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Level Up Playtest #17

Welcome to the 17th Level Up playtest document. This playtest contains an abbreviated
expression of the game’s Journey rules, which form an important part of the
exploration pillar of play.

What this is
This is a playtest document. We’d love you to try out the rules presented here, and then
answer the follow-up survey in a few days

What this is not

This is NOT the nal game. It’s OK if you don’t like elements of these rules; that’s the purpose
of a playtest document. Be sure to participate in the follow-up survey in a few days. All data,
positive or negative is useful

What we use this for

Your survey responses help form the direction of the game as it goes through the development

Don’t forget!
Sign up for the mailing list for noti cations of playtests, surveys, and news, and also ensure
you get noti ed on Kickstarter when the project launches in 2021. 1 © EN Publishing 2021




The Journey  Glossary

The exploration pillar introduces several
At the heart of exploration is the journey, or new game concepts
the story that happens while the adventurers Encounters. Encounters are divided into
travel from origin to destination—surviving four types: monsters, exploration
the elements, discovering new places, and challenges, social, and scenery
overcoming the obstacles presented by the Exploration Challenge. A type of
environment. This section provides the rules encounter which might be geographical
and resources for running a journey from (like a broken bridge) or event-based (like a
start to nish. tornado)
  Before a journey, the party sets their travel Haven. A location where the heroes can
pace, or how fast they’d like to go. The recover from fatigue or strife by resting
Narrator determines the dif culty of the Region. A de ned area of the world, such
journey itself and the number of encounters as Lofty Mountains or Parched Desert,
the adventurers have on the journey. Some which the heroes travel through. Regions
encounters might be a ght against one or have their own properties and encounter
more monsters or happening across other tables
travelers, but they’ll also have to contend Supply. A resource which is consumed
with the world itself in exploration while traveling, and which is required to
challenges. take a long rest.

Navigation Without a map, adventurers always know

which region (see below) they are in, but are
When the adventurers have a map (see
not usually aware of adjacent regions (unless
Survival Gear on page @@ in Chapter 4:
one of them takes the Scout journey activity).
Equipment) there is little chance of them
They can journey from region to region,
getting lost. The mystery lies in the time it
making choices along the way—for example,
takes them to reach their destination, and the
the party might be in Rolling Grasslands, and
challenges that they face along the way. 2 © EN Publishing 2021





Pace Minute Hour Day E ect

Crawl 50 feet 1/2 mile 4 miles -

Slow/wagon 200 feet 2 miles 16 miles -
Normal 300 feet 3 miles 24 miles Unable to use Stealth
Fast/mounted 400 feet 4 miles 32 miles –5 penalty to passive Perception and
disadvantage on Perception checks
Gallop 800 feet 8 miles - Disadvantage on Survival checks to track

need to decide between hiking Majestic Constitution saving throw at the end of the
Mountains or chancing a Feywood as their hour (DC 10 + the number of additional
next step before nally reaching some safe hours of travel), suffering a level of fatigue
Open Roads leading to their destination. on a failure. The party can set the pace,
increasing the DC of the saving throw for a
Travel Pace normal pace (+1) or fast/mounted pace (+2).
  For example, after traveling for 8 hours a
Adventurers can travel at a normal, fast, or party decides to push themselves and
slow pace, which determines the distance continue the day’s journey for 1 additional
they cover in a day of travel (see Table: Travel hour at a normal pace. At the end of the hour
Pace). While a fast pace might shorten the they’ve traveled another 3 miles, but each
time required for a journey, moving so adventurer makes a DC 12 Constitution
quickly makes travelers less aware of the saving throw (10 + 1 additional hour + 1 for
dangers around them. Likewise, a steadier normal pace), suffering a level of fatigue on a
slow pace prolongs a journey but failure
adventurers can stay alert, cover their tracks,
and move more stealthily. The effects from
traveling faster than a slow pace are Mounts and Pack
Fatigue. Creatures suffering from two or
more levels of fatigue cannot travel faster Mounts such as riding horses can only travel
than at a normal pace. Creatures suffering for about an hour a day at the gallop pace
from three or more levels of fatigue cannot listed in Table: Travel Pace. While mounts
travel faster than at a slow pace. Creatures and pack animals may be useful on a journey,
suffering from four or more levels of fatigue they are also a responsibility—each mount
cannot travel faster than a crawl. requires its own Supply, may have dif culty
traveling in different kinds of environments,
and can become a liability during certain
Forced March exploration challenges. For example, it may
Adventurers on a journey can travel for up to be dif cult to lead a mount through a
8 hours in a day before requiring a long rest swampy area or have it traverse a landslide.
to reinvigorate themselves and continue— A mount can only travel at gallop speed for
any further and they may exhaust 1 hour each day. Otherwise it travels at the
themselves. For every additional hour of fast/mounted pace
travel past 8 hours, an adventurer makes a 3 © EN Publishing 2021




Resting and Havens Whenever a creature takes a long rest, it
must consume a Supply. If it does not, it
While on a journey, adventurers are only able gains a level of fatigue
to recover from fatigue or strife on a long rest  
when they have access to a haven. A haven is When adventurers run out of Supply while
a place to get a meal and a full night’s sleep journeying, they can access more in a few
without the reasonable risk of attack or harm ways. Some journey activities allow
from the elements. For example, an inn is adventurers to forage for more food and
considered a haven, but a campsite where water. Boons and discoveries, which are
adventurers must take turns keeping watch common rewards for exploration challenges,
through the night is not. Some spells and may lead to more Supply. As a last resort, the
class features may create havens. party may need to take a detour to the
nearest town, nd a wandering merchant, or
Tracking Supplies even abandon the journey and head home
Mundane consumable items like food and
water are simpli ed into a single item called Vehicles
Supply. When an adventurer gains access to Not all travel is done by foot or hoof. Vehicles
food and water, they can add Supply to their are used by many adventurers to help travel
inventory the vast distances of the world. 
Land Vehicles. Wagons and carts are unable
• 1 Supply consists of enough combined to go faster than a slow pace, but some land
food and water to sustain a Medium- vehicles can choose at which pace to move.
sized creature for a day Stealth cannot be used while journeying in a
• A creature can carry a number of Supply land vehicle, and they require a DC 13
equal to its Strength score in addition to vehicle (land) check every day spent
the rest of its gear traveling at a fast pace. On a failure, the
vehicle suffers a malfunction (see 4 © EN Publishing 2021


Malfunctions on page @@ in Chapter 4: be any tier, but some regions lend themselves
Equipment).  towards certain ends of the scale; for
Water Vehicles. Water vehicles are example, a tier 3 Country Shire would be
restricted by the speed of the vehicle and highly unusual, but a tier 2 Feywood would
gain no bene ts from a slow pace, but have not.
no penalties for moving at a fast pace. The combination of region and tier allows
Depending on the vehicle and crew size, a for a wide array of building blocks with
ship can travel up to 24 hours a day. which to build the game world. A tier 1
Feywood might be a small forest on the edge
Regions of a village where it is rumored that satyrs
play in the moonlight, while a tier 4 Feywood
A region is an area of the world, de ned could be home to powerful and capricious
geographically by its physical features. It fey beings, or ruled by an ancient green
might be a vast forest or a sandy desert; or it dragon.
might be a snow-tipped mountain range or a A region’s tier determines the dif culty of
stretch of underground caverns. Regions are the challenges encountered within.
usually named areas on the map, such as the Exploration and monster encounter tables are
Ironpeak Mountains or the Forest of Dreams. all categorized by tier, making it easy to
Regions are important building blocks of the select tier-relevant encounters. Of course,
world, and each region has its own exceptions can and do exist, and a powerful
properties and encounter tables. Later in this monster can wander into that tier 1 Country
chapter are 15 common regions for Narrators Shire, or a cruel necromancer might make
to use their lair on the outskirts, but such an
Combined Regions. Sometimes an area on occurrence is not typical of that region and is
the map might t the description of more usually used as the subject of an adventure
than one region. The Narrator may choose rather than a random encounter.
either region, combine both, or create a new It should be noted that it is possible for a
region. low-level party to wander into a region too
Regions and Tiers. Each region on the map dangerous for them. The Narrator should
is designated with a tier (from 0–4) which provide clues to the danger level and—where
corresponds with the adventuring tiers of appropriate—allow for some means of escape
play introduced on page @@. Any region can 5 © EN Publishing 2021




should the adventurers nd themselves in encounters, exploration challenges, and

over their heads. scenery. Exploration challenges, which are
Party-Appropriate Challenges. In some detailed [elsewhere], have assigned tiers and
games the Narrator may prefer not to challenge ratings that correspond to
designate regions with a default tier, and adventurers’ levels. It is assumed that high-
instead present the adventurers with level adventurers are able to pass tier 1
encounters and challenges appropriate for exploration challenges without much effort,
their level but a tier 4 exploration challenge poses a
major threat.
Weather Ultimately how many encounters
Each region contains a short list of randomly adventurers have while traveling is at the
generated weather options. These are discretion of the Narrator, but in general it’s
generally limited to non-extreme weather recommended that the party has at least one
conditions, including clear, overcast, mist, encounter (combat, exploration challenge,
rain, and snow, and are purely descriptive scenery, or social) in every region they
tools to help the Narrator set the scene—they journey through to make it memorable. Some
do not affect the adventurers. More extreme regions are going to have more encounters
weather events are treated as exploration than other regions—either because they are
challenges (see page @@) and include tumultuous, the area plays an important part
phenomena like blizzards, dense fogs, hail in the campaign, or they are large in size—
storms, sandstorms, tornados, and the types of encounters the party might
thunderstorms, and more. have in a given region are listed in its
Roll a d20 for weather once for each region. Exploring table. Depending on the needs of
In the winter season, add 5 to the roll. the game and campaign setting, the types of
encounters, frequency of encounters, and
dif culty of certain journey activities might
Encounters be different
Each region the adventurers travel through
will include one or more encounters. The
Narrator decides how many encounters the
Journey Activities
party has.  Adventurers have the option to participate in
Encounters include four categories: activities while traveling in order to pick up
exploration challenges, monsters, social some extra resources, improve the conditions
encounters, and scenery. It is important that of their journey, or learn more about the
the players do not not know which type of world around them. An adventurer can make
encounter they’ve stumbled into—it should one journey activity check per region. Only
be introduced to them narratively. That chill one party member can undertake a given
feeling might be mere scenery, but it might be journey activity.
the sign of some kind of undead spirit, or it Dif culty Class. The DC of a journey
might foreshadow a weather event.  activity is based on the region’s tier: tier 0—
Each region presents encounter tables DC 10, tier 1—DC 12, tier 2—DC 14, tier 3—
which include all four encounter types. The DC 16, tier 4—DC 18. Depending on the
Narrator can roll on these tables, choose an region, some journey activities are made with
option, or introduce something new. either advantage or disadvantage. For
Along a journey the Narrator should example, the Scout journey activity in a tier 2
employ a mix of combat encounters, social 6 © EN Publishing 2021


Blasted Badlands is DC 14 and the check is the hidden creature’s Stealth check in order
made with advantage.  to spot the danger.
Experienced Travelers. The Busk and Rob Critical Success. The adventurer befriends
journey activities are most pro table for two animals and gains advantage on their
novice adventurers, but experienced travelers Perception check
can sometimes pick out a mark carrying
con dential materials instead of gold, and
nobles seek out performers of note wherever
Adventurers can entertain passersby with a
they might be. Additionally, when an
successful Acrobatics, Athletics, or
adventurer is attempting to gather a speci c
Performance check to gain 1d4 gold plus 1d4
component of 100 gold or less with Gather
gold for every 5 points the check result
Components, they can roll with
exceeds the journey activity DC.
disadvantage, nding it on a success.
Critical Success. The adventurer gains
Modifying DC. The Narrator can raise the
double the amount of gold
DC on a journey activity based on
extenuating circumstances. Here are some
suggestions for how to modify a journey Chronicle
activity’s dif culty class An adventurer that spends their time writing
down observations of local landmarks,
• Inclement Weather (+2) may impede an recording various customs, or charting a map
adventurer’s ability to search for things can make a History check. On a success, they
with the Scout activity, or lead to fewer gain an expertise die on future History or
people on the road (making the Busk and Survival checks made within or about the
Rob activities more dif cult). region.
• Multitasking (+3), such as attempting a Critical Success. The adventurer gains an
journey activity while trying not to be additional expertise die on future History
discovered, may make it harder to and Survival checks made within or about
attempt the check the region
• Hostile Territory (+4) may make it
dif cult to interact with the locals,
impeding a check made to Busk or
Gossip. It may be dangerous to stop, so By acting as the party’s cook and
taking the Pray activity or using Scout is quartermaster, with a Survival check an
harder to do adventurer can help ensure that everybody
remains fed. On a success, for every 4
creatures being fed, the Supply requirement
Befriend Animal to feed them is reduced by 1 Supply (up to a
An adventurer can make friends with a wild maximum equal to their pro ciency bonus). 
animal by succeeding on an Animal Critical Success. The Supply requirement is
Handling check. The animal follows the reduced by 1 for every 3 creatures being fed
party through the region until it spots
danger. Adventurers can assume that when
the animal runs off that something dangerous
Cover Tracks
is following them or hidden nearby. The While moving at a slow pace, an adventurer
adventurer who befriended the creature can can cover the party’s tracks with a Survival
then make a Perception check contested by check so that it is harder for pursuers to 7 © EN Publishing 2021






follow. The adventurer’s Survival check Gossip

result is the DC for any pursuer’s Survival Success on an Investigation or Persuasion
check to track them. check tells an adventurer the local news and
Critical Success. Creatures are unable to rumors. The Narrator reveals an engaging
gain expertise die on their Survival checks to rumor or tidbit that could lead the party on a
track the adventurers new sidequest or support the main plot of the
Entertain Critical Success. The adventurer either
With a successful Performance check an learns a second rumor, con rms a rumor they
adventurer can help keep the party’s spirits are unsure of, or discovers that a rumor they
high. The next time the adventurer or an ally thought was true is actually false
would suffer a level of strife, they do not.
Critical Success. The adventurer and any Harvest
allies recover one level of fatigue or strife An adventurer that succeeds on a Medicine
or Nature check nds enough plants to re ll
Gather Components 1 use of a healer’s satchel, herbs for an
Adventurers that gather supplies useful for herbalism kit, or ingredients to use with a
the material components of spellcasting can poisoner’s kit. 
make an Arcana or Nature check, nding 3d4 Critical Success. On a critical success, the
gold worth of material components on a adventurer nds twice the amount of useful
success. plants
Critical Success. The adventurer gains
double the amount of material components 8 © EN Publishing 2021






Hunt and Gather Track

It’s often fruitful for an adventurer to track A designated tracker can ensure that the
and kill game, or forage for food and water, party remains on the trail of their prey with a
along the road with a Survival check. On a Survival check. This check is opposed by the
success the adventurer gains Supply equal to Survival check of the creature being tracked
their pro ciency bonus.  if it is attempting to hide its tracks, or the
Critical Success. The adventurer gains an region’s journey activity DC if it is not.
extra 1d4 Supply Critical Success. The party gains an
expertise die on their next Stealth checks
made against the creature being tracked
While traveling many choose to connect with
deities and spirits. An adventurer makes a
Religion check, and on a success they gain an
expertise die on their next ability check made
in the next region. 
Critical Success. The adventurer instead
gains advantage on their next ability check
made in the next region

Adventurers can force others into handing
over their coins with a successful
Intimidation check, or pickpocket travelers
with a successful Sleight of Hand check. In
either case they gain 1d4 gold.
Critical Success. The adventurer gains
double the amount of gold

An adventurer roams at a distance from the
party, seeking vantage points to look ahead.
The party automatically learns which regions
adjoin the current region. Additionally, with
a successful Perception check, the adventurer
gains advantage on their next ability check
made in that region
Critical Success. The adventurer nds a
handy path and the party has advantage on
the next forced march check they make
before taking a long rest 9 © EN Publishing 2021



List of Regions Animal, Gossip, and Rob. It is not possible to

Harvest or Hunt and Gather
The core rulebook has 15 regions as well as
guidelines on how to create your own
regions. The regions are are presented below, Country Shire
but in the core rulebook they also contain Small villages and rural communities, often
encounter tables which can result in surrounded by a patchwork of farms, make
exploration challenges, monster encounters, for a safe and cozy existence with the most
social encounters, or scenery threatening events involving an angry bear
The names below are generic names harassing livestock. Adventurers journeying
In the game world, each region will likely through this region can expect little danger,
have its own unique name and a high number of social encounters.
Tiers. Country Shires are usually tier 0 or
tier 1 regions. Often used as the starting area
Blasted Badlands in a campaign, it would be unusual to nd
These deserts are notorious for their many tier 3 or 4 country shires.
capricious ruins, the devastated landscape Weather. 1–8 clear, 9–12 overcast, 13–16
the biggest mark left upon the world by the rain, 17–19 mist, 20–25 snow. 
forgotten civilizations that once ourished Journey Activities. Adventurers gain
there. Monsters aplenty roam the wastes as advantage on checks made to Busk,
well, so adventurers journeying through it Chronicle, Gossip, Harvest, and Rob. 
encounter many creature and constructed Friendly Locals. Adventurers gain an
terrain exploration challenges. expertise die on Charisma checks made
Tiers. Blasted Badlands tend to be tier 2 and against people local to the region.
above.  Haven. The whole of this area counts as a
Weather. 1–10 clear, 11–25 overcast. haven. Travelers can always recover from
Journey Activities. Adventurers gain fatigue and strife when taking a long rest,
advantage on checks made to Scout, but even when camping
disadvantage on checks made to Befriend 10 © EN Publishing 2021



Feywood fatigue when taking a long rest (even if they
Home to faeries, sprites, dryads, nymphs, have Supply). The use of appropriate mounts
satyrs, and other fey, the animals in this (such as camels) and keeping a light pack
forest are bold and only foolish travelers fail (less than half carrying capacity) allow for
to respect nature as they go along their way. adventurers to travel as fast as a normal pace
Adventurers journeying through regions like without suffering fatigue during a long rest.
this contend with frequent combat Unquenchable Thirst. Twice the usual
encounters, social encounters, and natural amount of Supply is required when taking a
terrain and supernatural exploration long rest
challenges. Journey Activities. Checks to Harvest or
Tiers. Feywoods often range from tier 1 Hunt and Gather are made at disadvantage
through tier 4. While a tier 1 Feywood
presents little danger other than from wildlife Frozen Wastes
and the occasional faeries, a tier 4 Feywood Endless elds of white and imposing
might be a dangerous plane like the mountains stretching towards the sky ll this
Dreaming, or the domain of an ancient green icy land, and though it is rather devoid of life
dragon it is a place of great peril. Adventurers
Weather. 1–15 clear, 16–19 mist, 20–25 rain. journeying through this region have to
Fey Promises. When an adventurer breaks overcome many natural terrain and weather
a promise made in a Feywood they suffer a event exploration challenges, and perhaps a
level of strife. few combat or social encounters.
Natural Camou age. Adventurers gain an Tiers. Arctic-like tundra can range from tier
expertise die on Stealth checks. 2 to tier 4 depending on the severity of its
Journey Activities. When making a check climate.
to Hunt and Gather, an adventurer rolls with Weather. 1–6 clear, 7–12 overcast, 13–25
advantage. snow.
Chilly. Without the proper gear or magic to
Fiery Hellscape survive the cold temperatures (see Survival
From active volcanoes to the hottest layers of Gear on page @@ in Chapter 4: Equipment),
Hell, these regions are dominated by red-hot an adventurer suffers a level of fatigue when
lava ows and aming geysers. Adventurers taking a long rest in this environment (even if
journeying through these regions can expect it has Supply).
to encounter many natural terrain challenges Journey Activities. Adventurers gain
and dangerous creatures. advantage on Survival checks made to nd a
Tiers. These regions lend themselves target using tracks left in the snow. Checks
towards danger and are usually tier 3 or tier made to hide tracks have disadvantage
4. A higher tier Fiery Hellscape might be
found on a plane of elemental re or the Haunted Lands
volcanic domain of a red dragon. Lower tier Settlements that have suffered a curse, or
versions of these regions are rare, but might areas which are home to powerful undead
be found naturally occurring in some places. beings, typically have effects that spread far
Weather. Uncomfortably warm. from the source bringing woe to the people
Hot. Traveling at faster than a slow pace is living nearby and attracting prowling
dangerous in the region’s hot temperatures, monsters and ominous signs. Adventurers
and adventurers that do so suffer a level of journeying through regions like this have 11 © EN Publishing 2021




plenty of combat encounters, some social Lofty Mountains

encounters, and many circumstance or Legends from all over the realm speak of
supernatural exploration challenges. remote passes, cataclysmic con icts and relics
Tiers. Haunted lands are often higher tier of fell power within the ancient ruins of
areas. The corrupted realm surrounding a temples to defeated evils, the graves of
doom knight’s castle or a county ruled over terrible warlords, and sites of unspeakable
by a sinister vampire would likely be tier 3 or rituals. Adventurers journeying through this
higher. region have few social encounters, a
Weather. 1–5 clear, 6–10 overcast, 11–15 moderate amount of combat encounters, and
foggy, 16–25 rain. many constructed terrain, natural terrain,
Bleak Light. All light sources illuminate and supernatural exploration challenges.
only half the area they would normally cover. Tiers. Idyllic mountain ranges might be tier
Night Terrors. It is dif cult to get a restful 1, while cliffs and crags ruled over by an
night’s sleep in this area. Adventurers make a ancient dragon would be tier 4.
Wisdom saving throw against the region’s Weather. 1–8 clear, 9–12 overcast, 13–16
journey activity DC when taking a long rest mist, 17–18 rain, 19–25 snow.
or suffer a level of strife. Climbable. The terrain offers numerous
Suspicious Minds. The people who inhabit footholds and pitted surfaces. Adventurers
this area are wary and suspicious of gain an expertise die on checks made to
strangers. Adventurers have disadvantage on climb.
Charisma checks made against people local High Altitude. Breathing air gets harder at
to the region altitudes of 10,000 feet or higher above sea
Journey Activities. The Pray and Entertain level, and adventurers not used to the
activities are made with disadvantage reduced oxygen tire easily. Every hour spent
traveling at high altitude counts as 2 hours of
travel for the purposes of travel pace. For
example, after 4 hours of travel a creature 12 © EN Publishing 2021



makes forced march checks every half hour. adventurers to travel as fast as a normal pace
After spending 30 days or longer at high without suffering fatigue during a long rest.
altitude an adventurer becomes acclimated to Unquenchable Thirst. Twice the usual
it and can travel normally. Altitudes above amount of Supply is required when taking a
20,000 feet can only be acclimated to by long rest
creatures native to the environment. Journey Activities. Checks to Harvest or
Mountsbane. Travel time is doubled for Hunt and Gather are made at disadvantage
mounts and pack animals
Journey Activities. The Scout activity is Restless Sea
made with advantage Rapid currents and quick trade routes make
these waters popular with merchants, but
Open Roads only the bravest and most skilled sailors are
Well-traveled roads with wide tracks, and willing to chance the frequent, dangerous,
plentiful inns, villages, and other stopping and unpredictable waves. Adventurers
points along the way make some journeys journeying through this region or along its
less arduous than others. Adventurers coast have to overcome an unusually high
journeying along country roads have many number of weather event exploration
social encounters, combat encounters with challenges, as well as some combat
NPCs or the occasional wild beast, and encounters and social encounters.
circumstance and constructed terrain Tiers. Regions with calm waters might be
exploration challenges. tier 1, but most adventurous seas are tier 2 or
Tiers. It’s unusual (although not tier 3.
impossible) for open roads to be above tier 2. Weather. 1–7 clear, 8–11 overcast, 12–16
Weather. 1–8 clear, 9–12 overcast, 13–16 rain, 17–25 mist.
rain, 17–19 mist, 20–25 snow.  Journey Activities. Adventurers have
Fast Travel. Adventurers move one mile disadvantage on checks made to Scout.
per hour faster when traveling along open Rolling Mists. Adventurers gain an
roads expertise die on Stealth checks if the weather
is not clear.
Parched Sands Thick Fog. Without the sight of natural
Endless dunes and the baking sun make landmarks to guide them, adventurers have
these deserts dif cult and dangerous places disadvantage on checks made to navigate the
in which to survive. Adventurers journeying area if the weather is not clear
through this region have very few social
encounters. Rolling Grasslands
Tiers. A desert region with numerous oases There is great prosperity among the people
might be tier 1, but most are tier 2 or higher. that call these elds and rolling hills home,
Weather. 1–25 clear. and regular patrols of guards ensure the
Hot. Traveling at faster than a slow pace is safety of all. Adventurers journeying through
dangerous in the region’s hot temperatures, this region have frequent social encounters,
and adventurers that do so suffer a level of few combat encounters, and several
fatigue when taking a long rest (even if they circumstance exploration challenges.
have Supply). The use of appropriate mounts Tiers. These plains and hills tend to be tier 1
(such as camels) and keeping a light pack and 2 regions, with threats from bandits,
(less than half carrying capacity) allow for goblin tribes, or wild animals. 13 © EN Publishing 2021



Weather. 1–8 clear, 9–12 overcast, 13–16 Underland Realm
rain, 17–19 mist, 20–25 snow.  There is no map—even among the
Journey Activities. Adventurers gain subterranean cultures that dwell within—
advantage on checks made to Busk, that accurately depicts all of these enormous
Chronicle, Gossip, Harvest, and Rob. tunnels, which range from natural caverns
and dwarven mines to shadow elf cities.
Urban Township Adventurers journeying through this region
From mighty sprawling cities to smaller have combat encounters, some social
bustling towns, these areas are full of people encounters, and many constructed terrain,
—and more people means more accidents, natural terrain, and supernatural exploration
more con ict, and more action. Adventurers challenges.
journeying through urban areas have many Tiers. It’s unusual for these regions to be
social encounters, combat encounters against less than tier 2.
NPCs, and both circumstance and Weather. 1–16 clear, 17–25 mist.
constructed terrain exploration challenges. Resonant. Adventurers gain an expertise
Tiers. Metropolises can be as high as tier 4 die on sound-based Perception checks.
and small towns as low as tier 1. Unstable. When an adventurer creates a
Weather. 1–8 clear, 9–12 overcast, 13–16 force that would disturb a non-stoneworked
rain, 17–19 mist, 20–25 snow.   area (an explosion, loud sound, or shaping
Breakable Surroundings. A critical failure the structure of the cave through magic), roll
on a Strength or Dexterity check results in 1d20. On a result of 20 the activity causes a
destruction of property, angering the owner cave-in. One passageway in the cave is lled
of said property with fallen rocks 20 feet wide.
Journey Activities. Adventurers gain an Journey Activities. With poor visibility and
expertise die on checks made to Busk or Rob few vantage points, attempts to Scout are
made with disadvantage. 14 © EN Publishing 2021



Unrelenting Marsh Wartorn Kingdom

So named because time seems to slow to a An occupied nation, or one amidst a civil
crawl while traversing its swamps, this area war, is a dubious place populated with
is rife with dangerous predators, lethal fauna, aggressive soldiers, desperate commoners,
and ground best left untrusted. Adventurers and merciless opportunists. Adventurers
journeying through this region have frequent journeying through this region have many
combat encounters, a few social encounters, social encounters, combat encounters against
and many natural terrain exploration NPCs, and both circumstance and natural
challenges. terrain exploration challenges as they
Tiers. Swamp regions with friendly navigate the country in con ict.
inhabitants might be tier 1, but more hostile Tiers. Nascent counties skirmishing against
places (oft ruled over by ancient dragons or one another might merit tier 1, but when
worse) can easily be tier 4. larger nations take umbrage against one
Weather. 1–5 clear, 6–8 overcast, 9–15 rain, another they usually merit being tier 2 or
16–25 mist. even tier 3
Hard to Hoof. Mounts and pack animals Weather. 1–8 clear, 9–12 overcast, 13–16
are unable to travel at a fast pace or gallop rain, 17–19 mist, 20–25 snow. 
pace. Additionally, wheeled vehicles cannot Journey Activities. The Busk journey
travel faster than a crawl. activity is made with disadvantage due to the
Journey Activities. Plants harvested during wary and suspicious nature of other
a journey activity are typically very rare. travelers
Adventurers gain an expertise die on checks
made to Harvest, but on a critical failure the
plants are carnivorous, and the adventurer
suffers one level of fatigue 15 © EN Publishing 2021


Notes: Putting It All Nature. A Nature check will reveal to the
party that their Supply is vulnerable to the
Together corrosive atmosphere.
The journey rules presented here are only a Protecting Provisions. An Engineering
part of the whole exploration pillar check (or a check made with tools the
We’ve mentioned exploration challenges Narrator deems appropriate) allows each
before, and they have featured in various blog adventurer to adequately protect any Supply
entries on the of cial Level Up website. There they are carrying. This check must be made
are 75 exploration challenges in the core before the Supply is destroyed
rulebook. The effect of all the components of
the exploration pillar is to create a really rich Possible Solutions
and immersive part of the game A group Survival check is made to
Below are a couple of example exploration adequately protect the adventurers and
challenges. We’ll delve deeper into safely traverse the area
exploration challenges in a later playtest
document, and explain how they work, but
the important thing to keep in mind is that Suggested Outcomes
exploration challenges are designed to be Critical Failure: The party loses 4 (1d4+2)
very freeform, and that the solutions Supply to the corrosive atmosphere, and each
suggested are only suggestions. Creative adventurer suffers a level of fatigue from acid
player solutions or expenditure of resources burns.
should be rewarded, and the Narrator Failure: The party loses 2 Supply to the
ultimately decides what degree of success or corrosive atmosphere and any adventurer
failure has been achieved and what the that failed their check suffers a level of
outcomes are fatigue from acid burns.
Of course, all character classes now have Success: The adventurers make it through
abilities they can use in the exploration pillar, the area successfully.
ensuring that everybody gets to play in this Critical Success: The adventurers make it
expanded third of the game through the area successfully and they notice
something important. Roll once on the Tier 2
Acid Field Discoveries and Boons table
2nd tier (terrain)
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP); DC 17/15 Tornado
Area Local (1 hour) 2nd tier (weather)
Challenge 10 (5,900); DC 18/15
Strange black spots mar the sparse ground Area Intermediate (3 hours) 
ahead and after a few moments of
observation it’s clear why—acidic uid Stormy skies above quickly mass together as
erupts from ssures in the ground!  the wind picks up. In a matter of minutes the
Acidic Spray. Every half hour spent gusts are strong enough to knock creatures
traveling in this area a corrosive geyser over and a cyclone touches down onto the
explodes near the party sending acid in a 60- nearby ground!
foot radius. Each creature in the area makes a Realize Danger. With a Nature check an
Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) acid adventurer knows how to stay safe in a
damage on a failure. tornado (sighting funnel clouds that will 16 © EN Publishing 2021



develop into new twisters, avoiding trees, Encounter Tables
protecting one’s head, crouching to avoid the Encounter tables are divided into ve tiers
wind, using ditches and gullies) and the for each region. A tier 2 Feywood’s encounter
party has advantage on Athletics checks table is very different to a tier 3 Frozen
made against it. Waste’s table. Each includes a range of tier-
Spell Solve. A casting of control weather appropriate encounters
immediately ends the tornado and triggers a Monster encounters. Each monster in the
critical success. Monstrous Menagerie comes with it’s own
Tempest Winds. When a creature rolls a CR-linked encounter table
natural 1 on an ability check against the Additionally, each monster comes with a
tornado, it makes a Strength saving throw or selection of monster signs — adventurers
is thrown 200 feet, taking 35 (10d6) might come across claw marks at head height
bludgeoning damage. A creature suffers a in a tree before encountering the owl bear, or
level of fatigue when it takes 20 or more the toppled statue of a grif n before meeting
damage from being thrown by the tornado. a basilisk. Skill checks can be used to identify
the creature before the heroes run into it.
Possible Solutions These signs add a level of anticipation and
A group check can be made to overcome this suspense to any encounter
challenge. Examples include: Of course, they don’t always get a warning!
Social encounters. Some regions have a
• A group Athletics check to withstand the higher proportion of social encounters. These
tornado and trudge forward are short little hooks for the Narrator to use.
• A group Nature check to avoid the Perhaps they encounter a knight looking for
tornado altogether, costing 2 (1d4) days her lost love, or a merchant selling a brand
of travel time. new potion
• A group Survival check to nd shelter Exploration challenges. These we have
along the way and take cover, waiting a already touched on, and we will delve into
day for the storm to pass. those in more detail later
Scenery. Finally, the Narrator is furnished
with a wide array of scenery which can be
Suggested Outcomes
used to simply add avor to a region. A stone
Critical Failure: Each adventurer suffers one circle, an empty windmill, a tree decorated
level of fatigue and loses half of their Supply, with humanoid skulls. Of course, the players
and the party loses an extra day of travel don’t know if that’s just scenery or a monster
time. sign, or some type of exploration challenge.
Failure: Each adventurer suffers one level of They might spend 20 minutes discussing that
fatigue and loses 2 (1d4) Supply. oddly placed hilltop graveyard.
Success: The adventurers make it through,
ghting against the winds.
Critical Success: The adventurers travel
through the tempest unhindered. Roll twice
on the Tier 2 Discoveries and Boons table 17 © EN Publishing 2021





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