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• Content-related questions:

1. This is the final assignment in the "Introduction to Network Analysis" course. Your task is to show
us everything you’ve learned. Do not be shy showing off; demonstrate as much knowledge as you
2. Describe everything you do, do not assume I understand that you know what you are doing. Unlike
Seminars and Homeworks, where I’ve given you credit simply for copying commads, here you
have to explain why you are using a certain command.
3. Annotating. Use Word or similar processing software to properly annotate all commands and
answer all questions. Please provide all R code used in the appendix.
The data
Please make sure your working directory is set to a folder where the data files are located; otherwise, you will
be forced to provide a full path to data every time.

Ground rules
This is a real-life dataset collected on a real-life company, as I’ve mentioned. Before we go into any
further details with it, the following are the ground rules:
• This dataset is for educational purposes only, for your use in this class. You may NOT, under any
circumstances, distribute it outside of this class, for any reason.
• To use this dataset for any purposes other than this course, even if it is for your diploma, you MUST
obtain my permission IN WRITING. Referring later to a "conversation" we might have had about it
will not suffice.
• If any paper is published from this dataset, in addition to obtaining a permission, you must include the
authors of this dataset as co-authors. I will give you the names if and when such time comes.

Dataset description
The data was collected in a real-life company, and employees were asked to answer questions of several types.
We were interested in their attitudes towards their jobs, as well as levels of burnout, conflict, etc., in the
organization. We were also interested in whether the employees were exhibiting the so-called “organizational
citizenship behavior” (please read about this concept a little as you work with this dataset), so we collected
additional questions on that. To reduce common method bias, we collected data from employees themselves,
and measures of their performance - from their supervisors.
There is very little missing data, so we were lucky with our response rates. All people surveyed were the
people employed in one department - there were 71 people in total, we got data on 68. We are missing just
three from that department, though network data is available on many more - those are people from other
Other than describe the dataset for you, I am going to refer you to the file “Questionnaire.pdf” you will find
question descriptions right there.
• First page is introduction and description. It is a promise to keep information confidential (and you will
see the measures we’ve taken to protect the confidentiality) and contact information of the
researcher (redacted for now).
• Second page collects demongraphic informatin of the respondent. It corresponds to the first 12 columns
of the datafile "OCB," the "Main" tab. When you open the file, you will see that some questions have
changed their order, and they’ve been named as short descriptions of the questions, but everything is
• Network questions. This is how we collect the multiplex data. We ask for the person’s name, then
ask to describe the contact type, and for each selected contact type we ask the person to value the
relationship, as indicated in the questionnaire. This is the real questionnaire we’ve used, so network
questions take a few pages.
People were free to name as many people as they’ve wished and the people they named did not need to
be from their own department. So we ended up with 68 responses from one department and 122 people
as part of the network. On the remaining 54 we do not have demongraphic information, because they
did not participate in our survey.
• Substantive questions. This is the part where we collect the information of interest. This survey had A
LOT of questions - and they are grouped together by topic. Whether it is correct is subject of debate,
but we opted to do it that way based on solid methodological recommendations, trust me. ))
• Performance data. This part of the questionnaire was filled by the supervisors only. They had to list
their employees, and then rate them on questions asked, which evaluated both their task
performance and the OCB.
All collected questionnaires were entered into Excel for further analysis. In the file “OCB” you will find the
following information:
• Tab "Main" contains all demographic information on our respondents and their answers to substantive
questions (work attitudes). Please note that respondent names are reduced to their initials (in English),
so that we can protect their privacy. Combined with not knowing the company or the department, this
assures respondent privacy.
Questions Q1-Q37 correspond to questions 1:1-1:29 (first 29) and 2:1-2:8 (second eight). Questions
QS1-QS36 correspond to supervisors’ ratings of these employees.
Please note: Some questions will have a letter "R" to them. This is because they were REVERSE-
CODED. I am sure you know what reverse-coding means, so we had to transfer data back to the same
scale as non-reverse-coded items, so that we could put them together into one factor. In this dataset,
all reverse-coding was complete, so you do not need to worry about that.
• Tabs "Friendship," "Professional," "Boss" and "Support" are adjacency matrices - respondents are entered
in exact the same order in rows and columns of all matrices. Data in these matrices is shown as is,
without adding additional information - just the valued responses to connections that people have
• Tab "All Net" is the network of connections that’s dichotomized somewhat the same way we’ve
dichotomized the "trade.all" data - here, if any type of connection is present in either of the previous
tabs, there is a "1" in the cell. Otherwise, a zero. This is already a matrix with zeros in cells that do
not have a value.
• Tabs "*.Net" - adjacency data from previous tabs is converted to networks for further use.

The Assignment
1. Select an appropriate DV (dependent variable) and justify your choice. There are many possible
dependent variables in this dataset; you do not need several. Find one, but explain your choice.
2. Before you begin any analysis, write a theoretical justification of the influence that networks may have
on your selected DV. Choose one or more networks that could have an impact on your DV, and explain
their hypothesized influence. Is it social selection or social influence? What is the theoretical foundation
for your model? Also select several non-network independent variables that you can use in your model.
3. Create and examine (a) network(s) you have identified in the assignment above. Graph the network,
including any node attributes you find interesting or important. Make sure your graph is
appropriately complex, with a variety of colors and other graph attributes that make it as informative
as possible. Examine network indices, paying special attention to whether any of them appear to be
of special interest. See if you can identify individual nodes that appear to be the most influential;
explain their influence.
4. Perform one of the community detection examination (blockmodel being the most straightforward,
but you can also try some clustering methods). What do you observe? Explain your result.
5. Create a model of social influence - that is, a model of network variable influence on the DV of interest.
Here, you will need to run either a factor-analytic or a regression model; follow all the appropriate
assumption testing procedures and eliminate non-significant variables. Explain your result.
Grading Criteria
To make sure your assignment is evaluated appropriately, I will use the Grading Rubric below. Please note
that I will give points in increments; for simplicity, I show points as parts of a 10-point grade. In reality, I
will be grading out of 100, so that for partially-answered questions I can give 7.5 points, for example, which
will then translate to 0.75 of a point towards the final grade.
Item Points
Identifying and justifying the DV; Identifying proper IVs 1 point
Theoretical justification of the network influence,
including selection of an a priori network-theoretical model 1 point
Creating a network graph object of an appropriate complexity 1 point
Network descriptive statistics and their explanations 1 point
Community detection 2 points
Social influence model with appropriate conclusions 2 points
Appropriate, "report-style" document format 1 point
Use of R-programming tools 1 point
Total 10 points
Code not included in the Appendix -1 point
Data files not provided with submission -1 point

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