Strategic Air Command History, Development of Atomic Weapons 1956

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vFlJ v(J\j(J-

Eletor? itlftsrth,Air .Fq'ce Jenrany tbrough Juno L956 (u) , . : r . :1 : i ' r r i l ] , i i l

ir* -;; l'tiiiii



lHE DHrEIrn'l$r 0F alt[flc cAH[E[LIrr tu,'---... , UBIQU,i:; HLarlon EbveloPnts Ccnsrs]. ?ihll t}lc e;ubJec! of this F{rpons actftltlos dJ.rr.egard, enti:'e1y hclflc. tpeta Es chapber ls restrlcted Alr Forcer lt tests tEking to t}1 cpcc{rl nquld not do to Placo tn ths


of tb Fl3tntb tha thBrmnuloar

tho partlstpaticn vslr

of '"h Flfteonlh

Alr Force ln thos

-cla'11, to b slrFrBr &r1y four B-J5ts of the 92d ochdulod to gather air sauplce

BoEb 'JtnS on TltT eb Guarr !m conto,lnlrg Fl.ftcanth obsarre pcatldl;7 tb ruLloacl.ivo dusi,

lirajor General Arcld J. 01'1, Jr., to Enl5'rtok r{,a-n4 to roqld bfb A s@t&gt

A:r. Fsrc CoimaoCoe, tre'/elled tbe H-bo*

Croo, hrt urrf,avom'o:b Heathr cq:ditlss and qlpntuall"tr Cssa-l

postponed tho eq.LwLon, grgrrrds vltho.rb dlscugslon


hgrrlrr8 rltrpssod

th tct. Alr ftac

nore extudcd

of tho elftod"h


ln that actlvlty h nsrrr


be forlrd'tn

gttaPtr I[. *lr bcsre .spcclal iEepqts

of tno Eljteeattr

trt $s

drrtng the lorlod urd,er dlssuteL@ sboul,t #:t:

tsrt, Jn tbo FrcJ.fle qprclsadr hoFrrBF.

SgP'I tsa Z


cpocllJ' rrApqrs tnepectJons at Flftoath SIC uurbcr.d bttr sult^Bbll,lty rccpaalbltltles crtbcr ov6nts. ql tho sr'' lubJstr

Alr Forc basE ad a et @s oPaatlglel o" tb tbg

teEt of Hk-ZX.tFaIFos' fe speclal uspmt

and e ew regulat,$ fiocttons hfSfigfhd

ALL ln alln


arrf tnrinlng

cont,lnrnd to

I - : .i ;

a-rtnLocc'oot Nte-h \o


FredoEfuat ln the sqPhssleon an cvar grcabq splc{nl rc,pon8 l\rnctlons.


ilx parcoual

Tho Eny bours EFeu,t in trasnlrg

for har.cl1ng rpcc{or HBslpons depead,ec a great ed,at, q[ tn*r to opaclallsts; tbe rpopqrs oftlcer exd thc dccol:itLqr gLncgn. ere

Thc dutlcs and responoib{'r it,iss of thc rreF..ons oftlcar brl'sry lfutod orrtl;lned lrl tbe o.fflcers? classlrlcatrlpE

16nr,o't a.d a.tre r

hors !o cotr'.eJrseo of tho clere,ndsnad,c j.B bh! fter.t. an:st tra'ago n'r1 Heaponsactlvi.blesp Jacruurg lngta.ll-

tbo offlcer

atlona, ralntergnce ard rcdLflcatLon Erg:1tLqls on alrcrrft, tactlca-l

of tne.rjons.. the l,ea.Jlg ol of alrcreu pcoonne.L fu the rn carrylrg

ard tbo tralnlng

esplcrpent of Ajr por-ce wspona ed, lurlltLcn^s. taks bbe rcaporc oftleer

out theso nrltuarlous ss follrils:

Ja responstbls

Assfurrs ;nojects arcb aa instal} eircr"aft treapons ard repelring or rcd:ei:rg unlttsrs auepa:oLon,, arC estebli,sbsa prtoritts fcf rmk accoipll:trnent. Obesralf perforunca o! srlch fustJ.cos as instslllng tcnr tsr$t oqulrutrroSrld araluates :crrpletcd rrcrk for acJuracy and codorEBnc to atardards. g A tochnlcal gsst5,-enl'ii{,rt"r d-flctr' nccds to knon oru::arv tocbnlca,r ak{'rle, and tltc rpepous utl'etlcsl calcullsr nd t&s

fucdrrnartaJs of eLestrlslty, La dcslrablc, !r tb

A Bachclorrs drgr.

J.u englnqrfus

&rd t,ho couprst,loa of a rrep@^6 cor.rsc rgstatorir. lrspolr ofllcer ra eaeoatlauy e tsshs ad errycvlaon,

Aru 36-1, Offr,corst cLEsetfrcatrnn i'!annr, 1 Ja' i3r p. rst,


f : F r + : , rn g , , 1 c p 5 i-ri;..r' ,.; i..t;ljJ

tbs dr"'^Utlo


l.r pollcon th

cld trqubtc




bc rorvcr to ptcct ol alrcnft orsrcL$. xrspon. blJ.rrs,

basc n''d ths gancd

cr,alnnUy ln cas

e otbcr acoldert drrlng I {pee{nl reBp@t by dlsasrenhl {ng tbc epcl^sl Lo a trglrrd 4cclat tqt, 16o deatrcyr an{ dJ.cpooeeof G-

Tld! ls aocqllahod Tbe dsoilltLon al:un

atoclc Esrt!, ploalnc rttspst! 55 dotlsrc mlltlon


apeclal :aIrD^!,

eoa:sldercd unrrshla, llr trcrrtltr ;ny.

For tbeoe tasks bo recslveg

pcr mth


ltc qt.a.llfy 8,s 8 d.c-

traJ-noc, en alrlron nrst bav so6 rrnrn{ttsrs ergerl-ence tJlth tb6s qrallllcatL@s Eead, l.t8r?lard, of rpeclel bo ls aeo{gred t'o a r&sn hc ls tsught tbe 1o g.r l]h.sec.

anl a 461?a AFC. trelnlng

cours at Irdlan e.d dreUtlon

aafo barr[lng Tbs tlrst


Fhasc de'l''

rrllh tls d{eFps8l of sotrtreat{gra] rnnrn{ttp6g, srct oblall a gled of 85 qr bstter. la tbc lafe fu geduats of tbs rtrleb tbo Ab of

and at tbLa ctagp tbs ctul@t to Es,lJ{y. Tbo accood prt,

proaaoo lustrnctln

dl.Easaobly rnd *bPose.l of speclal Fapo*'r coursc 1s asafuned to tba nsrltlrns bss sn authorlzatlou Ugtort l Cmnd l-ntclor,

h.anlU of en Alr Baac Gop, alrm 1nr rrJng. fbllr rq*

fqr irc Ce:ftJon


!s Ln cbarg! of daaoltl{qr tbr qlo{al nrBpoD! d'oIltL@

ln tbs@s

Jtrlr{lctlm' rdtb SACfe


o drc.lllLo ltr lnfsutlcnc, rs lareBly obtoincd frcll elru gD lrrtffil.Gt by Ib E t hcas.Lgr El.Et Dlv, q Uth AF rltA Lt Col Iy]. S Sourar II{, E{. 15th Af, 24 lOy 55. AJrr llEaa Egglsber, 1 JEn 56r p. TL0.





on the



and that lylnS ltlthln a radlus 1r }lhore t}ro comnlly

of about 20 n{Les around cach bese. erCangereC bg an acclCqrt derclltlon orClnatlnA Smclal

strbglde the 2C n{le

rm'e, the SAC dls.a*c, co-

a1rnar1 orperetos Jrr:'erl{nt3\7 hl-: actlrilles rrlth Al{C.

to prevtat

lIeawng Insoectlons Iatter 711-2 carlo cl-ose scnrtlr5r A nrrber ol conrla+l bases Gencral, greaier offlcLenc,cy.

SAC lhrbred lao entlre

spec{eI rrcepons fleLd

dr-rcLng the January - Juno 1956 Perlod. rmro lnspected by the Rlfbeenth

A1r Forcs hspectce Ede lor

and vtrere neccss.rjr, rt c@@ndatLons nua Tho irryerfoct for peparing Stratog1c attcntlon Ajr condltj.ors alrcraft Crcnd

noted caused SAC tp out}lrte and speclal rDons for

ncr pnocedures posltlous. tho


nrubere'.i lottxr superrlsors, alfect

J2J-2 so.rght io dlroct an4 {nspoctoF:t,

of coacesders, ttrich trlht

to those nJ;lgs to

defLcj.anclEs rett

tha capablllty


inspactlons ccnstltut

glans (ry) cqdtneats. - Recont staff -af-t"*p"ticlos tibl-ch by tbeoselvas d{d trot, had rovcaldi lactors ln espsbllity. lione. art

- _L/

of coniui

ra.Jolr l{'n{tlng

rrca!$esscs q.c'!.tlng thmel'res noL bc ut. d6-hg routhc

ln scvara]. ol theea arsas tsnd,ed to cqo.ucd departure cchedlt-s csu]d

to ths polrrt r&er6 alrcraf[ ltle l.ack !.u capablllty

las ttot rcadiJ.y aprparoot coruluctod unCer Led5lg rqlulrData

oper:atlonrl pol:dttfug

or drrl.;qg Lnspcctlons pegl3tlnfuS. &rt lbu

a.C,rnncc notlco I+.

Ltr 1ZL-2, llq SAC, 24 Apn 56, E@L.





ii l r. :i".,..,; i' ;i.l,f ..

ot^bor properetlono, apd r&en oths agqrols

had to bc ptased lrt lrlth

rEr.e ccarysbJ-ng for alraLlahlo cqulFEert, etgr lack of pofLct.ocy on the part of bardl:l:rg, crLtlcal. In ordq ts sl{n{nate thJr u6a.hc!r!t ln S.{Crg capablllty, nrnroillqnco. Ajrcraft eoU+ay crytsln or nonltorlng pcle@roil baaant

itens rould requ3ro cmtlndng conffui:ratlor requJrearcnts.

roul,C nsed :r rrltorlng

to lngure ttr" -qtr,rng EhlP betrrcn

Ttrora utrst b p:arn:ne alr.t coqrittetlon

wJrrg iaintei'ance control uJ.te Erd, t&6 alr bas gnoup rnrdtlonc .ft:nctLons to obtaln propsr pbaelng of specJal repons sctivltl8 lnto tlg ovsr-all nr-eber of alrcraf", lo*tllg tests. preperatlons o! the alroraft. An adegrste be e',le a'.raflabls for lhe traLalng ot

ta:-cr, arcamnt lalntonancs personnel, iuli for loedLq llonth].y :3ror:ni si:sc{rl waaponltoperat5ons should 'oe b,sle to Ssrantes that trqjnln8 8rd

conducted oa e r.eallst{c o''rqrclslng of sqport In relatlon

S.grctlons be conglstcnt rrlth ii{P cod,ttlo*. concerrred'r,ms to tqb ln tboss

to these needs, aal em.r:Cors

proq+- Ectlon to coma,;t.d'eCtc:sncLas * :rreas.


I bobai of oighf specir.J. Fapom J.nrpectloiu iook -ulace CurJng tha rcportllxg perlod. Th Iaspcctc @ner:al., Itfteeth basssl Alr

Forco.. coruluctsd ths b.spsctfui:s at thr folledng


Easc Cartle Alr Forrcc Eesc 93d B@b Hlrrg (H) 93d Ab hso Grorqr 165qlrr1d Alr Forcs &.so 57tJr Alr 92d sotrb Hlns (F) 99th Bq$ l{lxs (H) 8lAth Alr Baso Ororp l{arch Alr Forcc Basc tAh A1r Dlrrlrlo Ud, Btub }frne G{) 320th no-h'rttug g) 80?tn Alr Baso C,noup Blggt Alr Force Pssc eIOAb ffr DlvLsiqr 95tb BotrbHlne (H) g?rh BcEs Hlry Gr) Alobh Alr Eago Gror+ Wa&er Alr Forco Base 47th Alr Dlyl-rlo 6rh tsotrbttlry (n) h,te Insrcctd +Zl JaauarT


14-13 Fobtary


9-13 Aprtl

23-71 AprS

812th Alr Base eoup Ellcuorttr Alr Forcc tsgsc 28th Bo'S inns (H) 2$th Aj.r Ease ftoug -_ '-'''_ Albus Alr Fonco Base ?-Lt llay


wtus (u)

g6u noo Htu6 (H)

Z-25 r{ay

95tJx A1r Baso Grorp Ab{Lcnc Alr &rcc Basc 8f$b Alr Dlvl,'l.on 3t+Lrt Bonb Wlng (U) 8f$h Al.rr BBsc Grqrrp 0f tborc' Forco Ess m ctlld tJro fuspcctlqrg rstly
{;..29 Jugl.e

at lle.lkcr,

AlLus, ard, abfl.en


Scrrrlcc StArgC CapabJltt;r Teats, ac,,-l'-r.rry ihe dl-ttbrcnc! g rT,l.lnad .bqtnq SB

bc'ih+{nn -hasc (n0g) tncpcctlma.

rnd aprc{el EponE

lnspccllcor^a ny popcrly

tut sna Ot

:' '.r"i,li3

u,lntenanca vamus ope,tlonr. tho Oftlcc of tbr lnrrp.cte In a lcttor of A. Janrany L955, SAC, *trcoted

(bncrra.I, Eoadqurtcs

ths Ptfteonth A1r Forcc to lnspcct thoee barar achcdulcd to rccelvr apec{nl tcnpon!. lto lottor rcad ln part ea follorror

It 1r the potLcy of thJ.r haadqr:artora 6\il that s surTey lncpoctlon b cqduotcd at each Stratagtc Alr Cs,'-'and sLat{oa 1rog:auad for onbasc gtoFagc of apcclal' Fapoat pnlor to astrs,I rocclp! of yeopons. Tbsac tnrpocttons rrIIL be perlonaat to datsrnlno tbo capablllty of ttre atstlons to Lq.1cnent tho pognn- ly' A bmbs--on-bare lnepoctlon yould n,lnly atorage fe,c{lltLes, Fapons repmtlng surroy assmbJgr capabJlty, 8rd

proserrt ed, pr.oJected msrlng flgurerr procodurcs.

Ttts mB fuspocLler hrruld lnc}:le

tbc statut of operatlono orrlers and stardlng oporatlng pocedures for E1{Plrrylcrcntatl-@, dea,}krg rdth fictr ltclE s,! a Hcapons contr.o.l

oystenna'rd solEciion of a 5rqpar l-edlxg 8!GBr Cartlc AFB An Lnspoctlon of the r.nlts of thc a3d BoEbHb*g rd,lch acco4li-eh fhe, rtora6e, h9:rt*, uintenaacr, rclttrlty, and dclhrorT

of apcclal ucsporrlr took i'f.a,co 1-n, tbr porlod, ?f.-77 Ja:c,uary1956. Thg Lnspectlo:,, tn's uado by a tour-.offlccr Colonol Shenrcod H. Eclscr, qurtom t rn, lod by Lbutaant

0t!1ce ef tbr lrrapost^or Ccu,6rd, EGado! tbc

FlfLeenth Alr Forcr, ard lt Jlchded actlvltlea

93d Bordblfhg,

tbe ttd Ajr Bacc 6o1ry snt thr 2d Strat gJ'c 9rrypod

IntarrLenr bry Dr E L hccacilan, EJ-st D1v, Eq Uth AF rdtb Ll CoI Shcnpod'rI Eclse, IG, lh 15Uh AP, 2 JuI 56. Iir, Eg e[C to Cdr lStU AFr rnBcobr+r-Brrc fl4i*fm Crltor:a and Eopot{fu\grn n JsrL 55. hlblt 2.




Tho last

annr:al spoclal

lgpc6ls. LnrpectJon et ccltlo

APII hd bae conductad Lu.Octbr 1gj4.rn gwrerrl trnos,


the ablJ,:Lt7 of tfio g3d Bonb Hing to pcrfom

apaclel trla'Pdls phaoo of lta aallgncd ECPs,s lourd to bc aatlsfactorlr. In ttrc rrJngrs !poo{r] rrnspoo,srcctlon, ths esslgned otftcer ss dolng on

an ouf stard,lng Job of coord!:a,blng r't 1 apcclal. rrapons actkltlcc !b.c base. Bonb consndqr loldcrs nrsbora.

rrlr< rual prapared, tnd, rsre Eva{L-

able 1n srrfflclant

Tho rrlrlg had dotor:rLnrd, the nocrsaar3r

houra for tralnlrrg alr crsr:r lrr apccla,l roapons, eird, tboac ffudlrys erc to bo prooaatcd to Heedgr:arters sAC es thc B-52 requtnaontg this fleld. trelrlng. staff pcrsonnel aLso rcolrcd pcrlodlc 4rcler ln


ttro cperatrcns of tbe cberalrar, BloJoglca] a',.r grd,loto be satlc.raot.or1r, and, thc offlcer for ttrolr posltloal, fire g3d Arun.iot Alrcm,.it rryt ELacin E satisthc rcsb

1o41ea1 (cuR) progrsa r*aro foud ant alnuan asslgncc uoIL qualllled

decontsnlnatLon cr.ers bad b.@ feuod. trqtlcc

Helntenanco SEndron porforud, 1ta acslgmntr tolt t udtora

factotT EErIrlIrtFr 1sd-1ostlesd proflclat figrctlons tbat tho lnspecir* of th

at Ca.rtJ.o re

bgd cbschd,. rh varLoros "r 93d Alr Baso Forp nre lsrril.ed ln e satls.a,ctortrr or rrrcgdatltbE rdetlrrs nrc notcd. searlty Er

EnncF, r"4 no dsflclenclca

of t&c arrvl-ca ctoregs lecJltty outsteldlng, rt :r pcfota 7. totnd trrt rpoclal

to apcoJe.rrepqu

t&! a stratg1c stFFqt x!rpo!!

sqrgdr@ could not ln r aatlslactory


aryport luncttonc

Bqoort, IG, Hq 15th AP1 nSpecle,l t{eaponr Inapection of Caclf"s ArB,n 24 frb j6, r/t4qraEnst, IL AF 56. &h&lt_j,.

trkrer, ns r.or cou-Ld ii noet lts curcnt Edp dollrrery-Echod,ulc. ?hfu aot duo to a lack o! prrcfLclcncT 1n rpcc{al ueaponc operatlona,



bu! to er u'.reerstlc

schedule irgosec by hlgher head,qr.:artcrg. Tha FjJteonth Alr porco onc cquplete as requ!d,.

ri:spe:tJ-on Teenn roco:ocended to lleadqr:,rtels th3l s!: operatloral E.IP trtl tc ticru,{e dilecflvo loEc{r6,

be lssued, authorlzlng rr,, and, refi-olJng

rn tJ:iee aeparato road,hg the plescrl.bed

oper-ar,1or:.s, onJ.y a fotr devlatj_ons frorg lhe alrcrafb-HsF\oa 1r lrr alr cnm,

procedi.rres rler6 notod, during A broak-algr

ccorrl,L:.ct1on tast.

proced,rrre tor 842 aircraf! thlj ls acccpllsbed.

the procoss of dovelopnent, as3lgled Tll tl'rgets Affi jr

and rntrl

the B.'lP cannot practlse

brealcatay proc6duror.


The 57th AlJl. Dlvlslon thelr efflclency

and co:q:or:ent r.nrlts nrer.o lnspcctcd, for rcaFons oporatlons bctrpea

Ln every phase of scec{rl Durlrg thls !:spcctlon

!+-18 Fobnrary 19i6.

onJy the ged Bor'b -rflngBorobw!.ng rer aru.lset rpcchr

and SLLth Alr Pase crory.are on terryorary


alnco the !!th Tbc ]ast

duty at an oyrseas locatlon.

reapons lnspectlar 1955 by IJeutenant Iae lnspcctloa

of t,hJ 5?tb A1-r Dt'r1s10n nas cqrd,ucted, ln Fcbn:ar7 Coloncl Hc1.oer, 0f!1cc of the Inapcctor'Goncra.I, ard, ac@olsr F{r}sls,

tceu, lngr:lr-od lnto as the l-oad! toctrr.lqrna

tho olfcctlvenass and, lnndlrag

of cuch operatlons and the clspoaal ablllty pcr:fora

of opcclal

of ordraacc lrr:onrel.

The ovar-arl Basc rq.p to

of both thc 92r F-b lltng and, thc eurth Alr tba ape.rl..l

cr!futact or7.8-


ugl,potr! phasc of thclr

H{p nas for:nd, to bc

rbo rrrns apoolel rf,apons oflLcrr ud t&c dh*

qspco{+r }ficapoa rnspcctloa of F@r Io, -t4 15q! 4P, y'ladoroolut , 5 aay' 56. Ex[ib{t-r.. - rarrch{ld AfBrn 2 Apr 56r .:

li ri,''!. ,r,i' :"i. r.:, ', * iii[i U f n, { ; 1



Fnrrnrt fo}tors




pojltlocs. F$parod,

spoclal end, nrs svg{rrhlc

uoapons n{qston lr suftlclqnt tratrln6

xere adequEtcly

nlnbcrs. crtr*s recoi:red, spocl:l phaso,

leapons ro_ of the


durL:eg cach tr:cl.jdng

rho oporatlons

CE^? prograu rcre lound to ba gatlsfactorT, u's passed upon th.o activifioa Majnter,ance sq',:atron. Groq thls

anC,g sirn{.lrt J.dg,cnt arrl Electronlcc Alr Bae of

of the 92C A-rsnerit

Th. Er:nltlons

ltranoh of the sl4th adoqr:ato\r,

rtag Bl ro found to bo flnctlonl.:'g sectloa rs,s pro'rld:lng

o,nrl tho chlef

ths necegsary guldance an{ sgpervlslon. jn t&oir

the assehb\7 and load;Lrg crows nere sLs,.ssd, sa,+,gfactor? as

handl!-.E ot' )f<-6 and y^k LT/?A $e.e,potis, btrt ranr:J4g ln these sectlons sa not aloqrats, ar^d ,iuo io a Ls,sk of f,ac{t;i1es Dcsplto i,f,1L?/?A tralnJng the

raa noL b1rrg accoaplJ.ohed. loadlq olflcec

thoao cranbacks lrrmv-er,

rtirt ss oxcerLent A'6{1a!16

Job of nrponrisrng !ac{L[tles,

ths activltlaa end q|IfFoot ttro lqnltlons -

ol bis sactlon.


provod to bo satlsfactorT branch'

to support tbo :rlssioa'of

Tho only poLent{nlrarca

of rrahxess rs,! tho re}!ab{'r rty


of HA-l, it2-ts, aair ira-r,e, $'draulrc l:Lita drrhg extcndrd. rack of

loadhg opontlons of .\rr< v/?A lreallcns on a t-j,5 ajrcrafb.

a;teguatc ralntenanco prlor to transfar

of these ]-:!Jts to Ealrch{ld at ttre load1ng alte,

AFB car:sod exceosive ]slcBgp of lgnlra"l {c fhld, and, finsl opcrguionar fal]rae of thE utt.

correcH.qr of thLg of nor rJngo


dafeot Es oqprctcd to bo eceoogllshed, uy installatLq

enct paclclrgo

Thc laspoctLer toau speclJlrd Btbod of q'n'l{tilrg adoqreta. ltc

ja itg rc,d<s

ttEt, tro presart tq! not

poraonncl Jn rpcctal Hrapons ectlvltloe to trb rattcsbar

procodr:re uscd Er

clrao etardratlcn

r- \) -:'


gred,cs as solr b6sLr tor dcterulnln6 ns gu.llfLcd, tuqy qr.allflcdr


an lndlvldual Ihe

oF Dof qual:lfld 8t 811.


aoLodr borclre,

that r rtanrlard,Laatlst

tsrtr brd bn

eppolntcd nnrl ES esg' onarn{n{ng lld:tvldr:al. prsonm1 perlodlca{y. . Hsrch AFB Ihalng tbc pclod 1+.oaubontlrnto urlts, Zb3O Hatab L956, the 12bh A1r Dtrd.olon ard tho 22d E@b Hlngr t&r 320th hb

and the S07tb Alr B.go ftoup, Llsubmeat

racalvod a specla,I wapofft bspectlon. Alr Fqcg badqrnrters

CoJ'oncJ. Hlosr of PlftsotA

fuspcctod thoee actkltles sccrnlty,

tbet accougllabai tbo clorege, nintaance, Tbe la.oi rpeclal rrcsporrs

and dellverJr of cpoclal u6alpun.

lnspect{an of tbe l2tb Alr DtrLol.on hed ta.ken place jn June 1:95]2. The lnapcctlsn taan o.ra!:atod tb lfurdiipnc Btnrrch by obeenrrng (C-1S)

thc contlauorrs or8llJd to cqbt"GfJr oShrat'fm, uirl{qlx

asgEtbLql for strlke

trio Hk 6, tbr.oe Mk 15 i!od, O, anrl,one tlk 2L trajnjry uospoba, Tbe lnadJlg

llod 0 'roaporr.s. .{IL qf tbes Fro

anC r:nloadlng of i;be six_ln8p@.o

rdena accoaqrllabsd, on B-l+7 alrcraE.


the 1asp6"t+

teeiiir?ord' ttre ovcr*-a1l ablltty cpoc{rl Erpds trltlor

of tn l2th A1r

Dkl.alpn to arypor{ ltr

. Thl,r condltlm funct{m of tir


ns drg to thr tsFonr nnlilou

rq{nf4g1ss66r''d ase@bly

breaoh, 8O??bAJr. tsrs. Sor4p, Otber than rd!g! q''.r tbc dr basr gforp bavo

thj.a oro HI chscl a goatl iaepoctlo. ?.

k, both tactfu8I trycnmt,

tfuca tht brt,

annual sp.a{e1 ufirpcts Ecsttm ns bc{.8

tho 22d E@b ffug qrccJa-l Ep@s

Erport, IG, E{ 15tb AI, ttSpoclal lfeapons lruFaqtlm of l$rcb AIB,r 2O Apr 56, u/tndgg.--qntr 1 Jrgr 56. E+lbjlt {.




W 1t.g offlccr, eactl,o


Lbc ao'n- rss fsund to

bc tnrr for t$c uprcla,l rrrpoa! Thc atrsurlt

of tbc S?0fh B@b l{ing. qrgdr@t of both yLtrgg e,nd, bgd

snd cLcctro'n:tca 'nalntrrena.

ecccryLJ,sl6{ +hrfu' spoc{el rnslono ftEctfuns udc tbt Frqpq oparatlono. fosEl lllth cqrflst.ratlg, qr elscraft


tor ugcclal rtBpans had racelved cm,nd cohool.

tho o<cep?{q, of a fcu, alrctgnr dott'luy trElnlng at a tralnlng


thc apecJal Hpons far ftm retLef,actor7.


of tlrc gf&h Alr Baa Grorrp t+er.e of tb St&tf Mualtlons q!f1cer,

In tbe offlco

nryarrlslon flclcney

of t&e Hr:nlblone Branch rc.c lnadeqrn,ts bausc tbe peoaectj-sr could not bo rcnlteed dmnotrated effectlve\r.

of tbo olrrat{ena capabiltty

Tbe technlcal tbe lrrpcctLqr Fapont.

ry the opnc?tl-ons aectlpn d.urlng rrrsqr.lrrt rolsaso ed

.lJd not {'"l1cate t"hBt ttlc uolt couJ,C, e,lntain loc8l agreacrts for tbn orycdfi,lsuc


of atcolc uErcrur bEd Bot boa docrmtrd, cartaln fq=r"rce of tbr aect poccdrro

ao lbat nolther prty Ibc r*""cr of por belsy

t,o bo fol[srpd. ol tacbnlcel Tbu!, tlc

and ggorra-t toorfgdgr Alf, hrc;-

procodur:os ns

tbo Pfgcontb


racbgnl-c,l n$ses't,lsn etJr,ia,etorJJ;.

sa ooo capobl-c of p*fomJng rt na s@ svldgrt

$s t ohnlcal n!xatl,@!

thst r tralnlng

roglarq edcqrato to ra,tntaln rrqufnd En rpur)drtanto nrbotandrrd,

t'br lrdh d.cgroGof trchnLca,l poflobncy Otllcar !r!t !ffi.lslontd opa.atLon. otllcar

auporv$Jaa ns

tbrw,gbout tb Hltr'tn

trrc badrn6 rsGa, ccortly durlng rt'qlrg! polrrb ln tb

cryarauro nr

tp tb,t

frralsb.d At rbsuLd

apcotal EBDfr! thL! crltlaal

end ryr'rffi, daltrev

ngt etrt,rllrra. abcrrlty



,U i i.;1.r:ir.* . i i ;

i.. ,'l

i r. . ,.rr,,,.*


pcraonnel tbtrougLty lrdocbr{''rtrd ln

bo espbasl:cd ard thotr cpoclf1c drrblss. d:lractl'rosr

Ib. cEa rogr8g rlls

opcr,tad ucds tbr o14 +".t tlc afu bege grqup

Lo t&,lch t&r bobgrdnlot,

rcrs cEch rospo.rlblo

fqr cort,&ln pbescc of th. GrB astlvltlg. tlclr astlrltlos ent{ thlc ayata, oporatcl

Tbo trp rlng'! hrrl ceblned

cat1staetorlJgr, h$ CBR, .f\rnctl.ono ln t&o gg7tb Alr Baco eory uqc not clcar$ dotin6d. teero tqu:d th unnlt.tons hancb of tbs l! cde cErtilin
tbg r''rn{t{ong

slrco tbe lnapcctlon

Sq7th Alr Eaes a.oug lacl<fu Ln eftlcLencrr

t'acorEjEdatLoog, Lucltdlng 6s c+11{ng ior



to dovalop eryedltlous ftr






AEC cuatslteua




of AEC 'ieap@s.

Anortbr recc@endatjoo eetlgr


ths M13.rltions BrEnch to tglc6 {nnad{afp rFap@s ofllcor

to ase{go e As tar es

t:rBJ-Ed speclal the otrrrattons

eE cbLef of tbs Branch. la$ c,qcancedr ruld Jrryro're ll

sactl-qr of tbs rnlt alfectlvensss

tbo {nrpectLoo lPccirr rqspong

teaa sug8estpd lts tochnlclans poficlancg tochnical to rslata'lg lurpons rere


for I'gc 5, ij, tnirJ:lg th!

Jto tbc rcqulrd dog!s of tocbnlcal -arrl, 21 rbapou operatico.t. Suftlel.$t ba"sLs rcqld akrll rt't bavs to 6s gqs.""F1{nbed Foqul:red for poraorcf apcornl

on a cqlti$dJt

hlgb dg.go of tochnlsal In tgnp of rrsurltgr,


nrcdod to ard

bo t&orougbly ln th.


ln tbc procodrnes te of tblr ra.Bvorable Fapong.



and oporatlft of tteac

lba r=pcrcrusisot to tie polnt. Tbsa


nro ott!ry



la^s an lmdLrtr brgun. h{b


paraonal; Faash

aryl an llrtrnslve


tbc Sgttb ulrnltl9ns

ras ssheluled lor a rcJlspcctlqr


h JhX, strFaIL ooryJrtely rcorganlzed.

arryerv-Is1o, of the opr.ttlo!.s seotlon ss An offlcer fully qr,r,Ilf1ed to flll


tha t0 posltlon had bca'l ass{Slnedr The offlcer &Lreot\y control

In a.dCltlon to a now oparatlons offlcer. r.esporslblo lor tbc defl,clsnt

arcas lfta r.cpLecod. Qtaltty and ccryl.dsfy

yrocedrres ha'ro boon revltallacd, 6:a'r{na!lsss dlroctlon,

ngx tpolrrlosl In tblt

heve bogr adDlnlsttd tp r'l} tocbniclang.

e'!1 technlclang bEte succcscttllg tboroaftpr

pasld theao t'crtl.

A rollspeetl.on

founl tbe brancb ccnryIete\y calnbJe. ovEt. all pcronnel

l,leanshlle, closeq. conLrol lE bfu8 etntalncd ant tho llspoctLon tecd s rttccncr:detlce Blaqs AflB

heve bsen close$ folloued.

A epoct ]. tnapon.s b-spactlon of tb.e Arctb Air Dlvlslon ard ccrrryocsnt took Cgce la t,tre porlod fU Dlvlslon lrart becn lrspectcd lprif L956. Uro

ln Decernbs L954, and agaln on l Hrrcb , Ideuienant Colonel HoLscr'

L955 W Hoadqtertrs Elhth Alr Force.

Offlcs of the Inspector Ge:recal, lnepeeted th9 95th and ylth EoEb I{lnga, ths 81$bb Alr Be's G.orp, lld lta scorpc of thc iatpectlon bt Strnteg{.c Srpport gqrrdrer.

lncludo.l ths Losd1rrg end bandll'ng, lectlons, arld llrs as nlJ. st ttn rdngrs dopartutt. In rcportfng of tbe glOth t&.lr

opl:atLorrs, lssue, ard recclpt rpeolal. rlaponr tbo tl:'rdtugt

acbool, aocrlrltyl

of thi.e lnapcctl.oa,

t&G onea..cll abJltty

Alr Dl'rloLon 8rd l,sl Strsteg!

St+tpqt' Sqtndroa to orypct

apecla,l rftlepslo nisslon HBS Fconotrrrcsl satlt{lctor1y.


lho eraluEtlon


ltlrtory 12bh Alr D1v, lhr 56t P. 36. Sco elro tho lndqrsffit to tbr InopoctJon EEPry!. bqflb-ft L

. l -1t

EE betd on trfP cEpablLlty only. fiic rpoclrl aattaiectory. qatlfl,cd rrapons ccctlons of both bqEb ylng! rpre !ou1d, to b A quallfl-od rrlng apoo.rrl 16gpp6s oCflcer and throc o! w,s

lnsbnrotors Hsr roolgnad to ch rrrng. gor.llpjrng lgr qr.s!B!d gc qffoqtl'rr. ccaubt cran prrlqEanc &ls

r11 6p6glal rclpooe cvldcnccd by th qtlltrctorltr flitght ford tlnc operetLon.

durLng tb agurdrol pclr-

nud cjlectrqdca -Erc aru,-'tsat sat,l,:tactc-i1y ras r.qulrd

the.b r1rctnl. $capons filrsttmr

h,rt lneeasd,

cryba'cls cr apcclal rrcaporu tralnlns Tte procedlrco, po}lcles and uthods

tor ct,ff porsogrel. &ranch, sLotb The Lgsuo ard,

of the lhs{tLsrs

Alr Basc sorry, t'gro adegrate ard IFIL docr""aatnd. receJg! sectlcl rctlng,lprsrerr of tbe lludtl-crls

baacb e,s 6lnerr En rnsatlsiacto'r'5l due to tbs e:troa ohortage

txlt thj.E res pllar{ly

of poruonnel ln thLs rctlsl. alr:ntn rff alslnrd.

%l.y trrc o! tbc ad,borLjad ssrreq nort erdflslsrt to

Tlr{s runbcr las sJr\y

ls,lnt8fur t[6 artrn'lnirtrati're rccords rlth rcguJled.

ths degF of accur"acy bangb, ram e1r

Ttro otbor soqti.qla of tb,e rlnltlrng of tbolr

a,tLafactor';l fu tho pcfisr"ancc ltr occurlly atlmdcd

finctlmg. ln storaga rcs

apaclal rtapour $lJr thr elrcr:aft


tn;t Ylthln

]r.a.t{ng ara, tbara x*.e lax ln rn{^talnlng.rrtabi1;tsf

gc'rorral lnttrnc$t cd procc{rrna, fllht' Fro llac

ln tdrtch pareonncf nrr TbLr rosultrd

tn bplor evgrar rocur:lty drrl.rrg th, ths ectlrttjss ef tbl cER,pcogretr (aquadron ca


rn rddttlon,


SoE of thr aaloetcd pcrronr:af,

11' trpoTtr IO, E+ Uth Af, ttSpactet Hcagnns Instrstlq e! F{ger APBrnl Eay 56, u/JrlAor,-"rlrt, 5 ,tr14-- nArfUft 6. 56.


enc a,furnsrl alrcr-aft

dccmta,nlnatlon crpervlson),


nsL rocelved tbr roquir"ed tnrlllnE. cE8'dcfonse, but thosc rrnl

sec prana hod boen u.d,e lor

vegur, ldrrle porscrnc]. uero unar+areof Tho Flro Departmnt ras found llr Forcq stardanr ln progr?lr. AIF Losdd buf

proc+lurcs end rcoponslb{].ttlga.

to bc congld,arab\y bclov the Etffeath the cffcctlvrness

of 1ts rpoclal uoapo.nE tralnjng spport

cFslfE of thc lct stratcglc

sguadron catlrtb,ctorlly l-nto C-124 alrcref!,

spccla.l Eapane, coEponoats, !n,{ Llfta Fro

st{1't lhor.! qr broxtodga of the spco{n.r }rapans prroced,rrreo

t'nlgue to tho C-LA tranoport. Tttg trspectior teatr roco@dcd tx r.evislal of ar.t lrgFons, ard closer supervlslon of pnoflclencT ug &lOEh Alr Esse rn

asoenb\y ar.d lnapcctlon chgck usta, tochrxlc{l tralnlnE nalntaj.ned.

to rnsrro tbst cpecJa-l lepnns

ApplLed to the rn-rrltj-ocs branch of. ur

crqrp, thosc csrrecblon;

loon produced, tbe des$.od reaultg.

th18 -".'o subJect, tr:ajnJng reaporis raro r,opabed, s.od :re1nlntod, ard loadins cnll{r r-ecolvql cLorc tbat actlvltJr. ftanir Ths ,teflotlr"r"" on ectlw srrycrnlsJon_r&rlo engaEedln noted, l,n Eecrrlty rrc also correctc4, {glmc 24 hours a day, and acrrtrly doga t}o

xErG ua{rltatnrt

ram ut{],r'{d 1gloo gurrd!.

durln8 t,}tr baufs of dar.lcrcrr j.n cor$unct,lorr rlth fte tralnlng lFogrrun ss to lrrclude rcpcatad

lnstructLon for 6rn:lds perforzaln8 t.h"elr d,rrtfua, ao r! to prorJda thc nxlnn srcurlty drclng loediq aDd unloaclng qporetlma. A

nar G&1rectlon sa Aruax Y. r,r tlr

forncd in rccordrncc rlth

sAc E gulsr,ton iii-L, ,tr.$!rg

porlod erdrd, tbc gloth Alr Drrbl,qrns

tbc Lryortancc of tbo CE, trrogrtE, r,'d. clagsc6 rqfe bing ooodust d

1 ilr'i'* :l ri:ii:iJ

contixuously on a atarppod-lp rat6. er LL-12 Jrns 1956, thn Offlcc of t&. lrurpcctor rkncral, EL:ftoonth Alr Forcc, ccnductod r cFolal B1gt AfB. Fspqls lns.ooctlon at

fha tean, h&ded, T^{a16srcgt CoLonel llaloer, lngFctpd b7 atolatsr rnd trandtlng of l& If rnapons Alr Baee 6oup. tbo orrqt\ell ih6 rca.f{qg aecr:rlty ln ApnLL.

tho assarnbl;r, ulntenanco, br th nurliloru

trlanch of the sltth

anC dollvarT of thocs rnapons, nlnsg dth

sctupr uaro E'qr durJ-ng tho apocla-l tcesponcilrpoctlon Dtr!.ng thLs nefi capabJllty to be fblfy capeble ylth

lnapactr.@, tbr organJ-zatLqnrrgs lornd f,actor:.

no tl:dttng

comgllence rss lorrd WeLlcarAFB

lbctgdca.l Ord,ar

to be satlsfactorT.

A s.oeclar rpapons insgectlon tmk pJaca at ifa-lkEr AB drrlng the perJod 447 Eoubardun'" I{!rg, tho recolpt, Juno 1956p r&en the A7ttr Air Di-rl,sL@, tb 6th axd, tbo sl2th Alr Bas Grow nea rnrpccted, m herdJ-trgr ralntraa'nco and scralty of gpc{q1 of tb hold,


rx!8pcrne. lbs 50th

Be$ hllns on go dsvg tDir et ths tfu inspoctlon,Jn tho unltad il"gdo'n -T!o lnspoetr.on, tbc

at lts,lkr sinco October L955, ras condustsd by Linrtarant Ihiserr arul rras rrrdto'rct


by ld.eutsrant CobnaL Ctaster F. I$rsrenaH., Cenerel, lS{?. Ible trgrtlcular Jlq Jarpectlcn sAc.

Offlco of tho Inqpsctor u's cardfil W.

gtrb as the reoult

of a cqqei.catien



TtX[, Ccadr 810th Alr Div to CI]rs.AC, ESI.fO6.10Og, Jrs 56. lJ] Ddrlblt ?.

1,3' Ltrr_llq sACto codr Utb rtp, eba+ara End Rsportlngro 21 Jan 55. EIspllj.





)7 i

functlpns as o1rcra."i.ons, Ioa.ik6, ccnrtlnlzed Dlvislss for affecLlvocegs.


Erd, secrrrl.ty, rerc

rr, uas fors:d tbat the 4?th .Ur roccLl-a, storo, h&:dJ.e, sai;rta!: eouLd nof loeC :& lj ueeparrs

coul,l se,ijsfa;toi1.];'

a"'rd scuro atorrlc Falpns, s8tj-ofe;tor{y

al 1n B-r+7alrcrefb.-

h.t that it

Tho perforuarrco of ti:g 6th 3o!rb iflng ln lLs qpoc{.+r treapqr.s fuactlon rp,s ggnrrrlly s.rll.sfactorT, Eleotrorrlcs a.nd,tha 6tb, Aruanant a:d

l,lalntei:ance Squadrq c.e,sloi o.r.d,ite dutles a.d,eqretaly o5x:rst,lqu. A.n rry-to-tria staluc cbarg l_r4lcatlng 1b,E

durlng ibs lo,ail'H

ths staLu,s of o,lrcraft nrnitlqne

banb-boy eonfl6uratj,on ras urlr*ajned. ![ste,l, as ux-

bre.lch of the sl,2ch A1r &rse Grap es

eatlgfacfory as ihe pror'lcr.sncii of its loadjls Thia 139fu* ns eircra.ti. basq,l oir fire :'lk lj

secijan Has poor. in B-l?

Loadlng cspabillty

Ttre n'inltloas

.om,ncb, seLectd, ttrac ii

csrsi.dsrld, ag ure

bogt lk U Loe,f:ng cru. Thls creu ra,s r:nabLeharrrer, to load ritlLijr aecep'Lable ti-re 'riri!,aflisns, anl tbe fuupectors nrled tbat fhe flnal aactlpsi ss pr.oluci rroult bare ben a drd on the ',arget. Tba

gbl,e to lra;i eatl.sfacLbrl-\y

lfc 6 ar^r .\ik l? rreapons fu

8-36 alrclr8ll.

Thc othar sectlons of ibc nr-nMoa,r branch, cuch Eg a.rd erFloslvc or{rance d{epoalr tholr {poo{e1

operatlons, lssuo and recolpt,

rere clasged as bavllg tho capabtLity to prforn Hrapoffl .flncflo,g sstbfa,ctorlJ;r. Tbp gecrrify

sctLoa u,s lounl io to

b. ln gml operel,tn3 orrlgr Ebo. 14.

glsl:s e.d pol! petaini:rg

Tglo*r rG, lq 1-sth if,, trspeclaf ifeapa hspectloa of lhllccr lrgrn I !!ry 56, u/J*taemtl 2L Jrir j6. nhft& s.-

ir41'rr",',..,,i'll ffi t,. - . r .t l + J , , ' c


? Z.'
aborrethg rns capable of


tbe cccurlty of the acrrlcc utora8e fss'nrfyrrrr Elltccnth coplng rltb Alr Forco avrcFsgf. Tbc Flro Dcpartuat ffura lnvolrl'g apcc{al rtapoilt,

brs 1tg h,orlcdga of

apecla.l rcapoil procrdnrer raE bclsv thc Flfbeonth Alr Forcc at'8ndarrl,. tho tnspcctlon ttr'n bsd thrac othor apeclflc crltlclws to offer: Flrst,, An lnadeqrs,te nrubcr of B-fZ alrgratt hrd been

udc arra{Iabb to the urrr.ltlqu 15 loadlng

r'ranch loadlng talrs to acccuryllsh

Socorr:I, therc nerc last,ncea of m,Jor

derlalloms lrota tochnlcal orrlcrs snd proacrlbed proceduea to be follovd drnlng the elrcraf!-lrapon coordllgtlon, Plr:a\y, there

Ea a ra'ck of affectl-.ra plannrng to ,lnsrrc tho paopar contror end phaslng o! cartaln por{lons of the loarUag oporatlons dr.r!.ng the ELfPr:carclsc, slncc t'hr loadh! functlon uas. thc r+eakoot thk ln the opec{a1

r}lporur opcr,'atlons o! thc 4?tJr A1r D1v1cl.on, tbo Ja.apecllon tcan rccomnded actlo acvar:al r.wdl.s. It E&lt1oaa brancb, abould Loltls,t for bsd{.g an

to m,kr oo B-l+? aLner.afb cmtl-nr:atly Enl].eb]. cacb ot-thisc

t,lnsfnlxg untll clfcctlvr

Mk.LS/H+7 crqml cqnLd,pelora balning

loq,rr{nt rlthln

a trc rnur poriod.

recordc chquLd

bc cqrroudat.d tftpotr,

t'o lndicatc

tba nrnbcr of tota,l loedlngs, by troe of tb or.rggectlons, by ccrtJnwd,uced,

accaglJsbsd try cach GFrrfle Ag e result

oxcoral:rc f-edlrrg tls lord.lng practl-lc. to rpprdratr\y Ibprt-+nt

for tne. uk 15 uas clbdnatod tlne !c

A''rerago lsdlag trc hourc. rlth

cach qrsr nr

rt na el,ro rccrendod thc unlt{snr

that tn! rbr a Drg


b.8nch to rnirrb F.ogra'

contlntdng rnd ralfu;tto


apapons tra,Ja]q


a-: a-lv


rbould bavc tbo chanc to practlae rmovlng etorrtd poaltl-or,

the Hk 6

crpsuJr coutalaar S@ lla rlth r'11 sltcraft

and abquLd be fatrfljtar atatLsn,

EBPSI conflgurablons scctrDnto tbslr

on L6 rnd lz l{ay 1955r a rciupcctlm ftoup Errlltlgns sgitn Edt'orcd brsncb took ulacq rdo

of the g12th Alr Basc

l^leuterant Colonol ltelsor on fh{s egcaslo, furly faciors. capabLc in The loa.d-

tho lesclng of Hk 15 reapons.

thc lnapcctton tann torsd the 4?t& Alr Dt'drlon ltr opac{rr napql! funotion, rlth no lldt,rn

lng scctlon lB8 cucccssful la' the tesk of Loarffurg 15 r.roapons in B-47 elrcnfb. ELtsprtb tsctno, Groug, snd tic Lleutanant


AfB 7 o''d IL l.!ay 1916, tbe 28tb gonb !{rng end Alr Base 4th Streteglc Sr4port Squdron HerE l:rsPsctd by Alr Borce.

col.@or lblsar

frqa Hcadquartera pift,egrth

Tho last ennual qrceJnl rcap@s lnapcctloa Hlng hrd b.qr cqdrrstcd Jn Auguet Lgss. folloncd tbr cn"r grucrsl pattcnr sboto.

of the 2sth Bonbardmnt,

rtc lnspcctlon tarr Bttsril}rth ArB as it

fu Fn{n{nt

ba'<lm tJrc occasloag ]{rLel nc

Thg rrrng apec{er Rgpons achool by cbcoklng the proflcl"cncy ol ita grrodrrateadlrlrg ttnc opcatlstg. Attce cra.luatlng tbs nnrl mr$r otbc oprrat,lorur thc lnapectlon toem rao of

th. lllSbt eal}.ctr

of rpeoJr.L EqF@t

tbc oplnlon tlct tbc rprclel nle!

thr 28th E@b tffug could,not srryporu eetigfactor{y portloa of lta Efp.


L5. rlDK, co-'r' 4?tb Atr Dlv to cImsAc, Bstf789,lA g8y;56. Edllblt 9.. U. l1l!"t!, IG, l4 ryth AI, tSpco.lal lfcaponaInrpcotlou of E!'].:ncsth AgBr! Ul Ury 56r-/trdlq,zq'Z, Ni Jra 56. Exhlbit 1O.


t 1) a ( ,r..

Tttc cpecl"r nspqrr

Brsblon of tho 2sth B@b i{{nt rlr5 fornd ea br{.g ebovr avaragc lor Alr Forcc. lcF! Thr wlng apcclal qualjlled

to bc catl-afr,otor.:r, end rs,s Urtcd l{n'l1rr coct161r LB th! Piftcath and thc lnatnrgtors

Faporul offlccr lor thcir formd ltr agtlrltLoa

consldcr.ed nlll

pooltl-urar Eni tho aru,mnt fungtlons eatbfr,ctarlly. rltblrt

arrl cloctronlc

rquadra 1n5of thc

Thr adulnLstratlo

tlrc aqrrdron rgs ouBetandlq.

It uc found, tb slL-

horovar, tlrat ctrrdsrrt&atl-qr ten cs,nlrratlon portlon roqulr@nt.

crey! rprc not accoryllshl4g

of ttm r5nc'rn] Fa,poru ecsdsn{c tralnfug

Tho unrnitlons branch of tbe 2sth Alr hs eow bacausc ttre loadJ.ngr bandllng, and tb absaco of thp chlpf corpJ"cd dtrr

provcrt to bc unsatlafactory,

opereflona rcctlons pcrfonaed be.lor 1nr. of ths nunltla^e tbe strff eoryllcrt.d . ltlr brer:,ch and thc opeatloar otflccrta



laak o! rlrc{a]

rpspons -aclgrourd,,


th! crraluatlo

proeolEr brench ra,s BratLsfactorJr. tegh,r{c{nns rcrc totrLly fol+h Fqulrcutrta opdatlons. dudsrt lsr Tb! nguabookr'

Ihc oporatlonc sectl.qr of the rdrdtloru evarrrtLo rsa berrd, qr tho fa,ct thlt technteirl- odcr aott{.6

rnfanrt.]:lar rlth Eepoil

aanablgz, lnspootlon, pcclom.d

aDd Blntc8rca obotrta

opcratlonr rec

bf ut{'l{rtng ordss f,rt

rathcr tnan rF-t,o-datc Ecqulred Bporrc csrrbd



to thr rogtle. or Er!



nst lcfqDdl

oul lnocrrcdfl.


ran nelc dwfng afl rapoai xqftrar-rly. r? c'oAttfns conLgak

opcratlonr. rtti

Tcchnical trelr'{'g

na br{.g aqtftEtd

no prJor gLennlng ar fqpEr.atl6. furfug tb plrrloqr

Ibcrc rrratLafast fpoo{rl

hrd b|rn Ftcd ductrd bry ti1r

a5app6! furpact1o


and rrsc cr,uod bv an a.Lrod t-tsl


of Hgapon! tralntnanco prEonngl lrlthl'n 3j,lK1 Brd 463X0 flelds. Ioadlng end lrandl:lng of cpoclal r,lapons raa unsatlsfactor?r a1go. Tbe tlqe rrqulrcd fl&it to losd a lC< 1? r.apon durlng tbo spoclal ugapoplr


Ilnc opor:atlon raa excegslvo, (four hourg and 30 nlnuteo), brvc bocn e drd on the target, 'a,s sablrlactory tre 4tu

end the flrra.l product Fuld stratogtc sryport sqrdron

lrr 1tg apeclal xE8pons

yrr:foranrcc. FolLorlng thegc flndlngar t'hc lnopectlon tean recomnded that control srxi otandard&atlon rhfu

tho sr:nltlons branch or6ani:e a qrnllty aectlon, rcaponclbln dircctly gootlon tpuld be raanned rlth ths best olsctrlc8l tcchnlcLans ll

to ths chlcf of the branch. tbc bosb uchanlcal

aasob\y teotr,,1glan,

aoseub$ tecbnlcLe,n, and tno of thc best

tbs mrnltlong br&nch. The aecllon yould bc beld asseob$ and loadfng orperatlons

responslble for lnspcctllrg per!.odica\y

to lnsuro To ceryILancc, chcoklng the adcqrgct of i-ndorsgEcnt to these lnapocLlona, and uonltorlag the effectlvenasE of tho tralrrlng pnogrqE. As far as thc opcratlons sactlc'n ttgclf lt rould ncad to taLo dra;lc lsc esscoraed,

acllon ao tbat r'11 nuaponau,lntcnauce thc trtgb dcgrce of tccbnlcel th.c rbctr1c8l cactlpn aborrld bey, end rcorg Tho rcctlsrn rcurd

tochnlclena rcqr.dred rnd slntrlnod, gld.Ll roqubcd for lta oporatlons, lm'o to a brgur rrc

roolr, adJacart to tbo ucbrnlcal

bonchos to porJdc edoquato rcr*.lng 8laeer

arao nocd tbc nccosrary tools aad cryerdrblc rca}lgblo rrr,po!r.! o,sseirbly rnd trrjnj:rg

arpp3Jsa lor rcrc RIlaLIy, tho


r.ordfug 1rra[hrnrt'l {ng rcctLcnc abould at e,er cya]:gte crgn on capcula fuEtallrttcn pcocrdtnrcr, td

arl :.osar5g

tbc EGqEDcr to b.


drrlng a sPoc{Al vaapon! loadJng. Arr loroo, ArB oo 3l !!ay

the Olflcc of tha rnapcctor GcnctEl, Filftocntl hcrd e apoclal riuapons r+-{.nspcct,1oa at ED-ltprth rnt r Junc 1955. rn t&l-E hstanco,

LLcutannn! coloner Eei-ser ita Edp fincttous etatu.s o!

fglsd thc 28th Bmb tfing capcbla of concuctllg rltbout Urnltlng factors. Th.aearllor


tbc loadlng

ard, postlnad{ng of Hk r? reapong lss r-ctlrie,J, arlt capabile of loadiag t{k 1? cocLlen of tbo ,-.n{tlo::e

tho orgenbatrpn s,g found to bc fuq7 reapons ln W6 alrcraft. branch rla,s not Al.tus AIts An J-nspectlon of tbose ecfivlbles tho rocelpt, a;rcJ"l

sl lrspecLcd.

The olrretlonr

at .{.lfr:s AIB thrt ascor"Fl{qh and accurlty o!

storago, ban{Llngr lelntcnaaoc,


conductd bct*cen 21 end,2j lray 1956. rJsqtens,nt conductpd,the inspceti.@,, as d.irgsted, ln a n8otrbs..on+aso

colonor Hclssr agin lottar Crltsria

Son f,cadqr.a,rtes SAC, rtroso aulrJcct ss

and Beporttugrn da,ted 21 Januarly ]lgilL. Ihe last annua.l tltng '.'l Alr Beso Grorry bsd tsksu nlasc Luto snrehrett,erg as

tnepoctloa of tbo 96th'ihb ln Dccobcr L955. ths abrlrty rtqtc

Tho inspcctors


of the opcntlqr.r


to aasttlhb end,lajntgjD pcrlormncs o! tbr cdrancc

and tbsrrnmr:plear rcepers, 8rd tb

dlrpoEar acstlou J:r rpoclar Faporu cpcratlou. tbo 9'6th BcEb i{lng oould, rocrtvo, wlporrl 17. ffi, ln r rat8fa,ctorT Cdr tElrrrgr'r rtorc, tsn4le,

r! eppcar-ed taat and saclar etole sbr,ld tr.anndort

Tho orggal:ailon

lt' r". r,:lt .: ,i] t ;i

28th eEb Hg to cIlEsAc, D0t{s456, 2 J:g_, 56. S61b1t


P;.n i1 k aI r"il
' ,r I .i .:J

ginco tbo last


ln lts

spec{n'l Hs,Pons fgnctlonc



The spoc1a.l yesllons srpport pr.ovlded by tbc 96ttr Arunont r^C Electrq,lcs ns Ua,intonanco Sqtsdrqn tor the .(Ught l:Lne loadtng oporallon IIrs trro alrcrett usd for the Hk U 1oai1n3 ict loa taken sjnce th,s contltion.

not ratlsfaetory,

haC not rccelved prqpr cmflgurabLon.

loadlnig orperetJon ras desfunot to proyurt rocurrnco of thlr lbo plansr proco{uros, and potlcioo nrrn{ttens t\grctlon rlcre gooral\r fonnlaterJ. Th! nrnltlonr

of tbe 95th Ajr Beso Croup adoquate. ln EIP u,sr.-q'l had bocn

brench sborcd ullch iryroveucuL rhco ln Dsce$ar. fbo oporatles sestlon

Lbs lagt trrsatlsf&ctoty e,s salltfactory;


bowever, th.e aocbgnlcrl assoac\r teen ncodtrd Pre-

&dC,ltlernl tralni-ng jt llr 5 storage lnspocbion operat,iona. lor t&s rocolpt, C.e,D.alxg Irelrpons ma outstan*lng. cl,essd as stb.nactor;r, avGr'sgrtln lts ablllty

stor:age, ard roporting of ra'r r8qtre fno Loaa::rg end bardtlng gctlon rs,g hrt tt '.e,s bIsr tho F1Jtocnfh Alr Forco

to,load !0c 1i lroallons.1lr H|7 aircrEft, rBi varT s1ot{ ln lis qioratiou.s. stcpa o!


:, crslr, l&fJ-e etficUtvc, Yorc tralntrg thj"

app8.rcd Dacssarlr ln porlond4E


cperatton to rpocd qp tho ovar=,It Tbe lnlt{pl


ilsFrcctlnq of tbo rocurJ.lsr area rsvqled an r.ErSsctrlty eoasuror progmgd to be !r affegt, tb! dcsinbll atardards. 0a\r



dr:rlng tea !:lpocLic'n r, dralrtq, cccurlty

dld noL appe,cb lorcr ns Ln b.!tt.

Tho Fl;ft e&th.Alr Forcs

l-El. Eopor!, IG, tQ 15th AF, nSgloclal r,{oapcars Inspcctlon of Allus ItB,n 4 Jua 56, y/JnAc,mt, 29 Jun 56. EELil{t*,.


3gtabl{rh{ng tbe rvqulrd i{LL bc tollorrd;rl-c, fec{r ttlcr.



atates tbst tbo

rtqldr@lstr rat flxll

end arrbccqrrrc to, tbc 11rtshr{eb_ o the

of pcrmot

A rclnrpcotl-on of lceurlty

day of tbe lnrpec!{d srsralty

rwca'rod 1oo pcr acat unatng ead Its plrc Dcpartrant ras rgtfu-

cat$factorJr trctorT,


but of thc 99 suLhorlaod pcraonnc-Loaly lr3 rurc aarlgned. rrr.l ElcstFqLics

Tho lnspcctlon toas rccor':mrn4edtbet tbc 96th A:ltawrt

ualntcnancc 9quaJrrcasclcct trc of thc bcat loadJngEr^g rcn1tora. Ttrcsc sbouJd firnctlon as a ataJrdardlzetlon teal ylth e{!{1lty tbo r.cspon-

for chocklr,,gtho rpac{al napsrg profloloncy of tho Hor.coyer, ectlon should bc t6,krn to prv-Dar\y ujntalncd gl a'r'r

Es'porur-nelease personnrl. Jngurt !!st tLus. rlapons. pcrsoruol nll

trald-og Faporul nro

This aclLon rcufd fugrove tlro tralnlng filralJgr, rrl

capsb{t{i.y of thsac departmnt

app'roprlataLy ctEarsd flrc

shoufd porlod&arty

obscrys a rpcs{s,l !*eapons loadd,ng.

thr lldoramt

lrd:Lc.ated thet personna1 of the 96th Alr F,eo rcir.rloctrfuated, tlalalng qr sggrrlty m,ttc, At

Group brd beqr thorotublv

thc pcriodtg cr,ir rn fut'cf,sfbd.

progn,E rao batng oordlsted conlinued, trctr aud

to lnrrrrc tba bfubeot posslblo job efflclency. slElilst.d poetiratlool rcre bcing csrr{rd

otrl to tcat ths cftcctlvre 1rtlar fieq tjr d

nras of tbc orcurlby urit.

At tbc rarna !14,

95th B@b ffing Gooeqandsr tbe Cooand,cr Flftosrth to ro.Leaar ftsa c.rta,tn rcurlly no rcaly io thir r*aqulrocnta.

Alr Forqc tt$rst

Ae ths parlod, radrd,,

Letter ha'd recelved,. i'

Ablj.enc AEB A lllrc{rl

rGaponr Janpoct{r'n of tbr grgth Alr Di-rulon na

./Y csnductcd ln thc porlod 2j-n 195,5. Li.errtenant colonol The r:nlts

llolsor agaJ,ndiroctcd tbe Bonbs.on-Baso .rnspatlsn. lnspectat rero the 34bt rlas tbe flrst The lnspactlor

tsonbHlng ard Alr Ease Grwtrp. A1so, tbls

opeclal Heapons lnspoctlon oi the S19tU Alr Dlvlslon. teaq oarnllod the effcctivencss, roqp*a efflcJe.lcy, &nd

csnotry of thp finctlong

to orryport ths l{r'iterl


mnt of PlJtcenth Air porcc Opcratlons Elans AO, ard, s0+5?" thie lnrro}red prlerIly the opcratlons coctJon, l*ci"g a.rd. handlr-ag

sectlonr and lsoue and soctlon ln the u:nltLons branch of tlrs 341gt Ab Ease Group', lbe Rlrs Departaent anrt the socurlty d.f'rlsroo truce also chockcd.


rt re,s forgrd tha,t tho elgtt hancle, m,!:taln, tr:r thli

Air Di.rtsLoa couLd,recefu, 6tor,

recurc nnd der i'1s3. atoqlc rleapono setlsfactori\i. regrrd, ',,h inspcctlon teelx decLcec tbeL tho DtrLglon .for attainlng thls capabJJSty on cuch ehort, tbi.rtenanco gqrndron

shourl bc courdec notlce, ras Ii:tod

Tb 34rst Ar:rrguantard Eloctrqrlcr by tbc toam ar ltll

ablr to pror:ce eatJsftctorJJy coltrilitust of 1 Jury Lgs6. ln tbat group

apcclal reapon.' aryport rJr t&c ltEltd tho ualntenance of oprcr+l rglocr ss

rocords gnd fll,os

abqvc thc avereEe fgr sJ:n{1rr- orgarrl-zat,ions jn tho ittftoqrth Ey rrut largo, tbc prslr, pocrdurcr, a'd, pollclca of

alr Forcc-

tho nnrn{tlcrs blancb rrro rcqprna arrobry

fornd to bc sdoquato to ar'rypct the r.otLq sa ca,t{rfrct,oay ln thc hrt tbo ab{Ltty o!

pd.su1sn. tJtr opontlm! rrd Bint

nanc of rk 6 god 6 rcaposr

19. !4nrr-, IG, B 15!h .A?, rSpcola.l tsrpos AgBrtrI Jul 55. Edrlblt 13.. .

Inapcct,rg, of Lb{Ieno


bhs eectl,orr to r,lnt&Lr An lnt,c,stnr of rklll the bardllng



ns rot cteluatad.

traJntng Fograu Fuld on tbo l{k 5 Epqn,

br acccoergr to ml^! tb and tc glvo a prdlcJancy fn

of firLure RIFnr

s55{gnrd,. &Ep!otd, la,s

Tbc lscu ard rccelpt lfutcd, Ea rncetLelLst,orJr. cgrt unnlng

occtJ.oc, r&Fs t1rr0 Thlr rrefustloo

raa bggod orr 20 par *g 8sg{{Frd,

of tbc osgtLcn.

a aovu Lsyol elrun

beforo t&e coryl,etlsn tbat cbaagcl recclw, epcc{al Eapfig

of tho lnrpoctlon,

and tb rgltt, cgulc, afLe nrnber Ot

etoro, a'd Lssuo tbo llnttd


tb,!s aFplred onfy to napons tbat lFrrrrer, fe tfio recoJgt of ftrtrrre lull

trrre to bs recelved initl8lly.

tseapor, and ths actlne us o-f cqrventiomal Etrdll,ons, autborlaed strength of tb trllt rpuld boco

nocessarJr. Tb3 load,ln lis abitlly reqrdred Tb

lng ad banar:-ng ssotlsr rns lsrnd to bo eatlstrctory to loqd uk 6 llod 6 rcapoa irr E4,? slromft,

to tbp ed,qt

to nryport, tht I July 1956 ccaoi.twrt,

of tbo 34f$

Eo"h H!xg. ln 1tg

lnspect'lon tsg cqrsldrcd__&c loadJng crcr ellfr, olnratlon, rcJativaly acstlo tnl.rud Uulch lnd1cdtd tbtlt lborb tru.rrtu gnJod.

ttp crw rcr.lced, lerrl drafug $s ths ogr'oslva edmncc alspose,r

ne lLstcd al rrnset1r$ot?, ln EoD t+tu:rpor nrg

alrrcc pcaconol tore,f\y Ibrrrur e.Fqb{rtty, tll^r rrl

nou s.Es16!sd t,o lL.

r6akna!! .l{d Dst acJorra\y 1{n{L t}rr b66bca-b^ac dld m't ldrE tbt bra,noh rnratLalrcta7 ae a r6ob.

Tbs Ab{l{ty pbascr of furyootrfi h,rt

of tbc Spects]' HGt@s Secrrlty apccla.l uaapet q6l,ttar.o ns

EUgbf to coqas rll satllaot'qlr,

rta lJdulll ce(ttL6,

of thc fttrc Deryartcrrt d{+alocod an rngtfutsctq?


-i 5:.-



ectLsr tEk@ prlor

to th. d.pertufo of rstlafrctory. tbst tb offlcrr

of tbc lnopectlon

tosrl pdrrlttcd

s ffus,I ara}stlon

the tnapcotlon talr ncundd sooFtlxato rlth tbo rt^aft rllnltLons poccdrrc

hqvost ltarchs,l and ths flrc oblcl ar1 apIt

to do'rclop a p.actlcal

lor evaorntlng percoacf

proprJate dlrtance f,Fon flres rruld

lrrnoklrrs lntantrnl


be lryoso{hra te cvecrste cvq?qp

thc ldel dj.rtance, ca;r c@ Flennlag, frsB

aeneral nllos,

brut u.ny }[''ees could bs sard rlth

A h&lf pi'lc {s tho r.eqUft.Cdn{n{:nra,a dl,gtancc fOr protestlqn an atonlc ffuatrFn, but tb p"obabll:llT tJpe poteotlpn la that tho ncltt

trochn lbe Flrs

rculd bo Edsqustc at a fgv lnrncr.d.feet.

Deparbmnt, mreover, clthcr

should contsct tho Lu.otnrctlng agcncy of trench, rbo

the apoc{+r reapans achml or tho mnltlqrs should Btr*'rs tho pract$er flbtrs

n6c8ss,rJr lnEtnrctLqr ad kry lastors nlgcl,oa. Oncratlo'n 23.2-<5 Opcrattoa AH6

a.d t&o cl4l].e

reqndrcd for tlrs

to accooglJsh ftlb

., rba-aa oporatloral Euitab{l{t-y taot ln tbt dorlce of tb! l^Btrt

urc o.f thc l{k 2t- napoor I tbcrsrrclcar d.calgn. lbs adborlty

lor nrch a toat Lc to bo tqund ln a Latt,a Grsr:nd Cmd (AICC), dltc{ g

f,noa Headquartcr,

AJr hoylng

Ingutt L955. fhlo tTcc[ Dlrqctlva Sulttb{'l{ty T|rt Cotcr,

tor aa Accc.Leratrd ODsratl,q&l

Tcrtn na aonb to Eoedqrrertera, Alr Frc Oprrat,{anel Eglin AP8, ELorlda, ton la${rl

N C8nnlry qnd cmrd:lnatlstr.


AfmC lcr:t hogr?rq AFG/AHHh6, & Op.ratbnal Tcat Catcr, th i 25 Jr.;n56' tdth appcndlcra. EllElt-,t{..




-bL'l j*,'IlCI ' *; ,fAtr-'

Th. l{k 21 ru,gon u,s dcvelopod pLurf$ tbrwnucJrar Faunca tbrt oepablllty ceFblltty H2, to pnwldc en cffectlvc Eorrycr, lt no lor tbe F.l+| alrantt. rrufd


P-36 8od 8-66 elrcraft t&Lo r!ap@. rlth tbo

of detlverlng

tbo Uk 21 ns des{gned

to rchtcvc Ex1:aE rrllsblltty rtoragc.

nln{nun 6qg'yq{11nneslrr bas a cl{qn tGrr of 58.47 ad ybtds an

It le 1lr8 lnchec ln bngthr


lnchca, n{gfn" appc.odnt&ly

1?1600 lbr.

Ihc lncadl,6

bl t'hs thsrrnucl,ea,r ry thc uge

ffi c,RD

ecccoglJrbod trootc\T of a notsr*drl:rsr nAriorotlc Inl1l$t Inssrtlonn

(AIFI) rcoctranism. s',.1 E

Safc aorparatlon dlctaDcc bqbrpan tbe derltrurT alrcraft prum,turc dstcra'"l,oq of ths tm'polc ls prorldcd and paraotndo reterrdcd capabfl;lCy. tha naJor alr

by an aming baro

Iho na-oor rould be used by app.orcd, rnr pJans -

coua,ndr ln accordrrrac rltb of tbamurcl,e,r

for tho uill1zatloil

rapoa. 6{nTIe @ougbs to dotenolm

&a obJccb of t.hc e:corcLs. ss tho oporatlorul

of the llk 21 tbirtronualcar repon fron nltr'b.lljy 'b,rlng atock-ptlc to tugct. thla oporatloa, tb rcopa of tbc tcat rrtnd fucIrdc rr b. t&r faD,grlngr


?br oparatLcrr'J. coupctlbll:tty td W2 rlrcnft Itc opurtl,od rqtardcd dropo adbbil:tty

of tbs Epon of thr prachd,e rfilr

rrlth 8-4? for

co tbr cqtib!-llty of tbfu rnp@ opc'attcorJ' foocdear d. tb pl.atlrnrl trrt cqplpat


csd9ab1ltty ol tbt ap@ trltb drtlag rud rtrccafi mlts' rsrt cqrtrql bqaa

'a--&;14'pp, trtuUldFlD[ilfiT!Al-

\., ujr.ftfi"f,r,i,, Uf fAX_,

(r. t. g, 1t6 eElegua* of u!ap@ pacb,gjlag procaurco dccrF of catainara ltr rdqtacy of FsFo f.odlrrg 1roadtrs rtrl.t^sb{Ltty of hantUlrg rq1rlpat Tbt lrdtr.bfl:lty srrttcs htrst6. of tbc prcldty arsl snd

fiue fon near lgji ad


ptanntas f,cl tb

tect bcgrn 1n Soptobe

eallsd loe tba rrao of capsuler.

l{k 2X.EsFoot ard cfuht trafuLug (trrlaffoy) "l5ht Ibe opcratlsr re,s schldulrd to bs cq:ducttd llr trp phas. rpuld rrgond lotr lk 21ts ldth &42 att+ uos a 6{n{1er. nrnber

phaaca3 tnr fbrt crsft ea cerrlcrs,

and t&o cccond 1$asc Ftdd

of napons rrlth B-47rs. APB rangcs fu Eftrlda. ctorsgc cqrtal:lers call.lornLa. pie

AII reaponc rpuld bc argended on EgUlr Thp repon.o tro to be nlacod !r opcratlor:al to tho atrllo, at l{arch Brg castl-e AEBg, {ra{tgtlaur, tbG :{k 2.1 re&h tould, b Alrcraft of tb fu), ,DC: LD/(5J

In ordcr to Etta,ln a ruBrr pefcct llvrc of lOO tD 5r5Cf-faot.

nas fflJ,.ql *AtA dctq:atod et altltrdar 8n{ 93d hb rtrlch lnaldd rlnrlrtlar


Hlngl rculd cerrif sut th! opcratlonal s rcfcc@lrtlvo pof{Lr ad.lr16,

rrqulrourto, and c coplctc aeqrsnca. flrrst but aftor Prt47 E oonoldaraxlB

o! e typlcal -Erttr ALr Curd

rtoo$11,+to-targct and Elftoath w.c

I?lt Strattglo glva to uda.rterd,

Alr ltorcc re to bc uttllgod,

that oaly Hzt, hald Et lflrch

r mc.dey cafcqco dratrfb pro

l?B ln Ostobrr Lgjj, Dcoplt

lncl[rxlcd ra fart

of tbo operaiLe,, thr ope.etlo dr't

aqouni of pLannlng spd coo'trtfurat1o, pord tlc frr erli l'grln ttq DlrcctcratG threated, lta qltgrnrl

hnd to ba pat.. JamarT.

fu D."q;end of dltllsultfus


racourrt rcd t !clc!

r6.1ch et qrr tir

to caucal tbr oparatlsn rlt.get&ar.



f1{!{e'11y, thc barrdllnS ai.i tr"tiporUhg poacd !ca{q1s pronlla bcsn resolved *rm probltna. .alrcraft doorl.

of tbc clgt0 Fs,poat bad bsrdfy crycrlcrccd nrr a n-5e

for SAC. Thcrc affffcuftbo of opaatlcra

thc Dlrsct'q'ato

IL bccau epparent thst dlro,pplnS tbc l'fr, 2. frq oould not bc ecccapllrbcd rlthort Substantief rudJulttannt! lrrc

aa"ogj'rg 1tc bob-bqy thc opccattoo

Dromaa,ry bafec

could ba rcgcbcdulod.

Qy thon 1t r*ss FrbrrBrt

L?56, end tbc craeh of tbo eltornates

I F-52 that nonth grounded all could b EdffLd, br

bceqy Jot boabsrc rntll

n'11 practlcal

pr:rporos thLs o]{n{n+tcd tbt firture.

E-52 ftorr part,lclpatlng

ln tblc tcst ln the tmdlatc

Dorplte tbcse persL:tent

deJaya, !L rgs dEeldcd to r.ceculo at Oparstlons ordar ?!,2-^56,

least thc B-/+7 part of the l{k 21 oporatLcr. lssr:od by th! Alr Dlylslon 3 Aprtl.

hesdquarters ln thrch L956, prodaeO thst ths l2tb rpu-H. larnch four B-4? alrcrr.ff on tlp erarclp on W W2

It e-lso o$Lfud tbr procedrsra to bc loltoned

s,lrcrafb of ttro 93d Botr l{Jn8r h.rt thr r pert ras postponed, at, lcast tnt{L thc Lest d4ra of Ju:ro. of Spem,tloins, th!: qder Subcequrnt lnlomtlon btdqrsr'b;lc, frq

tbs Dlrostorato

lntJ-u,t d, tbBt tho E-52 phacr,

a rcparatc oFaret{qu Aftcr rlrcreft th. A1r lte,tcr1sl to tcr:y

uould bs lsarad le baa pcoridod tb



nrcoraary C-124 to

tbs llk 2Il napons and asaoclatd qulprt s.r rudy t b. carled oEL..

}tarcb AEB, tbc oparatlcr P..

Intorrlcrr bt Dr E L Prqarclrsr, lllst lliv, Eq UtU AP yltn HrJ Joce Dlarl DC)1 l5th A;?, 28 l{ry 561 and ngerch ln ELLar, tlq D0' E{ 15th AF.

23. &14.3 Opcretlona Od,or L2-56,


ttq UtU Af, 14 !!rr 56r v/rctn




0n 3 Aprrl

th 22n B@b ',{lng laurcbed lqrr

B-4,? &ircraft


Usrch A!'B q e ElSslOn )tlcb

rpuld takc a r:r{n{nrlr,t asrun r*l a of Egl.ln AlB, flLorlda. Coordloatlon

lrall hor.rra to rcacb the targat,

vlth the sccqrd and f,{ahrh Arr porcos povlded lor alr 16fpp1{ng .upport ln ure sEkr Elntoranco One elrcraft IIIL1 Aru aroa (goet Alr DlrlJiolr), e''a

oqppor! for E-{,J post-targst 'ould f$

staglns et Bar*gdab aiB. narlgr,tlon lsg polnt.

a 30O nart,164! rn{'lr lorrlswL prlor to lts arlnar

af 5@ feot +ltltrdo

at t&o lnlti.Fl

cl{mhirrg than to bogb{''g a,ltltrd,e , tbe Ebcnfu

rpuLd, r.o]aas

rapon at 2OrcoGfsst at a spocd o! .8[ Eaeb. Aftr teo uk a. bad bcen r.aloascd, e brcakslr,y ',4,,ruren rcutd bo ca:r1-od, oub l3 accorda,nce yrth sac tactlca-l rrro Doctrlne. Tbe threo glber E-/+??s

sobod,ulod to ralaaso thlr

rraeponsat 3?r0oo feet rlbb a b@b-

run opood of .81 l,ch. r1+o be porford, altltrde

Wlth tbc Fqleate a br.eelana;r tra!,ouyar rculd,

efter r*r-lch a'I1 s!.cJr&!t rouLd ct{,nr.,to o5rt,{ranl -

end proccod to Ber.lcdals Arts lor post tergBt ttf!sf1*.

In a br-LEf nunoary ot--"Lby 1g56, tic Di;.ector:ate of Opetlatlons rttqted to agsese tbo'iccouprisbnents of op.ratl@ n2i6 oo !F.

Oc 29-30 ltgrch tfto Hk 2X,rs had arTl.'rod r,t Usrob AFtse,"r hf,d bu placod ln storagc lleodlataly Alr Basc &orp. ol 1 ApIL, br mnitlon^i trc o! ttrc for perecraol of th. go?th epms rrra rrevod, tba rEaroat

ft@' storaggr egs@bIod rnzt lcradcd aboant B-li? a!.craft. rq'J.u,ed 1n strllo con!fur:ratlon drrr''g a thnc-day

Jtprae p.r1od

aboar:r t,bs nl^salno alrorEfL.

or 3 Apjl

tbo rcapona p..c .ngq{n

2,]*. DFr E{ 15th ..13,DCPto DO, tE-[Z &ese of l& 11 Cbor:st1eu strlts,bll$y !ct't (osT) ,n 2 th7 56. Edllblt 16.


lnopoc'r,ed, and E Prs-taks oft chock lrrforEd' tbsn lstt

filc t*lo alrcr:glt

tor EgUn AIB, tn$ duc to contlauJng bad rssE'btr ov'sr Gl I

ths EELIx borabj4EraIE.6 tbo nlasloa hgd to be postponod. Aprla both r,jrqraf! ro].onscs. an rlrlpccd lto flrrt

nare larnched Egeln aod aecoaplishEd succossfttl fcet rltb at E-47 rclcascd 1tg Hee'pon 2OTCOO Ttre bo& btnrsf et an altltude of 58,?

of 499 botl.

tcot wtth a absrrlar 61!.qr of ,r9O feGt. rcloasrd at 37rW

Ihe sacond YlaPOn r,s Thl5 botrb

fect and an alrrpecd of l+67 locrLt.

d,ctonEtsd IO f6ct 8borycground and bsd I clrcular fcoL.

on\or of 2t59O

lts rcsu.Ltl of bObb nna HlFe con:tldsrod Or 10 Ape{L tr*o ad4ltlorul Hk 2!Lrg Ergre Esc'abled erd l,oaded

Eboard,nl'gglon alrcrafb.

Ttts trp B-r[frs ueco ]ar'srched the eano ln ovcr tio EgUn ;ranges gbortcd both

dagr, but bad roathor EYIIE nisslong. aircraf!

l'bo S-f*7tr lanied at Bar'lcsdaloAfg Jrstead, r&sr9 both and rtcapona i'rr1ra lntPcctcd b;r the 22d Eftb WlDg erd AEC

gorsonncl. pro:*elty rcpaJrl nisclq'

CktotFapon C[d, noO check oui dut to rc,IfrgrctlOn of ltE fi.stt. ltts rcapon 1glt tttryid to K!*'la$d, AFB for fot * latrr data, Ous

rrvt thp 16t5ol-q1'J, -""fta"Ua rrs osrdcd @, l2 All-ll

end rrrocoafulJgr ratcesed' lta t[s S hggt fttttU

tt6p@ at 3?,COOtcctt rlth

an aJrcpeed of l+67 bo'ts.

blfghb rer 50 tcat nlth a .rFsr of 95O !6st. rnd fj'al tlra altltrda It frtcr 1bor111.t rcloasd lts raapon on 19 AplJ- sttr ns rgsl5 3'Ireffi lt dtft

Etl{n AIB.

8n str.iPod ot 16? hortg. rsn86 rlt'h a clrculan. rwolvod pc-tar8rt a:r

bccb c+:peoa l4O tcot abow tbo rstor ol 11360 f052. AII ldaalon rircFafb IUIL ifO .r*

qglucJ-tng srur t$c S-fV

ard lardd et Berksdeb AF


for 5rcst-target re3ueli;r6. operetLor,el sultabrllty

tbJr hdgrnrtcre. Dlrectlvc

ueather abcris r':otrrlthstanc5-q, t5-is


tosi re.s consLderec hltrl-y auccessful by

on Speclal lfeaoo:rs Tlnl;rln< llr Forco re6u1a'"i.on on the respnsib{t {ty sf

/r ngr, Flfleonth

apocial lrrgaponsfi.u;rctlons raa pr,slJshed dr:rln6 the cr:nent perlfi IU ls noL too ruch to ray thet thls ner dlrective

lE6 a dlroct or,6-

co'm of the spccial hteaponcTrainJlg conjar.sace that hsd beea held a! Headge.rLera Eifteenth Alr Force ln ltcrvecber Lgjj,-


fire con-

fers.rco hgd corvend t,o conrlderra;e qroc{er vsapons tl's{n{ng,

and Derlrs for lrryroving to chgrurel

arc the new r"eguJ.a-tlonsqht

thl-s l-ncreased ouphasis torlar<l e-"'el gr-egter r.ur-lb capa!{rJty t1 roatlng thc regulrenccnts of atosic or therzonuplegr rs,rfere. l{lth

this purpoee ln Bfud, rpeciar !.e,Fonssehools erc a ri:lg scec{ar Lspons otflcqr ln thls flcL{. rero ectabl1shcd for the thoroqh A rrLcg rpec{rr rcspons ofrlor trainlng noeded

ras deflned as any

ratod grafl,uate of the fonca-r rrlapouoor course Eb sa:rdla Base, ller xa:llco, or of tue daltns;hstnrstor cou!.ge (AeDr) et scrdla Brac,

Randolph AIB, or lleLLLs AFB. Each cotrrnndor of a botnba:ducnt, reconnafuEsnc, or atratogic Ftpons nlsalon Fuld flghtcr trlng r&lch ha,C, spec{r1 a

bc rospons{hle for lrsrrrJng oo'ryllance rL!h

25. rbld. 26. ErS 50-25, I4 lStn S, Zl.

30 ger 55, and Cbap f, fsh{blt 2,

IntFrtrlr by Dr E L Prescoi.sen, Hlst Div, tA 15th.'l3 ,dtn Crpt Jry Y Frcstvt].l D01 Eq lSth 13, 4 t{ay 5<r,r For tba Corrfocu,cc ltsclf, see Ulsto4r 15th AF, Jut-Dec 55t pg, ?JtA.



tho prorlslnns In. lrttlleg ny dlnctlva t'bc PlfLcoth

of tb,lr rcguJe,tlm. W r rDcalal napcnc tcbool for nch bcb d.ngr t&c lrrtcnfud to ctadsr{;rgo A! Porcc, rnd 6ugnrt tbr trsful'lg by urterblng tdthlrc forr

M.4 ns accqllrbcd lqr a,ch r!ng.

apcoJal rlcsporu offlcrra appolnt+t fe ofllcor

0o. of tbasc Frr]d b w,pong

oecb taoL1crl

lguadroa, cc.nrr.nndcd a rpcclal by of oporetLoor. rculd !arr! &t of tho

ln thc dngtg


aquadron apoc{nl Egpons offlcers cpccla.l rsporu offlcer. to tho tscttcal


as thc <leputy yrng otflscra asalgncd

thc cpcclal Egpsrl

oqedrons rculd be placrd oa ordrer dcta,[Jag tbsn tbc rdngl6 operetlonr dlregLoretc. a.e thr rhg crc,rder Tbey F{Srt

for apoclal duty rith rould perforu d:[rect. offlccr

nrcb, apec{Fl frEotlsru

Tho dutl-es erd resparrlb{Lltl.ea

of tbo {pec{ar F8pc6.3 qrrlttnd

at cvcrJr bvo.L of tbs rlna ccmand rtarrstrsE nrc

ln conslderahb drta{I. lac vlng r;:oc{nr l8pooe otllcq srryorrtston sror cpGcbf and nLatansacc 8nd adrdllrtrst1$ EIBIPrrE oltcratl.*ts llr&on lpeclrl lmtlato slrt ylth corrbrof -rypp*,o 'finctl,err; Fuld oorcLsc prlnrr$ tlat rtaff

actlrltlna Ea ns

laolrdod dlostrqlor tbo orTrntratlon cpccral a cLose t,o tfic "rke

to mJ.lor

of tbs cprcLa"l H,pa! o{'rC,art. EJ.r t8!kt vlng rtaff

aobooL erc popen Jnclrdcd u,lntclnlns rstalnlns offlcq roboql. ns

thr otbr

!{rbloa! qr ratts rupel


lhc dryuty rdns cpcolrl


of trh apcclal E!ftr

b lqrld E.c

thst lcasqr PIBDI' colaso qr'I:lnoc

errd t=qn{natLqlt



an orgrnl-Ertl$rl cbrt of tb. rtng rp.clrl nrpor rchool r^c ettrchcd to tba nrr n6ula,tL@r rr'.t bal bra laalrdrd r$h tb narretlvc of tbl.r cbrpt r !s:r tb Frpor.. of tLluctretlm.



o o

J zq. 6. o x EO trl o




t- 9 6 lldrz






z o oLrl

z o
G l! G




lrJ E

og FF o


Y E t! J ()

E lrJ




=o o-3






8t =o

o z I


o: di r-


3! I O(r J

z o
(9 E,


HE gk

to IIAFR 50-25, 30 I'larch 1955





s'rd ralnt,allgd

ln a or.urect atstug.

Apert fi@


the tbr

rlng aprcla]. ycapous oftj-ce, rcbrdullng olflccr of aprc{'l

bLr dcputy re.s to cocdlDrto rlth

rpa,ponl trahrng sll tratnlng

thc rln8 gqmd, tcalning Thc SpccJal tbo lcslon apec{al

to rcccrglJsh


Ycaponc 0Fqlt'L6! Flsnr ard coqrs hep@l tahmL

Ofllaar ,(agrodro

lsrrrl.), rcuLd, rpero

strt&Lrccs r r,:d, glyc fug:truatLoo fu tbl lttty LEro 81lo responslbb

for tbo accqllshralb In ad4ttLon, ql 8pc{nl

of rpaclal EePor|.s Enetnrcra and exarcL!a. Fspon^! o'pcratlons offfuar cLa^rslflcd'docrurt Frrld

bc aeelgpd t&3 ed,rB drrly ot rn f bc roapcrslbile for the docrsntc fu ttto lneseaelon of

eontrol o!!lcar,

securlty arrd,control of classlJlod the cpcclal rospona ccbool. tho nfi, directlvc llgclf. elso fttlhrd

tbo finctlsas

of tho cchoor traln-

thoao corul,std Frgrll'y colat-redy

of cod,uctlns roflc{ency alld l,ed, a'd, selcct

lng fon nar-rcady, rlth

c:^cr mborc aaelgnod alrcrafb

rrgatd to crrrantJ.y atockplled rpapotre, n',.r .rnlls

vlth dcltrrar:tr cae!{l{ty. rlso to glw r {1rc{n1. t-s;* on SACAtgdrtloo offlcrra

rte cpccta.l nbpma eobool re,s a:gcctcl csrrsc of at ; ghrlc)rfon lsur bqrra drratlcn cqndma rnforu,tl,q aprt deff praruteo

iO-Zlr,(trirbfns rtrE! rrd, tbtr Horcsvs,

gf d$drlgt!,

a*l rguadronr.

rculd ald trarcnl arye.rlsfon. otrLllrcd

Et^qtGltr pqrrdfus rpccJrl nlm.g

npslary spccla,l ot]flcegr Dqfcldng appeonl

tbc dutbr

r.bovo courd Do't b. naaelgnod, rrli.but

Of tn!5 hrn&Ir*rtei-r.

Sulu,rT Hh{Lc tho rcre rpoctacular auch aa tbe oulglde tbo prrr|or tb.harr Its atalc tn nyel devcropantg of atqlc capablltf,y, took placc

ogrloe{cwrs !r tbr h,c!flc,

of tbs Elfbecnth Alr Fsrcer thay belped, Donoln tbls !lrJ-d,.

to pofut, rry tho nacesalty for daJJy trqlnfug ealnblllty

of thc pjJtesnth Ajr poret ras rcf,Lostd l.a Bld hlgfuly qpoc{a'l{ad operailnor cucb test lor thc nflr:{k 2!. roapon. opcratlong bctorr lnv.oIwd rrt tb,o

lncrcascd tralnlng, sulteblllty

ac tbc oporatlmar tralnlng lor

epscia.I ltaporu bnit tfrs loglstlcs-l erd, load5ng.

@fy operatlonal

capab{r lty,

of ttorage, Bnsecnb\y,

fuensportatlon oparatloral Ths flrst lattcr

specla.l lres,pcnEoperatlono, ar.:d


ln apocla.t rcapc/n^aara not to be ccnr.filsed, asslgEcnt rrlth apoctnl rcapone, ilre of transportlng ard, dolllrerlng lrrolr;cd cornand_

lnzol'rcs a spoclllc

tho gcner-al cepebltlty

rpoclal uta,pont to des{gnqted targcts. alreraft and pllots.

Botb tasb

The logi.sbica]. lactors of spcJq].Eapon.g o tlrs lnrn1il,oos branch of cach atr

operatjans dcpcndnd erlrarrry lsoo gFq{r. dgbt eitbcr

r! na at. tftd; L6rt1 tbst a rpocJar tgporrs opcretlon illl, srlr througb !.uo!f1-eJmcy, c lrqpa$a !e tbo tsrgst, bcceusc ol lnsufflcleirt lestor, adnlttedly tno re,kent r*f tb e talJ.$c t:glnl4g. Unk tn atotllc Elftsqtn A1r

ln d.tcrst{m It cap.hllltyr

lrgjrtfual Snt

ths gtrqt 6lc A1r Cerd csrclllrr. A orltter.l

Forcc clrrrc fc

abstege Jn aag,fgn d prromf could. IJr

could rEt bC grrewr dry to day egtlrfiy f tstal

at ecc,

bn$ a Ls,ck of ognrfuncs !c En trdrdng

tJxfs FfiLltd

ann furg {nspsgL@s.

of c{Elti {pec{.r'l rmaponr Lrupccttos

tlok pLlae at Ftftaant^h

rn i*'i.vr|id]{,t1ft,n, /fn oSffi

Alr Forcc bacs dr:rLng tho porlod 1 JaurnrT - 3O Junc, L956. those sogbt to dotonnLao tbo capalllfty of nrl,or:r satLos of thl dcvlce ol E

.'-1 |

E xlltonr

branqh !n bdng1rrg thc etmJ'o or tbmuslc,r f.oadfug 1t Jll tb of tb alrcrzf!

sW of !t r8go, and cvotts.lL:f roaapto--ot:rfb pocoduros, agcncLos nra bs1r. ltr

c.tnslmcy of tnr tlrc

fLJ.sht J:!ar aacuity "4 raLEtcd d{r6q7qq[ 16ry

t$r capablllty also tsrted.

dfnarturrt rrn

ghsro dofl.a{qlalor

eould usr:alJy bo traccd to a Lqck of ngcrvLslon t&lch la ltcalf elr rge ofben cswcd bl lncufflclrat

ard tralalng, nnnJng. Ih.Ls

forcc muht to stardardlzc

apcclal' Fepcr"r traln1lag on tbo

tdng Lsvel, and thercforc

publlrhd 5C-?; cstabUsbd A

a Epec{al rcapons tralnj-n8 rchpol rrlthLtr oac}r tactlca]- rdng. 8AC nu6er.ed lctber

dlrctd tJre attantLon of tba specr"r voapong

LnrpectJon tag to areas of rrtalq:oss that rerc lrkarJr to oaeelr, fj.clrncLas. !l tnt rpccJa-I *ry ectlrltl'es tbEt tek placo et ltLft,eatJr hrl bat tbo tdcrlc1r to ceur lncraslngly grane dc-

Alr Forcc ba.Eostre" q.FU"" tout,ld A2-55 ra,s of a dalfGrillt ete,lo capabtrjttr, lort.


...rrcLses, Opcrntlo greate

In tb. rrarch lor an aru atta?rd

ccqnond trrltdns

tp lacee,sc atf!'al.acy, n'pmr fu tbr drrlcc E

rnd thc trqp.r Pftronth

uc of all

rtonLc end tboruuuola:l ttf, Uk A-, t tb*suclnr

Alr hca


rltb rn qloart"
rnd slt&pu$

an oprratloel nrllsbl3ly cn B-J+] alrcnfLr

tu ih. Ia*e
t^crt !i nr

carrgsrrr. ffit

Opo.r.etl,oo ?!2-56 E! @fV trid

* FaFoTCFFD :": alao plrnncd for * 21

t&r B-52 bevy


Un.lta of tbl,s elr foroc tstd,'tbr

{ar;rvj.t/jfrftiTfltr :n / ono



tn targat aFEe! over ngl{n air Forcc Efor, Eloride. rdulch lnrolved ruccorrfirl. Flftccnth dromlnd and cryloarn6 tbo apop



En consldlrcd tio

&l both frontr

tbsu, ogrragioos and trafulagr

Alr Forcr drd lts ut'rgt

to lcrap in ctcrp yltb tb. gpoocal

Plrcgrssa pf Arnerlcarg et@14 capab{Llly.


.iir S c l t : 9 . ,ilstor;: i$eench ..1,'a::uaq' tl:rorr :h J,::e 1 ,.;:; :


-ti?..tFr.., .:i'i








J . i v q . . : ' J ! - . J


. L t .


I,:;;;iiiIl Li:;ili
Cenorel The histor;r or' prcblei':s ancl aciizltres '.rjlI ol' :,a'ierjol s.d :si:tchs:;tsr, fl;l-

Bnce of bhe i"jJf,eei:i,!: ;'.jr lorce C,o;:si.Jerac.le gt'-entj.on

be :i,e're1o.:vJ ::: iirjs oi' the *)2

is ; to r,i:e revisiol:

a'*atr kj.A (F.tK), iho recor:.iil:oir,l.'r; ln the 3Iloci31i-e'l a::cr3i! Eilni5[El:fi?, *:i eo oii:er

.r::d rr.ier::i:aiici:

cf bi:e ij-j.

iai:rte:ia::ca ;ro;ecL !:pci.-".:.-*:ieul,:viL:eg.

(!I:-i-lC), .t\:-thor, .r

sbu'j7 ::':ier zhe he3r.i',:j rtl-l'c's;: FacLOps :-l l.ri ^Le:gi:es)i3 l'r,s i;ee:: ;1-ren a ljrr;e
a;ine.seJ, ::ci scl,e,l i


lc.:e .faciorJ us

--.eiJ,'..tliJ oil:ers

-'rsi:Le::s :ii::cii '.rierc

a :.'.:-:;er- if .t'.:.-''i-

h+:ict.:es. :Jr:ci: shculi

L:':e rci:cri,tt:

:;r: .":o-{.cC. ...y ;;::.;rl

C:: cr' ;he ch:e!' 3,uzi-o::s ti.ih::: Fcrce lbier-1 3.-::c:es Jr:l:;:;

-,he eco::e o:' f-tcE-:'iilt :,or:,oj ii:s 'i:..e

'"ho :le;rri--:-: '

phase-;ul y'obire:=ni first l?i'!, i-j,,l

oJ ii:e :assi','s




'I5,e b:c

seLrscie<i far il:e Fo'rruary

cf ihe ;c=bers i.c.s lazls-b::il:cn

:''ri;Jr poi::c =

ot' ihese ltreaT-:ssit ari.r'od anj ii:e ';:?1 ;c-.i. i.r.',-:itto se::j ihic

a'" the .iri.:cla

lorlr; .Lrir llqi:a, ihe -f,:isL reils-

il;'.p ot' aifcrar'f,

bo tt:,e -,,J:.j--:ontlg:r

reltL ares. Dr-ri.::5 lhe,


'"he f4hrar

Conf;:raiio:: .;,

(?ICC,ii) pro;rl:

DaLlj .l,ctt'rit7 .ieporc, .{q i;th 2i Jalr, i6. }b.!&-.!.

t :::]:




i-'i1 t:i


\ --r'

't .)

2 \., -.' (- A 4

Ee d{qcontttlld. grqed, tlgbtoF fgirahlfd

lbat, tnJ.nlng lsrollyed tba glckrp of r ftettor llB, r&n a,tFqtft

6 tbs Trr

sr lrr, tbs alr,

bg e boary boblr. bobq.c rt

urao leaEtd rt lamo l8B. eo b6r':r bobcr,

lrd t&c bery c8rrfllg

L ttght,c,

ed,eded cn

tb! Lutt rt;

rangr c,cnaldcrb\y'. ry .erly

Iba pogran ug dlcadtllotd L%S td3lth

1? Frb{Tgr:f L956.9 Bstrb Whg ns

sqrsdror ot t5c ggth rcdlf:Lsd to EICOU sqr.adrcarr togcthar

oqtrlppcd dtl

lO @8-36D ElrqrafL, flgbtq cstrLsrs. Ir'r.

conflgl.Eatl,oa a.8 pareslic rlth tho ?bt

Hlngts fltst Sqtgdre for EI@II opantleral

cccgLoed tbc l^u,ltla]. ALF Steft tral-alng. Il trdbt bc addd tbat ss tba darggc


the reaso !6rr rl{rgsrt!rulng faotor

tbc EICOIIactflly

lnrlol'rld, ln tbs alr plck-rry.

Al.tboug! thsro bant nr EJor amretus oo tb ceglr h-

accldents, on aelreraI occsotrrnq tbp lot-+rp rlrsrafb





reasoa f.or ttrJ.g bpohrp dtfftcilflty

rroilvtd, uryea3.ctaUls

drd-ft".J rurLr qn

(U)nccar:rc ffie e!e{11arf JdgtrBt, ef tho nirdennc. c+r+nd slrcre,fb En eo !ryortsnt,,

tbo. phb'l1a'rrg{ng lang1sgs of tho

rgagbanlcs Crord,n f.e rec.qrrfo bar".-A/


Progrraa Et?ort E. 9 to Fogwdng PTsn *55, E{ l5tb lI, rUarnltc'g, Eqpfp'pfug, balnlng of t&. ? SEfrFbrrn 39 Af 55. Cbap I, n'.h{hil 5. Intcrylar W !t ggt Jaul E Stokso, Bl-rL lllv, Cayt E E lh.l, IH{,, gg 15tb AI, 14 ttry 55. h5rllrr tsccbaalca l{lgarlnrl 61rlcdrr Jrn 56r p. L FAf Adv*ifuertr Eq Ut^h l? rdLb ttf,6gbrn1a8

3. 4.

c\ -4!_D+-..\J !-\-/ l \ :r


tv/U;or:'-i:ior:or : J !i se{red Aflst iire ri....ircs .z::J coi:terte.l :;rl;-iLejes l4)on tra a9 r certijis.i :.5r.:h.1:ric. Kr-:orcirg i'url ueLL lhaf '"he sa-ieiy a*i li'res of others 3rc ds.Dndont uPon :V slrial ar:l juJg:er:i r I sha]-l it:rEF bxouin3ly sub;ect others to rlgks *tuich i rrrulj ipt oo 'illrrg to assus for. qpol-f, or. for Lhcse Jels. ;o o. \v/in
r\ /,1I / r( I




.'t'zlJrr ;O U:ilefi:ake

ialle*e lo_be i:ofooi the b:1ls or. i7 b:orrle,!;r; ;or stnlJ. i a:Jrw l:+- ;o :=r",g-ie : 6c: A:)::roiro :frcfa:t Ot e(l.i:1ilT..r3nv a::f.rcftlgl aJlUUa aC r1' .-ciat- ;-:.1,5:e::!i ::or ghalf I ;c.r." :y j.;I;r:ent, Lo :t i:-:11uo:lcq.l b;' :ro:re7 or o-,.hel. persoi:et .p:*; ::cr shali I ;rts,: as :i-rrcr+-h; a=criIl cr eclu:_-=:e:it al.pui utrich r e: ir doub-., eiihes as a resurt 6l ,r:rect ln^sge:tio:i o:' u.i:crr.BJ-ir+-y r.e;anJ.!lg i!-.e abili"; o- others i.{ro ha...e '.o"koj cn it io acJorplish their uork sa;is.t'actor{'. /\ (U/t rtx.ii.:e t!:e .,t:-j.,::i: -aa.rrr roslcrs:u:1lt;r is i*:.e as a cerLjJi.ei :echa.dc, fo q;ercise :ry jrldot ::et:l o;i l',ie a:r'r;crti:i.,rs;.= oi ai;cr:i.f, r:i rrtri.>..e-:r.,;,i3 eul:ere,,* iJ-ii;;;-' I, zirer.olbr.e, ile.1j"i,.7:of -,.Le ul,;rt.l;e:_:gr.t cJ .rvi:,i-:or: r.:C j'of ;=e.:o;_lt; .fcrbiie .ii:3n:-ty of :17 -,loi;*1Licn. (U/ nis ',Es e Pei'ior i-:: r'ddch e'/er Jre3ier ei4ha3is :.r3s pJ.:,cei A:f-

Ot a:)i:r3.g.r'g '.p1.k

.o i pJ.e,.eq,.' 4rsolf
i.dUch f,

cn lhe stuJT a:ii, perl'cFsr:,ce

ci ceu ;o'- aiicrafi.

:fle }e!:;

-uLars =i l^r; !.9>'.: cc',tietc.-i. :'ou:. x:c c;r.-i:alf

;reara o.d

C::-:chqiule operaiior,s -a,i-lis jet -cerer :Fodruxr eu ihe .Jishi.--a :/' Dizlsi-on. ihe ccr;u-;i contij:u.e{i io Jlsnleli iLs ab{riUy in *etir; h:;h 3:erfoerce sjrsrafg :rolucLio-l r-equ:res:snts. aJ-c:g ibre serrerral

i-hs:: LrjCC sr,rept-i.rl;\: ?-i )-)2 stn'tofcrcregs Ihe

a::d -E-+? atrcio;eis,

;1o..,n-r i:onirsr W:,:ir:ur fec{1'lf o{ :h$ .:.r r-or:ers

ho.l iee.r ,-:rcducai 4t lice:.:;?5 '.g,s ai:i3 o::\r 669 of :is c::e.-at,Jc;c:c!t, eea-4,- c:.:i i,-i

iia::sas ol3::ts. :*here!: ;rriuc:-ic:

lie'.is rsl,Jas, joe:r.*; .'ij4:J;'no h ':q liLh .\3, UI J J-LS.


Ll"'rcla=t,, e.1 )

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