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Business Operations

July 2011 Activities

With the launch of our new Managing Sustainability working group, we are hosting a number of activities aimed to help organizations more efficiently manage sustainability, from identifying the strategic opportunities presented by the sustainability challenge, how to set sensible goals for your business and staff, to the role of cloud computing in improving efficiencies, and much more.

The Clouds Green Advantage

Learn about how the ICT Industry is using cloud computing to reduce its footprint, how the industry is moving towards a common set of metrics for carbon measurement, and hear insightful case studies about Microsoft & Salesforce.coms cloud computing platforms.

WEDNESDAY JULY 6 4:00 P.M. (BST) / 11:00 A.M. (EDT)


Josh Whitney, Senior Project Director, WSP Environment and Energy

Wind power in the commercial and industrial landscape

Join this webinar to understand the drivers behind implementing wind technologies in industrial and commercial environments, potential barriers and how to overcome them. Dr. Mark Hinnells, Solutions Director, Susenco; Giles Clifford, Partner, Manches LLP

MONDAY JULY 11 1:00 P.M. (BST) / 8:00 A.M. (EDT)


Sustainable Competitive Advantage: The 4th Economic Revolution

We are entering a period which will be known as the 4th economic revolution - defined by resource scarcity. As outlined in a 2degrees white paper, the five core competencies that organizations will be forced to adopt to succeed through the 21st Century will be discussed in this webinar.

MONDAY JULY 18 3:00 P.M. (BST) / 10:00 A.M. (EDT)


Jake Backus, Customer Sustainability Director, Coca-Cola Europe, and Simon Brown, Managing Director, 2degrees

Business Operations
July 2011 Activities

Local Authority CRC Best Practice

TUESDAY JULY 19 10:30 A.M. (BST) / 5:30 A.M. (EDT)

This online session will discuss CRC compliance best practice focused on Local Authorities, and will include topics such as budgeting, internal administration, school management and related issues Karen Lawrence, Head of CRC and Consultancy Services, Local Energy A growing number of companies are using sustainability goals as a means of signaling their commitment to become sustainability leaders, and to compete for superior positioning versus their rivals. This webinar will explore how to set and manage effecitve goals, and how to communicate them. David Schatsky, Principal, Green Research

Setting and Managing Sustainability Goals: Trends and Best Practices for Sustainability Executives

THURSDAY JULY 28 3:00 P.M. (BST) / 10:00 A.M. (EDT)


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