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Arranged by
Group V :
Rif’an Setya Arjuna
Risma Rahayu Permatasari



First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, we had
finished writing the paper entitled "The Structure & function of
Muskuloskeletal" right in the calculated time.
The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by
Mr. Dedi as lecturer in nursing major.
In arranging this paper, we trully have lots of challenges and
obstructions but with help of many individuals, those obstructions could
passed. We are also realized there are still many mistakes in process of writing
this paper.
Because of that, thank you to all individuals who helps in the process of
writing this paper. hopefully Allah replies all helps and bless you all. We
realized that this paper still imperfect in arrangement and the content. Then
the writer hope the criticism from the readers can help the writer in perfecting
the next paper, last but not the least. Hopefully, this paper can helps the
readers to gain more knowledge about nursing major.
Daftar isi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................3
1.1 Background..................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Purpose........................................................................................................................................3
1.3 Problem Formulation...................................................................................................................4
1.4 Benefits........................................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION........................................................................................................................4
1. Musculo System.........................................................................................................................4
2.1 Microscopic muscle structure.................................................................................................4
2.2 Axial muscle............................................................................................................................6
2.3 Appendicular Muscle..............................................................................................................7
2.4 Muscle contractions....................................................................................................................8
B. Scletal system................................................................................................................................9
2.1.1 Bone Structure.....................................................................................................................9
2.1.2 Bone formation....................................................................................................................9
2.1.3 Axial Bones...........................................................................................................................9
2.1.4 Appendicular bones...........................................................................................................11
2.1.5 Joints..................................................................................................................................13
2.1.6 Joint Movement.................................................................................................................15
2.1.7 Assessment of Joint Range of Motion...............................................................................16
CHAPTER III PENUTUP.........................................................................................................................21
3.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................................................21
1.1 Background

Musculoskeletal or muscular is muscle tissue and skeletal is body muscles. The science that studies
the musculoskeletal or muscle tissue of the body is myology. Skeletal or osteo is the skeleton of the
body, which consists of bones and joints.

The science that studies the skeletal or osteo body is osteology. Musculus (muscle). Muscle is an
organ of the body that has the ability to convert chemical energy into energy

mechanical energy or motion so that it can contract to move the skeleton, as body's response to
environmental changes. Muscles are called active locomotion because they are capable of contract,
allowing the bones to move. all muscle cells have specificity is to contract. muscles make up 40-50%
of body weight, approx one-third is body protein and half is the site of activitymetabolism at rest.
There are more than 600 muscles in the human body

While the muscle function is contraction and produces movements of body parts / All
components work together to perform a function of impairment one of the components → interfere
with functioning. Muscles consist of skeletal muscles, smooth muscles, and heart muscle.

The joint is a hinge that allows the limbs to move properly, it is also a link between one bone
segment and another bone segment, so that the two bones can be moved according to the type of
joint they mediate.

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of writing in this paper is

1. To know the musculoskeletal devenition

2. To know the physiological anatomy of musculoskeletal

1.3 Problem Formulation

Based onn, the purpose of the paper above, the formulation of the paper in this paper is

1. What is the devenition of the musculoskeletal system?

2. What is the physiological anatomy of the musculoskeletal?

1.4 Benefits

The benefit that we hope with this paper is that it can add insight into knowledge for the reader,
just like the compiler of this paper and can be used as a reference for the improvement of this paper
in the future.
A. Musculo System
2.1 Microscopic muscle structure

1. Smooth Muscles

Smooth muscles have cells that are in the shape of logs. This muscle is composed of smooth muscle
cells. The ends of these muscle cells are tapered and in the cytoplasm surrounded by sarcoplasm
which has myofibril so that smooth muscles have the ability to contract. Myofibril in smooth muscles
is in the direction of the cell length. Actin proteins and myosin are the components that make up
myofibril. Smooth muscles get excitatory unconscious nerve arrangements so that they are
involuntary muscles that work not below consciousness so that smooth muscles do not quickly
experience fatigue. Therefore, by the time a person sleeps, smooth muscles still remain working.

1. Heart Muscle

The heart muscle has the same shape as the striated muscle. It has a distinctive color, which is red
and involuntary. Contractions of the heart muscle are rhythmic and automatic. The heart muscle has
a sarcolemma similar to the striated muscle and serves to wrap around the muscle fibers. Myofibrils
in the heart muscle are separated so that they can be seen elongated strokes called intercalary
discus. The cell nucleus of the heart muscle is in the center of the cell. The heart muscle is an
involuntary striated muscle and is found on the heart wall, namely in the myocardium.
Cardiomyocyte cells are cells that make up the heart muscle, consisting of one, two or four cell
nuclei. This muscle can contract continuously without stopping because it has a special function,
which is to pump blood in the heart. Sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves can affect the
working speed of the heart muscle but do not make the heart muscle consciously controllable.

2. Striated Muscles

Offline muscles are often also referred to as skeletal muscles. Striated muscles are a kind of muscles
attached to the frame of the human body. This muscle is used for the movement of the body.

This muscle has the appearance of striated, between dark or actin and light or myosin. Both of them
have an alternate hose pattern. Striated muscles can move by the will of the body or man.

It also makes striated muscles referred to as motor muscles. Striated muscles are able to work hard,
because inside the striated muscles there are many cell nuclei. However, these striated muscles still
need rest after doing activities, because these striated muscles are easily tired.
The striated muscle or skeletal muscle has a pigment called myoglobin. This type of muscle is a
muscle that is found a lot in the body. These muscles dominate almost the entire body. Not only on
the human body, in the body of animals there is also this muscle.

Examples of striated muscles in the human body that are easy to see are the biceps muscle and the
triceps muscle. Both muscles are located in the upper arm of the hand. The shape of these muscles is
an elongated cylinder. In addition, this muscle also has a lot of nuclei and is at the edges.

Biceps and triceps muscles work with the movement of the human conscious. Through stimuli
caused by the activity of the diinrvation of conscious nerves or motor nerves in the body. These two
muscles are also quite fast and strong. However, it is also easy to experience fatigue. The source of
striated muscle energy is energy in the form of ATP. This energy is the result of metabolism that
occurs in the body.
2.2 Axial muscle

Axial muscles are muscles that are located and attached to the axis of skeletal bones such as the
vertebrae, ribs and sternum (sternum) . Axillary muscles of the head muscles, neck muscles, spine

1. Head & Neck Muscles


FRONTAL/FRONTAL OCCIPITAL From the octocchioth/skull to Moving the scalp and lifting
(FOREHEAD) the forehead the forehead
TEMPORAL Sides of the head and protect Opening and closing the upper
the temporal fossa and lower jaws
MASETER The sides of the cheeks start Opening and closing the upper
(MASTICATION/CHEWING) from the upper jaw to the back and lower jaws (chewing)
of the lower jaw
ORBICULAR OKULI Around the eyes Winking and closing the
ZYGOMATICUS Cheekbones to the edges of Facial expressions
the mouth
BUCCINATOR Cheek Blowing, whistling
ORBICULAR ORIS Around the mouth Opening and closing the

the notion of skeletal muscle is the muscle tissue attached to human bones. Skeletal muscles
become the only muscle tissue that can be consciously controlled. In the human muscular system,
skeletal muscles are one of the most important because of their location in all parts of the body.

2.3 Appendicular Muscle

What is the appendicular muscle, the appendicular is located and attached to the appendicular bone
such as radius, ulna, fenur, humerus, patella

Appendicular examples of scapula,deltoid,biceptic,grastrocnemius

The appendicular muscle is

Shoulder muscles

Muscle names Muscle function

Pectrolis muscle Antagonists to deltoids
Pulling the arm, moving closer to the center of
the body

Pectoralis Muscle Minor Latissi,us Dorsi Muscle Helps lift and twist the arm
Biceps muscle and triceps muscle To move the arm
Anterior serratus muscle To pull the shoulders around

Hand muscles

Muscle Name Muscle function

Brachioradialis Helps repatriate and stabilize arm movements
Muscle Pronator Helps to reverse the arm so that the tread of
the hand is facing down
Supinato Muscle Helps to glorify the arm so that the tread of the
hand is facing upwards
Carpi muscle (extensor muscle) Works on the movement of the wrist
Extrinsic Muscles Especially for strengthening or increasing the
movement of the hands
Leg muscles

Muscle Name Muscle function

Sartorius muscle Serves to twist the thighs and bend the back
and knees
Muscle guadriseps femoris Serves to bend the back and straighten the
Bib gantronemius Serves to lift the heels and bend the knees
Anterior tibial muscle Serves to lift the legs
Maxsimus gluteus muscle Serves to straighten the back
Muscle tendon archiles Serves to move the soles of the feet

2.4 Muscle contractions

Dipicu by brain signals. Energy from the food consumed is the cause of muscle contractions.
Muscle contraction is one of the mechanisms of action of muscles. The nervous system provides
action potentials as signals into muscle cells. Acetylcholine responds to signals by causing chemical
reactions. This reaction produces calcium in the muscles and activates the work of actin and myosin
compounds. This performance then gives rise to shortening or stretching of the muscles.

The mechanism of muscle contraction is as follows:

The release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine is triggered by nerve impulses that reach motor
nerve endings

Acetylcholine passes through the nerve gaps of the muscles and binds to the acetylcholine receptors
of the muscle fibers.

The stimulation of receptors triggers impulses around the sarcolema that are in the T tubules and
that go towards the sarcoplasmic reticulum pocket

From the bag, calcium is produced and immediately goes to the sarcoplasm. Inside the thin
myophilylments present in the sarcoplasm, calcium binds to the troponin molecule.

A thin myophylacillmentary shift gives rise to a tropomyosin molecule that affects actin active sites.

The myophylamentary bridge provides energy to the myosin bridge. This energy is used to attract
thin myophylaments. Adenosine triphosphate repeats this cycle constantly.

The filaments of the entire muscle shorten when the filaments pass through the thick
B. Scletal system
2.1.1 Bone Structure

As a constituent of the skeleton, the bone has several layers from the outer to the inner direction of
the berturyt-turut, namely the penrioteum, compact bone, sponge bone, endosteum, and bone
marrow.periosteum is the outermost layer of hard bone consisting of fibrous connective tissue

2.1.2 Bone formation

The process of bone formation is also known as osteogenesis or ossification. The ossification process
occurs due to the role of bone-forming cells known as osteoblast cells. In addition to osteoblast cells,
there are also osteocytic cells or adult bone cells and osteoclast cells that have the function of
breaking down and reabsorbing damaged bones. Ossification or the process of bone formation itself
is divided into two types, namely intramembrane ossification and endolongral ossification.

2.1.3 Axial Bones

Axial bones are groups of bones that form the main axis or midline of the body.

Here are some parts of the bone that belong to the anatomy of the axial bone.

1. Bones of the Skull

The skull is the skeleton of the human head containing all the bones of the head. In addition, it is the
anatomical part of the body that is the protector of the brain and the origin of the central nervous
system. Quoting from Healthline, one of the functions of the skull bone is to provide a structure to
the head which is divided into two types of constituent bones, namely the cranial bone and the facial
bone. You also need to know that the bones of the skull are bones that have a shape, such as: Flat
bones, these are bones that are thin, flat, flat, and have a slight curve. Bones are irregular, complex
in shape and do not fit into other categories. In accordance with the anatomy of the bone, here are
some kinds of parts or types of bones of the skull as follows Frontal bone, parietal bone, temporal
bone, axipital bone.

Ribs and sternum

On the body there are sternum and ribs. These bones are shaped like cages that can protect
important organs in the upper body, including the heart, lungs, and liver. The ribs consist of 12 pairs,
that is, the first 7 pairs of ribs are attached to the spine and sternum, the next 3 pairs of ribs are
connected to the sternum through

cartilage, as well as the last 2 pairs of floating ribs are not connected to the sternum nor the ribs on


You can have an upright body because it is supported by a spine that supports the neck to the
buttocks. Not only that, but the spine also serves to protect the spinal cord and nerves. In the human
body, the spine consists of 33 bone segments which are divided into 5 parts, namely 7 segments of
the neck bone, 12 segments of the upper spine, 5 segments of the lumbar bone, 5 segments of the
bridle bone that become one, and 4 segments of the coccyx which also become one.

2.1.4 Appendicular bones

The appendicular bone is a group of bones that make up the limbs, that is, the arms and legs, as well
as the bones that connect the limbs with the bones on the midline of the body, namely the
shoulders and pelvis. Here are some parts of the bone that belong to the anatomy of the
appendicular bone:

Hand bones

The anatomy of the bones on the hands consists of the bones of the arms, wrists, palms, and fingers.
The bone on the upper arm, precisely above the elbow, is named humerus. Then, under the elbow,
there are two bones, namely the radius and the ulna. Each of them is wide at the end and thin at the
middle, so it is able to provide strength when meeting other bones. Meanwhile, the wrist is
composed of 8 small bones and 5 bones that form the palm. Each finger of the hand consists of 3
bone segments, except for the thumb which consists of only 2 bone chambers.
Leg bones

The legs have flexible bone anatomy that allows you to stand upright and move, such as running,
walking or jumping. The bones in the legs are very large and strong to support body weight. The
bones in the legs start from the pelvis to the knees. The bone is called the femur or femur. This is the
largest bone that exists in the human body. This femur is attached to the pelvic bone. On the knee
there is a triangular-shaped bone called a shell or patella which is useful for protecting the knee
joint. In the calf, there are tibia and fibula bones. These two bones are flattened in the middle and
widened at the end. On the ankle there is a talus bone. This bone is attached to the tibia and fibula
bones to form the ankle. Underneath is a heel bone connected to 6 other small bones.

On the sole of the foot there are 5 long bones related to the toes. Each finger has three small bones,
except for the big toe only 2 bones. If totaled, one foot and ankle have 26 bones.
Hips Bone

the battery is attached to a group of circular bones called the pelvis. The pelvic bones are shaped like
a bowl capable of supporting the spine. The pelvic bones are composed of 2 large hip bones in the
front and the sacrum and coccyx in the back. This bone serves as a powerful protective ring around
parts of the human digestive system, urinary system and reproductive system.

2.1.5 Joints

A joint is where two or more bones meet. In total, humans have about 250-350 joints throughout
the body. Most joints can be moved so as to allow parts of the body to move and perform their
functions. Examples of joints are the jaw joint, shoulder joint, knee joint, to the ankle joint.

Based on the nature of the movement, there are three kinds of joints, namely:

1. Dead joints (sinartrosis). Is a movable joint. For example, the joints found in the bones of
the skull.

2. Stiff joints (amphiarthrosis). Is a joint that can still be moved even if the movement is
limited. For example, the joints found in the bones between the vertebrae and ribs. 

3. Motion joints (diarthrosis). It is a joint that can be moved freely.

Based on the direction of movement, there are several kinds of joints, namely:

1. Sliding joint (plane). An example of this joint is the joint on the vertebrae. This joint allows
movement between the bones of one shifting the other.
2. Hinge joints (hinge). It is a joint that allows for only one-way movement. As a rule, the hinge
joint can only be straightened or bent. The hinge joints are on the knee and elbow bones.

3. Rolled joints (condylar). This joint allows the body to perform rotational motion on the axis,
but its movement is limited. For example, the relationship between the cubit bone and the

4. Swivel joints (pivots). It is one of the joints whose movement of one end of the bone is
circling, or makes a rotating motion at the other end of the bone. It is these joints that allow
our heads to rotate comfortably. For example, the joint between the bones of the skull and
the atlas.

5. Bullet joints (ball and socket). It is a joint that can move in any direction. The shape is like a
ball and a bone like a bowl. For example, the joint connecting between the upper bone and
the shoulder bracelet.

6. Saddle joints (saddle). These joints are able to move sideways and forward, or make two-
way movements. An example of a saddle joint is the joint in the bone of the base of the
1. Joint Movement

a. Various Joints Based on the Direction of Movement

The kinds of joints based on the direction of movement include the following.

1. The Hinge Joint is an interror relationship that allows one-way movement forward or
backward. Examples of hinge joints are the joints on the elbows, knees, and joints between
the fingers.

2. Bullet Joints are relationships between bones that allow motion in all directions. Examples
of bullet joints are the joints between the femur and the pelvic wristband bone as well as
between the joints of the base of the upper arm and the shoulder bracelet.

3. The Rotary Joint is an intertulangal connection that allows the movement of one bone
around the other bone as a shaft. Examples of rotary joints are the bones of the skull and the
bones of the atlas as well as the joints of the cubit bones and the collecting bones.

4. Joint Shearing is an interrord relationship that allows the movement of one bone shifting on
the bone of the other. An example of a sliding joint is the carpal intertulangal joint.

5. The Saddle Joint is an intertulange that allows the movement of bones in two directions that
are perpendicular to each other like the movement of a person riding a horse. Examples of
saddle joints are the joints of the heel bone and shin bone.

b. Types of Joints By Nature

Various joints by nature and commonly also said by their movement or function, among others, are
as follows.

1. Sinartosis (Synarthrosis) or Dead joints are interrord relationships that do not allow
movement, for example joints in the bones of the skull.

2. Amphiarthrosis (Amphiarthrosis) or Stiff joints are intertulangal relationships that allow

little movement to occur. Examples of stiff joints are the joints of the bones of the wrist, the
joints of the ankle bones, and the joints of the vertebrae

3. Diarthrosis or Joints of motion are interrord relationships that allow the occurrence of
motion, both one-way, two-way, and in all directions.

c. Types of Joints Based on Their Structure

The various joints based on their structure include the following...

1. Fibrous Joints are joints consisting of collagen fibers that most of the fibrous joints cannot be
moved at all because the distance between the bones is very close which is separated by a
layer of fibrous connective tissue. An example of the location of the fibrous joint is the
sutura between the bones of the skull.
1. The Cartilaginous joint is a joint whose direction of movement is less or limited. For
example, Ribs.

2. Synovial joints are joints whose direction of movement is free or free, synovial joints are the
most numerous joints on the human body. For example, elbows and knees, shoulders and
pelvis, wrists and feet, joints on the bones of the fingers and toes.

d. Types of Joints Based on Location Anatomy

1. Hand Articulation joints

2. Wrist joint

3. Elbow joint

4. Axillary Shoulder Joint (Glenohumeral and accryolavicular joint)

5. Sternoclavicularis joint

6. Vertebrae articulatory joints

7. Sacroiliac joint of the pelvis

8. Temporomandibular joint of the jaw

9. Articulatory joints of the Legs

10. Hip joint

11. Knee joint

2.1.7 Assessment of Joint Range of Motion

The plane of the body is the anatomical division of the body. It aims to describe the location of the
structure or direction of movement in the anatomy of the human body. The planes of the body are
distinguished into 3, namely:

1. Sagittal: distinguishes the planes of the body into left and right.

2. Frontal: distinguishing the plane of the body into front (anterior) and back (posterior)

3. Transverse: distinguishing the plane of the body into upper (superior) and lower (inferior)
By knowing the planes of the body, you can more easily categorize the movements of the synovial
joints as follows:

1. Movement of the joints on the sagittal plane:

Flexion, is the movement of bending the joint or reducing the angle between two bones.

Extension, is the opposite of flexion, which is to enlarge the angle between two bones.

Dorsoflection, moving the soles of the feet towards the front or top.
Plantarflection, the opposite of dorsoflection is to move the sole of the foot down or backwards.

2. Movement of the joints in the frontal plane:

Adduction, moving the limb close to the middle part of the body (medial).

Abduction, moving the limb away from the middle part of the body (laterally).

Elevation, moving the shoulder blades upwards (superior).

Depression, moving the shoulder blades down (inferior).


Inversion, moving the joint of the foot towards the inside.

Eversion, moving the joints outwards.

Protractoring, moving the shoulder blades forward (anterior) away from the body.

Retraction, moving the shoulder blades back (posterior) closer to the body.

3. Movement of the joints in the transverse plane:

Rotation, moving the joint by rotating on the vertical axis of the bone. Rotational motion can move
inward (internal) as well as outward (external).

Pronation, twisting the arm so that the palm is facing posteriorly (backwards) when the hand is
straightened. If the elbow is bent 90 degrees, the pronation movement will make the palm face
down (inferior).
Supination, twisting the arm so that the palm is facing anteriorly (forward) when the hand is
straightened. When the elbow is bent 90 degrees, the supination movement will make the palm face
up (superior).

4. Joint movements on the plane of the combined body (multiplanar):

Circumcision, a combination of flexion, abduction, extension, and adduction that creates a circular

Opposition, circular movements on the thumb.


Anatomically the body is divided into 3 parts, sagittal, frontal, and transverse. The movements that
can be carried out by the synovial joint can be grouped based on the plane of their body, namely:

1. Sagittals: flexion, extension, dorsoflection and plantarflection.

2. Frontal: Abduction, adduction, elevation, depression, inversion, eversion, protraction, and


3. Transverse: Rotation, pronation, supination, and circumcision.

4. Multiplanar: Circumcision and opposition.

3.1 Conclusion

The musculoskeletal system is a supporter of body shape and movement management.

Musculokeletal consists of:

1. Muscule/muscle : muscles, tendons and ligaments

2. Scelatal/skeletal : Bones and joints

Muscles consist of 3 types

1. Skeletal muscle

2. Smooth muscles

3. Heart muscle

Arrangement of bones

1. Head/skull bones

2. Chest skeleton 25

3. Spine and hips 26 pieces

4. Upper limb bones 64 pieces

5. Lower limb bone 62 pieces

A joint is a hinge that allows the limbs to move properly, it is also a link between one
bone segment and another bone segment. So that the two bones can be moved according to the
type of joint they mediate.


This paper is far from perfection. Therefore, criticism and suggestions from readers of a constructive
nature are very much expected for the improvement of this paper in the future

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