Employee Appreciation

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 Employee appreciation, respect and acknowledgment can create unique

company culture and strengthen employee relationships.

 Showing Appreciation and Respect can increase a person’s wellness, increase
better sleep habits, increase metabolism and lessen stress. This directly
impacts work results and employee interaction. With employee appreciation,
you’re not only boosting performance and engagement, but the employee’s
well-being and health.

 Employees who feel their voice is heard are 4.6 times more likely to feel
empowered to perform their best work.
 It creates a healthy work environment and increase the efficiency of the
 When team members feel confident to speak up, they are also more
likely to share suggestions and feedback, open up about their
challenges and come forward with new ideas.

 Acknowledgement is especially critical for those who are just starting

out. Imagine beginning a new job and not getting timely feedback or
recognition. It would be easy to feel lost and become demotivated.
 And acknowledgement is a habit that requires minimal effort.
Sometimes, a simple text or a 👍🏼 emoji can help maintain that
connection. When you make acknowledgement a habit, the effort is
greatly minimized as it becomes an automatic response. But the value
you derive from it remains high.

 We are in an era where technology is our best ally. Consider using

social media to share your team’s success story. Or an internal chat to
celebrate someone’s hard work.

In yesterday’s session all the activities were very engaging, and we got the chance to interact
and build up cordial relationship with each other.


Sana Salahuddin.

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