ruling: Issue:
Yes, but on a different basis—amount merely WON the Treaty can modify regulations
corresponds to the same amount required for governing admission to Philippine Bar.
“other actions not involving property”. The
Regional Trial Court of Makati erred in Ruling:
concluding that the filing fee should be No. It is clear, under Article 1 of the Treaty, that
computed on the basis of the total sum claimed the privileges provided therein are made
or the stated value of the property in litigation. expressly subject to the laws and, regulations of
The Petitioner’s Complaint was lodged against the contracting State in whose territory it is
the Estate of Marcos but it is clearly based on a desired to exercise the legal profession; and
judgment, the Final Judgment of the US District Section 1 of Rule 127, in connection with
Court. However, the Petitioners erred in stating Sections 2, 9, and 16 thereof, which have the
that the Final Judgment is incapable of force of law, require that before anyone can
pecuniary estimation because it is so capable. practice the legal profession in the Philippines
On this point, Petitioners state that this might he must first successfully pass the required bar
lead to an instance wherein a first level court examinations. Moreover, the Treaty was
(MTC, MeTC, etc.) would have jurisdiction to intended to govern Filipino citizens desiring to
enforce a foreign judgment. Under Batasang practice their profession in Spain, and the
Pambansa 129, such courts are not vested with citizens of Spain desiring to practice their
such jurisdiction. Section 33 of Batasang profession in the Philippines. Applicant is a
Pambansa 129 refers to instances wherein the Filipino Citizen desiring to practice the legal
cause of action or subject matter pertains to an profession in the Philippines. He is therefore
assertion of rights over property or a sum of subject to the laws of his own country and is not
money. But here, the subject matter is the entitled to the privileges extended to Spanish
foreign judgment itself. Section 16 of Batasang nationals desiring to practice in the Philippines.
Pambansa 129 reveals that the complaint for The aforementioned Treaty, concluded
enforcement of judgment even if capable of between the Republic of the Philippines and the
pecuniary estimation would fall under the Spanish State could not have been intended to
jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Courts. Thus, modify the laws and regulations governing
the Complaint to enforce the US District Court admission to the practice of law in the
judgment is one capable of pecuniary Philippines, for the reason that the Executive
estimations but at the same time, it is also an Department may not encroach upon the
action based on judgment against an estate, constitutional prerogative of the Supreme Court
thus placing it beyond the ambit of Section 7(a) to promulgate rules for admission to the
of Rule 141. What governs the proper practice of law in the Philippines, the power to
computation of the filing fees over Complaints
repeal, alter or supplement such rules being laws, cannot be stamped as an unauthorized
reserved only to the Congress of the Philippines. exercise by the LLDA of injunctive powers. By its
express terms, Republic Act No. 4850, as
amended by P.D. No. 813 and Executive Order
No. 927, series of 1983, authorizes the LLDA to
Laguna Lake Development Authority vs. CA, 231
"make, alter or modify order requiring the
SCRA 292
discontinuance of pollution. Section 4, par. (d)
explicitly authorizes the LLDA to make whatever
order may be necessary in the exercise of its
The Task Force Camarin Dumpsite of Our Lady
of Lourdes Parish, Caloocan City filed a letter
The LLDA was not expressly conferred the
complaint with the Laguna Lake Development
power "to issue and ex-parte cease and desist
Authority (LLDA) seeking to stop the operation
of the 8.6-hectare open garbage dumpsite in order" in a language, as suggested by the City
Tala Estate, Barangay Camarin, Caloocan City Government of Caloocan. However, it would be
due to its harmful effects on the residents and a mistake to draw therefrom the conclusion
the environment. Also, it was found out that the that there is a denial of the power to issue the
City Government (CG) has no documents order in question when the power "to make,
required by law to maintain an open dump site. alter or modify orders requiring the
discontinuance of pollution" is expressly and
A Cease and Desist Order was issued by the clearly bestowed upon the LLDA by Executive
LLDA to completely halt, stop and desist from Order No. 927, series of 1983.
dumping any form or kind of garbage and other An authority to issue a "cease and desist order"
waste matter at the Camarin dumpsite. is not expressly conferred by law, there is
The dumping operation was forthwith stopped jurisprudence enough to the effect that the rule
by the CG. However, the dumping operation granting such authority need not necessarily
was resumed after a meeting was conducted be express. While it is a fundamental rule that
and the parties concerned failed to settle the an administrative agency has only such powers
problem. as are expressly granted to it by law, it is
likewise a settled rule that an administrative
agency has also such powers as are necessarily
The LLDA issued another order reiterating its
implied in the exercise of its express powers. In
first order and issued an Alias Cease and Desist
the exercise, therefore, of its express powers
Order enjoining the CG from continuing its
under its charter as a regulatory and quasi-
dumping operations at the Camarin area.
judicial body with respect to pollution cases in
Pending its motion, the CG filed with the the Laguna Lake region, the authority of the
Regional Trial Court of Caloocan City an action LLDA to issue a "cease and desist order" is,
for the declaration of nullity of the cease and perforce, implied. Otherwise, it may well be
desist order with prayer for the issuance of writ reduced to a "toothless" paper agency.
of injunction. The CG sought to be declared as
the sole authority empowered to promote the
health and safety and enhance the right of the
people in Caloocan City to a balanced ecology Alabama Claims Arbitration Case (1872)
within its territorial jurisdiction.
Issues: No state can deny the international
WON the LLDA has the power and authority to responsibilities using his domestic law as a
issue a "cease and desist" order under Republic shield. But the state law has to connection in
the International Law.
Act No. 4850 and its amendatory laws?

In (1861-1865) the USA civil war was occurred.
The cease and desist order issued by the LLDA
Then Britain declared neutrality of this war and
requiring the City Government of Caloocan to
that is accepted as the USA. But the
stop dumping its garbage in the Camarin open
confederate navy made many warships used in
dumpsite found by the LLDA to have been done
civil war from Britain. The US authority requests
in violation of Republic Act No. 4850, as to Britain that they can take action against the
amended, and other relevant environment company of the ship. But Britain did not take
any action against such company. As the ▪ Court opined that this should be interpreted
violation of the agreement, USA had claimed to mean that there should be no discrimination
compensation from Britain on the ground that it because of the Polish character of these
had violated the law of neutrality. persons.
o Article 33: accords national treatment to
Issues: Polish nationals and other persons of Polish
Whether under the Washington agreement origin or speech
Britain follows the neutrality or not. Whether • Court interpretation: Danzig has two
Britain was liable to pay any compensation to obligations:
the USA or not. o To apply provisions similar to those applied by
Poland in Polish territory to minorities in the
Ruling: territory of Danzig; and
It was held that Britain failed to follow the o To provide against discrimination to the
neutrality so that Britain had to pay US detriment of persons of Polish origin,
$15, 500,000 dollars so that Britain had to pay nationality, or speech, on the ground of their
in this amount in Gold in the form of Polish character.
compensation for the violation of the laws of
neutrality. Jurisdiction of the Courts of Danzig
• Whether or not the railway employees who
No state to keep away from the international passed from the service of the Free City into
responsibility to shelter the national law. Each Polish service are entitled to bring actions in
and every state has accountability to protect respect of pecuniary claims
their national law, but not avoiding o Article 104, Treaty of Versailles: Poland is
international responsibility. ensured control and administration of the
railway system within Danzig, except the street railways and other railways which primarily
1865/alabama#:~:text=The%20Alabama serve the needs of the Free City.
%20claims%20were%20a,of%20the%20U.S. • Arguments:
%20Civil%20War.&text=Together%2C%20they o Poland argues that:
%20sank%20more%20than,marine%20to ▪ The Danzig-Polish agreement is an
%20adopt%20foreign%20registry. international agreement and thus it creates
rights and obligations between the two parties
▪ The agreement has not been incorporated into
Polish Nationals in Danzig Case (1932) [225 CTS
Polish national law, and thus cannot create
direct rights and obligations for the individuals
The Free City of Danzig: semi-autonomous city-
▪ If it is liable, Poland is only answerable to the
state which existed from 1920-1939. Part of
Railway employees, not to the former Danzig
officials who have become Polish officials,
The diplomatic representative of Poland at because that is governed by Polish national law.
Danzig wrote to the High Commissioner of the
o Danzig claims:
League of Nations, asking for a decision in the
▪ The agreement was intended to constitute
matter of the unfavorable treatment of Polish
part of the series of provisions which establish
nationals within Danzig.
the legal relationship between the Railways
Administration and its employees.
Issue and Ruling:
• Main dispute: does the Danzig-Polish
• Jurisdiction of the Court agreement form part of the series of provisions
• Interpretation of Article 104 (5) of the Treaty governing the legal relationship between the
of Versailles and of Article 33, paragraph 1, of Polish Railways Administration and the Danzig
the Convention of Paris officials who have passed into its service?
o Section 5, Article 104: ensures that there be o The agreement, being an international
no discrimination to the detriment of Polish agreement, cannot create rights and obligations
nationals and other persons of Polish origin or for private individuals.
speech at Danzig. o However, in this case, there is showing that
the parties intended that the Agreement be
applicable to the officials and the Railway nationals’ interest provided for by Articles 5
Administration. and 36 of the Vienna Convention at both
o Basically, the Agreement creates a special the trial and the appeal level in the United
legal relationship governing the relations States courts. ▪ Dec 21, 1998 notified by US
between the Polish Railways Administration and authorities of their right to consular access.
the Danzig officials, workmen, and employees, • ▪ Jan 15, 1999 court decided Karl is to
who have passed into the permanent service of be executed on Feb 24 and Walter March 3
the Polish Administration. • ▪ In January and February Germany
o The Court interpreted Article 9 of the tried to prevent the execution of the
Agreement to mean that the applicability of the LaGrands but they were ignored.
agreement is not dependent on their •
incorporation into a Polish law or regulation. •
o THUS. the relations between the Polish • • Procedural Default: municipal law
Railways Administration and the Danzig officials which provides that because the individuals did
should be governed by the Agreement not assert their rights at the State level, they
▪ As a consequence, the Danzig officials have a could no longer assert them in federal
right of action against the Polish Railways proceedings.
Administration for the recovery of claims.
• • The US violated Article 36, par 1. Of
La Grand Case (2001) [ICJ Rep. 466]
the Vienna Convention which required the
competent authorities of the United States to
FACTS inform the LaGrands of their right to have the
• • Germany filed a complaint against the Consulate of Germany notified of their arrest. o
United States for violation of the Vienna Also the right of consular officers to visit their
Convention on Consular Relations. o Karl nationals in prison and to arrange for their legal
and Walter LaGrand were arrested on representation.
suspicion of being involved in an attempted •
armed bank robbery in the course of which • • Procedural default cannot apply.
the bank manager was murdered and Violates Article 36, par 2. o That provision
another bank employee was seriously required the United States to “enable full effect
injured. ▪ They were tried and convicted of to be given to the purposes for which the rights
murder, attempeted murder, attempted accorded [under Article 36] [were] intended”.
armed robbery, and kidnapping.
• o The procedural default rule did not
 They were sentenced to death. allow the detained individuals to challenge a
• o The authorities of the State of Arizona conviction. It had the effect of preventing
tried and sentenced Karl and Walter Germany from assisting the LaGrands in a timely
LaGrand to death without informing them fashion as provided for by the Convention.
of their rights, as is required under Article • o Sided with PIL because Art 36of the
36, paragraph 1 (b), of the Vienna Vienna Convention confers a right which cannot
Convention. ▪ the competent authorities of just be taken away because of a domestic law.
the receiving State shall, without delay. •
inform the consular post of the sending
State if, within its consular district, a
national of that State is arrested or
committed to prison or to custody pending
trial or is detained in any other manners.
Any communication addressed to the
consular post by the person arrested, in
prison, custody or detention shall be
forwarded by the said authorities without
delay. The said authorities shall inform the
person concerned without delay of his
rights under this subparagraph.

• o Germany also alleged that the failure
to provide the required notification
precluded Germany from protecting its

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