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Hello, my name is Jesus, six years ago I and my friend Matias had a great idea to open a bakery

whose name would be "Be happy". The goal was to be able to provide our services to the
people of our community, since analyzing the situation at that time there was only a bakery at
the entrance of the district, which made it difficult for farmers and people who lived far from
the center, We also wanted to make an economic change in our lives.

That’s how we took the first step, first we organized the investment, the local was both, we
just needed to equip it, for which we hired a specialist to know what the amount to spend,
each would put half the money, We obviously hire employees too.

At first, it was difficult because not everyone was aware of our business, so we started with
some orders and did a little more to get people excited.

With much perseverance every day the business was growing, and people were surprised by
the great work and excellent quality of the business all hiba very well but, unfortunately, not
everything is the color of roses, as we all know and believe that affected all people "covid-19"
pandemic. This problem directly affected the business, the employees were scared and even
more so we who had already lost hope in the business.

One of the main problems that brought was the lack of confidence when consuming the
products, people did not want to leave their homes for fear of becoming infected, also the
products increased their price a lot this affected us as our customers

Discouraged we had to do something about it, so we teamed up with the employees to come
up with solution ideas together as there is strength in the union. each proposed a different

- Change of business

- Increase biosecurity, to give consumers more confidence

- Close business for a certain period of time

- Placing orders at home

- Reduce the number of products

-Continue as before, making us indifferent

The truth of things I gave up I had no heart at all,I thought so much effort for nothing. But my
work team and partner encouraged me to move on. Matias said: I don’t know about you but
this year I smell "success prosperity and triumph" and everyone here will be part of it. Those
words were enough to get everyone on board, so we considered all the positive ideas they had
given and the criticisms we turned into opportunities to improve. We improve the bakery
adapting it to a new change (Delivery is made, new machines, improvements in biosecurity).
Today we continue to emerge we are the best seen bakery in the district, thanks to the
participation of all this is still in operation

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