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St. Paul University Surigao

St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines


2nd Semester, AY 2021-2022

OBE-Learning Module

Course Code : REED 104

Class Schedule : Block 4, (MTWTH) 8:00-11:30 PM
Room No. : CDS
E-mail Address :
Consultation Hours : Friday 9:00-11:00 AM

Course Description :

This is a three-unit course designed to lead the students to a profound appreciation and
consequently, active celebration of Liturgy and Sacraments. This course gradually leads the students to foster an
intimate relationship with Jesus Christ who is the center of all liturgical and sacramental celebrations. This further
indicates that through liturgy and sacraments, God’s saving actions to sanctify mankind are continuously revealed and
such is responded positively by man’s faith and persistence, righteousness, and apostolate. This course requires
students to submit a portfolio during the final term wherein their active participation in liturgical and sacramental
celebrations as well as active involvement in religious organizations are evident.

At the end of the course, the students must be able to:

Worship: - celebrate liturgy and sacraments as continuation of God’s revelation of His saving actions and of man’s
faithful response to the call of salvation, and thus means of grace and strength in growing into mature
- exhibit good citizenship through responsible use of media and observance of Liturgical Services; and
- support social practices and structures that promote human dignity and integrity of creation, liturgically
and sacramentally,

Doctrine: - Explain that Jesus Christ is the center and summit of every liturgical and sacramental,
-celebrations and thus foster an intimate relationship with Him through liturgy and sacraments;
- intensify one’s personal relationship with God through frequent prayer and religious practices.

Morals: - Live out their response to liturgy and sacraments in their day to day living as students and as they
work, carry out their mission, search for justice and serve others;
- manage personal well-being to become an integrated person by continuously developing the necessary
skills and knowledge in improving one’s mental and physical health; and
-engage in active community service, with preferential option for the poor, through volunteerism to
evangelize self, others and community.



Ethical, Paulinian LEADERS and PROFESSIONALS

1.4 Articulate, advocate and exemplify Paulinian ideals and values in their private and professional lives nurtured by
prayer and a deep relationship with God;

1.5 Speak out to expose and redress violations of social and professional norms and principles whatever the
consequences may be.

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St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines


“As a Christ-centered Paulinian, I am Ethical, Paulinian Leader & Professional, consciously expressing my faith.”

TOPIC : Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist
LEARNING Worship: Meditate on the Last Supper experience of Jesus and His
OUTCOMES Apostles,
Doctrine: Expound the meaning of each of the Sacraments of Initiation,
Moral: Deepen one’s love and devotion to Christ through the Sacraments
of Initiation.
Student Activity 1: Good Day Everyone! Before you start answering this module, you may
open your Bible and read the Gospel of John 19: 28-34. You may pause for
a short period of reflection. End your prayer by reciting this:
Almighty and eternal God, You created all things in wonderful beauty and
order. Help us now to perceive how still wonderful is the new creation by
which in the fullness of time You redeemed your people through the
sacrifice of our Passover, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever and
ever. Amen. ( Excerpt from Roman Missal)


Student Activity 2: Candy Game

Hello Dear Everyone! You will choose five (5) out of 10 candies bar below. Each candy has a
corresponding question to be answered.

Kit Kat ………. How do you describe your parents?

………. What is the great concern of your parents right now?

……… How is your relationship with your parents?

Choc Nuts ……… What was the happiest experience you had with your parents?

Twix ………. What was the saddest experience you had with your parents?

Milky Way
………. What was the most unforgettable experience you had with your
………… How is the relationship of your father and mother?


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St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

… When was the last time you said, “I Love You” to your parents? Why?

... When was the last time you said, “Thank You” to your parents?
What was the reason?

What was the most important gift you received from your parents?

KITKAT. How do you describe your parents?
I describe my parents as hardworking, loving, understanding, amazing, and wonderful. My
parents are still together, they raised me well, and we are a happy family. Whenever we’ve had a
problem, we solve it because our relationship is very important to us. So, I can say that they are
indeed a blessing to me.

GOYA. What is the great concern of your parents right now?

I think the great concern of my parents now is my future because they always reminded me that I
should study for me to have a good future and to make a difference in the world.

SNICKERS. How is your relationship with your parents?

My relationship with my parents is good because they loved me as I am. We respect each other
and understand each other. So, we have a harmonious relationship as God commands me to
honor them.

CHOC NUTS. What was the happiest experience you had with your parents?
The happiest moments that I have experience with my parents when I have graduated in Senior
High School. It was the happiest moments for me since they are all present in my graduation. I
was really happy that time because I saw that they are really proud of what I have achieved.
Then, they gave me a little celebration after that.

HERSHEY’S KISSES. When was the last time you said, “Thank You” to your parents?
What was the reason?
The last time I said thank you to them was earlier because they gave me money to buy foods. But
to be honest, I thanked them often because they care about me.

1. Describe your experience with the various candies you selected.

My experienced in answering the questions from candies, makes me teary eyed because I think
about my parents, I think about their goodness and love, towards me. It is such an overwhelming
for me.

2. In what ways can you count on the love you have experienced from your parents?
I can count the love of my parents in a way that they let me feel the love that I want from my
parents. They took care about me since I was born. They sent me to school or they provide
everything that they can give for me.

3. What have you learned from the activity?

I learned from this activity to love more my family because this showed me that God loves me.

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St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

He represents my parents as loving and caring. The one who always guide me to the right path.

-------------------------------------------- PROCESSING -----------------------------------------------

In our day to day living, there is nothing more wonderful than knowing and experiencing
the meaning of love and life. Likewise, God has given this to us through our family. We
experience God’s love through them. We learn our first lessons in life most especially about God
at home, through the guidance and teachings of our parents who truly nurture our growth.
However, not everyone is blessed having both parents to grow up with, who are able to provide
care and love especially in these moments that most families face different challenges. While not
all of our families are ideal, they are still our family whom God has blessed us. When we
experience their love, we experience God’s commitment of love for us. Parents are signs of
God’s love. The sacraments are the symbols of the fullness of God’s love for us. Thus, the
sacraments are to be celebrated with reverence.
A.) Sacred Scripture: Matthew 26:20-29- The Last Supper of Our Lord

Student Activity 3: Minute Paper Activity

You may just read the Gospel of Matthew 26:20-29, and answer the activity

1. Who among the Apostles betrayed Jesus? 2. Why did Jesus say that the broken bread
How did Jesus describe his betrayer? was His body?
The Apostle who betrayed Jesus is Judas. Jesus said that it was His body that represents
Jesus described His betrayer by confirming its the primary basis for the Roman Catholic
identity: "The Son of Man goes, even as it is doctrine of transubstantiation, which teaches
written of him, but woe to that man through that the body of Christ is actually present in
whom the Son of Man is betrayed! the element of the bread.

3. Why did Jesus use wine as a symbol of His 4. In what way/ways will Jesus be pleased
blood? with you who offered His very own life to
It also a metaphor that He was referring to His you in particular?
sacrifice at the cross that His blood shed. He When I have attended mass it’s like
said that, ‘Drink from it, all of you. This is witnessing the Last Supper. It is very special
my blood of the covenant, which is poured as it has full of symbols. Through this we do
out for many for the forgiveness of sins’. not partake of Jesus by physically eating Him.
The elements of bread and wine
commemorate His broken body and shed
blood, and when we eat them, we affirm our
faith and fellowship in Christ.

The Last Supper of the Lord with His Apostles is a visible act of the Church’s strong
and solid foundation since Jesus gave Himself and created a new community in communion with
Him. We are therefore being called to participate actively in the Church most especially during
the celebration of the Holy Eucharist because Christ Himself offered His very life as a living
sacrifice of love. The acts of Jesus at the Last Supper should be followed as an example, stating
that just as Jesus gave thanks to the Father before breaking the bread, those who attend mass at
the Lord’s Table to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist must give thanks for the boundless
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8400 Surigao City, Philippines

love of God and celebrate the sacrament with joy and thanksgiving.

B.) Church Teaching: Catechism of the Catholic Church nos. 1214-1397

Sacraments Defined
Sacrament comes from the Latin word sacramentum, which in Greek refers to mysterion
(mystery). Sacraments are efficacious signs and symbols of Christ’s abiding presence here on
earth instituted by Him to sanctify humanity. Through the Sacraments, Christ communicates His
grace in the words and actions felt by our human nature with the generous outpouring of the
Holy Spirit on the Church, Christ’s Body and Bride. The seven sacraments of salvation in the
Church are Baptism, Penance and Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, Anointing of
the Sick, Holy Orders and Holy Matrimony.
The Sacraments are Actions of Christ
As a Sensible Sign
1. Signs merely point to something else as when a certain direction is to be taken.
2. Discovered rather than created, symbols are supercharged with a variety of meanings.
3. Sacraments as symbolic acts are performative words and actions, as manifested in the ministry
of Jesus wherein which the spiritual reality is expressed in present and real happenings.
4. Family relationships, friendships, social, political, cultural ties, and daily life are symbols in
the economy of interpersonal human life, hence, saving symbolic actions like the Sacraments are
absolutely necessary.
Love and freedom are spiritual realities that touch us through the material conditions of
our lives. Through touch (anointing, imposing hands, washing embracing), Sacraments
communicate to us with our senses as well as through gestures (standing, bowing, sitting,
kneeling), and through proclamation listening, speaking, responding to words.

As Instituted by Christ
1. Primordial Sacrament (Jesus) - The sacrament of God’s saving love is Jesus in His humanity.
Through Jesus words and actions and the establishment of the Church as basic sacrament, He
instituted the sacraments of His Father.
2. Foundational or Basic Sacrament (Church) - The gradual development and celebration of the
present seven ritual sacraments is the definite role of the Church. By being Christ’s Body, she
makes present to all persons Christ’s own public ministry. With the continuation of Jesus service
of love, the Church is Christ’s primordial sign.
3. “Ex opere operato” (the Sacrament is effective in itself) - Christ gives grace through the
Church even if there is lack of holiness on the part of the minister. Through His Spirit, Christ
acts when the sacraments are celebrated properly.
Jesus Christ being the “Primordial Sacrament” is Source, Primary Agent, and Goal of
all sacramental activity.
1. Source- the root and effect is in Christ who is the source.
2. Primary Agent- the celebration of the words and actions of the minister is done by Christ in
various sacraments, baptizes, confirms, forgives and reconciles, heals and offers Himself.
3. Goal- because Christ is the perfection toward which out life on earth tends, we must be
formed more and more “to the image and likeness of Christ.” Through the Sacraments, we are
challenged and empowered to respond in love.
The Seven Sacraments Effects:
1. A closer relationship with the Trinity through and in the Church.
2. Christ’s way of thinking, acting, praying, loving, forgiving, and serving is slowly formed in

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St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

the person. The effect of the power of the Holy Spirit is this gradual transformation in Christ.
3. Personal relationship with God can be established, strengthened by the saving power of faith
and which is very basic in the effectivity of the sacraments. PCP ll and Vatican ll affirms that
faith is essential in the celebration of the sacraments because the purpose of the Sacraments is to
make men and women sanctified, build up the Body of Christ and to worship God.
The Three Rites
There are three rites that introduce a person into the Church namely: Baptism, Confirmation and
Eucharist. Pope Paul Vl declared through the Apostolic Constitution “The faithful are born anew
by Baptism, strengthened by the sacrament of Confirmation, and receive in the Eucharist the
food of eternal life.”
A.) Sacrament of Baptism
Baptism means “plunge” or “immerse.” The “plunge” into the water symbolizes the
catechumen’s burial into Christ’s death from which one rises up by resurrection with Christ. It
signifies and brings about one’s birth in water and the Spirit to enter the Kingdom of God. It is
God’s most beautiful, magnificent precious gift on those who bring nothing of their own, guilty
even of sin. It is a garment of anointing, enlightenment, immortality, bath of rebirth, and seal of
God’s lordship.
The Celebration
The words, gestures and rites of the celebration of baptism give meaning and grace.
1. Sign of the Cross- signifies the grace of the redemption of Christ imprinted to those who
belong to Him.
2. Proclamation of the Word of God- enlightens the candidates into the sacramental entry into the
life of faith including the assembly.
3. Pronouncement of one or more exorcisms- signifies liberation from sin and its instigator the
4. Anointing of the Oil and laying harder on the catechumen- signifies blessings for the explicit
renunciation of Satan and enables one to confess the faith of the Church.
5. Consecration of the Baptismal Water by a prayer of epiclesis- signifies the Church’s prayer
asking God that through His Son the power of the Holy Spirit be sent upon water to make the
baptized be born of water and the Spirit.
6. Essential Rite of Baptism- signifies and actually brings about death to sin and entry into the
life of the Most Holy Trinity through configuration to the Paschal Mystery.
7. Triple Immersion in the baptismal water and pouring three times over the candidates’ head-
signifies the most expressive way of rebirth from death to resurrection.
8. The Words, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”
Signify the indwelling of the Trinity in the soul.
9. Anointing with sacred chrism, perfumed oil consecrated by the bishop- signifies that the
baptized is incorporated into Christ’s role of priest, prophet, and king as anointed.
10. The White Garment- symbolizes that the baptized person has risen with Christ.
11. Candle, lit from the Easter candle- signifies that the baptized enlightened by Christ is the
light of the world and become the child of God.
Recipients of Baptism:
Persons not yet baptized can receive Baptism.
1. Adult Baptism- is done as well as the catechumenate (preparation for Baptism) is when the
person should be properly initiated into the mystery of salvation, in the practice of evangelical
virtues, and is introduced into the life of faith, liturgy and charity, bringing their conversion and
faith to maturity in response to the divine initiative and in union with an ecclesial community.
2. Infant Baptism- has been the tradition of the Church, in which children tainted by original sin
need to be liberated from the power of sin.
The Church wills that the bishop, priest and even the deacon are its ordinary ministers
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St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

but in case of necessity, anyone can baptize using the Trinitarian baptismal formula. Baptism is
necessary for salvation especially to whom the Gospel has been proclaimed as commanded by
Jesus Himself to His Apostles. Baptism is necessary for entrance into eternal beatitude; the
following are considered baptized-those who were martyred for the faith (Baptism of Blood), for
catechumens who die before Baptism (possessing and explicit desire to receive it) and have
repented of their sins has received the Baptism of desire.

B.) Sacrament of Confirmation

Sacrament of Confirmation- strengthens the grace received in Baptism to grow in perfection
with Christ, become closer to union with the Church, and is strengthened by the empowerment of
the Holy Spirit to actively spread the faith like the Apostles who were strengthened at Pentecost
to spread the Good News.
Effects of Confirmation
Imprinting on the soul an indelible spiritual mark. Confirmation is received only once;
the “character” of a Christian sealed with the Spirit of Jesus Christ wherein one becomes a
witness. The “character” perfects the common priesthood of the faithful received in Baptism.
The Confirmed person receives the power to profess Christ publicly and officially. Furthermore,
it is administered to anyone who can and should by virtue of their Baptism. Confirmation must
be received in a state of grace by receiving the sacrament of Penance first; candidates of
confirmation prepare themselves with an intense prayer and seek the spiritual help of a spouse or
the godparents of one’s baptism.
Minister of Confirmation:
The bishop is the ordinary minister (Latin rite); it signifies the close union of the Church
to her Apostolic origins and mission of bearing witness to Christ. If the need arises or if one is in
danger of danger, the bishop may grant the faculty of administering confirmation to priests.
Gifts Received:
The Sacrament of Confirmation increases the special gifts of the Holy Spirit accepted in
Baptism strengthens one to live fully and be responsible to defend the faith. These seven gifts

Wisdom- It is not the quoting of facts. Is a gift that allows a person to understand things from
God's point of view. In other words, Wisdom allows a person to recognize truth. A person with
the Gift of Wisdom is able to take this truth and use it to glorify God by choosing Godly
solutions to problems.
Understanding-It is the second gift of the Holy Spirit, and people sometimes have a hard time
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St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

understanding (no pun intended) how it differs from wisdom. While wisdom is the desire to
contemplate the things of God, understanding allows us grasp, at least in a limited way, the very
essence of the truths of the Catholic Faith. Through understanding, we gain a certitude about our
beliefs that moves beyond faith.
Counsel- It is also known as a Gift of Right Judgment. Counsel, the third gift of the Holy Spirit,
is the perfection of the cardinal virtue of prudence. Prudence can be practiced by anyone, but
counsel is supernatural. Through this gift of the Holy Spirit, we are able to judge how best to act
almost by intuition. Because of the gift of counsel, Christians need not fear to stand up for the
truths of the Faith, because the Holy Spirit will guide us in defending those truths.
Fortitude- It is also known as the Gift of Courage. Through this Gift a person is no longer afraid
to stand up for God and His truths. A person who has the Gift of Fortitude will stand up for good
against evil and is convicted to take a stand when the occasion arises.
Knowledge- This allows a person to understand the meaning and purpose God has for him and to
live up to this meaning. It differs from wisdom in that it is an action, not just a desire to live up to
the ways of God. It differs from Understanding in that it is not just ability, it is a knowing.
Piety- The sixth gift of the Holy Spirit, is the perfection of the virtue of religion. While we tend
to think of religion today as the external elements of our faith, it really means the willingness to
worship and to serve God. Piety takes that willingness beyond a sense of duty, so that we desire
to worship God and to serve Him out of love, the way that we desire to honor our parents and do
what they wish.
Fear of the Lord- the Gift of Fear of the Lord puts God in the proper perspective. A person with
this Gift understands the greatness and awesomeness of the Lord. They want to serve Him
because of who He is. A person with the Gift of Fear of the Lord understands who they are and
why they are here in relationship to God; In other words, everything they are is due to the
wonder, love, grace, and perfection of God. They are totally dependent on the Lord as a child is
to a parent. The Gift of Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. Once a person understands
who God is and desires to please Him, they can begin to understand things from God's point of
view or have Wisdom.


C.) Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist

HOLY EUCHARIST- Greek word eucharistia, meaning 'thanksgiving,' commemorates Christ's
Paschal Mystery.
-an ecclesial act carried out by the Body of Christ, both Christ the Head and we, the members;
instituted by Christ at the Last Supper,
-as both sacrifice and a sacred meal, a memorial of Christ’s Passion, Death and Resurrection,

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St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

through which the Risen Christ is really present,

-constituting an eschatological pledge for future glory.
-It is an act of thanksgiving worship of God, constituting at once a Sacrifice-Sacrament, a
Communion-Sacrament, and a Presence-Sacrament.
-As Primordial Sacrament, Christ is the origin, primary agent, and fullest expression of each
-In the Eucharist, Christ is the SUPREME WORSHIPPER, offering the Father:
the perfect sacrifice in which He is both Priest and Victim,
-in a sacred meal of communion in which He is the food for eternal life,
-really present to us under the appearance of bread and wine.
-Receiving Holy Communion worthily:
-unites us with Christ
- separates us from sin
-reconciles us with one another, and
-builds up the Christian Community, the Church.
-The Risen Christ is present:
-not like a material thing, but
-in a personal presence,
-under the signs of food and drink (bread and wine)
-in a dynamic, lasting presence,
-in his risen, glorified body.
The Paschal Banquet (Eucharist) instituted by Jesus in the Last Supper to perpetuate the
sacrifice of the Cross of His body and blood; entrusted in the Church to remember His death and
resurrection, a sacrament of love, sign of unity and bond of charity. The Blessed Eucharist
contains the whole spiritual good of the Church, Christ Himself our Pasch; it is efficacious sign
and sublime cause of the unity of God to His people in the Church; it is the culminated of both
God’s sanctifying action in the world. All come to worship God in the Trinity; for by the
Eucharistic celebration God’s people unite with the heavenly liturgy and anticipate eternal life.
The Fruits of Holy Communion:
Intimate union with Christ Jesus is the principle fruit of Communion. The flesh of the
Risen Christ preserves, increases and renews the life of grace received at Baptism. Communion
as viaticum nourishes our Christian life as bread for our eternal pilgrimage; Holy Communion
cleanses us from past sins, preserving us from future sins, renews, strengthens and deepens the
incorporation of all the faithful into Christ’s Body the Church partaking of the one bread, this
food which is the source and summit of Ecclesial life. The Eucharist makes us recognize Christ
in the poorest of His brethren.

Worship: a.) Immersion into water symbolizes not only death and purification, but also
Regeneration and renewal,
b.) It is evident from its celebration that the effects of the sacrament of Confirmation
is full outpouring of the Holy Spirit,
c.) Every time this mystery is celebrated, ‘the work of our redemption is carried on
and we break the one bread that provides the medicine of immortality, the antidote
for Death and the food that make us live forever in Jesus Christ,
Doctrine: a.) In His Passover Christ opened to all men the fountain of Baptism,
b.) Confirmation perfects baptismal grace,
c.) The sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are one single sacrifice,
Moral: a.)The person baptized belongs no longer to Himself, but to Him who died and rose for

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St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

us, he is called to be subject to others, to serve them in the communion of the Church,
b.) Confirmation marks a new stage in the confirmed’s Christian life. The change is
Basically from being passively served to active service of others. From first initiation
Into the Church to public declaration of full discipleship in the Church’s ministry,
c.) The Eucharist impresses on all us one inescapable truth, we all stand with equal
dignity before God around the table of the Lord.

Student Activity: Closing Prayer: SPIRITUAL COMMUNION

My Jesus, I believe that you are really present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I Love
You above all things, and I desire to possess You within my soul. Since I cannot now receive
You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. (A moment of pause……….)
I embrace You as is You were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to
be separated from You. Amen.

REFLECTION : A.) My Action Plan

Prepare an action plan showing how you live the values of Jesus and how
to be a “sacrament” to others at home in school, and in the Christian
My Action Plan to live the values of Jesus as a sacrament to others.
1. Be in prayer
2. Be actively reading in the Word
3. Follow the commands He puts on your heart
4. Seek a godly community
5. Obey the Truth

B.) What have I LEARNED in this module?

In this module, I learned that we should participate in the celebration of
liturgy and sacraments as a sign of saving actions of God.
What have I DONE?
I have done in applying some of the values of God. As a Christian, I am a
sacrament for others since I responded to liturgy and in some sacraments
in Church. By this, I am able to deepen my relationship with God.
How can I IMPROVE?
I think I can improve by studying knowing more about sacraments, on how
it is important for us Christians to live according to the teachings and
tradition of the Church.
l- Student Activity 2: Candy Game
ll- Student Activity 3: Minute Paper Activity
lll- A.) Answer the following Questions:
A.1. How important is the Sacraments of Initiation? Why do we have to receive them?
The sacraments of initiation fully incorporate us into the Body of Christ, the Church. At the table
of the Eucharist, we eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man so that we may have
eternal life and show forth the unity of God's people.
A.2. How can you become a good witness of the Sacraments of Initiation?
I can be a good witnesss of the Sacraments of Initiation, by doing the responsibility as a
Christians to pass the faith, story, values and tradition to the next generation.
A.3. What happens after a person is baptized? Explain.
The newly baptized person becomes a member of the church and is incorporated into the body of
Christ, thus becoming empowered to lead the life of Christ. Nothing but pure natural water may
be used, and baptism must be conferred, as Jesus taught, in the name of the Father, the Son, and
the Holy Spirit.
A.4. Why is it important to be baptized for salvation?
Sacramental baptism is the only means given by our Lord that assures salvation. The Church
must never neglect the duty to proclaim the Gospel, and by the grace of God, call people in faith
to baptism.
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St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

A.5. What do you need to do, since baptism is the most important sacrament, to ensure that
you always live according to your baptismal promises?
One simple way to remember baptism can be found every time I walk into a church, when I dip
finger in the holy water. This reminders of this sacrament, made my faith strong as God
welcomed me and blessed me.
A.6. The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge,
piety, and fear of the lord.
A.6.1. Directions: On top of the line below each tongue of fire write the name of a gift of
the Holy Spirit. Below the line, write down a word or words that describe
the meaning of that gift.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

wisdom understanding counsel fortitude knowledge piety fear of the Lord

value the grasp right courage enlighten love wonder

things of faith’s judgment your mind and &
God mysteries serve awe
A.6.2. How does the gifts of the Holy Spirit affect our lives?
1. They sustain the moral life of Christians.
2. They complete the virtues of those who receive them.
3. They allow us to be the fruit of the Spirit.

lV- B.) Eucharist

B.1. What is the Eucharist?
The Christian ceremony commemorating the Last Supper, in which bread and wine are
consecrated and consumed.
B.2. What happens to the bread and wine at Mass?
During mass the bread and wine are transubstantiated into body and blood of Christ.
B.3. What is transubstantiation?
Roman Catholic doctrine that the whole substance of the bread and wine changes into the
substance of the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist.
B.4. Why is the bread and wine not just symbols of Jesus’ Body and Blood?
The bread and wine not just symbols of Jesus’ Body and Blood because it is the sacrament of
Christ where Jesus Christ truly present under the appearance of bread and wine.
B.5. What does receiving the Eucharist helps us to do?
As the Eucharist is the source of all grace. We receive Jesus Christ worthily that we experience
an increase of sanctifying grace.
B.6. What does it mean that the Eucharist is spiritual food?
The Eucharist is a spiritual food in which our soul nourishes.
B.7. What desire is placed in our hearts when we receive the Eucharist?
The desire for nourishment in the form of food and water. These foods fulfill our desire to be
filled by Jesus that will truly satisfy us. By this, we are literally able to be filled by the body,
blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ.
B.8. What does increasing charity in our life mean?
It means the act of extending love and kindness to others unconditionally.
B.9. What does an increase in charity in our life lead us to?
The positive effects of acts of charity lead us to feel good about giving or helping especially
those who are in need. This made us feel satisfaction and growth in our life.
B.10. How often should we receive the Eucharist?
We should receive Communion every time we attend Holy Mass, and again at a wedding, funeral
or other ritual.

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St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

C.) Draw a mind map. Expound on Jesus Christ being the “Primordial Sacrament,”
Source, Primary Agent, and Goal of all sacramental activities.

D.) One-Sentence Summary

1. Which of the definitions of the sacraments you find most relevant? Why?
“Sacraments are efficacious signs and symbols of Christ’s abiding presence here on earth
instituted by Him to sanctify humanity.” I find this most relevant as liturgical signs and symbols
of Christ are a form of communication of faith that introduces us in a special way to the mystery
of Him.

2. Summarize in one sentence the following three statements about the seven sacraments.
a. Sacraments are efficacious signs of grace.
Sacraments are sacred and visible sign that instituted by Jesus to give us grace.
b. The Church always taught that sacraments give grace.
Sacraments are the divine helps which God gives us to enable us to believe the truths of his faith,
live according to his moral code, and grow in his gift of divine life.
c. Sacraments are symbols of Christ’s abiding presence on earth.
When we act as Jesus did, we embody the presence of Christ in the world. We are living

If you were given the freedom to make your own symbol of the seven sacraments how
will you illustrate them? Draw your illustration. Explain your own symbols.

Dove represents the God’s love and forgiveness. I symbolize the sacraments as dove
since sacraments are an efficacious sign of grace.
EXPANDED Locate the following passages from the Bible. Explain their relation to the
OPPORTUNITY seven sacraments.
1. Matthew 28:19, Acts. 2:38; 22;16
In these passages, Baptism given in name of Trinity, Holy Spirit is given at
baptism and Baptism washes ones sins away.
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St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

2. Acts 1:8; 8:14-17

In these passages, Holy Spirit is given at confirmation (separate from
baptism). Confirmation in action.
3. Luke 22:19-20, John 6:56; 6:48-52;54-56
He uses an even more literal verb, translated as "trogo," which means to
gnaw or chew or crunch. He increases the literalness and drives his
message home. Jesus will literally give us His flesh and blood to eat.
Catechism for Filipino Catholics (CFC)
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)
Evangelista, Carlos S., Jr., MAL: Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments
Sr.Villarubia, Gewena Gay P., AR: Our Way to God
Sr. Maquiling, Christie P., AR: Our Way to God
Juanillo, Eden S. & Cuyos, Fanny A.:Journey with Jesus God Builds and
Unites His People
Roman Missal, Alternative Collect for the 4th Sunday of Advent.

Prepared by: MRS. ANNABELLE S. DUA



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