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Ideas for Your Own Personal Code of Conduct

1. Be a Good Listener
Being a good listener is part of your personal code of conduct. Individuals are too often caught
up waiting to say what they want to say instead of listening to what the other person has to say.
Listen before you speak. Allowing all parties in a conversation to fully express their thoughts will
give you a chance of responding with
an intelligent statement.
2. Honesty
Add honesty to your personal code of conduct. When you are honest, others are more likely to
rely on you in important situations and share more personal information about themselves, thus
creating genuine friendships. Being honest will also help you create a sense of peace in your life
because you won't have the stress and worry of maintaining a lie.
Courtesy is a trait that will be reciprocated. Add being courteous to your list of ideas for a
personal code of conduct. You will find that if your conduct is one that
is courteous, others will be more inclined to treat you the same way. The same can be said for
being rude.
4. Respect Yourself
Respect is defined as understanding the worth or excellence of a person. Your personal
conduct should reflect that you understand your own worth. Avoid
engaging in behaviors that are self-destructive. Don't be afraid to decline invitations to engage
in bad behavior. Respect yourself and strive to participate
only in activities that exemplify your value to others, know your value and act
Being humble is a simple thing to do that will affect the people around you in a positive way. It's
as simple as saying "thank you" when something has been done
for you or when you are given a compliment. Your "thank you" validates someone's actions and
shows your appreciation. When you accept something in
a humble manner, it highlights your best qualities far more than you being a great person.

What is Behavior
-Actions resulting from your attitude and personality.
-The way you act or present yourself, actions in an given environment.
-Can be influenced by others
-According to Webster, one's manner of behaving or acting.The action or reaction of a material,
machine under given circumstances.

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