Montero, Sheridan - BSN-N06

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Faith alty

Love loy

My Reflection

Submitted to:
Aura Mae Salanap

Submitted by:
Sheridan Lei Montero BSN-N06
My Reflection

The gospel reading for today’s mass if found in Luke 14:25-33, which
was in my opinion, is supported by the fundamental spiritual
principle of separation. We, as humans and God’s mere creation, our
spiritual life is centered on loving Him first, and then loving
everything else for His glory. However, “we sinners fall into the trap
of admiring the created and forgetting the Creator”, as St.
Augustine once said. We treat something less than God as if it were
God, and that’s when things start to go wrong. This is why Jesus
reminds his apathetic followers that they have a stark option to
make—Jesus must be loved first and foremost, and everything else
in their life must be interpreted in connection to him.

Therefore, in reflection to the gospel, I realize that as God’s

creation we should constantly be loyal to Him. The word loyalty
evokes a strong sense of connection and togetherness. It carries
the sense of wholehearted fidelity, as well as unwavering dedication
and duty. The concept of loyalty in the Bible is simply relational. This
implies that we are fully dedicated to someone (Joshua 24:15). The
first two commandments, "Love the Lord your God with all your
heart and all your soul and all your mind and all your strength," and
"Love your neighbor as yourself," are expressions of this allegiance
to us in both the divine and human realms.
Moreover, through His covenant relationship with His people, God
formed the fundamental foundation of loyalty: "Know therefore
that the Lord your God is God, the truthful God who maintains
covenant loyalty with those who love Him and observe His laws,
through a thousand generations." God's covenant guarantees His
people an unending love from which no believer can ever be parted.
He pledges to be dependable and devoted to us. Although God
makes unilateral contracts with man, promising to carry them out
by himself, there is still a call to allegiance on man's behalf. As God
has spoken, "I testify against you today that you will surely be
destroyed if you ever forget the Lord your God and allow other
Gods and worship and bow down to them" (Deuteronomy 7:9). Those
who demonstrate their disloyalty are those who do not belong to
Him. However, believers are given the guarantee that "even if we
are faithless, he will still remain faithful because he cannot disown
himself" (2 Timothy 2:13)

To conclude, we are obligated to show unwavering allegiance to

one another in our relationships. For sincere Christians, loyalty is
demonstrated by our dedication to Jesus and His gospel. It is the
recognition that Jesus Christ is our only authority and source of
salvation. Such fervor and dedication ought to exemplify the
mindset of the apostle Peter, who said, "If someone speaks, he
should do it as one uttering the actual words of God. If somebody
serves, he should do it with the power that God gives, so that
through Jesus Christ, God may be glorified in all things (1 Peter 4:11)

I wasn't able to attend the online mass because
me and my Lola attended our local mass here in
Handumanan, Holy Family Parish Church.

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