4 Current Liabilities MGMT

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Ave . Pay . Period= ¿
Payables ¿
Spontaneous liabilities arise from the
normal course of business which normally Where,
includes accounts payable and accruals.
Net credit purchases
There is normally no explicit cost attached Payables ¿=
Ave . Payables
to either of these current liabilities,
although they do have certain implicit Assuming receipt, processing, and
costs. disbursement time is constant, the average
payment period tells the firm, on average,
In addition, both are forms of unsecured when its customers pay their accounts.
short-term financing. The firm should take
advantage of these “interest-free” sources CASH FLOAT MANAGEMENT
of unsecured short-term financing Float refers to funds that have been sent
whenever possible. by the payer but are not yet usable funds
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANAGEMENT to the payee. Float is important in the cash
conversion cycle because its presence
CASH CONVERSION CYCLE (CCC) lengthens both the firm's average collection
period and its average payment period.
Measures the length of time required for a However, the goal of the firm should be to
company to convert cash invested in its shorten its average collection period and
operations to cash received as a result of lengthen its average payment period. Both
operations. can be accomplished by managing float.
CCC=( AAI + ACP ) −APP Float has three component parts:
1. Mail float is the time delay between
when payment is placed in the mail
and when it is received.
2. Processing float is the time between
receipt of the payment and its
deposit into the supplier's account.
3. Clearing float is the time between
deposit of the payment and when
spendable funds become available to
the supplier. This component of
float is attributable to the time
required for a check to clear the
banking system.
A positive cash conversion cycle means the
firm must use negotiated liabilities to Cash Disbursements
support its operating assets.
Float is also a component of the firm's
Simply stated, the goal is to minimize the average payment period. In this case, the
length of the cash conversion cycle, which float is in the favor of the firm. The firm
minimizes current liabilities. may benefit by increasing all three of the
components of its payment float. Some
AVERAGE PAYMENT PERIOD (APP) effective methods of cash outflow
The average payment period has two parts: management are:
(1) the time from the purchase of raw  Use of checks and drafts
materials until the firm mails the payment
 Voucher system
and (2) payment float time (the time it
 The 3 o’clock habit
takes after the firm mails its payment until
 Thank God Its Friday (TGIF)
the supplier has withdrawn spendable
funds from the firm’s account). The
 Payroll management
formula for finding the average collection
period is, In summary, a reasonable overall policy for
float management is to delay making

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payment to suppliers because, once the If the firm were able to stretch its account
payment is mailed, the funds belong to the payable to 70 days without damaging its
supplier. credit rating, what would be the cost of
giving up the cash discount?
Cash Discount
The most common items accrued by a firm
Sometimes a supplier will offer a cash
are wages and taxes. Because taxes are
discount for early payment. In that case,
payments to the government, their accrual
the purchaser should carefully analyze
cannot be manipulated by the firm.
credit terms to determine the best time to
repay the supplier. However, the accrual of wages can be
manipulated to some extent. This is
The purchaser must weigh the benefits of
accomplished by delaying payment of
paying the supplier as late as possible
wages, thereby receiving an interest-free
against the costs of passing up the
loan from employees who are paid
discount for early payment.
sometime after they have performed the
The Nominal Discount Rate work.

The discount rate adjusted on an annual SAMPLE PROBLEM 3. AstraZeneca

basis. It is computed as follows: Company currently pays its employees at
the end of each work week. The weekly
Discount rate Days∈a year payroll totals P400,000.
100 %−discount rate Remaining credit time
If the firm were to extend the pay period so
Or, Discount time turnover x adjusted as to pay its employees 1 week later
discount rate per discount time throughout an entire year, assuming the
firm could earn 10% annually on invested
Decision Guide:
funds, such a strategy would be give the
Buyer without available funds firm an annual income of how much?

EDR > cost of money Avail of the CD UNSECURED SOURCES OF SHORT-

EDR < cost of money Ignore the CD TERM LOANS

Buyer with available funds BANK LOANS

The major type of loan made by banks to
EDR < ROI if money is used Ignore the CD
EDR > ROI if money is used Avail of the CD businesses is the short-term, self-
liquidating loan. These loans are intended
SAMPLE PROBLEM 1. Three suppliers of merely to carry the firm through seasonal
PH Corp. offer different credit term. peaks in financing needs that are due
primarily to buildups of inventory and
Novavax Co. offers term of 1.5/15, net 30. accounts receivable.
Sinovac Corp. offers terms of 1/10, net 30.
Sinopharm Inc. offers of 2/10, net 60. Loan Interest Rates

PH Corp. would have to borrow from a 1. Fixed Rate - the rate of interest
bank at an annual rate of 12% in order to determined at a set increment above
take any cash discounts. the prime rate on the date of the
loan and remains unvarying at that
Which one of the following would be the fixed rate until maturity.
most attractive for PH Corp.? 2. Variable Rate - the increment above
the prime rate is initially
Effects of Stretching Accounts Payable
established, and the rate of interest
Stretching accounts payable reduces the is allowed to “float,” or vary, above
implicit cost of giving up a cash discount. prime as the prime rate varies until
SAMPLE PROBLEM 2. Moderna Industries
was extended credit terms of 2/10, net 30. Methods of Computing Interest
1. When interest is paid at maturity,

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SAMPLE PROBLEM 7. Viral Vector

Interest Company has a P2,000,000 line of credit
Amount borrowed agreement with its bank.
It must pay a stated interest rate of 10%
2. When interest is paid in advance,
and maintain, in its checking account, a
compensating balance equal to 10% of the
amount borrowed.
Amount borrowed−Interest
Compute for the effective annual interest
SAMPLE PROBLEM 4. Pfizer Company, a rate.
manufacturer of athletic apparel, wants to
borrow P10,000 at a stated annual rate of Annual Cleanups. This means that the
10% interest for 1 year. Compute for the borrower must have a loan balance of zero
effective annual rate if, (1) interest is paid —that is, owe the bank nothing—for a
at maturity, (2) interest is paid in advance. certain number of days during the year.
This ensures that short-term loans do not
SINGLE-PAYMENT NOTES turn into long-term loans.
Co. recently borrowed P100,000 from a
bank when the prime rate was 6% and SAMPLE PROBLEM 8. Viral Vector
issued a 90-day note with a fixed interest Company has a P2,000,000 revolving
rate set at 1% above the prime rate payable credit agreement with its bank. Its average
at maturity. borrowing under the agreement for the
past year was P1.5 million.
Compute for the, (1) interest paid on the
note, (2) effective annual interest rate. The bank charges a commitment fee of
0.5% on the average unused balance. Viral
SAMPLE PROBLEM 6. Inovio Corp. Vector also had to pay interest of 10%.
recently borrowed P100,000 from a bank
when the prime rate was 6% and issued a Compute for the effective annual interest
90-day note with a variable interest rate rate.
set at 1.5% above the prime rate payable at
A form of financing that consists of short-
Assuming after 30 days the prime rate
term, unsecured promissory notes issued
rises to 6.5%, and after another 30 days it
by firms with a high credit standing.
drops to 6.25%, compute for the, (1)
Commercial paper is sold at a discount
interest paid on the note, (2) effective
from its par, or face value. The size of the
annual interest rate.
discount and the length of time to maturity
LINES OF CREDIT determine the interest paid by the issuer of
commercial paper.
Interest Rates. The interest rate on a line of
credit is normally stated as a floating rate. An interesting characteristic of commercial
paper is that its interest cost is normally 2
Operating-Change Restrictions. In a line-of- percent to 4 percent below the prime rate.
credit agreement, a bank may impose In other words, firms are able to raise
operating-change restrictions, which give it funds more cheaply by selling commercial
the right to revoke the line if any major paper than by borrowing from a
changes occur in the firm’s financial commercial bank.
condition or operations.
Compensating Balances. Banks frequently Corporation has just issued P1,000,000
require compensating balances of 10 to 20 worth of commercial paper that has a 90-
percent. A compensating balance not only day maturity and sells for P990,000.
forces the borrower to be a good customer
of the bank but may also raise the interest Compute for the, (1) interest paid on the
cost to the borrower. note, (2) effective annual interest rate.

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SECURED SOURCES OF SHORT-TERM A claim on inventory in general as extra

LOANS security on what would otherwise be an
unsecured loan.
Secured short-term financing has specific
assets pledged as collateral. The collateral This arrangement is most attractive when
commonly takes the form of an asset, such the firm has a stable level of inventory that
as accounts receivable or inventory. consists of a diversified group of relatively
inexpensive merchandise.
The lender obtains a security interest in
the collateral through the execution of a The interest charge on a floating lien is
security agreement filed in a public office. 3%-5% above the prime rate.
Note that the presence of collateral has no TRUST RECEIPT INVENTORY LOANS
impact on the risk of default.
Made against relatively expensive
The primary sources of secured short-term automotive, consumer durable, and
loans to businesses are commercial banks industrial goods that can be identified by
and commercial finance companies. serial number.
USE OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AS Under this agreement, the borrower keeps
COLLATERAL the inventory, and the lender may advance
80%-100% of its cost.
Two commonly used means of obtaining
short-term financing with accounts The interest charge to the borrower is
receivable are pledging accounts receivable normally 2% or more above the prime rate.
and factoring accounts receivable.
An arrangement whereby the lender, which
The Pledging Process. may be a commercial bank or finance
company, receives control of the pledged
Pledging Cost. The stated cost of a pledge
inventory collateral, which is stored by a
of accounts receivable is normally 2%-5%
designated agent on the lender’s behalf.
above the prime rate. In addition to the
After selecting acceptable collateral, the
stated interest rate, a service charge of up
lender hires a warehousing company to act
to 3 percent may be levied by the lender to
as its agent and take possession of the
cover its administrative costs.
Two types of warehousing arrangements
Factoring Agreement. are:

Factoring Cost. Factoring costs include 1. Terminal Warehouse

commissions, interest levied on advances,
A central warehouse that is used to
and interest earned on surpluses.
store the merchandise of various
The commissions are typically stated as a customers.
1 to 3 percent discount from the book
2. Field Warehouse
value of factored accounts receivable. The
interest levied on advances is generally 2 to The lender hires a field-warehousing
4 percent above the prime rate. It is levied company to set up a warehouse on the
on the actual amount advanced. The borrower’s premises or to lease part of
interest paid on surpluses is generally the borrower’s warehouse to store the
between 0.2 percent and 0.5 percent per pledged collateral.
Generally, the lender advances 75%-90%
USE OF INVENTORY AS COLLATERAL of the collateral’s value and charges a basic
interest ranging from 3%-5% above the
The most important characteristic of
prime rate.
inventory being evaluated as loan collateral
is marketability. In addition to interest, the borrower must
absorb the costs of warehousing which is
generally between 1%-3% of the amount of

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the loan. Normally, the borrower is also

required to pay the insurance costs on the
warehoused merchandise.

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