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Komp. Taman Surya V Blok EE2, Pegadungan, Kalideres, Jakarta Barat
Daily Test-1 Semester-1


Class : IV (four) k
: Wednesday,24th August 2022
: Our Schedule (Unit 2)
SeSekS 70
Student’s Name: ___________________

I. Read the text-1 below to answer no. 1 to 25. (25 numbers. Score= 75)

Look and read the following dialogues. Choose the right answer for no. 1.

Christina and Amanda are talking about their weekend plans.

Christina: How often do you see your grandma, Amanda?
Amanda : I visit her every Saturday in a month.

1. How many times does Amanda visit her grandma in a month? She visits her . . . . in a month.
A. one C. three times
B. once D. four times

Look and read the following dialogues. Choose the right answer for no. 2.
Christina and Amanda are talking about their weekend plans.
Amanda : How about you? What are you doing this weekend?
Christina: I’m going to my cousin’s wedding.
Amanda : Oh! Do you like going to weddings?
Christina : No, I don’t because I have to wear a dress.

2. Why doesn’t Christina like to her cousin’s wedding? Because she _______.
A. doesn’t like her cousin. C. doesn’t like to wear trousers
B. doesn’t like to wear dress. D. the food in the weeding isn’t good.

3. If Christina has to go to the weeding three times every year, and she has to come to her cousin’s
weeding for four years. How many cousins does she have? She has . . . . cousins.
A. 6 C. 12
B. 9 D. 15

4. Question: _________ do you go shopping in a month?

Answer : four times a month.

A. How often C. What

B. How long D. Where

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5. Question : ______ is Rachel doing on the weekends?
Answer : She’s visiting her cousins.

A. When C. What
B. Why D. Where

6. Question: ____ are Alice and her family going to in the next holiday?
Answer : They’re going to Europe.

A. How often C. What

B. When D. Where

7. Question: What are you and your family doing on Saturday afternoon?
Answer : We _______ a movie at home.

A. is watching C. are looking

B. are watching D. are listening

Look at Amanda’s schedule. Choose the right answer for no.7 - 11.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Play outside with my friends X

Take a shower XX XX XX XX XX XX XX

Wash dishes X X X X X X X

Have piano lessons X X

This is my schedule.

8. Q: How often does Amanda play outside with her friends?

A : She plays outside with them _________.

A. every day C. once a week

B. twice a day D. twice a week

9. Q: How often does Amanda take a shower?

A: She takes a shower ___________.

A. every day C. once a week

B. twice a day D. twice a week

10. Q: How often does Amanda help her mom wash the dishes?
A: She helps her mom ________.

A. every day C. once a week

B. twice a day D. twice a week

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11. Q: How often does Amanda have piano lessons?
A: She has piano lesson __________.

A. every day C. once a week

B. twice a day D. twice a week

Read the paragraph and answer the questions no. 12 - 15:

Companies put advertisements everywhere. They’re around you – on TV and websites, in
newspapers, in magazines, and on the radio. They’re even on billboards along the side of the road.
Why are they there? That’s simple! Companies want you to buy things, and advertising makes you
want to buy those things. How? Advertisements tell you that a product is going to make you
happier or more popular. They even tell you the product is going to make you more attractive,
older, or younger. Usually these messages aren’t true. The company just wants your money!

12. “They’re even on billboards along the side of the road.” The word “They” refers to . . .
A. companies C. websites
B. advertisements D. magazines

13. “Why are they there?” The word “They” refers to . . .

A. companies C. websites
B. advertisements D. billboards

14. Why do the companies want you to buy their products? Because . . . .
A. The product is going to make you happier or more popular.
B. The product is going to make you more attractive.
C. The company just wants your money
D. The company wants to give you something that makes you older, or younger.

15. This makes you want to buy something. It is ______.

A. popular
B. a billboard
C. a product
D. an advertisement

Read the paragraph and answer the questions no. 16 - 18.

There are four special tools that advertisers often use:
a. Characters or cartoons can help to sell food. Advertisers put them on boxes of cereal and
children’s food. Children see the characters, and they want to buy that cereal or food.
b. Famous people can also help to sell a product. When a famous person uses a product, we want
to use it, too. For example, famous athletes can sell sneakers, and famous actors can sell coffee,
perfume, and beauty products.
c. Slogans and jingles are a great way to sell. These are words or tunes that you remember all
day. In fact, you can’t forget them! When you see a product, you think of that tune or slogan.
d. Bright colors and interesting images catch your eye and sell things, too.

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16. “Advertisers put them on boxes of cereal. . .” The word “them” refers to . . .
A. companies C. advertisements
B. characters or cartoons D. boxes

17. I like that _________. I can’t stop singing it.

A. slogan C. products
B. tune D. image

18. Slogans and jingles are a great way to sell. Jingles are . . . .
A. words that we remember all day. C. tunes that played and we remember all day
B. pictures that we remember all day. D. colors that we remember all day.

19. These are big posters by the side of the road. These are _____.
A. popular C. products
B. billboards D. advertisements

20. When a slogan is good, we can’t ______ the words.

A. catch C. forget
B. buy D. remember

21. The ____ for KFC is “It’s Finger-Lickin’ Good.” That is really catchy.
A. slogan
B. tune
C. images
D. logo

Match the following sentence the right answer for no. 22 - 25. Write the answer into Alphabet (A, B, C or D)
22. Companies make advertisements A. four tools when making an advertisement.
23. Advertisers use B. because you can’t forget them.
24. Advertisements tell you that C. you’ll be happier if you buy something.
25. Jingles or slogans are a clever tool D. because they want to sell things.

The answer for no 22 is . . . . . .

The answer for no 23 is . . . . . .
The answer for no 24 is . . . . . .
The answer for no 25 is . . . . . .

Essay. (5 numbers. Score = 25)

Arrange the words into a interrogative sentence (Susunlah dalam kalimat tanya) starting with How often
do or How often does.

26. __________________ play / the students / soccer / in the field /?

............................................................... ....................
27. __________________ eat / your brother/ in a week / pizza /?
............................................................... ....................

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28. __________ in the evening / watch / you and your family / T.V /?
............................................................... ....................

29. Fill in the blanks with the Sequence Words (First, Then, Next, After that, Finally).
I’m busy after school. (a) _____________, I have lunch. (b) ________________, I walk my dogs. (c)
_______________ I play outside with my friends. (d) ________________, I eat dinner with my family.
(e) ________________, I do the dishes with my brother and my sister.

30. Arrange the unorder sentences into a good paragraph. Write into a paragraph!
a - Finally, we stop for ice cream.
b - Then my mom and dad read magazines, and my brothers and I go swimming again all afternoon.
c - First, we go swimming in the ocean.
d - After that, we all get in the car to go home.
e - My family and I always go to the beach on Saturdays in the summer.
f - Next, we have a picnic under our big yellow umbrella.

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God Bless you

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