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1. The relation between color symbolism and culture?

Colors carry deep meanings with them in every culture. Western, Far

Eastern, Middle Eastern, Indian, and African cultures have stark
differences in the symbolism of colors within their cultures. For
instance, in some cultures, white represents innocence, but in others,
it can represent death. The symbolism of colors often stems from
religious, spiritual, social, or historical events. In this lesson, we will
look at the symbolic meanings of colors in cultures all over the globe.
2. Do you know any rules of language etiquette?
1. DO correct language learners
Even though it might seem rude, we are learning, after all. We’re not offended if you correct our
mistakes. In fact, it’s more offensive to us if you don’t, and let us keep saying things wrong! It’s
the language equivalent of letting someone walk around with spinach in their teeth. Thanks for
saying something…

2. DON’T switch to English (unless the language learner is learning English)

English isn’t “easier” for us, we’re intentionally trying to take on a new challenge. It’s like offering
an elevator to the guy climbing the mountain. He’s doing it the hard way on purpose! We didn’t get
into this to speak English, and when that comes up it can often feel like “welp, I’ve failed.”

3. DO be patient and let language learners finish, even if it takes a while

We get it. It can be annoying to wait while we’re chewing through the grammar slower than a mule
on a hot summer day. But it’s really important work – we’re connecting synapses and building
skills that way. Just wait patiently for us to finish. Unless we tell you otherwise, of course!
Sometimes we don’t want to be embarrassed by our slowness and want someone to interrupt and
rescue us.

4. DON’T ask where a language learner is from, first thing, when you hear an accent
That’s telling us, “oh, you’re weird. Why are you so weird?” At least pretend you’re interested in
whatever else we’re talking about for a little while before you call us out on our imperfect

5. DO give books, movies, even magazine articles as gifts

It’s a cheap, easy gift, and we’ll be touched that you remembered. Even something as simple as the
day’s newspaper is a nice excuse to stretch our language learning muscles, and something we may
not have had time to pick up ourselves. Thanks in advance!

6. DON’T immediately start speaking super slowly or dumb down the language
We’re not idiots. Don’t speak to us in pidgin, using incorrect grammar or simple words on purpose,
hoping we’ll understand better. That only makes things worse. If you’re going too fast, or we can’t
understand, we’ll let you know, and then you can bring out the training wheels. Just don’t assume
we need them right away!

7. DO say an encouraging word

Don’t lay it on too thick, but do let us know we’re doing well. It may seem like a little thing to
you, but it makes for a big boost in morale on our end when a native speaker lends a positive word
now and then.

8. DON’T feel bad if you don’t know why your language works the way it does We’re probably
going to ask a lot of questions, like “why does that word go there?” or “when do you use this case,
and when do you use that case?” or “what’s the difference between this word and that very similar
word?” You probably won’t know the answers, unless you’re a teacher of your language, and that’s
3. What is meant by forms of address in language usage?
FORM OF ADDRESS Any WORD, such as a NAME, title, or PRONOUN,
that designates someone who is being addressed in speech or writing.
Such forms of address may be built into the grammar of a language used
(as with the FRENCH pronouns vous and tu), or may evolve as a range of
titles, names, kinship terms, terms of endearment, and nicknames, all
usually with an initial capital in English.

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