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Systematic Review

Journal of International Medical Research

49(10) 1–14
Comparative efficacy ! The Author(s) 2021
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DOI: 10.1177/03000605211049943
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with beta-lactams to treat

pneumonia in hospitalized
patients: a systematic review

Jumana Al-Salloum1,2 , Syed Wasif Gillani1 ,

Rana Kamran Mahmood1,3 and
Shabaz Mohiuddin Gulam1,2

Objective: The objective was to compare the efficacy of azithromycin and clarithromycin in
combination with beta-lactams to treat community-acquired pneumonia among hospitalized
Methods: Five databases (PubMed, Google Scholar, Trip, Medline, and Clinical Key) were
searched to identify randomized clinical trials with patients exposed to azithromycin or clarithro-
mycin in combination with a beta-lactam. All articles were critically reviewed for inclusion in
accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
(PRISMA) guidelines.
Results: Seven clinical trials were included. The treatment success rate for azithromycin–
beta-lactam after 10 to 14 days was 87.55% and that for clarithromycin–beta-lactam after 5 to
7 days of therapy was 75.42%. Streptococcus pneumoniae was commonly found in macrolide
groups, with 130 and 80 isolates in the clarithromycin-based and azithromycin-based groups,
respectively. The length of hospital stay was an average of 8.45 days for patients receiving a
beta-lactam–azithromycin combination and 7.25 days with a beta-lactam–clarithromycin

Response Plus Medical, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Corresponding author:
College of Pharmacy, Gulf Medical University, Ajman, Syed Wasif Gillani, College of Pharmacy, Gulf Medical
UAE University, Al-jurf 1, Rashid Al-Khadar St, Ajman, UAE.
Thumbay University Hospital, Ajman, UAE Email: wasifgillani@gmail.com

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits
non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed
as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).
2 Journal of International Medical Research

Conclusion: Macrolide inter-class differences were noted, with a higher clinical success rate for
azithromycin-based combinations. However, a shorter length of hospital stay was achieved with a
clarithromycin–beta-lactam regimen. Thus, a macrolide combined with a beta-lactam should be
chosen using susceptibility data from the treating facility.

Community-acquired pneumonia, azithromycin, respiratory tract infection, meta-analysis,
macrolide, clarithromycin, beta-lactam, Streptococcus pneumoniae, susceptibility data
Date received: 17 May 2021; accepted: 8 September 2021

Introduction combination therapy is the most effective,

some studies have examined the efficacy of
Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is
beta-lactam and a macrolide8 and many
a common lower respiratory tract infection
have studied the outcomes of beta-lactam
that is associated with high morbidity and
and a macrolide versus fluoroquinolone.9
mortality.1 The World Health Organization However, only a few studies have investi-
has indicated that CAP is responsible for gated the clinical outcomes of a specific
almost 3 million deaths annually.2 Higher macrolide (azithromycin or clarithromycin)
mortality rates occur in hospitalized in combination with a beta-lactam.10
patients (almost 6%–20%) depending on Macrolides have been shown to be effective
the disease severity and the treatment set- against bacteria that cause lower respirato-
tings.3 The high rate of antimicrobial resis- ry tract infections.11 Bacteriostatic antimi-
tance by Streptococcus pneumoniae has crobials work by reversibly binding to the P
increased the rate of hospitalization due to site on the 50S subunit of bacterial ribo-
CAP and made treating this infection somes, but at a higher concentration, they
increasingly complex.4,5 In 2019, the have bactericidal properties.12 A clinical
Infectious Disease Society of America trial was performed in patients with severe
(IDSA) recommended the use of combina- CAP class IV using the Pneumonia Severity
tion therapy for hospitalized patients with Index (PSI), and this trial showed that
CAP.6 The standard treatment regimens monotherapy with a beta-lactam was infe-
that were recommended for nonsevere inpa- rior to combination therapy using a beta-
tient CAP are a beta-lactam with a macro- lactam with macrolides and that patients
lide or fluoroquinolone monotherapy, and who received monotherapy had delayed
treatment regimens recommended for the clinical stability compared with the combi-
severe inpatient CAP are a combination nation therapy.13 Another study in a cohort
of beta-lactam/macrolide or beta-lactam/ setting was performed retrospectively using
fluoroquinolone. Owing to the emerging CAP patients with PSI class V, and this
resistance pattern of CAP pathogens, com- study showed better outcomes with a
bination regimens are superior to mono- beta-lactam and macrolide combination
therapy particularly in patients with severe compared with fluoroquinolone monother-
CAP, and this was supported by several apy.14 Several studies with an observational
studies.7 Because it is not clear which design suggested that initial therapy with a
Al-Salloum et al. 3

macrolide combined with a beta-lactam (PIC2OS) and determined the inclusion and
may reduce mortality rates and reduce the exclusion criteria, which are listed in Table 1.
number of hospitalization days.15–17 Additionally, we included studies that were
Despite these previous studies, there are published in English only and that were pub-
limited data on the macrolides inter-class lished from 2000 to 2020. This was a system-
differences when treating patients with atic review, so ethics approval and patient
CAP that might influence the choice of consent were not required.
macrolide when availability is not a con-
cern. The objective of this article is to sys- Information source and search strategy
tematically review the literature on the
comparative efficacy of azithromycin and For the primary search, the reviewers (JAS
clarithromycin in combination with beta- and RKM) independently performed a
lactams to treat patients with CAP among comprehensive search of five databases
hospitalized adults and to evaluate the out- (PubMed, Google Scholar, Trip, Medline,
comes that are used to determine drug effi- and Clinical Key) to identify the relevant
cacy to provide clinical recommendations. studies. Only the full text studies were
included. A manual search of the references
Methods cited by the relevant articles was performed
as a secondary search strategy, as shown in
Eligibility criteria Figure 1.
To determine the eligibility criteria of this
review, we developed a strategy using
Population, Intervention, Comparison, A highly sensitive search strategy was
Context, Outcome, Study Design used, which included the following words

Table 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Eligibility criteria
(PIC2OS) Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria

Population Patients diagnosed with community- Patients diagnosed with ventilator-

acquired pneumonia associated or hospital-acquired
Intervention Azithromycin or clarithromycin in
combination with a beta-lactam
Comparison Compared with control group or other
Context Hospitalized patients Patients treated on an outpatient basis
Outcomes Primary: Clinical success rate at the end
of therapy Secondary: Length of
hospital stay, mortality, morbidity,
and days of clinical stability
Study Design RCT only Systematic reviews, meta-analyses,
single case studies, cross-sectional
studies, qualitative studies, case
reports, audits of guidelines, confer-
ence abstracts and letters to editors.
RCT, randomized controlled trial; PIC2OS, Population, Intervention, Comparison, Context, Outcome, Study Design.
4 Journal of International Medical Research

Identification of studies via databases and registers Identification of studies via other methods

Records removed
Records Records identified

before screening:
identified from*: from:
Databases Citation searching
(n =29 ) (n =11 )
removed (n =5 )

Records screened Records excluded for not

Studies sought for retrieval Studies not retrieved
(n = 24) specifying which macrolide (n = 9) (n = 3)
was used
(n =6 )

Reports assessed Reports excluded: Studies excluded:

Studies assessed for

for eligibility Non RCTs (n = 11) Macrolide not

(n =18) specified (n =2)
(n = 1)
Non RCT (n =6 )

Reports assessed
for eligibility
(n =7 ) + 1
Duplicate removed (n= 1 )

Studies included in

(n = 7 )

Figure 1. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flow chart for
the identified articles.

and medical subject heading (MeSH) Data collection process

terms: “azithromycin”, “clarithromycin”,
All the data from the selected articles were
community-acquired pneumonia”,
collected using a data extraction tool that
“macrolides”, and “beta-lactam” while
was designed in accordance with the objec-
searching the selected data bases. Specified
tive of this review. These data are illustrated
beta-lactams were also used to retrieve more
in Table 2.
studies, these include: “cephalosporin”,
“ceftriaxone”, “cefepime”, “cefuroxime”,
Data items
“penicillin”, “amoxicillin”, and “Amoxiclav”.
The following data were extracted: article
characteristics (author, year); study design;
Study selection study sites (single or multiple); intervention
Articles that were identified using the titles arm; comparator arm; sample size in each
and abstracts (n ¼ 40) were then screened arm; dosage regimens used; identified
for the eligibility against the inclusion crite- organisms; primary outcome; secondary
ria checklist by both reviewers. At the end outcome; and PSI scores.
of the screening process, only full text
articles were included (n ¼ 7), and any dis- Quality assessment and risk of bias
agreement in the selection by any of the The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines
authors was resolved by discussion. The Network (SIGN) tool was used to evaluate
detailed PRISMA diagram is provided in the quality of the included studies. The tool
Figure 1. consists of a checklist with two sections to
Table 2. Characteristics of the included studies.
Study Study design PSI Score Arm 1 with Dose (n) Arm 2 with Dose (n) Culture type Main outcome

Lin et al., Randomized open-label Not Amoxiclav þ clarithromy- Levofloxacin 500 mg IV Sputum Clarithromycin þ BL regimen was
Al-Salloum et al.

200719 (single center) mentioned cin 500 mg/100 mg IV Q24h (n ¼ 26) as clinically effective as
Q8h (n ¼ 24) levofloxacin.
Garin et al., Open-label, noninferior- III, IV Cefuroxime 1.5 g IV Q8h Cefuroxime 1.5 g IV Q8h Blood, sputum, Beta-lactam monotherapy was
201413 ity, randomized trial or Amoxiclav 1.2 g IV or Amoxiclav 1.2 g IV and pleural not inferior to the combined
(multicenter) Q6h þ Clarithromycin Q6h (n ¼ 291) fluid therapy. Patients infected with
500 mg IV/PO Q12h atypical pathogens or with PSI
(n ¼ 289) category IV pneumonia had
delayed clinical stability with
Dean et al., Randomized, prospective, I, II, III Clarithromycin 400 mg IV/ Gatifloxacin 400 mg IV/ Blood and Clarithromycin-based regimen
200620 open-label PO PO Q24h (n ¼ not sputum was similar to gatifloxacin in
(multicenter) Q12h þ Ceftriaxone specified) clinical outcomes.
1 g IV Q24h (n ¼ not
Tamm et al., Prospective, randomized, III, IV, V Ceftriaxone 1–2 g/day Ceftriaxone 1–2 g/day Blood Ceftriaxone plus azithromycin
200723 open-label IV þ azithromycin IV þ clarithromycin may be a better treatment
(multicenter) 500 mg Q24h 500 mg Q12h IV option in terms of reducing
(n ¼ 135) (n ¼ 143) the duration of therapy and
LOS because it is as effective
as clarithromycin based
Zervos et al., Randomized, open-label III, IV, V Ceftriaxone 1 g Q24h Levofloxacin 500 mg IV Blood and The combination of a third-
200421 (multicenter) IV þ azithromycin Q24h (n ¼ 102) sputum generation cephalosporin
500 mg Q24h IV and a macrolide is at least as
(n ¼ 110) efficacious as monotherapy
with a fluoroquinolone with
enhanced anti-pneumococcal
activity for hospitalized
patients with moderate to
severe CAP.

6 Journal of International Medical Research

assess in the internal validity and provide

hospitalized patients with CAP.

PSI, Pneumonia Severity Index; IV, intravenous; PO, orally; CAP, community-acquired pneumonia; Q6h, every 6 hours; Q8h, every 8 hours; Q12h, every 12 hours; Q24h, every
effective and well tolerated in
azithromycin and ceftriaxone

against the current causative

Levofloxacin monotherapy was an overall assessment of the included stud-

Combination treatment was

combination regimen of
at least as effective as a ies as high, medium, or low quality.

in providing coverage
Data extraction was performed using

pathogens in CAP.
Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corp.,
Redmond, WA, USA) where the primary
Main outcome

outcome from all the studies was the clinical

success rate, which is defined as the time
(in days) to reach the following criteria:
1) systolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg;
2) heart rate <100 beats per minute; 3) respi-
Culture type

ratory rate <22 breaths per minute; 4) tem-

Blood and

Blood and


perature <38.3 C; and/or 5) oxygen

saturation >90%.18 Data on the causative
organism and length of hospital stay were
Same patients switched to
oral azithromycin only

also collected.
Levofloxacin 500 mg IV
Arm 2 with Dose (n)

500 mg (n ¼ 86)
Q24h (n ¼ 115)

Study selection
Forty studies were identified from the pri-
mary and secondary search. Among them,
500 mg Q24h (n ¼ 86)
Q24h þ azithromycin

six studies were duplicates and 17 studies

Arm 1 with Dose (n)

IV þ azithromycin

had a design other than a randomized con-

Ceftriaxone 1 g/day
500 mg IV Q24h
Ceftriaxone 1 g IV

trolled trial (RCT). Finally, seven full text

RCT studies were included.13,19–24 Figure 1
(n ¼ 121)

summarizes the study selection process.

Study characteristics

All of the included studies were conducted

PSI Score

III and IV

between 2002 and 2014. All of the studies

were also multicenter trials except for Lin

et al.19 Three of the studies were from the

24 hours; BL, beta-lactam; LOS, length of stay.

USA,20–22 and one each was from China,19

Open-label, non-compar-
Open-label, randomized

Switzerland,13 the Netherlands,23 and

ative (multicenter)
trial (multicenter)

Brazil.24 The intervention arm in each

study has a combination of a macrolide
Study design

and a beta-lactam, while the comparator

group was either a fluoroquinolone (n ¼ 4)
Table 2. Continued.

or another macrolide (n ¼ 2), except if the

study comparator was a control group. The
length of hospital stay was reported in five
Rubio et al.,
Frank et al.,

studies,19–24 and the clinical success rate



was reported in all of the included stud-


Al-Salloum et al. 7

Beta-lactam selection and use in among the studies with data on clarithro-
combination therapy mycin–beta-lactam (Figure 3). Lin et al. 9
reported a success rate of 77% for clarithro-
In this systematic review, all of the seven mycin, and Rubio et al.24 reported a success
included studies were published between rate of 95.5% for azithromycin.
2002 and 2014, as shown in Table 2. The clinical success rate in the
Patients who were taking azithromycin macrolide-based combination trials was
received a dose of 500 mg per day. Those defined as a clinical cure at the end of ther-
who received clarithromycin were adminis- apy, which is the resolution of signs and
tered a dose between 300 mg and 1000 mg symptoms of pneumonia including dys-
per day. Similar doses of clarithromycin pnea, cough, sputum, and fever. This suc-
were administered using the oral route com- cess rate was reported mostly in patients
pared with the intravenous (IV) route, with a PSI score of III or IV (Figure 4).
where the oral route was equivalent to the
IV route for patients who were being Causative microorganism
treated for CAP.25 Azithromycin was Five20–24 out of the seven studies investigat-
administered IV while clarithromycin was ed the causative organisms in all the treat-
administered either orally or IV. The ment arms. Among all the isolated
macrolide combination included either organisms, S. pneumoniae was commonly
with a penicillin–lactamase inhibitor or a found in both of the macrolide groups,
cephalosporin-based beta-lactam, and cef- but more S. pneumoniae was found in the
triaxone was commonly used (Figure 2). clarithromycin–beta-lactam-based group
compared with the azithromycin group.
Clinical success rate An azithromycin–beta-lactam-based regi-
The primary outcome was the clinical suc- men had more isolates of Hemophilus
cess rate among all the included trials. The influenza than in the clarithromycin–
clinical success rate was 87.55% after 10 or beta-lactam group. However, both regi-
14 days of therapy among the studies with mens had the same killing effect on
Mycoplasma pneumoniae (Figure 5).
data on azithromycin–beta-lactam and
75.42% after 5 or 7 days of therapy
Length of hospital stay
Commonly used B-Lactam Data for the length of the hospital stay was
retrieved from five clinical trials13,19,20,23,24
Cefuroxime Ceriaxone Amoxicillin-Clavulante
(Figure 6). Patient who were treated with an
azithromycin-based regimen spent more
days in hospital than those treated with a
14% clarithromycin-based regimen. The mean
29% length of the hospital stay was 8.45 and
7.25 days, respectively.

Methodological quality and risk of bias

57% within individual studies
The quality of the studies was assessed
Figure 2. Commonly used beta-lactams in using the SIGN tool.26 Seven full text
combination with macrolides. RCT studies were included in this
8 Journal of International Medical Research

Clinical Success Rate










Ting-Yu Lin, et al. Nicolas Garin, et al. Nathan C. Dean, et M. Tamm, et al. Marcus Zervos, et al. Ellio Frank, et al. Fernando G, et al.

Clarithromycin Azithromycin

Figure 3. Percentage of clinical success rate among both macrolide–beta-lactam-based regimens.

Common PSI Score Reported applicable to the patient group that was
I, 1
targeted in each study.
V, 2
II, 1
The 2019 IDSA guidelines recommend the
IV, 3 combination of a beta-lactam and a macro-
III, 4
lide to treat hospitalized patients with mod-
erate to severe CAP.6
Both azithromycin–beta-lactam and
Figure 4. Common Pneumonia Severity Index clarithromycin–beta-lactam combinations
(PSI) score reported. have shown adequate efficacy in treating
patients with CAP, with a higher clinical
cure rate at the end of therapy using
study13,19–24 on the basis of the SIGN tool’s an azithromycin-based regimen. In our
assessment of quality. Five studies were of review, a clinical success rate of 87.55%
high quality13,19,20,22,24 and two studies after 10 or 14 days of treatment was
were of medium quality,21,23 with no study reported for studies with an azithromycin–
in the low quality category. All the beta-lactam regimen, and a success rate of
reviewers agreed to include these seven 75.42% after 5 or 7 days of treatment was
studies for further analysis. All the included reported among studies with a clarithromy-
studies included were open-label trials, and cin–beta-lactam regimen. In accordance
there was no blinded treatment allocation with our study, a prospective study compar-
process. Participants in all of the studies ing clarithromycin–ceftriaxone (n ¼ 106)
were randomized to the treatment groups, and gatifloxacin (n ¼ 99) showed a clinical
except for one study, Rubio et al.,24 because success rate of 91% and 97%, respective-
no comparator was used. Overall, the ly.27 A multicenter study was performed
results of all the studies were directly to compare moxifloxacin monotherapy
Al-Salloum et al. 9

No of Bacteria isolated from Each Treatment Arm








Strep pneumonia Staphylococcus areaus H. inluenza Legionella Mycoplasma

Clarithromycin + BL Azithromycin +BL

Figure 5. Number of bacteria isolated from each treatment arm.

Length of Hospital Stay the high clinical rate with a

12 clarithromycin-based regimen. In our
study, most patients with a high clinical
success rate had a PSI score of III or IV
8 (Figure 4). The high clinical success rate
Mean days

could reflect the need for a potent antimi-

crobial regimen in patients with a higher
4 PSI score, where the combination of a mac-
rolide and beta-lactam had lower 14 and
30-day mortality compared with fluroqui-
0 nolone monotherapy.14 Moreover, macro-
Ting Yu Nicolas Nathan M. Tamm M. Tamm Marcos
(CL) Garin (CL) (CL) (CL) (Azi) (Azi) lide combination therapy showed a
First Author for the Included Studeis significantly lower intensive care unit mor-
tality rate (26.1%) in ventilated patients
Figure 6. Length of hospital stay (mean number of
days). compared with the combination with fluo-
roquinolones (46.3%; hazard ratio 0.48,
95% confidence interval 0.23–0.97,
(n ¼ 233) to clarithromycin–amoxicillin p ¼ 0.04).8 Another multicenter study with
(n ¼ 134), and that study showed a high a randomized design compared moxifloxa-
clinical success rate of 93.6% and 93.7%, cin monotherapy with ceftriaxone with or
respectively, 7 to 10 days after the end of without azithromycin, and that study
therapy. Most of the included patients who showed a similar clinical success rate
were in that study (84%) had class a PSI between both groups (83.3% in the moxi-
score of I, II, or III.28 Both studies are con- floxacin group [n ¼ 108]; 79.6% in the com-
sistent with this review, which emphasizes parator group [n ¼ 113]), and in the latter
10 Journal of International Medical Research

group, 70% of the patients received ceftri- received sequential intravenous ceftriaxone
axone combined with azithromycin.29 and oral amoxicillin–clavulanate with or
Combination therapy using a beta- without a macrolide, where the macrolide
lactam with a macrolide has been retrospec- selection was either clarithromycin
tively assessed in many studies that investi- (n ¼ 220) or azithromycin (n ¼ 383). S.
gated the clinical outcomes and the impact pneumoniae was the most frequently isolat-
on hospitalization. These studies reported ed organism among all the isolates with 27
positive clinical outcomes that favored the and 35 patients, respectively, and M. pneu-
addition of a macrolide such as erythromy- moniae was isolated from six and ten
cin, clarithromycin, or azithromycin in hos- patients from each group, respectively.37
pitalized adults, and it also reduced the Higher S. pneumoniae eradication rates
number of hospitalization days.30–32 with clarithromycin could be explained
A recent open-label randomized trial com- by the extent of antimicrobial activity. In
pared ceftriaxone to ampicillin–sulbactam in vitro studies, clarithromycin tended to
when clarithromycin or erythromycin was have a lower minimum inhibitory concen-
added to either of the beta-lactams in tration (MIC) compared with azithromycin
patients with CAP. The results showed a for S. pneumoniae (0.015–16 mg/dL vs.
significantly higher effectiveness rate at 0.12–4 mg/dL). However, azithromycin
day 7 in the ampicillin–sulbactam group had a lower MIC for H. influenzae (0.5–
(p ¼ 0.047) compared with the ceftriaxone 4 mg/dL vs. 8–16 mg/dL) and the atypical
group in the validated per-protocol M. pneumoniae (0.00024–<0.01 mg/dL vs.
population.33 0.008–0.5 mg/dL) compared with
Multiple factors supported the superior- clarithromycin.38
ity of combination therapy. For example, The length of the hospital stay was one
combination therapy can include two mech- of the most common outcomes that was
anisms of action so that the medications investigated in five studies.19–23 The average
work at different sites of bacterial action, length for the hospital stay was 8.45 days in
such as a beta-lactam that inhibits cell patients receiving beta-lactams in combina-
wall synthesis and a macrolide that inhibits tion with azithromycin and 7.25 days for
protein synthesis. Moreover, macrolides patients receiving beta-lactams in combina-
reduce the adherence of S. pneumoniae to tion with clarithromycin. Compared with
respiratory epithelial cells and show anti- our findings, an open-label nonrandomized
inflammatory action by reducing the release study by Sanchez et al.37 showed that
of interleukin-8 and tumor necrosis factor- the mean length of the hospital stay was
alpha.34,35 7.4 days for an azithromycin-based regimen
Adding a macrolide to a beta-lactam as and 9.8 days for a clarithromycin-based
empirical therapy was shown to reduce regimen. In another study with a prospec-
mortality in patients with pneumococcal tive observational design that compared
pneumonia.36 In our review, S. pneumoniae clarithromycin with ceftriaxone (n ¼ 209)
was commonly found in both to levofloxacin (n ¼ 250), the length of the
macrolide groups, with 130 isolates in hospital stay was 6 and 5 days, respective-
clarithromycin-based combinations and 80 ly.39 When the azithromycin–beta-lactam
isolates in the azithromycin-based group; combination was compared with beta-
additionally, 18 and 20 isolates from each lactam monotherapy in an observational
group, respectively, were the atypical study by Ito et al.,40 fewer hospitalization
M. pneumoniae. In an open-label, prospec- days (10 days) were found with the azithro-
tive, nonrandomized study, patients mycin–beta-lactam combination compared
Al-Salloum et al. 11

with monotherapy (12 days), but this differ- regimen. However, if a shorter hospital
ence was not statistically significant. Several stay is the main focus during the manage-
factors could play a role in the hospitaliza- ment of patients with CAP, then a
tion days including the patient’s condition, clarithromycin-based combination would
illness severity using the PSI score, patient be the therapy choice. The susceptibility
characteristics, and initial antibiotic treat- data for the concerned facility must be con-
ment. Menendez et al.41 reported a hospital sidered when deciding upon the treatment
stay of 8 days in patients who received mac- selection.
rolide monotherapy, 8 days in patients who
received third-generation cephalosporin
combined with a macrolide, and 6 days in Clinical implications
patients receiving amoxycillin–clavulanic
acid and a macrolide compared with the • The clarithromycin–beta-lactam combi-
initial antibiotic treatment. Thus, a shorter nation regimen was associated with a
length of hospital stay is shown by patients shorter hospital stay.
who receive a macrolide–beta-lactam com- • Macrolides and azithromycin both have
bination, but clarithromycin was not supe- a relatively safe pharmacokinetic profile
rior to azithromycin. in terms of interactions.
For the pharmacokinetic profiles, azith- • The selection of an intra-class macrolide
romycin has a lower incidence of drug–drug combination with a beta-lactam depends
interactions compared with clarithromycin, on clinical prognosis and the patient’s
which might influence the clinical decision condition.
when selecting the macrolide that is to be • Few clinical trials have investigated the
combined with a beta-lactam. For example, safety and efficacy profile of intra-class
patients on theophylline, carbamazepine, or macrolides with beta-lactam.
digoxin are at a high risk of reaching toxic
levels when using clarithromycin because
digoxin increases the plasma concentration Authorship statement
of clarithromycin and azithromycin, where- All the authors contributed equally to this
as none of these interactions have been research manuscript. The final manuscript has
reported for azithromycin.42 Additionally, been read by all the authors, and all authors
a longer elimination half-life for azithromy- agreed to submit it for publication.
cin (68 hours) allowed for a single-dose
daily regimen, while clarithromycin (half- Declaration of conflicting interest
life, 5–7 hours) is usually prescribed as a The authors declare that there is no conflict of
twice-daily regimen.43 interest.

This research received no specific grant from any
This systematic review and qualitative evi- funding agency in the public, commercial, or
dence synthesis reported inter-class macro- not-for-profit sectors.
lide differences. Both azithromycin and
clarithromycin in combination with a ORCID iDs
beta-lactam have shown a significant clini- Jumana Al-Salloum https://orcid.org/0000-
cal success rate at the end of therapy, with 0003-1771-992X
higher rates of a clinical cure at the end Syed Wasif Gillani https://orcid.org/0000-
of therapy with an azithromycin-based 0003-4327-2068
12 Journal of International Medical Research

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