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Information Sheet for Applicants for Employers

Matching Number 7000028

Name of Facility Relief Facility Tsuyama Kosairyo

Name of Head of Facility Jakugen Kiyota


Address of Facility 1412 Odanaka, Tsuyama-shi, Okayama, 708-0006

email address

◆Capacity of Facility 80
Number of long-term care insurance designated beds in case of Designated sanatorium type

◆Number of Full-time Careworker 17 Number of Certified Careworkers 10

Ratio of number of certifiedcareworker to total number of full-time careworkers 58 %

◆Vacancy 2

◆Duration of Contract Duration of Contract

3 years* This contract shall be renewed for 1 year after the expiry of 3 years unless either the
Employer or the Employee expresses intention not to renew the contract.

◆Place of Work Above-mentioned facility

◆Job Description
Provide caregiving or assistance for general daily life such as eating, excretory, bathing care to
those who are 18 years old or older who need welfare public assistance and enter dorms, and have
disorder physically, emotionally, mentally, thus are unable to live daily lives independently.

◆Trial Period There is no trial period for this contract.

◆ Opening/Closing Time, Average of monthly scheduled working hours, Rest Periods, Change in Shift
Work, and Overtime Work
<Please refer to Article ( 25 , 26 ) of the working regulations for further detail.>

1.Opening hour and closing hour

An irregular working hours on monthly basis, based on the following combination of
working hours
Work shift shall be notified to the Employee 15 days prior to the actual work.
Opening hour Closing hour Day applied minutes of
08 : 30 17 : 30 60 minutes
16 : 30 08 : 30 270 minutes

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2.Average of monthly scheduled working hours: Approx. 168 hours

<Please refer to Article ( 25 , 26 ) of the working regulations for further detail.>


◆Rest days

<Please refer to Article ( 28 , 29 ) of the working regulations for further detail.>

Irregular rest day

9 days per 1 month(s)




1.Annual paid leave

(1)Number of paid leaves to be given

<Please refer to Article ( 38 ) of the working regulations for further detail.>

Number of months 6 months 18 months 30 months 42 months 54 months 66 months 78 months

working continuously
Number of paid leaves 10 days 11 days 12 days 14 days 16 days 18 days 20 days
to be given


(2)Annual paid leave by hours Yes

<Please refer to Article ( 40 ) of the working regulations for further detail.>

2.Alternative leaves to additional allowance for specific overtime work No

<Please refer to Article ( 40 ) of the working regulations for further detail.>

3.Other leave

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3.Other leave
The following holidays and vacations are guaranteed in accordance with the law.
・Leave / vacation, etc. specified in Child care leave law, Nursing care leave law (Child care
leave, Child nursing leave, Long-term family care leave, Care leave)
・The vacations that were established in the Labor Standards Law (Maternity leave before
childbirth, Maternity leave after childbirth, Child care time)
・The vacation that was determined in The Equal Employment Opportunity Law (Maternal health
management leave)


<Please refer to Article ( 40 ) of the working regulations for further detail.>

Special leave, Marriage leave, Condolence leave


<Please refer to Article ( 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 ) of the working regulations for further detail.>

<Please refer to Article ( 48 , 49 ) of the working regulations for further detail.>

Menstrual leave, Civil right activity leave, Care leave, Maternal health
management leave, Maternity leave before childbirth, Maternity leave after
childbirth, Child care leave, Child care time, care leave for children

Note1: Your take-home salary will become lower than indicated, since there will be deduction of
social insurance fees, labor insurance fees and tax from your salary
Note2: Please beware that "6 Estimated annual salary"only provides you an estimation and does not
guarantee your annual salary

1.Basic Salary (allowances and fixed overtime pay not included)

<Please refer to Article ( 14 ) of the pay regulations for further detail.>

Monthly wage 156,000 yen or more

※ Age-linked wages No

2.Amount of allowances and method of calculation

A.Fixed allowance paid every month

<Please refer to Article ( 16 , 21 ) of the pay regulations for further detail.>

Amount of
Name of allowance Method of calculation and remarks
Adjustment for
allowance 20,000 yen
caregiving work

B.Variable allowance paid every month

<Please refer to Article ( 29 ) of the pay regulations for further detail.>

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Name of allowance Method of calculation and remarks

Night shift allowance 5,200 yen x the number of night sift served

3.Additional allowance rate on overtime work

*Existence of overtime work No


4.Additional allowance rate for rest day work

*Existence of rest day work No


5.Additional allowance rate for night work

<Please refer to Article ( 28 ) of the pay regulations for further detail.>

*Existence of night work Yes

*Additional allowance rate for night work 25 %

※Night work herein refers to:

work after 10 PM to 5 AM.

☑Additional allowance for night work is included in the night shift allowance.


6.Estimated annual salary (Including allowances and bonus)

Disclose to candidates ● Disclose 〇 Close

【Basic Salary】

Average of monthly Average of monthly

Amount of
Type of salary scheduled working scheduled working Annual amount
basic salary days hours

Monthly wage 156,000 yen 1,872,000 yen

Subtotal ① 1,872,000 yen

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Subtotal ① 1,872,000 yen

【Fixed allowance paid every month】

Name of allowance Amount of allowance Annual amount

Adjustment for caregiving work allowance 20,000 yen 240,000 yen

Subtotal ② 240 yen

【Lump sum payment (Bonus and others)】

③ Name of allowance Bonus Amount of allowance 330,000 yen

Subtotal ③ 330,000 yen


④ Name of allowance Amount of allowance yen

Subtotal ④ 0 yen
R e m a r k s

【Total amount of ① + ② + ③ + ④】

① ② ③ ④

1,872,000 yen + 240,000 yen + 330,000 yen + 0 yen

= 2,442,000 yen (Estimated annual salary)

7.Closing day of pay roll

<Please refer to Article ( 8 ) of the pay regulations for further detail.>

(1)Basic salary Last day of the every month

(2)Allowances Last day of the every month

8.Pay day

<Please refer to Article ( 8 ) of the pay regulations for further detail.>

(1)Basic salary 15th of the same month

(2)Allowances 15th of the following month

9. Method of payment Transfer to your bank account

<Please refer to Article ( 6 ) of the pay regulations for further detail.>

10.Deduction from wages based on the labor-management agreement Yes

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10.Deduction from wages based on the labor-management agreement Yes

- Premium to Okayama Prefecture Private Sector Social Welfare Workers' Mutual
- Premium to Okayama Prefecture Private Sector Social Welfare Workers' Development
- Payment for asset accumulation savings
- Travel cumulative fund fee
- Meal costs
- Housing costs

11.Wage raise Yes

<Please refer to Article ( 14 ) of the pay regulations for further detail.>

Depends on personnel evaluation

12.Bonus Yes

<Please refer to Article ( 34 ) of the pay regulations for further detail.>

Based on company's business and performance review

13.Retirement allowance Yes

<Please refer to Article ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ) of the retirement allowance regulations for further detail.>

Based on the retirement benefits regulations

◆Retirement, Resignation, and Dismissal

1.Age retirement system Yes Age 65

<Please refer to Article ( 60 ) of the working regulations for further detail.>

2.Procedure of retirement for personal reasons

Notification shall be submitted 1 month(s) or more before retirement

<Please refer to Article ( 61 ) of the working regulations for further detail.>

3.Reason and procedure of dismissal

<Please refer to Article ( 77 , 78 , 79 , 80 ) of the working regulations for further detail.>

If an employee falls under each item of Article 77 of the work regulations, he/she is
dismissed. However, he/she may not be dismissed depending on conditions.
In the case of dismissal, he/she will be notified at least 30 days before the dismissal.

◆Social Insurance/Labor Insurance

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◆Social Insurance/Labor Insurance

1.Application of Health Insurance, Welfare Pension, Workers' Accident Yes
Compensation Insurance and Employment Insurance

2.Matters on supplementary worker's accident compensation

1.Matters concerning expenses of food, supplies for work, and the like to be borne by the
When order is made for lunch, 350 yen per lunch.

2.Matters concerning safety and health

Article 81 to 89 of the work regulations

3.Matters concerning vocational training

Article 96 to 99 of the work regulations

4.Matters concerning accident compensation and support for injury and disease incurred off duty

5.Matters concerning commendation and sanction

Work regulations, Article 67

6.Matters concerning leave

Article 50 to 54 of the work regulations


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* Each accepting institution shall secure an accommodation for EPA candidates.
* Please note that this information is as of April 2022. EPA candidates will never be required to
pay additional cost other than costs written in this information,
but other information relating to the accommodation as distance from the work place, floor plan,
possibility of room share may be changed.
We would like you to see this information as tentative information.
* In principle, the amount of subsidy written in this section means housing allowances written in
the allowance section of this job information.

1.Type of Accommodation Rented house/apartment

2.Floor Plan Dimensions of a room 38.8 ㎡

Details 2 rooms with a kitchen

3.Possibility of living in a shared residence or room share No


4.Others Distance from the place of work 1.2 km 10 minutes by bicycle

Amount of average rent in the neighborhood (studio type) 50,000 yen


5.Grants for Accommodation

(1)Monthly expenses including house rent and communal charge

Full grants (Cost to the Employee: Free)


(2)Deposit, commission and renewal fee

Full grants (Cost to the Employee: Free)


(3)Subsidy of Water Light and Gas Fee

Full self-payment

◆Result of national examination of accepted candidates

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◆Result of national examination of accepted candidates

0 passers among 4 examinees

0 passers among 4 examinees Indonesian candidates for "Kaigofukushishi"

◆Special remarks
The facility to subsidize part of the costs to attend care work skill training session in order
to be exmpted from the practical examination portion of the national examination

◆Facility PR

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Plan for Caregiver Training

◆System of Training/Instruction
Training Supervisor
Certified care worker
Qualifications psychiatric social worker

Other descriptions

Training Supporter ①

Qualifications Certified care worker

Other descriptions

◆Training Hours
1. On-duty Training

In-facility Contents: A Japanese language training by facility staff

① training by
basis external teacher
Times: 3 time(s) in 1 week(s) Approx. 2 hour(s) at a time
2. Off-duty Training

Contents: Japanese language training by Japanese instructor

① basis
Times: 2 time(s) in 1 month(s) Approx. 3 hour(s) at a time
Cost to the Employee: No

◆Method of Training
1. Subjects for national examination
<Subjects for written examination>
Method of Training
Set up self-learning environment (installment of general textbooks and secure place for self-study)
Utilize preparatory courses for the national examination organized by various organizations (to secure
time to attend courses within/outside of the facility and others).
Collect translated learning materials.

Other descriptions

<Subjects for practical examination>

Method of Training
- Implemented through day-to-day care tasks
-Utilize training opporutnities related to practical skills with the cooperation of nearby caregiver
training facilities
- Securing time and financial support for participating in caregiving technique classes towards exemption
from practical examination
- Practical use of preparation classes for the national examination provided by various organizations
(both on and off-site)
Other descriptions

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2. Japanese language training
Method of Training
-set up an environment for self-study (assitance in Japanese language learning within the facility, use
of circle activities and others).
-Collect and use of various Japanese language resources
-Japanese language education by Japanese

Other descriptions

3. Promotion of adaptation to workplace/Acquisition of Japanese lifestyle

-Learning through care worker candidates' work duty (guidance outside the dury hours and others)
-Participation in regional activities (such as attendance in local festivals and others).

Other descriptions

4. Mental health care for candidates

Contents Number of times Frequency
Assemble all EPA candidates within the organization for socialization. 1 time(s) 1 month(s)

Other descriptions

5. Other descriptions
Method of Training
- Provide overall support from daily life to work, etc. by same-age female employees.

Other descriptions

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Information Sheet for System of Training Implementation

1.Training system of special subject

(1) On duty training
* Category Provision of opportunity to participate to trainings in the local community
Contents on
specialized subject Care skills
Implementing Body Tsuyama Kousairyo
Frequency and time Once a month
Level and timing Beginner level, every year


(2) Off duty training

* Category Training by staff in the facility
⇒ Certified care worker
Contents on
specialized subject care work
Implementing Body Tsuyama Kousairyo
Frequency and time Once a month
Level and timing All of our staff
Expenses for training and subsidy
from the accepting institution The discount of the costs are undecided
(percentage and upper limit)
Other conditions for subsidy


2.Training system of Japanese language learning

(1) On duty training No

(2) Off duty training

* Category Daytime course in Japanese language school
Implementing Body Exclusive instructor
Frequency and time 2 times/month, 3 hours/session
Level and timing N2 level
Expenses for training and subsidy
from the accepting institution The discount of the costs are undecided
(percentage and upper limit)
Other conditions for subsidy


◆ Subsidy to enter Japanese language school No
◆ Subsidy to enter a special department for foreign students at the university center for international education No
◆ Attend a volunteer class, circle, etc. for learning of Japanese language No
◆ Subsidy to others No
◆ Exchange in communities
□ Open the facility to the community at the time of events □ Exchange with regional schools
☑ Participate in regional events □ Open part of the facility as a venue for regional exchange
□ Implement homestay □ Accept regional volunteers
□ Others:

3.Self-learning environment
◆ Ensure the time for self-learning during working hours
Appropriate 5 hours during 40 - hour working hours on a weekly basis.
◆ Ensure a place for self-learning
□ Use a room (meeting room, counseling room, etc.) in the facility ☑ Use a common space in the dormitory
□ Others:

4.Preparation of materials for self-learning

・ □ Prepare and allow to lend □ Prepare but not allow to lend ☑ To supply
a book of past questions/simulated questions for the qualifying test.
・ ☑ Prepare and allow to lend □ Prepare but not allow to lend ☑ To supply
a study guide for examination subjects.
・ ☑ Prepare and allow to lend □ Prepare but not allow to lend □ To supply
one or more dictionary(ies) of field(s) related to the examination subjects.
・ ☑ Prepare and allow to lend □ Prepare but not allow to lend □ To supply
an English-Japanese dictionary, Japanese-English dictionary, Japanese dictionary, etc.
・ □ Prepare and allow to lend □ Prepare but not allow to lend ☑ To supply
materials for self-learning independently created by the facility.
・ ☑ Prepare and allow to lend □ Prepare but not allow to lend □ To supply
Devises such as PCs etc. that are accesible to internet for e-learning.

5.Support for adaptation to the workplace

◆ Systematically implement training for new employees, and training for all employees
☑ Training for new employees ・Implement for 7 days Implement times per year
◆ Adequately share information concerning outpatients and inpatients through meetings of service
staff, review meetings of cases and implement activities for improvement, etc.
☑ Allow candidate to participate in the service staff meetings as a team member
☑ Allow the candidate to participate in the case review meetings as a team member
□ Allow the candidate to participate in other meetings of as a team member
◆ Staff the Supervisor of Training or Supporter of Training who has proficiency in spoken Indonesian or English. No

6. Experience of acceptance in the training of nursing and care services

□ Accepting trainees from the training school for nurses for practical training
☑ Accepting trainees from the training facility for Kaigofukushishi for practical training

7.Past experiences of acceptance of foreign workers

Present condition:as of 2022 / 4
☑ EPA foreign candidate for careworker 6 persons including 6 Indonesian persons
Past experience:


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