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Oe - POPULAR MECHANICS 35 ets 4 17-MILE JUMP —pase 97 REPORT ON THE ‘56 LINCOLN Guided Missiles Go to: Sea By Capt. W. D, Brinckloe, How to Choose a Fokee 5 MEN and 60 HORSES Who says big action lies beyond the range of average fishermen? Not with today's Sea-Horses. ‘Their smooth and mighty power makes possible a new type of outboard fishing boat—fast, com- fortable, seaworthy—with characteristic outboard maneuverability and inherent outboard economy! Ask your Johnson Dealer. Look for his name under "Outboard Motors” in your classified phone book. See the 1956 line —9 models, 3 to 30 horsepower, all styled in beautiful Holiday Bronze. Featuring new Cruising-Range Fuel Saver (in the 30's) and Stall-Proof Idling. Easier Starting. And quiet! FREE! Write for new 1956 Sea-Horse catalog. JOHNSON MOTORS, 400 Pershing Road, Waukegan, Illinoi: Canada: Manufactured by Johnson Motors, Peterborough Enginee It takes more than it takes superior cornering ability—a (quality that involves not only the steering geometry, but the balance of the entire a heavy foot to Ger, And how this new Chevy clings to the “flatten” Pikes Peak ‘Then, it takes a ready reserve of power for acceleration, We've engineered that in record time. into all Ch engines—both the 6 and the V8's. In fact, our horsepower by Bd Cole, Chevrolet Chief Engineer now ranges up to a new high of 203 Aren't these the very qualities you want in your car? Whether you drive A few days ago, I was talking to a neighbor of mine about Chevrolet's eeord breaking ran up Pikes Peak. “How,” he asked, up to more safe “does that make the new Chevrolet a k your Chevrolet dealer to lend you better car for me to drive? I hardly ever vy... « Chevrolet Division of drive on mountain roads, at least not on General Motors, Detroit 2, Michigan. any as steep or high as Pikes Peak!” Maybe this same question applies to your driving. But have you ever considered what it takes to climb Pikes Peak ina little over 17 minutes, the way Chevrolet did? ‘Well, it takes ‘a lot more than a heavy foot on the accelerator. For one thing, Here's how Cheerotet proved its superior cornering ability. MARCH 1956 ' 1 Crystal structure models. ‘Top row, left to right: cuprite, zincblende, rutile, perovskite, tridymite. Second row: cristobalite, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, diamond, pyrites, arsenic. Third row: caesium chloride, sodium chloride, wurzite, copper, niccolite. Fourth row: spinel, graphite, beryllium, carbon dioxide, alpha-quartz. FROM ATOMS TO STARS Research at Bell Telephone Laboratories ranges from the ultimate structure of solids to the radio signals from outer space. Radio interference re- search created the new science of radio astronomy; research in solids produced the transistor and the Bell Solar Battery. Between atoms and stars lie great areas of effort and achieve- ment in physics, electronics, metallurgy, chemistry and bi- ology. Mechanical engineers visualize and design new de- vices. Mathematicians fore- shadow new communications techniques. Despite the diversity of their talents, Bell Laboratories scien- tists and engineers have much in common. A habit of team- work channels these talents into great advances, ‘These men have developed the world’s finest telephone system. In doing so, many have become leaders in their Opportunities for ment await qualified scientists and engincers at Bell ‘Telephone Laboratories. “hy ree ea a fs Directional antenna used by Karl G. Jansky in discovery of stellar radio signots at Bell Telephone Labora- tories in 1932. BELL TELEPHONE LABORATORIES World center of communications research. Largest industrial laboratory in the United States. POPULAR MECHANICS Popular Mechanics Magazine Registered in U. 8. Patent Office and Cxnada H. H. WINDSOR, Founder H. H. WINDSOR, JR., Editor ond Publisher SCREEN HOUSE of many vses—a real boon to families who like to move out in th yords in summer—is featured in our special outdoor-living section next month. The house Is easy to buil tion detoils moke it o self fans. Floor a over-all hei providing o roomy space for dining, fertaining or just relaxing. Other features in the April outdoor-living section tell you ‘eight kinds of patios, how te ighting your yard, how to build barbecue cabinet ond other pieces of yord furniture, how to build cn outdoor work- shop and how to set up various yard games fe 9 by 12 Foot and nt of the panels 64 feet thorge. A copy may be abiained by writing to the Bureau of Information, Popular Me- enics, 200 © Ontorioy Chicoge Ty. Ii. cinta, see eRiinee 18. 200% RSE Sd ROO MARCH 1956 Volume 105 MARCH 1956 Number 3 ‘Address oll communications t0; 200 £. Ontorio Sh, Chicago 1, Mh. Managing Editor. Assistant Manoging Edi co Shop Notes and Crofts Editor... Radio-Television, Electronics Editor... Associate Editor. Associate Editor, Automotive. Associote Editor. Shep Notes Assistant Editor, Shop Notes. Assistant Editor, Crafts... Assistont Editor, Mokeup... Automotive Correspondent. Ant Director... Roderick . Grant Wayne Whittaker dames R, Word utothar Stern Clifford 8. Hicks ‘Arthur R. Reilton conWayne C. Leckey W. Clyde Lammey Joy W. Hedden John C. Dalen lee Denevan rank Beatty Eastern Edi Richord F, Dempewolff Empire State Bidg., Room 2906, New York City 1 editor Thomas E. Srimson, Je. i616, 3466 Suit London Manager ou) Eagle House, Jermyn Si, London 8. W. 1, England Director, Bureau of Information. Ayo Alen Commenter i "160°E, Ontario $i, 6 D100; New York: Empire State ‘General Marers Bldg, mospert 1 lerspeon LOngocre 5.7580, Thinily 5-€7117 Clevelend: Honna Bldg, (422 Evcli los Angeles: Tishman Bldg. 3460 Wishire, DU ier Rens bldg 383 Montgomery Ste TOkon 2.0808, They'll Jump 17 Miles From the Sky = = + = + 97 Why All These Hurricanes? - - = = = = = = 106 Detroit Listeni: Post - - - = © «= = = « 13 Ships That Buck the Polar Seas - - = = - + = 114 Owners Report onthe Lincoln - - = = © = = 124 Guided Missiles GotoSea - - - = + + + + 131 What's New for Your Home wee 5 ee Undercover Enemy—the Khapra wee 8 Model A on the Canal Beat - - - + = = = 152 The Perfect Bass Boot - - - - = = = = = 162 Keeping Up With the Atom wie ers oc HAE What's His Line?—Tube Bender = = = - = = 168 TV and Electronics = © + + es © © 173 For the Craftainase. + Build Your Home Around a Fireplace = - WZ Darkroom Chemicals on Tap - - - = - = = 185 Solving Home Problems - - - - - = + = = 194 Control Termites - - - - = + = + = = 199 Easier and Safer Paint Removal - - = = = - 205 ToHonga Door - - - = = - = = + = + 214 Better Filing > + 7 2 ss ce ee ee 2 Shopping fer Tools cae 9 fie es eee On the Market = = - - = + «+ + + = = 236 Clinic for Homemakers - - - - - - - - = 238 See pages 20, Jor otter items and manufacturers of available products ° 1. “BACK IN THE TWENTIES when the Charleston was the dance and cars had rumble seat, a young fellow named ‘Walter P. Chrysler brought out a car with somethin ‘experts ssid wouldn't work—the high compression engi Hiatal wort and became the standard engine for yeara to come. Bill Lundigan* shows how the Automobile engine has improved (*Your TV host on ‘Shower of Stars” and “Climax!”) 2. “THE NEXT MAJOR ENGINE IMPROVEMENT also came from aeyaer Corp the hemispherical combustion cham. Det! For the first line airplane engine principles were applied to quantity-produced automobile engines, offering far stcater powcr, performance and economy. 3, “IN THIS EXCLUSIVE DONE-SHAPED CHAMAER fuel bums faa and sean and there ace comnern to cles pow ‘ling carbon deposits, No other engines operate at Teese lor sole vse: Ma ike Pete oe eae tmobile engive design to appear in eas in 26 yearal fF OF THE FUTURE already has been texied successfully inastockear—Chrysler Corporation's asturbine engine! It has no carburetor, no piston rings, no radiator... gnlv'one spark plug and fone on onlinary fuel without throwing flames from its specially designed exhaust. 4 “THE CHRYSLER "200"—boasting a 300 horsepower hemis- pherical combustion chamber engine—won almost four Himes ag many race asthe peatent competitor in the 1988 NASCAR and AAA competitions. Heal testimony of this ‘engine's outstanding performance and ull"round superiority! 6 “MORE AUTOMOTIVE ‘FIRSTS" have been chalked up by Chrysler Corporaton than any other car have een copich many are still oxclsive _ with Plymouth, Dodge, De Soto, Chrysler and Imperial. All are reasons why you ge! more from a Chrysler Corporation car?” CHRYSLER CORPORATION > THE FORWARD LOOK PLYMOUTH + DODGE «+ 4 DesoTO + CHRYSLER + IMPERIAL POPULAR MECHANICS TODAY'S Compression Engines TODAY'S Hi-Detergency Motor Oils AC BRINGS YOU FULL FILTERING EFFICIENCY THROUGHOUT FILTER LIFE BY PARALLEL CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION.... AC brings you oil filters that take out the dirt— not the DETERGENTS! Today's premium motor oils contain additives that keep engines clean by suspending carbon in the oil and holding it there instead of letting it deposit in hard form inside the en- gine. Oil companies also put in add: tives to increase the oil's viscosity range—pfotect your engine over greater ranges of temperature change. AC Oil Filters are so engineered as to take out harmful dirt, dust, grit, metal particles and still not remove or alter the valuable detergents. Al- ways say AC when you change your fileer—and, remember to change every 5000 miles! THIS AC PARALLEL FOLDING ALLOWS THIS EVENLY DEPOSITED SLUDGE AC Oil Filter inner construction is ingeniously designed to allow the filtered-out dirt to deposit evenly over the entire surface area. This is done by keeping the filter material in evenly-spaced parallel channels, as ag left, On the right you see filtered-out sludge evenly depositing on the full filtering area, so that for the full 5000 miles all the filtering area is kept in useful service. None is blocked off. There is no tendency to pocket — AC’s parallel construction assures uni- form rate of flow. You need this extra AC protection. AC SPARK piue SP He ELECTRONICS DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS MARCH 1956 5 SCRE RIVERS LOW Cost, AUIGH Quality 37 NEW SCREWDRIVERS AT YOUR DEALER'S NOW! - Ruby Red, Fire-Resistant Plastic Handles Powerful, Comfortable Grips High Grade, Heat-Treated Steel Bits... Hard and Tough Fully Plated for Rust Protection Sparkling Appearance Keystone, Cabinet and Phillips Types Meet Mil. Spec. GGG-S-121-C “Ruby Line” screwdrivers were de- signed by PROTO to meet demands for high quality at low cost. Manufacturing economies give long service at modest prices. Complete line of 37 models. Bit widths from 1/8” to 5/16”, 11/2” to 93/4". In Keystone, Cabinet and #1 and #2 Phillips types. See your nearby PROTO dealer today. Send 10¢ for catalog of entire PROTO line of tools to PRaTO TaOLs 2208 Santa Fe Ave., Los Angeles 54, Calif. sear Canadion Facto idon, Ont. a blades from | While working in Washington as head of the Battleship-Cruiser-Destroyer Branch, Bureau of Ships, Capt. W. D, Brinckloe, USN, was in close touch with development of the Navy's new guided-missile cruisers. His article, “Guided Missiles Go to Sea,” on page 131 is based on his first-hand infor- mation and, to our knowledge, is the first full-length feature article to appear in print, on the subject. Captain Brinckloe, one of the Navy's youngest captains, was grad- uated from Annapolis in 1937 and in 1942 was graduated with top honors in engineer- ing from Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology. He saw active duty in World War TI and in the Korean War when he was awarded the Bronze Star. The accompany- ing photograph shows him at his desk in Subie Bay, the Philippines where, as the commanding officer of ship-repair facilities, he is in charge of 2300 men in the South: east Asia area. To the Editor: When Phil McCafferty of Stanwood, Towa, sent us his story of “Model A on the Canal Beat,” on page 152 of this issue, he told us his brotier had more or less'en- joyed a wild ride on the “Jitney” in pursuit of the photographs that illustrate the piece. “They forgot to check the gas,” wrote McCafferty, “ané they ran out—right in the middle of 3000fooi tunnel! They had to push her out. My brother commented he'd (Continued to page 8) POPULAR MECHANICS Accounting Home-Study made interesting and practical thru problem method MAIL COUPON FOR FREE BOOK ‘OU know as well as we do that Account- Y ing fits many men for positions that pay four to ten thousand dollars a year and up—gives many other men unusual opportu- nity to start a profitable growing business of their own, You probably realize also that the account- ing profession faces the greatest opportunity bas ever had. The only question is—just how practical is it for you to train yourself adequately in Accounting through home study? And the answer lies in the LaSalle Problem Method. For this modern plan of training not only makes Accounting study at home thoroughly practical but makes it interesting as well. ‘And here’s how: You Learn by Doing Suppose it were your privilege every day to sit ia conference with the auditor of your company or the head of a successful accounting firm. Suppose every day he were to lay before you in systematic order the various problems he is compelled to solve, and were to explain co you the principles by which he solves them, Suppose that one by one you were to work those problems out—returning to him every day for counsel and assistance— Granted that privilege, surely your advancement would be far faster than that of the man who is com- pelled to pick up his knowledge by study of theory alone, Under the LaSalle Problem Method you pursue, to all intents and purposes, that identical plan, You ad- vance by solving problems. Only—instead of having at your command the counsel of a single individual—one accountant—you have hack of you the organized experience of a great business training institution, the authoritative find- ings of scores of able accounting specialists, the ac- tual procedure of the most successful accountants, ‘Thus—instead of fumbling and blundering—you are trained in the solving of the very problems you must face in the higher accounting positions or in an accounting practice of your own. Step by step, you work them out for yourself—until, at the end of your training, you have the kind of ability and experience for which business is willing and glad to pay real money. ‘One Out of Every 13 of All C.P.A’s Is LaSalle Trained If you want still more proof, remember that over 4,200 C.P.A.'s—one out of every 13 of all those in the United States who have passed the difficult examination for the C.P.A, Certificate—are LaSalle alumni, ‘And knowing these facts, ask yourself if there can be any further question about the practicability of this training for your-ask rather if the real question is not about the size of your own ambition and the quality of your decermination. For Accounting is no magic wand for the | of the feactiltor the queen offers success Sais to the alert adult who has the courage to face the facts and the will to carry on till the job is done. If you are that individual, the coupon below, filled cut and mailed, will bring you {ree the information that may open up to you the future of which you have dreamed—ability and income and success. Is it not worth getting that information? Member, National Home Study Council LASALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY CHICAGO 5, ILLINOIS Dept. 364H City, Zone, State... MARCH 1956 7 Correspondence Vustitution LASALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY A CORRESPONDENCE INSTITUTION 417 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 5, Ill. Please send me, free of all obligation, your illustrated book “Accountancy, he Profession That Pays," telling about the profession of accountancy and ‘your taining for success in chat field, This one TAME 62NE-AEG-EQUW Learn to eae oe ited Ug. APPLIANCES at Home in Spare Time i Fast Growing Field offers , Good Pay, Interesting _ Work, Security oa field pian pay well to and enjoy: the convenience they ‘That means a fast growing need for trained mes. Spuilance ater folowing cur luseated” eesystosundere stand instructions. This multi-use tester helps you locate ie cauckly and easily. equips you todo nro; learn electrical | repaie techniques. Cves you the prac- raining of actually building the tester and a valuable piece of equipment for future use, Ear $3, $4, $5 an Hour Spare Time t_soon to renalt_ electric toasters, fans, iron, bres Macum “eeanersy ete. “for your neighbors en Share ne work, done at our cn aience in’ your basement. earage, of spare. rom tino rm SOROS i ee Bw ap this training ‘many mes oxer Sith the u'll eaen in your spate tine” Stall coupon. Q' Train Now for Greater Security Low Pric future. Put your spare Hae to kood we | Enrol now for $2.50 iowa. sani! $8.60. month A small investment can ass Cra) eee al Ee hia ca ae Washington 9, Lesson and Book FREE LSAT i NATIONAL RADIO INSTITUTE 7 | 1 DEPT, AC6, WASHINGTON 9, D. Vets aed” me lotion and) Dwit free. (No sulestnan wilt fi Nome. 9 Address ity___Zone__State. 1 el 8 (Continved from page 6) never seen anything so dark in hi his high-speed run through the 1 tube he said ‘What a ride! That thing is like no Model A I ever drove—it’s a monster in disguise!’ ” Five Tools in One A New York City high-school student has invented a drafting instrument that does the work of five other drawing tools. Lawrence Kalmis, 16, calls it the “K square.” It replaces the T square, the 30- SS 60-90-degree and the 45-90-degree triangles, the ruler and the protractor. Professional draftsmen say it's as accurate as the sep- arate tools. Larry took a standard T square, cut a half-inch slot down the middle of the arm and then designed a slide to fit into the slot. To the slide he attached an arm that is adjusted to any angle by a screw lock. e slide and short arm can be moved to any spot on the horizontal arm and locked in place, Larry plans to have the long hor- izontal arm marked off for lineal measure- ments. Right now, he's preparing plans to market the instrument. Richard Petrow, New York City To the Editor: I wish to send you the best compliments for the “Across Four Continents on Two Cylinders” story (PM, Dec. 1955). Tt is very weil narrated, full of amazing (Continued to page 10) POPULAR MECHANICS Are you a prisoner in your present job? Are you bored with your work? Do you go home at 2 THOSE CAN BE DANGER SIGNALS! If you're like the millions of other people hefore they turned to LCS. for help, these things are probably true about you: You're caught between a job with no future and a family to sup- port. You're sour on your job, hate to get up in the morning to go to work, At night, you're not much fun to have around. Unless you do something about it, things are going to get worse. “Prisoners” aren't much good to their bosses or families. ‘And, of course, you can do some: thing to “free” yourself . . . to get a better job, with more moncy. And insure yourself against layoffs For Real Job Security—Get an I. C, S. Diploma! tori 1 Sketching at Patan Auromorive 1 Aus Body Rowing Ass Gee’ teams Act trtice Tone Up SG Attimedie i BOX 02625C, SCRANTON 9, PENNA, ‘Withost costo oiatin, send me “HOW to SUCCEED” and the coportunty book about he elé BEFORE which AVIATION 1 Kawa! Gtemistey Ey Ghemnat Enpeerne EB Paipand Pager Makin, that come to untrained men, To develop interest in your work. To earn the respect of your family and community, HOW I.C.S, CAN HELP Faced with such a problem, six nillion people have turned to LCS. for help. They studied at home, in their spare time. They developed new skills and new knowledge. Did it pay-off for them? Look at the record. In a single 120-ay period, almost 2000 1.C. ‘were promoted to better jobs Take J. R. Todd. “Already I'm netting $120'¢ month profit on my investment,” he says, “And there’s more to come.” CIVIL, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 5 Usenan Hien scHooL ‘2 Gonwpercio £ Good English ter Seo! Subject Bi Mittens ne ome Aa I. C.S., Scranton 9, Penna, Member, Ne (arti tof 27 courses) LEADERSHIP tae Micnine 3 1 Macanleal HEN itera RADIO. TELEVISION ft Ettine gd eect ton ade TV ingrng Patel gloating hag Yelehony John R. Musik jumped. from $189 to $260 a month. O.0. Braun from $120 to $600 a month, H. A. Howell got a $100 a month raise as a result of his LCS, training. THESE OPPORTUNITIES OPEN FOR TRAINED MEN Production in the field of Eleo- tronics has increased 20 times in 12 years. The Chemical business is increasing 10% a year. 2000 new ‘TY stations have been authorized. Get your training while these oppor- tunities still exist. Mail coupon for 3 free booklets today! al Home Study Council rhe (lat samo en): 2 Taoson Toe Prather nee MISCELLANEOUS {D Tutmating 5 Dome Retsgesten 1D Ocem Navintion 5 Stor Story wen ty 2ove___sute Working Moun. AM. to Pm. ‘asain resents snd coupe fo Intetatonl Corremondence Schools, Canaan, Ud, Secupation Montel, Canad, alli tte lo members of the U.S. Armed Foren. MARCH 1956 NICS GUIDE, 1664 Pages, $4 BF, 1299 Pages iE MANUAL, 575 Pagar IINISTS HANDY 800K, 1659 Pa E)WELDERS GUIDE, 490 Page EBLUE PRINT READING, 416 Pigis” an ‘OR Gt ens wanoy es 1ECHA CAL DRAW! Gt Pe You Can i Look Over FJELECTRONIE DEVICES, 216 Pages Any Guide FELEGIRIG MOTOR GUIDE. aid Pa In Your Gun Home ELELESTRIE POW CALCULATIONS 13s Fags: HANDY BOOK OF ELECTRICITY, 1440 Pago ~ ELEGIIG DICTIONARY, Sed Terns Stare the SHIPFITTERS HANDY. OOK, 250 Baw Pox DitrR mente if (MILL melt Pow Sotiefied CEnGInEERS nea EXAMS, 503 Bier nae lr Bopecte tnenGcR ORAS Sn Pa ay BeMeenanea ai g 8 8 Compre TOD dccupation.. 10 (Continued from page 8) photos; in brief, it is very well done, This is just to express my pleasure in the best story in your magazine for about eight years, Fernando Barcelo Carvajal, Santiago de Chile, S. A. The Story Ends in Fargo It occurred to us that you might be in- terested in what happened to the Rambler four-door hardtop that played the leading role inthe pasture story, “The Building of a Cat,” published in our February issue. You will remember it as the car that PM followed from 7 am. until midnight, taking pictures as it was assembled. ‘Well, you'll be pleased to learn that the automobile has a happy home. It ended up in Fargo, N. D., the proud property of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carstensen. inciden- tally, this makes two Ramblers in the Carstensen family—the other model is a 1955 station wagon. To the Editor: I read with interest an article in your November 1955 issue entitled “Make Way for the Micro-Midgets.” Our club, the Long Island Junior Racing Club, has over 20 members ranging in age from 5 to 12 years, both male and female, each of whom owns a_car in_a class limited to a maximum of 236 hp. Some are home-built and some are built from kits and parts available through various manufacturers on the East and ‘West Coast. This club has been in existence for almost two years, Race meets are held every Sunday afternoon in a paved park- ing lot behind the County Courthouse in (Continued to page 78) POPULAR MECHANICS I Will Send YouA SAMPLE LESSON FREE to show you how easy, practical it is top Train at Home for Good Radio-Television Jobs America’s Fast Growing Industry Offers You Good Pay Plus a Bright Future ic. Television's Crm is alg | Trained These Men You Learn by Practicing! ie, Oe with Equipment I Send: iis cine | hich you use to! Nam. Tuld equipment and get prac: | tical experience on eieuite, | Ail common to both Radio. an sty_______Zone__stat Televison, Shown a eft the Vw a -power Broadcasting Trans- % eheteuteidaspanetay | VETS ‘Communications Course. iL. _L a pol MARCH 1956 IMPORTER’S SACRIFICE SALE! World Famous KORIUM Hunting Knives from Solingen,Germany & REG. 3.95—NOW '4 PRICE 178 ~ |) Take Your Pick— all one low price! ‘Thee unique hand forged hunting knives are mad by world-renowned craftsmen of SOLINGEN GERMANY. Sharp. rugged blades are_genutin KORIUM stecl. The handsome, unusual designs hav won recognition in sports circles thruout Europe American hunters and fishermen, ¢00, have bee quick in expressing their enthusiastic approval. Ove 100,000 already sold here! Now you, too, can ge your favorite design—direct from the importer a a rock-bottom price! The blades are actually shar enough to shave with: will stand up against mos rugged treatment. Genuine leather seabbar tailored for each knife — metal tipped fo shaep pointed models. Lengths 9 to 10inche ‘The tough, sturdy KORIUM steel made in Ger many assuces you years of dependable service, Thei sleek graceful lines also provide ideal ree room 0 dendecorations. Dandy gifts for men—and a sports mar'sdelight! Import supply limited. The low $1. price for both knife and scabbard means you'll hav to.act fast! Send $1.98 for prompt prepaid delivery ‘or order COD plus postage. Your money back if no delighted. Check desired model in coupon below SPECIAL! Swiss Army Knife MAIL TODAY! TTHORESEN'S, Dept. 7-C-800 352 Fourth Avenue, | New York 10, N. Y. tm wie chee ~~ I al SAW SCISSORS KNIFE World-Famous Utility Knife |... deep-eut price... wort famous ity intfe uted ty Sorse Arms Officers — Germany's cutlery eraftament cr [2A cnsine maizen DE (Monaren’ 1D Ne Wm | Aters | 2 POPULAR MECHANICS INVENTORS Leam how to protect your invention. The U. S. Patent Laws provide that any new and useful art, machine, article of manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may be patented if the act of invention is involved. Therefore, every inventor with a valuable invention should take advantage of the Patent Laws and proceed for patent protection in order to safeguard his rights. A patent gives the inventor the exclusive right to prevent others from making, using, or selling the invention claimed in the patent for a period of seventeen years. The Patent Laws were enacted for the benefit of the inventor to give him protection for the features of his invention which are patentable. These features must be properly and con- cisely set forth and claimed in a formal application for patent, in order to comply with the requirements of the Patent Laws. For that reason, unless the inventor is familiar with patent matters, he should engage a competent registered patent atiorney or agent to represent him. We are registered to practice before the U. S. Patent Office and are prepared to serve you in the handling of your patent matters. A specially prepared booklet entitled “Patent Guide for the Inventor", containing detailed information with respect to patent protection and procedure, together with a “Record of Invention” form will be promptly forwarded to you without obligation upon request. CLARENCE A. O’BRIEN & HARVEY JACOBSON Registered Patent Aitorneys 61-C DISTRICT NATIONAL BUILDING WASHINGTON 5, D. C. MARCH 1956 13 Add solid new muscle to your!. body. Guaranteed in 10 days. ‘Ten Champions are ready to help you build a body that men re- spect and women admire. They know you want action and they promise it their medically approved Conditioning Course. Joe and other great Champions +] 3 guarantee that in just ten days you'll feel more ag-—/ ‘gessive. With their special Exer- ccises you'll pack more power and gain new confidence — for only $1.00—or your money back. ‘Your mirror will show new muscles in only ten days. That's the prom- ise of world Champions. WHITEY LOCKMAN e metrod to stimulate circul vp for action... YOGI BERRA, the American League's most valu- able player builds up your confidence . . .. QUICK KID GAVILAN sharpens your reflexes... de- velops stamina and toughens your body with his training camp workout . . .. WITH LITTLE EFFORT. EXTRA! You'll also receive exciting material from ‘he Champions’ Manly Art of Self Defense Home Course ‘34 11'S TRULY AMAZING The Notional Sports Counll,Dept, P36 13 West dei Sr New York 36,8. ¥. Enclosed $1 for the Planned Conditioning Cours of the Champiens. | must see results in 10 money is refunded immediately. Fi NAM ADORES6 ass city. -staTe__ | == ba eeeakeccoo! | iu start a big profit business RU CMU eh tkd EARN UP TO $200 a DAY | = 4 ‘Manufacturing Exciting Now RAINBOW ROCK Concrete Slump Brick in your back yard Earn ble 00m prefts Raluaow moon, the eolortal Riivaing” see ‘axing “the country’ by’ orm, Ie the Caney in WL Seal Pa ‘Amazing low ‘cost machine, fodern slum ‘brig te ‘imes tne length’ of, orainary n'a variety ‘of widths and_ pastel wn Mterature and fult Information, CENERAL, FOES £0, INC. Colts goapens ot ‘oth ma aprons ‘A MILLION THRILL! High Power BINOCULARS 123 Models: 59:95 10 $125, BUSHNELL Benoratans Den. M23 33.5 Green ‘Pasadena, Cait pe a Lassie” pumbs. nal Pier, Fuller Life. hdvidvol Courses or complete schedule, WRITE FOR SCHOOL BULLETIN. a ACAREMY FOR. ABUL Cr Sa iy EARN UP TO $50.00 A DAY AT HOME ‘Here fs a new business for people who would like to make extra money full time or spare time. ‘Our program enables you to work in your home ‘and participate in national sales secured through our firm, You assemble Iugeage and special cases for photographic equipment—musical instruments —salesmen’s samples and all types of portables. ‘We supply complete instructions—materials—tools —everything, No previous experience is necessary. ‘Write for free detalls. Abarst Casecraft, Dept, AO, 807 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles 12, Calif. POPULAR MECHANICS TOP OPPORTUNITY FIELDS Either, or a Combination of Both Fields Offer a World of Opportunity to Trained Men! ian Instructer testing planing operation and al large Motor Generator In industry —in the home—electricity, and electronics, sre playing a Vauty larger, more vita role than ever before. lovices and inventions in our ives are putting @ mlum on trained Electrical men. ‘The fabul this field 's cresting countless jab opportuni now for a future in Pleetricity. growth in Prepare uta Radio-Color vaYa lastrueter helping student check wr ing ana trace ereuts et TY set ‘The fastest the hundreds. and servicing of ited. Row. Guc for A GOOD JOB OR INDEPEN DENCE IN’ A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN. Sain in the great shops of COYNE Oldest, and Best Equipped School of Its Kind in the U. S. VETERAN or NON-VETERAN—Whether 17 or up to 45 years of age. prepare for your future now. Don’t be satisfied with a “1 future” job. Train the Coyne way for a better job and a real future in ELECTRICITY- ELECTRONICS, TELEVISION-RADIO — or a combination of both fields—fields that offer a world of opportunities. Lifetime em- ployment service to Coyne graduates. WE TRAIN YOU IN CHICAGO_—Learn the practical way at Coyne, on real, full Size cauipment, No advanced’ education of previous experience needed. You learn better fhe Coyne way. Tans A TECHNICAL TRADE instirure operareo | MFMEEATION NOT FOR PROFIT. =| ELECTRIC APPLES an be COYN E ad a Sac" ELECTRICAL SCHOOL 500 S. Paulina St., Dept. 36-72H, CHICAGO 12, ILL. MARCH 1956 FINANCE PLAN_Enroll now, pay most of tuition later. Part-time employment help for students, Mail Coupon for hig Gree Book CLIP COUPON NOW for big new * No obligation; no salesman will call. * ae | B.w. COOKE, President | COYNE ELECTRICAL SCHOOL | 500 S. Paulina St.. Chicago 12, Ill. Dept. 36-7211 | | Send BIG FREE book and details of all the | | training you offer in both fields. However, I} | | ! | ! | am especially interested in: Cl ELECTWcrTY-EuEcreonics —() TELEWSION-RADIO. Name. Address, B eee ee at home—in your spare time! B Let us send you — without obligation — a Sample Les- son plus all the information you'll need to get you A started on the road to success in the automat heating fiele. Let us prove to. you that salaries are BE tigner: opportunities. greater, advancement’ quicker’ tn the fast Ol Bummer industry, — NONE. We offer you 2 complete an¢ training program — available at no other Brepared with the co-operation of America's ating system manufacturers. Covers Installa- Goniros, Fiebien Construction and set yet Fab jon,’ Even includes 4 “Special Business” Plan to hein ‘you start your own service shop. ant Hew... . Tenavs :. jobs. in your own’ area. Low tuition, ‘Tools. furnished, Send coupon now. No obiigation. TRAD 1M raining Thousands a since 1936" I RESIDENT SCHOOL — APPROVED FOR VETS: LICENSED BY MASS, DEPT. OF EDUCATION MASS. TRADES 161-A High SI., Boston 10, Mass. t 1 1 | Pleose cush FREE bookler ond Sompl | BURNER SERVICING. T urderstond the 1 1 1 ' Nome Adéress TRAINING AVAILABLE IN CANADA «+ TODAY! put your spare time to work Learn 3 skilled trate, No previnus experience or special fcucaton requires: Earn wniie lesmmine, cong partcime 1 Instead of a job . . . train for a Career Industrial erowth . . . automation « . . technical ‘advances create career’ opportunities for engineers, ecountante, management experts. Share towards Awaiting college-trained men, Important. firme visit campas regularly to employ Tri-State Cal Eraduates, start ‘AbY cliarter in this world-tnmed college, ADBro‘ed for seteraas’ Bach. of Science degree in 27 months Hecnen mica Aermatia! ealia ervrtee Esoincering and Commerea.” for FREE BOOKLET Ee Feo ee Ye CELT ee Tedanighle Neves lntramens” “they are Sellen: Seer eee Tobacco \| MUSSEML 8 WESTPHAL Est. 2923 Mo Port er. "ATKINSON, WISCONSIN ‘AMERICA'S NEWEST OPPORTUNITY Now fur-bearing ant mal now being bred in U.S. Offers huge profits to breeders. This flr is next to Mink NOW in price and will soon surpass It, 19 to 20 young per vear. Most easily an economically raised animal sistant. Bulld yourself a sound future with this fine, registered stock. WRITE TODAY FOI BOOKLET. CABANA NUTRIA, INC. SAKA Wact Laman Ave, Arcadia, Cali FREE POPULAR MECHANICS INVENTORS If you believe that you have an invention, you should find out how to protect it. The first step is to have a search made of the prior pertinent U. S. patents. If a report on this search indicates that the invention appears patentable you can apply for a patent, and the specifications and claims should be prepared. The firm of McMorrow, Berman & Davidson, with offices in Wash? ington, D. C., is qualified to take the necessary steps for you. We can make a preliminary search on your invention, advise you whether we think it can be patented, and prepare your application for patent. ‘Unless you are fully familiar with the U. S. Patent Laws, we recom: mend that you engage the services of a Registered Patent Attorney to protect your interests. The patent laws are your laws. A patent gives you the right to prevent others from making, using or selling the invention claimed in your patent for a pericd of 17 years. Use these patent laws for your protection. Investigate whether your invention can be patented. If you have what you believe to be an int vention, we suggest that you have this firm make a search for you: Send for a copy of our Patent Booklet entitled “How To Protect Your Invention,” containing in- formation about patent protection and patent procedure. Along with this we will also send you an “Invention Record” form, for your use in writing down and sketching details of your in- vention. We will mail them promptly. No obli- Gation, They are yours for the asking. McMORROW, BERMAN & DAVIDSON Registered Patent Attorneys PATENTS © COPYRIGHTS © — PATENTS 135-T VICTOR BUILDING, WASHINGTON 1, D.C MARCH 1956 Ww WHAT SECRET POWER DID THIS MAN POSSESS? BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (A Rosicrucian) Wty was this man great? How does anyone —man or woman—achieve greatness? Is it not by mastery of the powers within ourselves? Know the mysterious world within you! At- tune yourself to the wisdom of the ages! Grasp the inner power of your mind! Learn the sec- ras of's Pall and pascefl life! Benjamin Franklin—like many other learned and great men and women—was a Rosicru- cian. The Rosicrucians (NOT a religious or ganization) first came to America in 1694, Today, headquarters of the Rosicrucians send over seven million pieces of mail an- nually to all parts of the world. Write for YOUR FREE COPY of “The Mas- tery of Life"—TODAY. No obligation. No salesmen, A non-profit organization. Ad- dress: Scribe $.J.T. a ROSICRUCIANS SAN JOSE + (AMORC) + CALIFORNIA “SEND THIS COUPON—————— THIS BOOK FREE! 1 ssive | The ROSICRUCIANS (AMORC) I | SioJore Gaiters | Please send me the free book, The Mastery of Lije, I which Sxplsine how {may lear to use) facaites J tnd powers of ond. 1 I I I | 1 | 1 1 So —————— ————— 18 SU ae ad EDS I Made 514,839 in 1 Year SERVICING LET Baayen (lena ant hundnds oo 25) mh te se yooksee — rn Imcrehanditn - aeiost a ray be overcome by.rereducation of vocal muscles and ech mechanism. Scientific Home Method for adults & children by BX -STAMMERER baged on physiology of Speech leads to FLUENT S| PM-3, VOCAL METHODS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS See the Greatest Show on Earth with this ar ASTRONOMICAL arate 23 SUFFOLK SCIENCE SERVICE Dept D2 WATTITUGK. H. Ye POPULAR MECHANICS Cie RM ere Val th ota Aa Min Remarkable New Styrene ELECTRO - or Thousands _ of Successful Graduates ough, Upto practical training that TAKES AD- VANTAGE of new and improved training developments. Study the ADVANTAGES ‘Member of National Home Study Councit "Gomi FREE [Deve TECHNICAL INSTITUTE f) S354 batovont Aven Chlenge 41, | would like complete facts including "8 Wors | '0 Eam Money in Tolevisien-Rodio-Electronics.” i 1 | DEVRY TECHNICAL INSTITUTE | t 1 I Citrate enters Street apr. Poem MARCH 1956 19 AS EASY AS POURING WATER OUT OF A GLASS! Make Jewelry, Novelties, etc. Unlimited opportunities making beautiful and useful things out of LIQUID PLASTIC, LIQUID MARBLE, LIQUID IVORY, LIQUID GLASS, LIQUID GEMSTONE, LIQUID PORCELAIN, CERAMICS, ETC, without tools or machinery! Anyone can do it!.. ... PLASTICASTING costs you but pennies, the items you make sell for dollars! Thousands now prospering because of Liquid Plastics. Make Novelties, Jewelry, Gifts, Artware, Toys, Tools, Dies, Gadgets, Ceramics, ete. A million useful things! ‘We supply everything you need ........ MATERIALS and INSTRUCTIONS. Send only 25e for big 98 page catalog of easting materials, molds and secessories and we will include free, of extra cost a remarkable book . . “THE WONDERS: OF LIQUID PLASTICS” ...... ‘that will open your eyes io marvels you never even dreamed of! Send 25c today .... . this may be just the lucky coin that will start you on the most fascinating and profitable phase of your entire life! PLASTICAST COMPANY, _ 6612 N. Clark St.,__ Dept. PC-502, year and other fierce jungle |) beasts, Approvals. Send 10c for hand- MANY FINISH IN 2 YEARS ling. FREE STAMP MAGAZINE. No classes. No time wasted going to and from school: | LINCOLN STAMP COMPANY, Progress assis your time an abies permit. Standard 8 nada oll each year in this descriptive booktet. r GROW MINIATURE TREES Reet SIZES 10-16- WIDTHS AAA-EEE! We SPECIALIZE in large sizes only — sizes 10 to. 16; widths AAA to EEE. Low-Cuts; Wing Tips; Hand- Sewn Moccasins; Cordovans; Dress Oxfords; Work Shoes; Sox; Slippers; Rubbers. Enjoy the finest in fit, comfort, style at amazingly low cost. #) Mail only. Write for FREE Style Book TODAY! <=> KING-SIZE, INC. -733 Brockton, Mass. 20 PULAR MECHANICS Now—Whether You're a Beginner or Expert Mechanic — You Can “Lick” Any Auto Repair Job lt from 1940 Thru 1955 . sow you con fix ANY part of car—quickly, easily, and right! From carburetor adjustment to a com- plete overknul it's easy when you have MOTOR's jamous Auto Repair Manual It’s like having a staff of factory experts and MOTOR’ field-trained engi. ts beside yeu, guiding you ever Step of the way. No. wonder 60 many thousands of beginner and ox: pert mechanics alike use tis step By-step, illustrated giant manual, MOTOR’s Manual “starts from scratch”"—leads you through entire job with, casy step-ty-Step directions, clear “how-to pictures, ‘Tells you WHERE to start, whet TOOLS to use, You just CAN'T. 0 wrong! 2,900 Pictures! So Complete So Simple, You CAN'T Go Wrong! NEW, REVISED edition covers every- thing you need to know to repair any car, wer ONE THOUSAND gant pages. 2900 "This-Is-How" pictures lead you every step. ‘of, the way. 281. “Quick-Check™ charts— 23,436 comontial repsir specife Instructions and pictures se cleat you can't go wrong! Even a green boginner mechanic ‘can $0 0 good job. And if useD ay U. $, TRUCK MANUAL covers EVERY Job on EVERY popular make St OM and Cummins Biesels 1936 tara 1036 For FREE trial, check MARCH 1956 Disgrams, tables int font take ing ‘You get illustrated SP: yh rept carburetore for all types of carbu you're a top-notch mechanic, You'll be amared by the me and labor-saving methods! The “meat” of Over 160 Official Shop Manuals ‘The editors have put together the how" from over 160 Off step guidance on Automatic Trans missions, Tune Up, Ignition, Carburetors, Fuel Pumps, Clutches, Steering Gears, Reat End, Brakes, PLUS MUCH MOR! SEND NO MONEY Try Book for a Week FREE Send no money. Pay nothing to postman, ‘Test book in your Se ese 8 own garage oF Shop Its GUAR. ANTEED to pay MOTOR BOOK DEI for itset, in 7 I] Deak 16, 250 W. Ssth St. N. ¥. 19, N.Y. days. If it doesn’t, Rush to me at once (check box opposite book you want): fase fetum the isgrona' ste Auyo:mepeim manuae, Wow t took “on owe DEPORT ST, ANE MEPIS AREA lg? Bis b pothing MOTOR | font Rincrit aad at Sat ie? ae Boot Bepe, boot Il Hata Aa ian od 1G. 280" Wen wovons. Now TRUGK REALE MAKUAL. 1 OX. x Bh Sto New Ss ae Ga A aga Oe an York 38) Sa GRACE Bae a Tg cal ARMED FORCES (S'enout ta be angers Covers 737 Model:—All These Makes sia ae Saale) Same aay SEND FOR R START SPEAKING FRENCH ; v3 ry on ANS . ‘SPAN OS A avwost overmce enw ery SHENCH BAS more success, ian, gpenese or Brasitan, Lister 40 greater security Werrd. Eat" sour eges follow Norse ts FREE sate ike changin "anew language wih “Otter tay end foot Kosh help over cost “of, sbrdaiy packaging, -anipping” State angus Wel tag erat tree infomation an fg Coming ear 64s. 196. W. Sand St. New York < LEARN AT HOME IN SPARE TIME (or at college in Chicago) Check the want ade in any nowspaper—SEE the big-pay. ‘opportunities open to you as a draftsman. What's more, you can learn this well-paid, prestige profession at home quickly, easily! No special valent mecded. Get complete. step-by-step Chicago ‘Tech lessons in the mall, spend a few pleasant hours studying each week. In a short. time youll be 2 well-trained aratteman, ready to take your pick of many good Jobs. Act now! Free Information—Mail Coupon Today! Get FREE TRIAL LESSON plus information VOLUME “SALES, co War Asset (bout CTC. practical training, Learn ehat | Bbeot py.sbe_ — 3930 Suneet thud ices Chicago ‘Tech eradusies say abgut fan pay tnd epportunities In drafting. ‘No chatee, oF obligation. ACCOUNTING ess Admit CBM {ng complete dotalis on courses, plane. Fates ‘nd ‘caiployment opportunities, Gl approved. Write Debt. A. Cone eer) EXTENSION SCHOOL make CREME your business ‘ON THE SIDE OF THE LAW! Hepes mina seer ease ira borne sady lessons. Learn this exciting wark o apie time, Write for fal details now! i Stained men © prof gfe slip {Geateage) Zor deta, Noobligation. No aaleemen wil cll INST OF APPLES SCIENCE, 1820 Sense Ae ept.1381Chlengs 40,1, ne of he really GREAT povfescins' We teach you LABORATORY OVEN PRE FAI L S E TEET E T H SRBOnR Sou KLUTCH holds them tighter aici, SORE cate Doe: Cake Sr Porn icone san0) ced 35 well as with natural teeth Kutch lessens the constant a fear of a dropping. recking. chafing plate at WOW TO MAKE Tov NEW ists. Tt your druggist hasn't It, don't waste CHEMICALS! ‘on ‘substitutes, but send us 10e and we will mail Sat ecnarom Colaba po. AVARIQNAL SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY cuir, KLUTCH CO. Box 693-C ELMIRA, N. Y. pect a Riv ar S100 for ei 22 POPULAR MECHANICS LOOKING FOR JOB SECURITY AND SUCCESS? * LET MY STUDENTS AND GRADUATES TELL YOU ABOUT MY TRAINING — $60 A WEEK IN SPARE TIME HAS iar 1 hove the skill nd know 1 hove 2 shop at hone ond how to db the work ove have been wowing on radip 9 Ross B Television. best end to ey beter ond TY efter working eo thin LE things in life, thanks to ac) of my regular job. 1 average 1 ATIA. 1 om woking et TY @ $50.0 week fr this per time ABOUT MY EQUIPMENT servicing ond meking $60 a = work, RITA taining helped ek sporti, ae. in akiig aire omy YOU GET ALL THIS EQUIPRENT Harold Gi ich, we id gre re Bowie in Je electronic field. AIRCRAFT INSPECTOR Richard Hennls, Linle Roth, Aibe wane SERVICE MANAGER é 1 manoge two rodio ond Ilevision shops, one ert Ae te mete ma fects. 1 am now en Inspector RITA training incr for Douglas Aircreft ot cbovt knowledge of TY ciscols ont ——— Sits a wet, ews!’ we tte, Hugh Maddox, Los Angeles, Calif. wre methods of a ing. Le iat. seed eee ELECTRICAL TESTER ae ni t ARITA training hos helped me vundeestond TY and many vari- ‘tiens of simple circuits. The course coves all subjects very 1 om new on Elec- + for Western ot $8342 a urlington, N. Cosme ne AY), spratigily 10 ie mee eye The YOU, TOO, CAN GET A BETTER-PAYING JOB IN THE EVER-EXPANDING — is wot sued snd 1 hve ol te spice oly thee sca stenled 1 how etn RADIO-TELEVISION-ELECTRONICS FIELD Lorry M. Softord, King very goed reception ent rely ener the cate and how cane © oop wep I sing To going eyed Pmepen By TY YOu GET z . Pees tay MAL THIS COUPON TODAY ‘Courie to auolily for @ geod peying job in eo WV studio t Write ta me fadoy and let me show you hew you can bbegia now fo put yourself on the road toa better tutu) VETERANS! veterans under benefits by waiting Why limit yourself and your eamings because of your lack of te AT HOME lectronic technician, telewi ow 1 an mata TOP MONEY IN TELEVISION. | under: Mend tem under oe oberon (PASE PRN RAINY) Name re i t ‘SAMPLE LESSON, ond FREE cids thos will show me ' i i Radio T slovinion T raining A socistony 322° Rater 0 52 EAST 19th STREET © NEW YORK 3, N. Y. sacar Licensed by the Stote of New York ® Approved for Veteron Troining ko om = =m om om mm mm MARCH 1956 23 BUY DIRECT and SAVE::/2 OMe ty i, cll wh Spf brstieativn besucy now cro be pom for FREE Coler World's largest selection direct from Importer to you! 30 models to choose from, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED oF your | Hb pete STUART PROCESS 20."_Foonieat Pots, Desk Stand Style Slightly uted but In excellent condition titer Hours a eee car era tet S275 rues Petre wits Waarted eo 1 a OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS Free folder tells how! Build and operate this Profitable roadside stand— Seasonal or year ‘round, Mail coupon now. beset 24 The finest of ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA AGENTS ster at HOME GET BIG NAME MERCHANDISE for nour stents uy to 405% tos hun we. pie. Oner- ah SAY YOU SAW IT IN POPULAR MECHANICS POWER MOWERS & Kits oO iG se =e = oF TRIANGLE MAWUFACIROG€0, Dep Rar eT ua POPULAR MECHANICS Get the best! Get National Schools’ SHOP-METHOD HOME TRAINING! Start now! Why walt around for that raise or promotion hat may never come? Get started now in high-paying TV-Radio-Fectroniea! National Schools’ SHOP METHOD, Home ‘Training prepares vou for success in a top-salary, job or in your own business. Youlearn alt three... Telovi- sion, Radio, one complete course, Our Shop- Tested lessons and manuials help you master all phases in shortest possible time! Send coupon, find out today! WHY NATIONAL SCHOOLS LEADS THE FIELD Located in the “Television Center” of the world, our staff s in close touch with latest developments and opportun- ties. We give you personalized job placement assistance, We also give you confidential help with both technical and personal problems relating to your training. We show u how to make Part Time Hernings aa you Fro ether you live 30 miles away, or 3,(000, you will alw pe pleased with our prompt, friendly service! DRAFT AGE? Our home training helps you achieve special- zed ratings and higher pay grades if you go in service 30 MILLION TV SETS need regular repair! Color T" jeang more sets than e fore, NOW is the golden op tunity to cash in on this m i bee YOUR AGE billish-dollar industry Or-write your own ticket” in broadcast- 1s NO ak pumfactaring: peep \ cei paces! / OBSTACLEL : Gait Send for ra FREE LESSON! ineavo bitte ote Reuter | Teevision | ARE eee eel i goeeeet ME Ree col CoD en YOUR FUTURE vA MARCH 1956 We send you this precision-tested Multitester! Plus parts to build Oscillators, Receivers, Signal Generator, Contin- :y Checker, Combination Short Wave and Standard ey Broadcast Superhet Receiver. All this equipment is part of your National Schools ‘course. NO EXTRA CHARGES! Send coupon for free book NATIONAL ScHOOIS, nical TECHNICAL TRADE TRAINING SING! LOS ANGILES 37, Callfornio - CHICAGO: 22 IN CANADA’ 671 West Hesings Street, Vancouver © APPROVED FOR G.1, TRAINING BOTH HOME STUDY AND RESIDENT COURSES OFFERED NATIONAL SCHOOLS, Dept, RE-3S I fcoggumgmouton saat on 22,1, ison ante | ore | _, Please rush FREE BOOK, ‘My Future in Radio-Tele- I I SSSON at once, I un- | tion, and nosalesman will call. vision-Electronies,” and FREE derstand there is no cbli HDAY. I 19 I sTaTe__ [11 cteck it nterented ONtY in aie VETERANS: Give date of éichots. 25, ! ! ! 4 not everyone does as well, but E.0. Lockin, who ‘started a business of his own, reports. for 12 months I’ve averaged > 1 |) PER MONTH tay es De ead ‘9 Mr. Lockin expresses his grateful thanks for the opporteaity to makes decent living on his owa, Many men have discovered how to be independent, to be free of bosses and .. Eagles grossed more than $200 his first week.R. ‘raynor says, “i made $62 ross bn one day.” Others report Bf038 8p (© Siz (000 per year. How much you make depends largely on yor, You need 80 special skill, no large No shop necessary Our Electric Rug Washer cleans rags, carpets right on floor. - helps to show theie natural color and beauty. Soticientand safe, used by largest hotels and railroads, You take no risk. Machines fully guaranteed. Mail coupon today for compiese information including how to start making big profits in your own business. VON SCHRADER MFG. CO, RACINE, WISCONSIN Yos, too, cam stort your own business, No special shill, na Fincsiment required.) “Malt cupon fai or bering HER bok, a VON SCHRADER MFG. CO., 210 "R" Pl, Racine, Wis Send at once (no obligation) your FREE booklet con- taining information about your Electric Kug Washer Sud bow 1 can sact my oum permanent, profitable Business, a Name. Address. YOUR peemonship canbe improved in 3 hours oF orrected to your sotrnfaction sn Whours pr ‘Tce wth my DEANTE MAND CONTROLS New way! 8006 OPMENT 92%. 88 «ours. missoum g AIR CONDITIONING MAKE $3 10 $5 AN HOUR AS YOU LEARN Experts say thot centrol oir conditioning ERMEMA will be instolied in 2 million new homes ERLEeH ycorly. Already the shortage of mechanics is acvle. Meny earn to $125 0 week ond w Shop Method trains you ot home. You get 23 training kits—build and keep on ait conditioner, freezer, refrigerotor or milk cooler, Write for 2 FREE BOOKS, COMMERCIAL TRADES 1400 Greenlect Dept. R-238 Puke eres) INSTITUTE Chicoge 26, Ht. 26 Shrinks Hemorrhoids New May Without Surgery Healing Substance That ek ves Pain—Shrinke Hemorrhoids For the first time science has found a new healing substance with the astoni ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to rel pain — without surgery. In case after case, while gently relieving , actual reduction (shrinkage) took provlem! ‘The secret is a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne")— discovery of @ world-famous Teseareh institut This substance is now available in sup- ecitory or ofriment form under the name Preparation H.* Ask for it at all drug count= ere~money back guarantee. STEEL PERSONAL FILE for Safekeeping Valuable Papers Sleep free of worry — your valuable papers and records saie in this se- Gare, beavy gauge steel personal fie Precision made to last a lifetime. With leek, Key end carrying handle. Holds over 800 papers, Complete with A to Z folders; extra folders for budget, in- surance, tax records. ete. Size 1244" x 10ig"x5ig". For heme, business. farm. tts tee ALTON COMPANY freee ae, esi N. 16th ST., PHILA. 26, ‘Rog, U-8, Pat, Ott, PA COMPLETE LOW COST SHOP METHOD HOME TRAINING NOW AVAILABLE Got, is on Mig Mteney opportunities tn, Plastic Solding, casting, forming, caging, ee, ‘Barn e_sou learn ‘with oterstate's professionally = Dregered course” Ail plastie mateclats furnished, far’ °°* INTERSTATE TRAINING SERVICE BOOKLET DEPT. C-3, PORTLAND 13, OREGON 250 rowen 2 ES oe F Complete : pore or Sn Pare, Mon iorotih Maake howe couse mee Beis an Benes OPE ncage 14, 1 POPULAR MECHANICS i trains you at home to be an expert technician in 10 TV ELECTR 10 TV NOW THREE HOME STUDY COURSES ««. prepared by instructors of RCA institutes in cooperation with techni- ans, engineers, and training special- ists of RCA. Clearly written .. easy to understand... the same high cali- ber instruction ‘as. given in resident classrooms of RCA INSTITUTES. © COURSE I—RADIO-TELEVISION ELECTRONICS—star's you from the ground up to a solid working knowl. edge of electronics. Without any Previous experience, you get a thor. ‘ough training in radio theory and servicing ‘techniques for AM, FM, jome and car radios . . . plus an introduction to the fundamental theory and practices of television. @ COURSE II—TELEVISION SERVIC- §NG—prepares you to advance from radio into the expanding field of tele- vision servicing as a. well-trained service technician, If you have com- pleted Course 9¢ aré now workin in the field of radio or TV, Course I will show you the many special tech- niques of trouble-shooting, aligning, checking, and repairing modern black and white TV sets. MARCH 1956 ECTRONICS A) RCA INSTITUTES, INC. A SERVICE OF PADIO CORFORATION of AMERICA © "250 WEST FOURTH STREET NEW YORK6, W.% © TV SERVICING NEW TV 1GT AVAILABLE wiTk COURSE I—there is no better way to learn than by doing and RC Instituteshas developeda large-screcn TY KIT available to home study siu- dents to build while taking Course If. Whas the most modern up-to-date circuitry, actually enabling you 10 Apply at home ail the latest servicing techniques, COLOR TELEVISION si covers all phases of color servicing techniques. Tt is a practical, down-to-earin course color theory aswell as how-to-do-it servicing procedure. A natural move “up” from Course Il or for those now employed in TV. SINCE 1909, RCA INSTITUTES has trained thousands for sucessful careers in electronics. Many gradu RCA Institutes Ine, Home Study PM-3S 350 West Fourth Sr ‘Without obligation, send. me FREE CATALOG on Hone Study i | | Codaas ete Paetionen Cos No lemon a | ! ! | Adee. « CO City ___Zone_state, Lee LOR TV SERVICING SERVICING ateshaveestablished their own paying. business. Now this opportunity is available to you at home. “PAY-AS-YOU-LEARN” PLAN. you pay for one, study, group at & time, a8_you ‘progress through the course. Tuition costs are amazingly low. For full details, mail coupon. A SERVICE OF RADIO CORPORA F AMERICA—RCA. INSTI TUTES is licensed by the N. Y. State Education Department... recom- mended by radioand television service ‘organizations. SEND FOR ect, NY. T4,N Y, Prove Fiat Mri 8 Inventors : fe besa aai pars rupfure must Take these necessary preliminary steps BE AY and NIGHT. promptly to protect your invention by apply- Consult Your Doctor. ing for a United States patent— = OE ~~ Sketch and describe your inve1 tion. 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