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ecial es 1956 | POPULAR | Our Newest JET BOMBER. . . an artist's conception of the delta B-58 What's it like te own a $10,000 car? Read the OWNERS REPORT on the CONTINENTAL MARK Il ANTARCTIC ALBUM Fight pages of color photographs from the bottom of the world How to take pictures indoors without flash Replace your worn-out floors with BEAUTIFUL, ECONOMICAL TILE FLOORING DO-IT-YOURSELF IN JUST A FEW HOURS Yes, you can install your own smart, easy-to-clean, MATICO Tile Floor . . . fre from floor drudgery ... in just a few hours, It's easy with MATICO's new illustrated instruction book to show you how.,And you couldn’t choose a more economical, durable. colorful flooring. MATICO. comes in «d colors, Confetti dots- of-color patterns and smart wood tones in asphalt, and vinyl-asbestos tile. CUT COSTS TOO Save money? You het. You save plenty by installing your own floor. .. and MATICO saves on upkeep, too, because it requires less care, lasts for years. Ask your MATICO dealer for full details today. He's listed un- der “floors” in the classified telephone di- rectory. Or mail coupon for your free instruction book. Sas) Cy ry PV mxol aon) | I Please send me full details on MATICO Ti I Flooring and FREE install-it-yourself instruc- | MASTIC TILE CORPORATION ees ! OF AMERICA NAMI { aie, + Newburgh, N.Y. 1 ADDRESS—________ ] Rubber + Vinyl + Asphalt Tile + Confetti » Aristoflex 1 cITY___ZONE_STATE_____ | Parquetry * Maticork * Cork Tile + Plastic Wall Tile Siiaianaceneiieesuiintiicscsaea dials bei scisiaiiictll AC HOT TIP HEATS FAST TO PREVENT FOULING! COOLS FAST TO CONTROL PRE-IGNITION! ‘The unique AC Hot Tip Spark Plug insulator is deeply recessed to meet the demands of today’s varying driving conditions: stop-and-go city traffic and high-speed highway cruising! The AC Hot Tip heats fast to burn away oil, carbon and other deposits as soon as they form. These fouling deposits are the cause of misfiting, loss of power and poor performance in high-compression engines. The AC Hot Tip cools fast to con- trol the pre-ignition of high-octane gasolines. Knocking, ping- ing and rough engine performance are the results of harmful pre-ignition. Ask your AC dealer to check your spark plugs to If he recommends new ones, you'll find that AC Hot Tip Spark Plugs are best for today’s high-compression engines and high- octane gasolines! Thais one MONA LYG5-59H-QiT1 GM [sie] Watch BIG TOWN on NBC-TV AC SPARK rive BP THE ELECTRONICS DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS SEPTEMBER 1956 WARREN A, MARRISON. Tompion Gold Medal, Worshipful Company of Clockmokers of the City of London, for pioneer work on development of quartz enjstal oxcilloters os pre cision standards of time. W. G. PFANN. Mathew sonGold Medal, American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, for discovery of and pio- neering research in zone melting. R. KOMPFNER. Duddell Medal, Physical Socisty of England, for his original work on the traveling wave tube. BELL TELEPHONE LABORATORIES AXEL G. JENSEN, David Sernoff Gold Medal, So- ciety of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, for Television Research; G. A. Hagemann Gold Medal for Industriel Research, Royal Technical College, Copenhagen. H. T. FRIIS. Medal of Honor, Institute of R Engineers, and Voldemor Poulsen Gold Medal, Dan- ish Academy of Technical iances; important work in application of short ond ultroshort radio waves. These are some of our recent medat winners at Bell Laboratories. The awards they have won symbolize recognition for outstanding echievement in the many scl- ences that bear on telephony. Bell Lobs is extremely proud of them—cnd of the thou- sands of scientists and engineers who work with them to keep the American telephone system the greatest in the world. CLAUDE E. SHANNON. Stort Ballonfine Medal, Fronklin Institute of the Stote of Pennsylvania, for contributions to a compre- hensive theory of commu- nication. H. F. DODGE. Shevhart ‘Modal, American Society for Quality Control, for original contributions to the ort of statitical qual- ity control. WALTER H. BRATTAIN. ‘Cowinner with’'Dr. John Bardeen of John Scott Medals, City of Philadel phio, for invention of the transistor. WORLD CENTER OF COMMUNICATIONS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT POPULAR MECHANICS Popular Mechanics Magazine Registered in U. S. Patent Office and Canada H. H. WINDSOR, Founder H. H. WINDSOR, JR., Editor and Publisher SEPTEMBER 1956 2 Roderick M. Grant Assistont Menaging Editor . Wayne Whittaker Shop Notes and Crafts Editor ncn nadames R, Word Radio-Television, Electronics Edi tether Steen Managing Edi Associate Editor, Automotive. Associate Editor, Shop Notes and Crafts Associote Editor, Shop Notes —Wayne C. Leckey W. Clyde Lommey | Assistant " } Auto: Correspondent. Art Director... ‘Assistant Editors—Leonerd F. Hilts, Emily M. Rice, Eorl f. Wobeck Eastern Editor Richord F. Dempewollt Empire State Bidg., Room 2908, New York City 1 Western Editor Thomas E. Stimson, Jr. Suite 1010, 3460 Wil london Maneger Eagle House, Director, Bureau of Inf 2 ie tot Agu cat Jermyn Sty landon 8, we Englond Ilan Corpenter Not; Ae 4 GO Mort When Cecil York got tired of answering the gog question “how do you wind 1" he instellod big key on the back of his Volkswagen for a trip tram San Fernando, Geli. to Migour. For key fo the succes | Electrons Join the College Feculty month what the American owners of Volks- Era of the Fi fave to say about i. Our report naires sent to the Volkiwagen queers will appear in the October Don’t Step Fishing Keeping 2000 Ghost Ships Alive - - Indoor Pictures Without Flash - What's New for Your Hom: : Owners Report on the Continental Mark There's Atomic Energy in Granite - ie i ier ae i sere Se Sait seo pleaser ote es ae Keeping Up With the Atom - = = + Radio, TVand Electronics. - = - = + ap y, "op Ata joe toad Or We ee Ca LfOUCAL 0 04 Gg Matching Lamp and Folding Screen + Knock Out That Spot -- - : 7! “Rolling Dinette” Has Drop leaves - Solving Home Problems - - z The Causes and Cures of Tire “Thump” Electric Sparks Cut Hard Metals - ie, wiahe ot Hades RR ache ts In tbe acca Shopping for Tools - - - - - "Sha “sdetne Tenders tp tnveginnte the, Fa Clinic for Homemakers - SS ate SE aE. aE a “avoid possttle lability fer patent infringerwent SEPTEMBER 1956 Engineers Report: 1956 CHEVROLET HERES WHY ITS EASY 10 "POINT" A CHEVROLET By ED COLE, Chevrolet Chief Engineer After you’ve driven a new Chevrolet for a while you'll find that one of the most satisfying things about it is its steering. You “point” it where you want it to go and it goes there—with superlative ease and precision. The secret is Ball-Race steering, in which 54 micro-polished steel balls pro- vide rolling friction instead of the usual sliding friction. The “drag” of friction is reduced to the lowest point we can get it. And, in addition, the weight on the front wheels is lightened by moving the center of balance farther back. The result is exceptionally light-handed steering—manual steering that comes awfully close to the ease of power steer- ing. Better still, the improved weight distribution gives Chevrolet better rear wheel traction and better roadability. Our ideal at Chevrolet is to produce the best road car the world has ever seen— and Ball-Race steering is a big factor. Your Chevrolet dealer will be glad to arrange a demonstration so you can sample it for yourself—a preview of the additional pleasure Chevrolet can give you during every mile you drive... . Chevrolet Division of General Motors, Detroit 2, Michigan, Texaco Tips On Car Cate How to test your brakes Be sure that all tires have equal and cor- rect pressure, then drive to a hard-surfaced road where there is no traffic. Then, at twenty miles per hour speed, hit the brakes fast and hard. If your car doesn’t stop within twenty feet, or it pulls to one side, or only one tire mokes scuff mark, your brakes need expert attention. If you have to pump the brake pedal, probably the hydraulic Avid level is low, or air is in the system. For safety’s sake, don't delay any brake work found necessary. Treat yourelf—and your car— to Morfak chassis lubrication. Tiger-tough Marfak protects vital chassis points of wear and fric- tion... won't jar out, shake out or splash out... keeps giving you that cushiony feeling for 1,000 miles or more. Today, drive in for longer lasting Marfak chassis lubrication, Available from your Texaco Dealer, the bext friend your car has ever had. TEXACO DEALERS in att 48 states Texaco Products are also distributed in Canada and in Latin America SEPTEMBER 1956 5 New Tools for Your Needs Further Expand PROTO's Huge Professional- Quality Line. Joining the thousands of other proven standard and special tools are hundreds of new tools, developed to meet the ex- acting requirements of your job. With this extensive line you can build a com- plete matched set of guaranteed tools, getting time-saving designs, long service and highest quality at the right price. Make your PROTO dealer your Tool Headquarters. Send 10¢ for catalog of entire line to PROTO TOOLS 2235 Santa Fe Ave., Los Angeles 54, Calif. Eastern Factory, Jamestown, N.Y., Canadian Factory, London, Ont, ‘ACROSS THE : ‘DESK To the Editor: On behalf of the officers and men of the Civil Engineer Corps and Seabees, I want to compliment you and Mr. Richard E. Dempewolff on the excellent articles in your April and May issues, “Seabees Build a Town Under Antarctic Ice.” ‘These articles are the most thorough and complete that we have seen of our partici- pation in Operation Deepfreeze, and we are proud of your excellent and very interest ing coverage and pictures. ‘We have publicized these articles to our people. However, it is such a fine presenta- tion that we would like very much to have permission to reprint it, or portions, in our official monthly publication for our Re- serve Officers, the “CEC Bulletin.” We would appreciate very much having your permission to do so, ‘Again, our sincere congratulations to you and to Mr. Dempewolff. R. H. Meade, Rear Admiral, CEC, USN, Chief of Bureau of Yards and Docks, Washington, D. C. To the Editors T have just finished reading “Look What Happens When the Atom Strikes a Valley” by Clifford B. Hicks, in your May 1956 issue. I am wondering if I could obtain per- mission to use the material in this article in making certain off-the-cuff speeches in my home state. 1 frequently have invitations to speak unexpectedly in communities which have expressed a desire for the establishment of a gigantic atomic-energy project. The article expresses the possibilities, both good ard bad, in such a way that I find it entirely adequate to my purpose. T would, of course, give Popular Mechan- ies Magazine credit for gathering this information. Clinton P. Anderson New Mezico’s Senator Anderson is chair- man of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy of the United States Congress. | Editor's Note | _ Commenting on the “tripont sloop” pie~ | tures on our July cover, Comdr. Victor ' (Continued to page 8) POPULAR MECHANICS [EB rene tt teres commenting chat wil terest you. Not a magic formula—not a get-rich-quick scheme— but something more substantial, more practical. Of course, you need something more than just the desire to be 2 accountant. You've got to pay the price <“fe'wiling co study eamnesti, thoroughly. Still, woulda’t it be worth your while to sactifice some of your leisure in favor of interesting home study over a comparatively brief period? Always provided that the rewards were good—a silary of $4,000 to $10,000 and up? An accountant’s duties are interesting, varied and of real worth to his employers. He has standing! Do you feel that such things aren't for you? Well, don't be too sure. Very possibly they ean be! Why not, like so many before you, investigate LaSalle’ modern Problem Method of taining for an Accounting position? Just suppose you were permitted to work in an accounting firm under the personal supervision of an “xpert accountant. Suppose, with his aid, you studied sccounting principles and solved problems day by day —easy ones at firsi—then more difficult ones. If you could do this—and could curn to him for advice as the problems became complex — soon you'd master them all, That's the training you follow in principle under the LaSalle Problem ‘Method. ‘You cover accounting from Basic Accounting right through Accounting Systems and Income Tax Proce. dure. As you go along, you absorb the principles of General Accounting, Auditing and Basic Cost Account- ing. Then you may choose Commercial Accounting, Industrial Accounting or Public Accounting and Prepare for the C. P. A. examinations. Your progress is as speedy as you care to make it— depending on your own eagerness to learn and the time you spend in study, Will recognition come? The only answer, as you know, is that success dees come to che man who is really traimd. W's possible your employers will notice your improvement in a very few weeks or months, Indeed, many LaSille graduates have paid for their training — with increased earnings—before they have completed it! For accountants, who are trained in organization and management, ate the executives of the future. Get Froe Sample Lesson—Also “Accountancy, The Profession That Pays” For your own good get all the facts about this completely new and moder accounting training, Write for Free Sample Lesson—also latest book “Accountancy, The Profession ‘That Pays.” ‘They will prove thar Accounting offers brilliant futures to those who aren't afraid of serious home study, and ‘ill show the wide range of opportunities that exis: today. No cost ot obligation, If you waat a position of higher incon rene prestige and professional san :--MAIL THE COUPON NOW! Member, National Hone Study Council LASALLE E 417 S$. Dearborn St. Lason—also’ Nene. Maras. Cay, Zone & Stee... SEPTEMBER 1956 A CORRESPONDENCE INSTITUTION want to be ag accovatant. Send me without ebliga “iaccouatancy, The Profession that Pays XTENSION UNIVERSITY Dept. 9644 Chicoge 5, Hl. . Free Sample OWN THIS az, 2 Oars COMBINATION FOR AS LITTLE AS $26.82 PER MONTH PACEMAKER aS SPEED GRAPHIC AND STROBOFLASH® IV You can do more things better with the Pacemaker Graphic than with any other camera. Most of the nation’s press photographers are a testimonial to its ruggedness, dependability, and all-round per- formance. Portraiture, sports, action, copying, close-ups, and photo-micrography are within its scope. Exclusive Graflok Back permits using Graphic film attachments for sheet film, film packs, glass plates, 120 size roll film, Graphic Polaroid Back and the Grafmatic sheet film magazine. The Graphic Rangefinder can be accurately matched in seconds to wide angle, normal or telephoto lenses by means of interchangeable cams. A focus- ing Rangelite is coupled to Rangefinder mechanism for night use. LOW COST FLASH PICTURES Economical Stroboflash IV portable electronic flash unit reduces flash illumination to as little as two cents per shot... permits the instant choice of $0, 100, 150 or 200 watt-seconds energy storage for maximum lighting flexibility. GRAFLEX, INC., ROCHESTER 8, N. Y. (Continued from page 4) ‘Tchetchet of the International Multihull Boat Racing Association tells us he has been experimenting with trihulled boats since 1938. The commodore’s first trimaran was launched in 1945 and raced in the 1946 Marblehead Race Week, was destroyed in a storm in 1950 and he then built another which won trofhies in several regattas. A 20-foot trimaran designed by Commodore Tehetchet was the subject of a how-to-~ build article in PM’s Craftsman section for July 1951. To the Editor: Many thanks for “How Would You Do It?” by Chris Nelson, in the July issue. This has helped me a lot in my shop work. Not only is the photography good, but you are to be commended on your safety fea- tures. I look forward to your continuing this as a feature of your subsequent issues. Dr. Robert C. Bailie, Waynesboro, Ga. To the Editor: In the newspepers lately there have been stories about runaway trucks down hills and mountains because of no brakes. I have an idea that may not seem too silly in this auto-minded world of today. Here it is: You are starting down a mountainside and when you put your foot on the brake pedal, it goes to the floor. No brakes! You're moving too fast to use the emer- gency brake for fear the trailer truck will jacklenife. You pull a lever that has a cable running under ‘he truck to the rear of the trailer to a metal box 12 inches deep and 3 by 3 feet square. The cable pulls a latch out and two doors swing open like bomb bays on an airplane. After doors are open, a huge parachute falls behind and opens. ‘The truck slows down rapidly. Then you use the emergency brake to bring the truck under control. From the time you discover you have no brakes till the time the chute opens it would take less than 30 seconds. ‘They use parachutes to slow down huge airplanes that come in for fast landings and they weigh much more than a loaded trailer truck. Parachute, box, cable, etc., would amount to about $100. Consider a trailer truck hauling a pay load of $5000 to $10,000 over mountains two or three times a week, it would be worth the extra safety device. C. L. Blundell, Jr., 1109 S. Taylor St., Arlington, Va. (Continued to page 10) POPULAR MECHANICS ae SUCCESS STORY aU eg 3 ‘These are the true stories of people who seemed trapped in routine, low-pay shaky jobs. Handicapped by lack of proper train- ing, they couldn’t get the things they wanted out of life—more money, a job they liked, security and happiness. ‘They are a small sample of the thousands of men and women—young and old—who turn to I. C.S. for help. Their will-to-learn plus L. C.'S. training have changed the course of their lives. Are you discouraged with your job and pay and feel you can’t improve yourself be- cause of lack of specialized education? Well, these men and women were in the same boat. With L.C.S. training, one of these success stories could be about you. 1. G5, 1s he oldest and targest correspondence school. 256 courses. Business, industrial, engineer ine: academic. high school. One for yon. Direct. job- related, Bedrock facts, and. theory. plus practical application, Complete lesson and answer service, No skimping. Diploma to graduates. 1009 contest —“Alter my marees I sccured a new Robert Lee tok the qpeering work mars EUS Cotree i Advertcing i cafrea Becki els large corporation, ™ matted om the way Meso EPs sion vancement, a gold mine of tips on “How to Succeed.” Also a big catalog outlining opportunities in your “Aa a callgs gradu | fund 1.0.8. From 16 w00 anent— C3. how Promotion MM. 3 FREE BOOKS-— 2 36-page pocket-size guide to ad- field of interest and a sample ILC.S, lesson (Math.). For Real Job Security—Get an I. C. S. Diploma! BOX 926263, SCRANTON 9, PENNA. Wout cost or eton, vod ma “HOW o SUCCEED" aot th operant booked aout te ld BEFORE which 1 have mumed X ARCHITI AVIATION Rae RI EBtne iii in Ee ae i a a 900, sno909 i f STRUCTURAL LEADERSHIP fefonaray va ari cs Cy. Oecepatee Cam, Special uo rates tp memoers f Eo U.S Nmed Fore SEPTEMBER 1956 (Continued from page 8) To the Editor: Tam a reader of your magazine. It is very excellent and wonderful, especially the articles for the craftsman. Iam very interested in modeling small planes and machines. Now I want to make LE ARN a jet engine for my bicycle, so I would be very thankful if you would send me some details for this. Farouk Ismail, Saddar Bazar, Hyderabad, West Pakistan G kkk SERVICIN Back in December 1947, PM reported ime! ‘ F ire time: the construction by William Tenney and at home—in your spa Charles Marks at Dayton, Ohio, of what GET THE FACTS FREE! i Lat x sand you — nition cligatin — a Same tes Soh Buss "the_infomation Wat pee eect Sey Hane nn oad success the atonal fie Bushee, eto you that. salaries. are higher, opportunities greater, advancement quicker in the ‘astegrowing Oil Burner industry. 5 PROGRAMS IN ONE. We ctfer you a complete and aoproved training protram — available at no other iol = prepared with the co-operation of America's leading heating system manufacturers. Covers Installa- tion, ion, Maintenance and Service plus Electrical Goole tiesrin eorstrvevon aro sheet Met fab Ol Fleation.” Even includes @. “Special Business” Plan to hrip you Start yeur own ‘service shop. i + TODAY! put your spare time to work , ; : ‘Lear a sklled trade. Mo previous experience oF special was acclaimed the world’s first jet-pro- lobe in your own area, ‘Low tuition. Tools fumished. ff | Pelled bicycle (above), powered by three Ind coupon now. No obligation. MASS. TRADES “ise since 193 RESIDENT SCHOOL — APPROVED FoR VETS LICENSED 8Y MASS, O1PT. OF EDUCATION Member — Oil Heat BI instore of America YQ, a tiny jet engines developed for model planes. 1 Our Automotive Editor, Art Railton, didn’t [|| recall this, however, and thought the idea J) Be imprdenical. He took the letter home 1 t and showed it to his sons. “Don't be silly, dad,” replied Steve, aged seven. “I'll show you how to build one.” Here is Steve's solution of the problem: mos ZN) 161-A High St., Boston 10, Mass. Please ruth FREE bockiot and Sample Lesson on Oil BURNER SERVICING. 1 wadersiand there is n0 obligation. Radio-Television Can Give You a Job with a Future s iN RADIO-TV SERVICING 30. mal Hi God epportunities RADIO-TV BROADCAS! oat) ‘busine é-y| NLR.L. Trains You at Home in Spare Time Good Spare Time Earnings my fast Growing Industry Offers You Better Pay and Bright Future Before cavolling Tl was. a laborer FLUS opporissity many. students earn $10, $15 a week Poe fearsome uae peed, Radio is the ideal combination ext in spare time fixing sets, Vacuum. } TV sevice ab PLUS profitable spare succes You know the uch Tule Voltmers, you bulld helps locate . unites in Ra Sod cotect Sel toubies Easy Un E-h DUDEK, CMen.T RESET otitetan: Siena te wa? os Sterted His Ows Business ine to propre you auchly, Aad you LEARNGEY-DQING wih sacl papas ore = coda faowbitediamg. oF egubment whic Toe Patel a maa Ee ee Tee ane naneally Not pune re is n9 futere for me here What Se RUN Gif do without Speralized sainnge OWest, and Largest Home Now TV Studie supervior Whstchance have [pot,Tean® go away. Study Radio-TV School F wpervibor io schnol2” Ie thouehis like these worry” NRE has grown with Radle-TY. Skilled PD) si ss reste wre me, toe sor airion oe hie tad spo eels © My. pres ion Is Studio Su- advancement and securty—find out what devete fal tloe to providing elleciog p] Nz teen, poston 16 Sue St adncenent and ecu _fndout wis! dole fll tine to prowling fies Wichita” SELMER FREWALDE, has keen heping ambitious men trsin for face Woesbe tard et feputtion at Wichita, ‘Kansas and cash in on the opportu ached ye second med nepiatiog of Euritzto men who aby Radio-Teles ign nay ROA TY ea ME ee You Learn by Practicing foe Caer ay Aue Many stedent Added bh Soon — $10, for trains i with Kits NARUL Sends $i3'c.week ta spare time "=: eet As proof that NAL training is Feeoll- Diploma Find ut more. Mail coupon Nothing takes the Getlug practic eon after cocllie, NAL Dept JA, Washington 9. Tt Dance of praca Seine i BREE LESSON PPT REEATESTENTT TGS! AND CATALOG miteeetichdediieds Pat This lowe MajiSooosc: Fasc on bt I pepr, G8, Washington 9, D.C. 1 t piel cage, caer ete Gatet Gard ot mall in eave power Radio é Transmitter. other NEL pe cat Communic 3 Wane Coupes Nou Sve bow sof hes cath: iid Vacuum nee Tube Vokmeter, E> ie caupeent. ~ WETERANS ! BPGouce. "Available Under GAL Bills t_.*zerored embe: Netina! Heme Sey Come SEPTEMBER 196 u HOME & CAR WASHER with 2 washing heads ‘Black Eagle GERMAN BINOCULARS 3 Now 3- or ra FLASHLIT SWISS ARMY SS TYPE KNIFE 18 OVER 50,000 SOLD AT $3.95 1956 MODEL SPECTOSCOPES| of ‘yeotasies: Uh ar wah 3 2 iu # L POPULAR MECHANICS INVENTORS Lieam how to protect your invention. The U. 8. Patent Laws provide that any new and useful art, machine, article of manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may be patented if the act of invention is involved. Therefore, every inventor with a valuable invention should take advantage of the Patent Laws and proceed for patent protection in order to safeguard his rights. A patent gives the inventor the exclusive right to prevent others from making, using, or selling the invention claimed in the patent for a period of seventeen years. The Patent Laws were enacted for the benelit of the inventor to give him protection for the features of his invention which are patentable. These features must be properly and con- cisely set forth and claimed in a formal application for patent, in order to comply with the requirements of the Patent Laws. For that reason, unless the inventor is familiar with patent matters, he should engage a competent registered patent attorney or agent to represent him. We are registered to practice before the U. S. Patent Office and are prepared to serve you in the handling of your patent matters. A specially prepared booklet entitled "Patent Guide for the Inventor", containing detailed information with respect to patent protection and procedure, together with a “Record of Invention’ form will be promptly forwarded to you without obligation upon request. CLARENCE A. O'BRIEN & HARVEY JACOBSON Registered Patent Attorneys 61-3 DISTRICT NATIONAL BUILDING WASHINGTON 5, D. ©. SEPTEMBER 1956 3B WHAT SECRET POWER DID THIS MAN POSSESS? BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (A Rosicrucian) "Wary was this man great? How does anyone —man or woman—achieve greatness? Is it not by mastery of the powers within ourselves? Know the mysterious world within you! At- tune yourself to che wisdom of the ages! Grasp the inner power of your mind! Learn the sect sets of « full and pescoful life! Benjamin Franklin—like many other leamed and great men and women—was a Rosicr- cian. ‘The Rosicrucians (NOT a religious or- ganization) first came to America in 1694, Today, headquarters of the THis BOOK Rosicrucians send over seven "TED E Ey million pieces of mail an- ually to all parts of che [SOR world. Write for YOUR F FREE COPY of “The Mas- tery of Life”—TODAY. No obligation. No salesmen. A non-profit organization, Ad- dress: Scribe V.P.C. ‘te ROSICRUCIANS | SAN JOSE + (AMORC) * CALIFORNIA Se gEND THIS couron—— Scribe he AOSICRGCIANS (AMOR) Pes os me sf book, The Mastery of Life, which explains how I'moay Tetra to use my faces nd powers of mind. 14 Not Satisfied With Your Present Earnings? Investigate This NEW 2inl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Money-Making HOT snd HOT SOUP Vendors or Both Types You, We Set Up Routes ching, easy-Jo-operate sending machines elicit, “pattgnall knw Mot Dein or wice giving age, FREE. Ne ebligicion! 7 supeRion DISTRIBUTING CORP. 4555 €. warren Ave,, Deow fdazess and hone Dept. CB, sizes, 10t016 AAAs te oFEE a Eta Perri) CULE me eet er Vey i ath by Rocket DIRECTRONIC Fa ied wl POPULAR MECHANICS 4S ond Gantt 35,000 ENGINEERIN Posts stitt UNFILLED HERE'S NEW OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU IN THE BIG RACE FOR ENGINEERS ! Read between the news headlines. You'll see a whole new field of op- portunity opening up in the race for Engineers. Here's your one big chance to help the Free World and win a professional rating. As an Engineer you'll do inter- esting, rewarding work. You'll ment. Half our industrial leaders have come up through Engineer. ing. You'll enjoy high professional standing; economic, cultural and prestige. You'll get true job security. And soon after you start your course you'll be ready for a job in an engineering department fas an aide. For Real Job Security—Get an I. C. S. Diploma! ‘BOX 356265, SCRANTON 9, LC.S, « ip YOUL Almost every phase of Engineering is represented in the 256 I.C.S. courses. You study in your spare time, at your own pace. No inter- ference with job or social life. In- struction is personalized, direct, job-related. Bedrock facts and theory plus practical application, Low cost. Easy- to grad Coupon Q) “How to Succeed”—36-page guide to advancement. (2) Career Catalog of opportunities in field of your choice. (3) Sample I,C.S. lesson in basic mathematics. Just mark and mail the coupon below. INDUSTRY'S BOOR IS WIDE OPEN TO NEW ENGINEERS “I obtained a professional rat- ing one year short of the time required to complete a college engineering course,” A.P.A., Wyomissis This statement helps demonstrate the thoroughness of 1. C.S, instrue- tion, Take the Engineering courses, for example. You go step-by-step from simple Arithmetic to advanced subjects: Thermodynamics, Draft- ing, Hydrostatics, Strength of Materials, Report Writing, Com- mercial Law, ete, There’s no serimping. You cover as many as 176 subjects in all—as rapidly as your time and ability permit. Member 1. C. 8, Scranton 9, Penna, Member. No ‘Pata ist of 296 counes) \winoat costo obtain stad we "HOW lo SUCCEED” an he opportunty Dokl! about te Held BEFORE which Ihave mad X (plus sample lesion): ARCHITECTURE” AVIATION CIVICSTRUCTURAL LEADERSHIP O Televisa Tahaan Bee BUIEGING. — Acoma! Enewine ENGINEERING toy COnsrmvction — Barrett rane Meanie Gil Encneeane gh eet, PQ orebutontnrerne D Architectural tterors B Readhe Sted Bloepats 5 Beile Goneator 5 Snot Expewrne Bale Esmee 5 stat emgerine sete Rane 5 Stivrin set Soptte Bair naa ini connor Archit ton Rowdee Ach npn H = pose eng germs ‘Brain of Stocurat brting 8 Fain otrtne see ee £3 Soe rd ae Sur atecing Bese taprectine, 1 Shag and Piting 2 Bert Cleaning to tay mason OW scoot, c imurs/cetene SON Ase te’ Teamene komm Oe toon 5 fractal ace Ene BAtoackie Mette hentia B fis Operates tame Mone A fy. 2 state Working Hours AM PM ‘Canaca rengents se oop fo Intentions Crregndence Shoot, Conan le, Sccstion =— Nontral, Corda. Spec ton tates b amtrs of he U. 8. Ar SEPTEMBER 1956 Learn at Home Electrical Appliances ‘To build a better future, get into a field where there’s much important ‘work and the security that comes from knowing a good trade. Servicin; electrical appliances offers that OPPORTUNITY, Every wired home has an average of 8 electrical appliances. Up to 10 million new appliances are sold every year and owners pay well to keep them in repair. That’s making a fast-growing need for trained men. Start Soon to Earn $3, $4, $5 an Hour Extra in Your Spare Time Start soon to fix electric toasters, clocks, fans, yacuum cleaners and other appliances for neigh- bors and friends. Work in your basement, garage or spare room. Pick up $3 to $5 an Hour extra that way. It's easy to increase your earning power—to pay for this training many times over with your spare time earnings. learn and Earn with Multi-Use Tester Built with Parts We Send This course includes the parts to build a portable, sturdy Appliance Tester that helps you locate electrical defects quickly and easily. You use it to learn and do actual electrical appliance re- pair jobs. If you want better pay learn this good 16 PUT cca the SCA Lai: CCM M TLC Coe MUL IL ie IN YOUR to Fix SPARE TIME trade. No need to give up your present job. ‘You can train at home in your spare time for only $2.50 down and $5.00 a month. A small price to pay for increased earnings, a more secure future. Paste coupon below on a 2c postal or mail in envelope for free book and sample lesson, Address National Radio Institute, Dept. AJ6, Weshington 9, D.C. 2c TO MAIL THIS COUPON MAY STAR’ YOU TO SUCCESS [inanoear Lane werner aon a aT jem WATIONAC WOME BTUDY COUNCIL be arrnove POPULAR MECHANICS INV ENTPORS If you believe that you have an invention, you should find out how to protect it. The first step is to have a search made of the prior pertinent U. S. patents, If a report on this search indicates that the invention appears patentable you can apply for a patent, and the specifications and claims should be prepared. The firm of McMorrow, Berman & Davidson, with offices in Wash? ington, D. C., is qualified to take the necessary steps for you. We can make a preliminary search on your invention, advise you whether we think it can be patented, and prepare your application for patent. Unless you are fully familiar with the U. S. Patent Laws, we recom- mend that you engage the services of a Registered Patent Attorney to protect your interests. The patent laws are your laws. A patent gives you the right to prevent others from making, using or selling the invention claimed in your patent for a period of 17 years. Use these patent laws for your protection. Investigate whether your invention can be patented. If you have what you believe to be an in: vention, we suggest that you have this firm make a search for you: Send for a copy of our Patent Booklet entitled “How To Protect Your Invention," containing in- formation about patent protection and patent procedure. Along with this we will also send you an “Invention Record” form, for your use in writing down and sketching details of your in- vention. We will mail them promptly. No obli- éation. They are yours for the asking. McMORROW, BERMAN & DAVIDSON Registered Patent Attorneys PATENTS . COPYRIGHTS . PATENTS: 1351 VICTOR BUILDING, WASHINGTON 1, D.C SEPTEMBER 1956 17 , Big-future AUTO MECHANICS & DIESEL COURSE” jo jr” Los Angeles’ National Schools, America’s automotive ‘echnical Trade School since 1905,now brings its famous resident Shops and Faculty direct to you at home—to pre- pare youto earn more money. with jb security, in today’s fast-moving, opportunity-filled Auto Mechanics Industry! Get your home training from the “Car Capital of The World'— America’s most auto-minded city, center of Hot Rod and Sports Car activity! Mail coupon right now! “SHOP-METHOD” HOME TRAINING! YOU MASTER ALL PHASES, INCLUDING DIESEL. All lessons fully illustrated. We show you how to ecrn as you learn. OK for Vets, Graduate Advisory Service. NOW! YOU GET AND KEEP ALL OF THIS VALUABLE, PROFESSIONAL EQUIPMENT! ‘Approved for G1 Training, NATIONAL SCHOOLS foncouver, 8. NATIONAL SCHOOLS bebe crarterectraieae tc ane ! NATIONAL SCHOOLS, Dept. DB96 MAIL NOW TO OFIICE NEAREST YOU TAPAS FIQUEOA ST. on TZN. LASALLE St LOS ANGELES 97, CALE "eHeAGO 1, HLL, [Sed ts FEE Atel Gptnty Boot and Sample esa sane BIRTHDAY. J soonrss. Boi. A vee Seema eee 18 Shrinks Hemorrhoids New Way Without Surgery Science Finds Healing Substance ery Relieves Pain—Shrinks Hemorrhoids For the first time science has found a new healing substance with the astonishing ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve pain — without surgery. In case after case, while gently relievin pain, “actual reduction (shrinkage) tool Place. Most amazing of all — results were so thorough that sufferers made astonishing statements like “Piles have ceased to be & Problem! 1@ secret new healing sul (Bio-Dyne*)— discovery of a world- researc! This substance Is now available In eup- itory or ointment form under the name reparation H.* Ask for it at all drug count- ers—money back guaranteo, ‘Reg. U.8. Pat. Of Do-lt-Yourself Fans— You're dressed for the job — and neatly, too — when you wear Naw work and leisure Clothes. Full line for men Lynchburg, Virginie N&W INDUSTRIES, Inc. eecreerSaseccin Say You Saw It in Popular Mechanics TELEPHONES ‘harp, nipples, "S60 Phd. camade 1s no focluded®. MICROPHONE, pops, x-1202, 1760 w. tv Subeertbe to nih TRAILER TOPICS MAGAZINE &-Month Trial Subscription $1 love’ Room 1572, 26 fest Jackson Blvd, Chicago 4, linoks POPULAR MECHANICS em TP ee srontlty Instructor hetpin nd brace the orc Inctrusty explaining operation and | testing of @ lorge Motor Generator. YOUNG MEN AND OLDER MEN— OLDEST AND BEST PREPARE FOR A CAREER WITHA FUTURE EQUIPPED SCHOOL OF ot lst: en's be satetled with «ne Coady Whecker ITS KIND IN THE U.S. 17 oF up to 45 years of age, train U 3 better job and a real future in Mail Coupon for ‘Television-Radio, flelds that off: TELEVISION-RADIO- ELECTRICITY ELECTRONICS: Big opportunitiee everywhere— og. AppL- In'good jobs ge awn. well payin. seeration, Maitiaate, TV'Radio businesses of thelrown, — Tilumination, WE TRAIN YOU IN CHICAGO Our famous Practical-Technical method gives you practical experience on tye ntay ol ecroment on nacomary technical eisine sieht rj Teiaiag in Refperaion and Elecric Appliances conte induded. | § Training offered ee how PAL EATER | ‘Send seo yom Hig Frew book, 7 am later. 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 to VETERANS and thecked below. ‘This docs bot NON-VETS alike E.W.COOKE Pe Fouoep ss rs eee ers Xe A TECHNICAL TRADE INSTITUTE OPERATED NOT.FOR PROFIT. | “OT tusermierry « RADIO * TELEVISION © REMIOEZATION « ELtcTRonIes | City State. SEPTEMBER 1956 19 "Building Beautifiers” Can Earn High Incomes Colorcrece, a cementitious plastic, gives lifetime bea avetimetarnings? | 0d potion 0 dab, dic? masonly— concrete, Mecca, | Pion al snes of ‘ulleings “Tough, wascioss © A Botter Future? uring “Essiy cleaned, Helps t daylight Gurk imevion, ‘They‘re All OLSs for YOU in ‘Choice of ‘geaning white or 30 colors. Applied under custom Pnewmalle fremurc to foun Sn inssarbie Oe FURNITURE UPHO LSTE “Tea can do yt Lonasd E : "so Enki farmitire upoolter, foupaoaters. nd Uespery making, Course More Colorerctors ate, needed to supply the “eveincrasing demand, en ‘estment appeals “to men of poral Werk car, fecoating, Behe fees "0 de. cal Ky OF experience pare time te eet SI Srl ee iy ‘velop a lifetime bikin No ewded beaut we supply ful a ‘Operation, Coloreree to move around. ‘Write today" for Opi Colorcrete Indestries, Inc. 570 Otawa Av, Hollad, Mic IN CANADA: DUNN MASONRY MACHINERY LIMITED 1020 Dundas Highway, Cooksville, Ont “LAW. es STUDY AT HOME Lisa da ger 7 atceos is buses and public, Greater opsortunilesnow than ever Peto: 15g «| omaareamee pretest . | eS Saba ego oe ala Se SSERORINE "BSE teat ens Cm 0 | SeesSO”OCOCO””””” eee ee ©} we ngshot wed Zo tage wale ae ETON UPHOLSTERY TRADEF SCHOOL Dev. EO ort Sea 018 TM UU Same SY bad MAKE GOOD MONEY Right from the Start with New Life-Saving MERLITE Fire ALARM Amazing new super- sensitive Fire AN Ho «its small game, pests 4 hits tea tle et mee aes ee eS aati io Satter aly Bab es alte, ima a $2.70 proBt on each one! <2 Simple Sensational ‘ipod “Lighted Match” Demonstration a Hands You ? 1.0 a Month! rove instantly tat Marti ie, Alarm a eu ergasSmte Howes” and tne Bs Eas Een serine marie eet FREE a "MONEY: MAKING. SAU. PLANS ganas sarin a 33 an] oe! MIDLAND ‘Bena Crvton iP chs TIRE SALES. 37a S. 20 POPULAR MECHANICS ihe Prepare Now. spare time at Home... for a New, POT EMTS RADIO CHIEF OF ILE DE FRANCE FRENCH LUXURY LINER PRAISES D T I Radio Chief—Jean Dezmas Says: Your Training Orgenlsction ip Chicago JACK DEMPSEY Farmer World's Heavyweight Champio ‘TELLS WHY HE'S PROUD we D TO @1 have bees greatly impressed with D fe © Lodaitre ite remarkable 26 year resord Of Belping men build brighter futures. © also admire the business policy of tg management and thethoroughness af ite lnrge faculty of inateuctors @ Never ave! heard young men praise stically ar do the raduates of DT I.They MAIL COUPON TODAY! sian sees Vee Phineas DeVRY TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 4141 BELMONT AVE, CNCAGO 43, IL cro Ting oS pe ate pocked pvt job ee my DeVRY Tet anh CHICAGO 41, ILLINOIS eter Pree eek all SEPTEMBER 1956 21 Ua CASH BIG PAY CHECKS! Train Now for more success, greater security ey LEARN AT HOME IN SPARE TIME (or at college in Chicago) Check the want ads in any newspaper—SEE the big-pay Opportunities open to you as a draftsman. What's more, you can leam this well-paid, prestige profession at Rome ~ quickly, easily! No special talent needed. Get complete, step-by-step Chicago “Tech lessons, in the ind a few pleasant hours studying each week. ina’ short. tine youl be a well-trained’ draftsman, ready to take your pick of many good jobs, Act now! Froe Information—Mail Coupen Today! Get PREE TRIAL, LESSON plus Information Stout" G'F cpraciesl training” Learn hat Steeonafal Chicane. "Foeh tay about Ries pay. and cpportanitles tn dialing No 7a ray << WORK CLOTHES ‘SURPLUS STOCK FROM MIDWEST SUPPLY FIRME Territic valves you've got 10 s¢8 to Dein SHIRTS FQ! eis wanes vot ete pease ated intaarar r iis aes PANTS to teh Unoelievasie EAMES ede mts tent foment Shs a A tor $375 COVERALLS ..weu comune and sve let! Oreinaly 6.38. Now oy 32.29 Send ch gee 23 YEARS AT THIS ADDRESS Jee FARE WITH EVERY PASSENGER Time Low EXRLCRICUICE CU OES CC Te Te uso Grow UWE dat Fascinating hobby ! Profitable GROW MINIATURE TRE Ba UULAet ade tae MINIATURE NURSERY CLUB Dept, 4-9, P.O, Box 8794, Los Angeles 8, Celif. FALSE TEETH KLUTCH holds them tighter KLUTCH forms a comfort cushion: holds dental plates so much firmer and snugzer that ons can eat and talk ‘With greater comfort and security: in many caset almost ‘as well aa with natural teeth, Kutch lessens the constant fear of & dropping. rocking, chafing plate, 3So and 0c at Grurgists if your druggist hes rt waste money on substitutes, but send us 10e and we will mall you a generous trial box. KLUTCH CO. Box 693-1 ELMIRA, N. Y. POPULAR MECHANICS 2609 photos and diagrams. plus Diagrams, tables and text You eet Mlusirated adjust. grystal-ciear ‘cirections, ‘make take the “mystery” out cf ment procedures for ali ALL AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS very operation cnty ee ABC" all ignition “apetetne, fopee of ‘carburetors. ie tully covered tn special Uy section, Gore” Sil pictures shown here are Here’s the EASY Step-by-Step Way to #2 Ssst.2%,"" FIX ANY PART OF ANY CAR Now—Whether You're o oe 2 ajitty! IN OW, you ca teckte say repair pond te ip gpickty with crystalciear pictures and step-by-step directions you can easily follow. No guesswork. ‘This start; shat tools to through the entire ope a simple carburetor adj kde tells you where, to ‘Leads you easily and quickly ‘everything from Complete overhaul. od ——ae MOTOR’S Nye Py Pri Fuel pumps ean cause trouble Pictures show exactly How (0 Everything You ‘Need to Know Stieeiotinensy ies ee BIG, NEW REVISED Edis tion bis MORE REPAIRIN: 5 FORMATION Oven L000 that eanbee gu. to at aT as. vector Soepieatons and nd tat Ppa ant SPMaE aisles Meee fertiesparams, Woeiat 2 Gctatce: EN aeT Mee Breroshe merase Bat hs ase Stas Sa Sa rea aca Alea Toren, Beart te Remae mr ie oh feels. Instructions and Blox Hi eT SUARANTES: Sim GAT to wha ry Boal for Wook FREE ent prom befuse cat eee Ra the he moat” Sen EIA StI: ay nothin oporeay Test PUSS SRR SE Eepamas enn Te Ss Guan % Prete are oe best earl ioe editors fave vat te, Bat Ne ReEE, a ae Heer eg BRUNT ARE, OE thle eat genes asvine Home grt ign Sata itep St, Het RSI See Hismaait” eg. OFh seer ea loctchanty ted Ses. BAF 20 West Sim Taint AL netoeas mites Att oataamate No guesswork. Clear pictures Show how foftt starting mater, The "Me enerator, ‘brakes, ete, ‘Omclel MOTOR Book Dopt., Desk 1, 250 West 55th Street, New York 19, COVERS 737 MODELS— ALL THESE MAKES Eroror | Blaumbite Pe arte eiteat SEPTEMBER 1956 23 SALESMEN GETTING UNBELIEVABLE SENSATIONAL NEW LIGHTING DISCOVERY If you can throw a switch, a revolutionary new kind of Fluorescent Lamp can lead you to earnings of $200 to $400 a week, and more—and create a "retirement" income on your repeats! The bare facts about this invention are so fantastic that they sound like wild exaggerations. Yet every statement is true—as you will see when you read my letter. Preliminary sales work shows fortunes will be made by the salesmen who have the vision to see the tremendous. po! s in the swelling National surge toward "better seeing.” Read with care. If may be another decade before you have another oppor- tunity as important as this. Stuart G. Nelson, President SUNRAY PRODUCTS CORP. To enable you to understund this opportunity I gall have te ull you the diferance bemtoms “lighe- ing” and “illumination.” Lighting is the source of light—illumination ie the useful result of light- ing. You install lighting to provide illumination. Different human activities require different kinds of illumination. And the illumination varies in wo ways: (1) The amount of light delivered, and (2) The coler or character of the light delivered. Until recently all of man’s inventive genius was aimed at producing more fight from a given amount of electricity. The seatch for more light culminated in the development of the Fluorescent lamp. Per watt of current used it gave a higher level of light than any incandescent lamp—about two-and-a-half times as much. It gave a whiter, stronger, more brilliant light. The nation’s storekeep- ers, offices, and manufacturing plants switched to Fluorescent with breathtak- ing speed. But then came a shock. A backlash Fluorescent lamps are affecting the eyes of the people wh work under them. Eye strain has sen toan all time high level. Nervous disorders are on the increase. The efficiency of employees is show- ing a serious drop-off due to tensions caused by eye strain, The cause? GLARE! Glare is reflected light enter- ing the eye at an angle different from the angle at which the eye is focused. Fixture manufacturers 24 have adopted scores of louvers for their fixtures in an attempt to cut down glare. Buc these louvers cut down the amount of light delivered to the working area—particularly as they become crusted with dust. And, in spite of partial reduction, glare continued. until— Sometimes—more often than not—inventors and engineers who know the subject best, get so com- plicated in their thinking that they overlook the simplethings. And mostgreatinventionsaresimple. A simple invention ‘The new SUNRAY lamp is such an invention. It is $9 simple that when you see it, you will wonder why the engineers hadn't thought of it years ago. Yet it is so radically different that patents have been granted on the methods for making it. The claims made are so fantastic that no amount of talk by the most convincing salesman could make a prospect believe. -Yet one’simple Three-Minute Demon- stration — with Four Lighted Tubes give such dramatic proof to the prospect's own eyes that he knows every claim is true — he knows that he MUST have SUNRAY LAMPS for his store, office or factory. Throw the switches— write the order: In our demonstration case there are four Fluores- POPULAR MECHANICS WEEKLY CHECKS DEMONSTRATING FOR FACTORIES, STORES AND OFFICES cent lamps and four switches. Snap the first switch and you have the light froma suriderd Huoresceut lamp shining down on a printed sheet of paper. The eye is repelled by glare, You snap the second switch, The SUNRAY lamp lights up. The con- trast is almost as night from day. From one paper the glare still slams into the eye. From the other side, no glare. Just a soft, restful, but adequate illumination. ‘The effect on the prospect is as instantaneous as the demonstration. He needs no "'selling” for he has seen what ten thousand words would noc have made him believe. The order is ready to write. But wait. One more surprise! SUNRAY made a second discovery. It relates to COLOR, Lights of different colors create startling differences in the way different things appear to the eye. Under standard fluorescent lamps food, faces, clothing, furniture and painted surfaces look Unnatural. The colors are not true. Color distortion is often so reat that the merchandise displayed looks uninviting. There is no one fluorescent lamp that will make all colors eppear as they do in daylight—not even the lamp that is called a Daylight lamp. But SUNRAY engineers found the secret of COMBINING lamps of different tints to give the exact illumination chat is best for each type of business. In different com- binations, they can be made to improve the ap- pentance of any product—whether it be a steak. a head of lettuce, a fine cabinet, a suit, pair of shoes, a woman's hat or dress, or an automobile, An instant success And the next two SUNRAY lamps in your demon- stration case permit you to show this difference so dramatically that the prospect starts selling you. This is not guesswork on my part. I'm not tathing about what ] hope will be the case. For the last four years we made selling tests in scattered territories. ‘We were optimistic. We had great hopes. But the actual sales records made our wildest hopes seem pale. One of our men in a Mid-West state has made an average of more than $200.00 a week from the first week, he started three years ago. He has made as much as $480.00 in one week. And, right now, he is getting re- peat orders from 75% of his original customers—three out of four. His repeat- order business alone would keep him living like a king the rest of his lite. The story is the same with thirty other men. Stead- SEPTEMBER 1956 ily adding customers. Increasingly easy co sell. The demonstration does it. Some of the biggest names in industry are already permanent users. Experimenting is done— We are ready now for our greatest expansion. We have three plants in which Wwe can turn out twenty million dollars worth of lamps a year. ‘There is an opportunity for you, if—. What's the “ik? Not experience with lamps. Not knowledge of electricity or Lighting, All this we can give you in sim- plified form—selling instructions you can master in 30 minutes. No, the thing we want is sincerity. If you are mature enough to know that no successis gained without work; if you are willing to put in the hours to get yourself established; if you can recognize the value of a con- nection of permanence and stability, I'd like to give you all the exciting informa- tion about your future with SUNRAY. If you can qualify— send your name The information is free, naturally. It is complete— so complete that after reading my letter you will either say this is one of the greatest opporcunities you have ever had, or you'll say, “It's not for me.” If selling is your profession, then you will not want to take a chance on missing the SUNRAY oppor- tunity—at least not for the cost of a three-cent stamp. Send your name and address. I'll mail a complete, down-to-earth presentation which dis- closes every angle of this great business, Then you can decide whether this is the opening you've longed to find. Stuart G. Nelson, Pres., SUNRAY PRODUCTS CORP., 1617 Lexington Ave., Warren, Ps te oes a a ew Stuart G. Nelson, Pres.; SUNRAY PRODUCTS CORP, 1617 Lexington Ave, Warren, Pa. Dear Sir: I will be glad to read the information you send me about the opportunities in the sales of SUNRAY Products. The information is tree and there is no obligation on my patt. =: Address. I i i Send to I 1 City. Zone______Stale. My NEW Easy Method Trains You At Home PTT ME CKXY- Ot bal) MLM Lta al og in AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION MAIL COUPON FOR 2 NEW FREE BOOKS YOUR OPPORTUNITIES FOR SUCCESS ARE BEST IN AMERICA’S FAST-GROWING INDUSTRY ind refrigeration units are in use today—and he industry B érowing x0 last tbat there's a ) Over 150 million air condit nillions mote are in produ Big shortage of trained mechanics who can make installations and fepairs, Ait conditioning and refrigeration men are well pad, they work steady. and theit futures are secure. Yeu can break into this big, uncrowded fold. You can do it by learning air conditioning and terwgeration af home in spare time. To find ‘out how easy itis, just mail coupen below. Il send you two books wheh give You 6 Get Shop Practice CTI Trains You for Hundreds of Jobs in this Big-Pay Field ... with 23 Big ao | Send ‘Sloce“my kth Tawar have’ be Se regent Teebald oe er ri wen proved ob vty alae Sprain ‘ond BEPC Amon’, Passion, alee ee Torn datdass nged my Vive tt kee mere Scat shit Conditioning ond Webigration’* path FREE 1 26 POPULAR MECHANICS RCA offers you the finest training at home | Radio-TV electronics, TV servicing, Color TV es SEND FOR THIS ; FREE BOOK NOW! Rama as-you-learn. RCA INSTITUTES, INC. A SERVICE OF RADIO CORPORATION of amEnica | “* 350 WEST FOURTH STREET, NEW YORK 14, WY. Ging SEPTEMBER 1956 17'S A CINCH’ WHEN, You USE MOTOR'S pur Ene Any Car Trouble WALI? ( Greatly Enlerged Edition of MOTOR'S “Trouble- Shooter’ Helps You Find “What's Wrong”’ Quickly and Easily! Now spors ovER 2300 CAUSES OF CAR TROUBLES! automobile |) TROUBLE |) SHOOTER Enlarged Edition 208 PAGES fier’ sedis taney oy HOW TO SPOT: 2) 22s", wrneating’ 46 Sincnremerh tiling.” book stays m mile you. work Quick Hei 0" hepaent ae well a SEND NO MONEY ANN oN Nd MOTOR ROOK DEPT. Devic TH | Bowed ast Men ay Sores ase ser aoe, mes | | ! i I os Tad a eroes sae | Dao bee ee Gi eee price ae instead of a job train for a Career + automation... Ek’pustreqlasig wo employ "ei ctate Cologs graduates, shart Soy eutrtel in this werle-tamed eoleger Approsed for acietehit Bach. of Science degree in 27 months GIANT BALLOONS Biggest & best! Surplus U8 Govt, (xew ovérase)“Newprene Weatner_fareet a= Songs We've so “for Yeats. "buy Th bent = Here's! Hoy aes tees ice, aie re ence poset ae for 18ike jersne MABME Lean, Ge foo |< Fun SIFREE Book Fame eee rollt is." sciasi"ae' ata SAY YOU SAW IT IN POPULAR MECHANICS ~ SELLTO UNCLE SAM! ‘This is the most fantastic way of mak: ing money you ever heard of. That's because you do all your “selling” BY MAIL to one eustomer—the U.S, inete Sam will buy all the old junk jewelry you send in at $35.00 AN OUNCE for the gold it contains. Just follow my Plan and you ‘ean pick up gold on any street in your town. I show you where to find i. what to pay, how to test and how to mail to Uncle Sam for cash I'll each you the secrets by which I made $29,000 a year. No charge for facts. No salesman will call Send 20 money— Just your name, address on postcard. Leslie Patton, 335 W. Madison St., Dept. 99, Chicage 6, Ill, POPULAR MECHANICS ENCYCLOPAEDIA 3 BRITANNICA Brand New Edition Now Available Direct From The Publisher On Easy. Book a Month Payment Plan All 24 Volumes Delivered Immediately— You Pay Later on Easy-to-Own Purchase Plan ‘Yes, the latest edition of Britannica—the greatest treasure of knowledge ever published—is now being offered on a remarkable plan that puts this world- renowned reference library within reach of every family. All 24 volumes will be placed in your home « pay for it as you enjoy as buying a book a mont Thousands of Subjects of Practical Value to Your Whole Family In the brand-new edition of Britan- ‘nica you will find thousands of sub- jects that you and your family will refer to in the course of your normal day-to-day affairs. For example, /ou'll find special articles on house: Id budgets... interior decorating medicine and health... home romod- ling. ..child care... adolescent prob- Jems...rules and regulations for ail sports...every kind ‘6f hobby... plus a treasure house of knowledge ‘on all subjects. Useable information that can save you many dollars. Cc New Edition Profusely Illustrated ead ‘The new Britannica almost “tele- toe" Tha information to you by te means of 23.229 pictures, plus charts, f mape and drawings. Buiit docs not [inna merely show “attractive” pictures ifs the work of 5.258 of the world’s best minds. ‘The fnal authority om Soctual Enowied pes m eonetant Loept ration that will enrich the lives of yourself and your family. oe SEPTEMBER 1956 In today’s world, . .Factual Knowledge Opens the Way to Financial and Social Success Self-confidence—and the confidence of other two rewards you can expect from Britannica's world of facts. For instance, did you know... @ Britannica provides instant and authentic informa- tion on every conceivable subject or thought. © Britannica will enable parents to work more closely with their children ‘athome...helping them build a more Solid foundation in today’s highly competitive society. © [twill build helping all members of your family to jerstand...and talk intelligently on every subject that enters into the lives of successful men and women. Preview Booklet Offered FREE! Simply fill in and mail the coupon today, and we will send your swithout oat or obligation. na copy. of our. beautiful, iow hooilet which coats an exciting preview of the latest edition of Eneyelopaed a Britannica, ‘BO money—not ‘oven for postage. Lea yours, absolutely free! oN Tust as soon 4s vee receive your coupon, we will send your itlustrated, free booklet, wo that you can read and enjoy it at your leisure. in the privaey of your home. ‘There in no obliga tion, of course. However, since this offer necessarily Limited, please mail the coupon ioday before it slipe your mind. .-------------- ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, Dept. 15-F ES iti Arne Oleg Fess seed rasan tat oben youcoltlPracn Bone wih Dressers fet eatin of NEYLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA ‘Stag aa Ae ed Sots natin on may a it ‘rennet eect eam pusher. ce he Bock Mend Payment Plan ‘Pie Pry _—— 8 30 DIESEL MECHANICS IN DEMAND i Ting querer and =a, ical courses tought in the follow ‘the sopervision ef experienced, i oR ors —CHOOSE YOUR TRADE— CHECK HERE WEEKS (O DIESEL MECHANICS AUTO MECHANICS BODY & FENDER GAS-ARC WELDING REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING MACHINIST TRADE ADVANCED MACHINIST (includes tool & die) ( PIANO TUNING & REPAIR 36 CHOOSE YOUR ENGINEERING COURSE fs terminal education for “des ‘oiwdents wih» ae choo! educa FREE EMPLOYMENT H HELP or ae Sa I OT RN “ — sue own —____somm_ trtaiahad 3802 — ovr Shown Gratton 14 years of gontinyous trage senoo! experience ‘tide your — GREER ‘" TRAINING Box 1, 2236 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago 16, Illinois Would YOU Like to Make $1,000 A MONTH? ? 3 ries ea ‘Hyman heavy, Enda fires fast onds.Fitsin palmofhand, Never sourel Selistoronty $coet gears! Selle tor en ‘ver Two Millon Sold! Kerr 3 Write fr FRE MERU relpods raids, HRS Eost 30d Kew York 26 Michi. tess cos LEARN METALCRAFT and JEWELRY MAKING gad Memewcarnes soe Fs a or Wins i Nie INTERSTATE TRADENG SERVICE DEN Ra rORTLAN MONEY in WORM in WORMS SAVE ro GEARS, bis) 3 Cease hay POPULAR MECHANICS winning ee Eire ieee S506 8 evinces ak te TRAIN FOR A TOP-PAY JOB AS A TELEVI NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NEEDED — study AT HOME in Next to the atom and hydrogen bombs, "the biggest noise being made tedoy is by the: beoming radio~ felevision-elecironics industry. Now, while the boom is on in full Fores, ix the time for yeu to think about how you can share in the high pay ond good job security thot this ever-expanding Reld offers to trained technicians. Just igure it out fer yourself. There are more than 400 our SPARE TIME. — ’ ond hundieds more to be built; more: than 34 million the country and scles increasing dolly, Soon rely priced color television sets will be on the ‘market ond the coler stampede will be on. All these focts mean that good jobs will be looking for good men, You can be ono of those men if you take ivontage of my training now — the same troining tha! jared hundreds of men for successful vision broodcasting stations operating right now jon-electronies field. Wo experience necensory! You Leare by practicing with professicnt equipment Lisend yoo. Many of my grodvates who now hold down geod coving technician [obs stared with enly. grammar scheo! xv cr) Mf you have previous Armed Force: or civilion radio. experince you cao fini your waning sweral months earlier by faking my FALTV Technician Cone. Tioin at home with kite of pert, ples equipment ta build YOUR OWN TV RECEIVER, ALL FURKISHED AT NO EXTRA COST! fier you finish. your home dy treining’ in the Redio-FMLTV Techicion curse of the FALTY Techocion Course you. gel two. weeks, 50-hour nensIve Laborotery work on modern elecionie equiomest ef our osociate fehoat in New York Clty, Poe School of Radio & Television THIS EXTRA TIAINING IS YOURS AT NO EXTRA COSI WHATSOEVER, ty $2.95 OR 2 aoe $5.00! TESTED AND GUARANTEED Write for ite ston, all types of telephones rite fort maha elev LEFAX TECHNICAL DATA BOOKS ee a SS Pioing Osta Analyt: Chem ‘Meg fac FRE pate orion Se how at LFA can beta ou. Sone LEFAX-DUBLISHERS, Dept. PM-3, PHILADELEHIA.7, PA. POPULAR MECHANICS NATIONAL SCHOOLS Proedly prcoate TELERAMA - au 9° BRANCHES OF — TELEVISION -ttcctronics-raoio IN GINE DYNAMIC, MODERN SHOP METHOD, HOME TRAINING COURSE ‘Another great advance in HOME STUDY TRAINING. Let National 1. J. ROSENKRANZ Schools, of Los Angeles, a practical Technical Resident Trade School Pent NATIONAL Sexoous for over 50 years, train you at home by Shop-Method, for today’s w Ths Master-Shep- unlimited opportunities in ALL 8 BRANCHES of the Television, Elec- tronies, Radio Industry. Check all you receive in One Master YOU DO MANY PRACTICAL JOBS. Gowse at One Low You do servicing, circut analysis and any other down-to-earth exp seo! Bla modern from the ground up... with equipment Kivwegieyou.ipclading saw large tine" Your eaming ercen picture tube and professional [town fat hagioiaien asin Sar ‘Multtester, at no additional charge. a NESTE oc ae EAIN AS YOU LEARN! Many of our ln.zeur wun bine SEC students arn their entire tuition and ]RE-NOW. SEND COUPON races bal SG HER" oven Spe Tne fobe wei gi Tipe zea Set Cet Gitdarie ADVISORY SER oy fe nde anyone td icone Coe te a cers, Spa Sexe IRSRESEREBEN 9 SI, ore : Malteeter 1 These ae « MUST forall uence No-date projects auch as" color "Wet ee icente and india eee Rar Ree kc as oe NATIONAL SCHOOLS 4000 §. FIGUEROK St. LOL ANGELES 27, cALIE Ter Nota saute st meas #. tt IN CANADA: 611. W. Hastings RISiT I eeskokod TECHNICAL TRADE TRAININ rs ry r J OFT FAST suRVICE— Malt wow To ormcs weamast YoU! 1 sae0 noon nas Tare ty sat J LOSANGELES 27, cat ‘cricaco ttt Rush fee TV-Radio" Opportunity” Book and sample f Besson. No salesman wal ell | 8 33 Now—Topayt SEPTEMBER 1956 | Make $5.00 an Hour CASH PROFIT | The Day You Start! Start Your Own Business ‘at Home House es = Shop Tools veins Big Cash Profits wth the now Belt Sharp ace need to sharpen ka ig trim ete att ha al ae net Me teach. t22 | Learn how easilyyou can start your (rea. “eat eysen pag ° See SEE Sie: | alow Sst cnrevrent ia ow TO. Mas IAA “pRecious 3 SynTieric, “ oEmst Snakes, Leopards, Rhinoceros. Zaba, Koalabear and other fierce jungle beasts, Approvals. Send 10e for hand- ling. FREE STAMP MAGAZINE. aE ig CENTRAL CAMERA CO. PHOTOGRAPHIC HEADQUARTERS SINCE 1899 Seygmoney on all photographic eaurpment: Send for Cer tral Camera Co. cura CAMERA CO. ‘orcas THD i ime | NATIONAL Seiigoi oF CHEMISTRY o. STUDY TO BE A DOCTOR mea lt Sete, jie y chology or Metaphysics You Can Be a Local Manufacturer of CAVITEX aL SUPERFINE — os 2, es garam FEROS iy e._mis MASONRY TERMITES Kill Termites Yourself with ARAB U-DO-IT TERMITE CONTROL ‘Spay: Sealers or write FEGERAL ING» 2701 Wintnrop Aven Indianae= 34 POPULAR MECHANICS PAINTING IS EASY! WITH THE FAMOUS BURGESS evccore SPRAYER SPRAY! ony 1,000 USES IN EVERY HOME! ct 41,000 Gees EVERY HORE! sy O95 sya Fie et enone Pune eee eae SOueenold uddee’ pull the enteeer. Erie go ee ee 7 p,m a es oar ea Bas a iar Sade Boe Gia SEND FOR FREE BOOKLET “HOW TO PAINT THE EASY WAY" BURGESS VIBROCRAFTERS, INC. RA CASH! Fes tt Boy ‘rom yo Mason rodactsnevesidby seer ‘Shares mesa pntearéfor Fee Out RUPTUREDE BE FREE FROM TRUSS SLAVERY ow modern Non-Surgical treatirant ily corrects rupture. These Non-Sur= jeal treatments ore so certain that a bifeume Certc Fratget Asrancs given, Woe today for our New ‘That gives fata that may eave you pain {land expensive surgery a els how nom-atrale "you fay again work, live, play and love and en y lien the manner Youdesire: There no obligation. bot Hernia Cisic Dept, 8305 Encelsioe Springs. Ma. NOW REPRESENTATIVES WANTED TN EVERY AREA OF THE U.S. gone fut Tm or Spare Tne Me In FST Froth Per MIMACLE PAINTING PRESS yy eee a tonury nen ay of REL ITE San enirinc PRESS. anrone, Kort iar Saco on rae SUN GOLORRD POSTE! pra 3 B. ese oe lar ei EVERYTHING! SUPP ance er SPARE ROOM Ter oer won rash one aS ors & ¢OLoAP feet Call SEPTEMBER 1956 | EARN CASH DOING REPAIR JOBS WHILE | TRAIN! CTI training in Auto Mechen- ics is so practical thit- many students do repairing in spare ime, carn up to $13 a week and more. C71 training pays its own Way! AUTO MECHANICS A Trade You Can Learn at Home Now hear this: if you want to eam up to $125 a week or more, or open a shop of your own! The auto industry America’s greatest. No wonder! There are over 60 cars and trucks on the road, and a third are in the “heavy repair” classification. Each year, over 7 million new vehicles are produced. As a result, there's a severe shortage of skilled mech: and too few are training to fill the vacancies. What an opportunity for yout Yes, you can have one of those high-pay, steady, life-long jobs. How? By training at home ip spare time! The CTI Shop-Method Home Training Plan gets you ready for success in months=not years. You get easy-to- understand picture letsons, at well at valuable tools and a tune-up kit (sce below). You learn to repair engines, transmissions, brakes, ind the various systems—cooling, lubricating and electric, And that isn't all: 7f you want additional training in Diesel Mechanics or Body-Fender Rebuilding, you get it (without extra cost). Why not get all the facts? You can, by just filling out and mailing the coupon. We'll sen¢ two FREE BOOKS that show how you ean ft into America's No. 1 industry. You Practice with Tune-Up Kit and Tools Only CT! sends this profes Kit. It includes a Compression Tester, a Vacuum Sauge and Fuel Pump Tester. an Ignition Timing Light, and a portable steel cost. Instruments locate engine. troubles Quickly, help you get valuable practice. \ "You get this top quality set of mechanic's tools. Youtll need tools to practice and for experience, and to earn money spare tine. Tools in- crease your interest, stamp you as a “pro.” You get both the Tune-Up Kit and the set of tools a: part of your training—no extra cost, MAIL COUPON TODAY! Toa Ce Send yout Auto Mechonias book ond Semole Teton, Born FREE! YOUR ote yd aed ZN as TIA WITH A POTENTIAL MARKET OF 50,000,000 customers POLITICS CHRISTY TRADES SCHOOL nos Nortn wedsie Ave Chicayo 25 NEVER AT THIS LOW PRICE! GENUINE 120-POWER ACHROMATIC TELESCOPE with Coated Lens ond S-POWER FINDER attached BRING THE MOON, PLANETS, STARS, 120 TIMES CLOSER, CLEARER, SHARPER te has an, ACI PEOPLE a Sond cosh, check, fre fo: Dept. PMA6, Criterion Co., 331 Church $1., Hertford, Conn, 36 INVENTORS PROTECT YOUR INVENTION BY A WOOLWORTH BLDG., 35th FLOOR, 96A NEW YORK CITY ¢C.A.SNOW é CO. REGISTERED PATENT ATTORNEYS BBB 122 ow witone, y INVENTORS ble_can be substantially WASHINGTON 1, D.C patent recone: With Out obligation, wile for information sxolalntan the steps JOU should take to secure @ Patent. JOHN N. RANDOLPH Revisteed, Patent Attorney 201 Columbian Building, Weshington 1, D. c. REGISTERED PATENT Sena te PATENT INFORMATION NG. PATENT LAWYER 26 kSH INGTON. Say You Saw It in POPULAR MECHANICS INVENTIONS WANTED [INVENTORS I shall be pleased to furnish you, upon request, with full information relative te patent. procedure—without any obligation on your part. PATRICK D. BEAVERS Registered Patent Attorney 904 Columbian Belling Wash POPULAR MECHANICS SCIENTIFIC CRIME DETECTION ‘There's & Thrill in Bringing "2 Crook to A Stoody Pay Profession wenn 800d Times or Bad. says ange hos fothis exciting, featon. Lat Over 800 of All U.S. Bureaus ie ieee Sete na ile Ra eae cineca Eee (A Covemenincs SeuslSmcrine CICURTTE INSTITUTE OF APPLIED SCIENCE 1920 Sunnysi 1356, Chicas “We're looking for people _ like to draw... says Norman Rockwell, one of America’s 12 Most Famous Artists, talent to become a tu =o ae Mo) sso ati Fn as oe ee en tats cates Neston seas ee TS ACCOUNTING CAUE wosiness Administration Ssteretarial and aliled subjests at nome ‘iggerer attend naulonally approved THEE Suceess Beck re details oft eautses, Plans, fates a txiployment opportunities Gul approved. Welle Debt A. Cee EXTENSION SCHOOL Pita etre ety agimerog A rams te, & tunrine ge police Fadi Prepare fer good mene, Geese A etn Sy ean fics ) TeChNicht INSTITUTE, “Dept, 'D, Valparaiso, In ‘Wester Ase ER FaNGOE OF RENCE EE Io ‘Dra Wash Tbs, Ceass, Conn fonous #7 pumps EO) gph 420 175" hgh ot 600 gph. rom 25 wel, Storey rasta! lor meal. Si lace umpeier.34" ie, 4" cut. Standard pt heated, Use ay A to BF Ro. Wl et leak oe $795 ot cell guaranie. Send check, W.., or sent COD. imu. 7000, 5, Daw Wal Water. es day —100 gph, 1" hgh 300 ap. tom 2 wel, Ruste aly me. § ‘ade ingle 1° inlet 1” cult. Sand pipe ead Wl ot ak ree, Won clad guaraie. Snd chee, MO, oven 0.0. Free Catalogue —Gear Pumps, Lar Pumps, Deep and Shalow Wel S135 sen ue Pumps SEPTEMBER 1956 TXAMINATION. Send No Monoy Nothing to Pay Postman, Check Books Wanted — Mail Toda) MAIL ORDER --~—— bt orn 49 23 St., New York MOM APTLANCE SERVICE QUDE. 100 rapes #4 AUTOMOBILE MEGHANICS GUIDE, I844 Pages. ¢ TRUCK & TRACTOR GUIDE, 1299 GHESCL ENGINE MANUAL: 476 Paget CIMAGHINISTS HANDY BOOK, 180 Poss - El WELDERS GUIDE, 699 Pa : E BLUE PRIME READING, £20 Piss Cl MATHEMATICS & CALCULATIONS, 700 Pages £1 SHEET METAL PATTERN LAYOUTS, 1100 Pages ] SHEET METAL WORKERS HANDY BOOK. SeaPes EGHANICAL DRAWING GUIDE. 160 Fages 5) MECHANICAL DRAWING & DESIGN. 480 Popes 5) TELEVISION SERVICE MANUAL, 438 Pages | Brae ae 1080 Pages’. SELELTROME DEVICES, 205 Bos, EJELECERIC HOTOR GUIDE, 1000 Pages WIRING DIAGRAMS (Ligt & Powe) 272 Pes. ELECTRICIANS EXAMINATIONS, 2 Steere rower GALCMLATIONS: «154 ES Nanoy BOOK OF ELECTRICITY, 1440 Popes. - Stort the — FeLecrRic DICTIONARY, 9000 Terms. Easy Pays ELEGTRIG USRARY, 200 Paes (2 Book Set ments JP © REFRIGERATION £ Ait Condifining. 1780 Pgs. 5 MILLWRIGHTS & MECHANICS GUIDE. 1200 Fs. POWER PLANT ENGINEERS GUIDE, i300 Paget ENGINEERS & FIKEMANS EXAMS, 825 Pages Pues, sega 2 Al Compote 1658 es OPERATING ENGINEERS LIBRARY (3 Books) GARPENTERS & BUILDERS GUIDES (a Book Set SLUMBERS & Steamftlers Guides (4 Book Set 1 MASONS AND BUILDERS GUIDES (4 Book Set EZ PAILTERS & DECORATORS MANUAL, 480 Fes 5 HOUSE HEATING GUIDE, 1000 Pages... 5 Olt BURNER GUIDE, 34 Pages i in You Own Home WHO @2 Sage) fet Power Cah AT? 22, IDEAL FOR TARGET ANO SMALL ‘GAME SAFE ECONOMICAL “ACCURATE at 2 NOW YOU can prepare yourself for the limitless “opportunities offered by the nation’s fastest growing industry— ‘atomic energy! Get complete, basic nuclear energy training quickly, easily—the ISS home study way. You are taught by a group of educators and scientists now active in atoinic research and devel mathematics avoided—a hij tion qualifies you for study. YOU WILL NEED A WORKING KNOWLEDGE OF NUCLEAR SCIENCE SOON IF YOU Al Supervisor * An engineering axtston ‘A penton e/a mccmmeneseg Low Cost 39 lesson course. Pay-as-you- learn installment plan available. PERFECT FOR COMPANY TRAINING PROGRAMS—discounts for groups of six =o SEN TODAY FoR FREE 'esD DETAILED INFORMATION INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC STUDIES Dept. M-9, 248 Arlington Ave., Elmhurst, Il NAME ADDRESS, city___________ State, © Send information on 1S Group Study Plan PRINTS POST CARDS, ratory rear CT UT Lac ac) aii Teneo (Choose from famous qualitymakes: at lowest WHOLESALE prices -- ieee fata abostowcinn mnfgietny ficcordion tt enay an los of Tree TN RSE ELAN oa bats fice, Ext convenient term. You choose Bie finest aid most famous iailan accordion make for which we are wathortged diseet fac ery dhtrioator, FREE home sly course tae ‘laded, Find cok ghost the fun and prott ts ‘Bors forthe nssordion owney, turers & Wholesalers Gatet NEW KIT $2 Laminates Photos, Cards, Clippings in Clear Plastic Do-it-yourself quicker, easier with new PLAIN-VU process, Save 3 cost! Permsnent, clear plastic fection. Applies like “tape.” No’ machines to buy No toois, no heat, no mess. 100% transparent Vinyl. clearer than glass. Processed with new PLAIN-VU laminani, Wont discolor, harden “or. deteriorate, Elexible, durable, A profitable hobby. tntroduciory: Kit" 10 sheets ( processed, ready to use, only 3, postpaia. Money-back ‘guarantee. Send check PLAIN-VU, Box 83, Mentor, Ohio an grost 85 tourly profit cn own service pis $3 on EACH serviceman. Clean, weeive, noth root Fuge a wpnitry om asta. Sion sie nationally advertised. Repeat tomers. Ea? to learn, We locally train an st you. Quickly. evtablimned._ Easy. terme mod olay foe PRISE booklet. 1 obligation DURACLEAN CO, F161 berncianSé Oee I, os YG in 12 Months Leer ore! Bom tava Ete profautanal tedhnes schoo Advonee Seto. Uve sop Pier: filer Li, ladvidel Course or complete Medes WRIFE TOR SCHOOL BULLETING ACADEMY FOR ADULTS, solr Wtsnington, 26po Pe Easy to make your ows BOWS— ARROWS— EQUIPMENT s Book 84 bes. $3, tells Colored. Citanag se ‘Ask your desler for “Stemmlers “archery” (Oltest Mr. i 0.5.4.) L. E. STEMMLER CO. Monerville (Box 1) LL, N.Y. CAFE 3: DINER I show you how to get started just as I did; where to locate, 7 ways to get capital, money making methods, even how to run a sandwich business right out of your own home with only. a few dollars investment, Write for free details. School of Restaurant Arts,1 9D, Fremont, Ohio Pee ee 2 se nO MONEY c=vERE nese Ne Setestre ee ‘CLINICAL DENT LAB.,335 W. Baden St. Dept. C2, Chlago 6,1. Ams s f Pstcoiy, WS iro ay, Dap 18 eae 14 POPULAR MECHANICS Fre SEND FOR eR START SPEAKING FRENCH Qe SPANISH vec ee Tanguaze sic eel fre dnrmailom on fll Cetera cre Es Tae We sth : EZ hs (Glagt and miduetsned STAMPS hated Hier Sends blood ned sweet {free considerntion, Send 0s for mailing expeasen Jamestown Stamp Co.,Dopl, 9PM, lamestown, LY. ‘Telescope Lens Kit iS pees UNION instiTUTE, 68 Hus ‘AN EXCITING NEW WAY TO START THE REWARDING HOBBY OF ORCHIDS AT HOME Just $4.88 postpaid brings you a golden cas- de om -Hexico—the exotic ONC IDIUH as UM crea specially imparted to D COMPLETE... ng mates (Wonderbrt) full instructions for pote Si Boprox. moun advance 0. Guaranteed ts grow Y SEPTEMBER 1956 —... 1957 ALLIED SO WORLD'S Pe Ts3 8 STOCKS SAVE ON EVERYTHING IN ELECTRONICS ing for Experimenters, Builders, Amateurs, Serviceman, Engineers fang Hi-Fi Hobbyists Save on everything in Electronics: Hi-Fi systems and components; latest builders’ kits (see the fac mous KNIGHT-KIT line); recorders and phono equipment; TV tube: antennas, accessorie: station equipment; P. instruments; industrial ele tronic supplies in parts, tubes, transisto: and books. Get more for money—send today for y 957 atiiep Catalog! Our oth year 1. ALLIED RADIO CORP,, Dept. 5-1-6 100 N. Western Ave., Chicage £0, Il. S (Rush FREE 1957 ALLIED 356-Page Catalog CY 39 Here’ 's the Kind of Will You Let Me PROVE I Can Make , YOU a New Man? DO IT YOURSELF MAKE BIG PROFITS Become a manufacturer. Sell direct. Assemble your own retractable ball pens with Git cap, They are unconditionally guacantoca fe supply ali paris. No machinery necessary. The com mo on caste you oni actual See " Sell to Sires" ‘ier nae BEER aes Sa Te $12.50 puts you in the finest end most profitable business. PERMARITE CORP., Dept. 10A sea worse mentee ny, y Y 1Made514,839 int Year Ea Cae ea Sd with a small investment EARN UP TO $200 a DAY ‘Monufactoring Exciting New | RAINBOW ROCK / Concrete slump Brick § j in your back yard tm i ine aa "SEL er sinsation, tere Hane 1OCE ee eb tot ay! Nees No SPECI, Gueaten inavars oF out STOP Radio and TV Noises ineteves: FILTER PLUG PROVED. CTE aman a a “ATTENTION HOME OWNERS! NO EXCUSE NOW FoR NOT BRvIne Riven Dew let prio. fool yor, this fs the latest new model! ae TTT 2,000 BUSINESSES, FARMS, INCOME PROPERTIES FOR SALE THROUGHOUT U.5. State what you want—whare you want to locate, We'll dvi fee to poy vs. IYERS' REPORT, 36, Calif. | S410 Wilshire Bovievard, Los Ang POPULAR MECH SHORTHAND IN © WEEKS| Write 120 words per minute Age no obstacle—LOWEST COST Sune, POETS ernst Eeccetrsate pas fuente el Sree? Ba ona Pars ena ee HER Se be esr Fe Ber Sate FADED th ture er asics ey Ea eee ee i Hea ee ata et ese Fa Ba Re Beh Eth wou tos en ‘Men ond women STUDY AT HOME for Business Suecess and LARGER PERSONAL EARNINGS, 44 years expert instruction~ over 114,000 students enrolled. L1.8. De ‘gree awarded, All text material furnished. Easy payment plan. Send for FREE BOOK —"'low and Executive Guidence”—NOW! AMERICAN EXTENSION SCHOOL OF LAW + ___Dapt. HelS, 201K. Wells St., Chicags 6, Wlinois ONEY IN PHOTOGRAPHY MAKE MOM cat aetna Toston Riete FORM rowed OC RAPHY ay WO coce aa aegrit ute, OF CR Corn SAY YOU SAW IT IN POPULAR MECHANICS $$ Save $$ on US Gov't Surplus $$5 wy deat fom, Gov't, These are 2, sample of saving, mate. Lifeboat $12, Grinder $4.69. Shaper $15, Truck $76.77, Tractor S28. Typewriter 42-51. Freexer $50. Sprayer $1525. Motor 2 Hans hoe toring cooing, il pore sh, ick Sek ere pare The Abacus Press, Box 169D0D, Dept. 6, East Htfd. 8, Con. Pee nO Y U.S. GOV'T. JOBS! AS HIGH AS $4,525.00 YEAR TO START. Men, women, 18-35. Experience’ ofter unnecessary Weite immediatey for FREE 36-PAGE BOOK with list of many positions, silaries, samp esis, and full particula’s telliae how to’ quality’ fer them. ‘(Not Gov't. Caatrotted Franklin Institute, Dept. X.93, Rochester 4, N. Y. How To Hold FALSE TEETH More Firmly in Place Do your false teeth annoy and embarrass by slip- ping, dropping of wobbling when you eat. laugh or ik? ‘Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH on. your plates. This alkaline (non-acid) powder holds false teeth more firmly and more comfortably. No gum- my, gooey, pasty laste or feeling. Does not sour. Checks “piate odor” (denture breath). Get FAS- ‘TEETH today. at any drug counter. SEPTEMBER 1956 § Engineering Technicians needed for cach engineer Become an ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN at MSOE ae in Milwaukee Industries need five technicians for every engineer—and there is a critical shortage of both, Top jebs are wolting for welle trained’'men. Join the engineering team! MSOE’s unique educational program of technical institure and collegiate engineer- ing courses offers you step-by-step ad- yancement. You can become a qualified engineering technician in 12 to 18 months, seady to begin your career in industry. Or you may continue your studies, without loss of time. or credit, to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering in 36 to 42 months, Prepare yourself for the oppor- funitiesahead inone of these MSOE courses: ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN COURSES MECHANICAL: Air Conditioning — Industrial Techrology ELECTRICAL: Radio — Television — Electronics Electrical Power Technology BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE COURSES MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Plant Engineering option, or Metals Fabrication and Industrial opuon. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: Electronics major or Power major ‘MSOE’s complete, modern facilities include specialized technical laboratories and equipment, visual ald theater, and refer ence library. Fully accredited technical Snstitute courses approved for veterans; 30.000 former students: excellent place- ment record for graduates. 4 TERM CPENINGS YEARLY SEPTEMBER, JANUARY, APRIL, JULY Clip and Mail Today! MILWAUKEE 1 1 | SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING | 1 papi. 956 tons W, minwouee st. MEY | 1 Milwaukee 3, Wisconsin 1 Please send'me free career booklets on: | 1 Mechanical Engineering and Technology |G MechaG tn aiacering and Sechnclons”” | |B Redlosieeviion | | Kam interested in 1 oe t Address... ! City and State. L — He veteran, give disenarge date = ANEW HOME INDUSTRY ZF 2oR SUNG SEARS UMS OPPORTUNITIES. ayDLES UNLIMITED tI STATUES AER uIVES - Olas rr iguein PLASTICAST COMPANY 6612 N. CLARK ST. DEPT. 70.702 Become A --- 34 BUILDING CONTRACTOR! 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