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KETUA PENGARAH KESIHATAN MALAYSIA DIRECTOR GENERAL OF HEALTH MALAYSIA Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia Aras 12, Blok E7, Kompleks E, Tel.: 03-8000 8000 Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan Faks: 03-8889 5542 62590 PUTRAJAYA Email; Ruj. Tuan uj, Kami; KKM,600-29/4/146 JId.17 (442) Tatikh 15 Jun 2024 SENARAI EDARAN YBUs, Datok/ Date! lndera/Date'[Datin Toar/Peam, EDARAN PINDAAN ANNEX 9 - MANAGEMENT OF COVID-19 AT POINT OF ENTRY DALAM GUIDELINES COVID-19 MANAGEMENT IN MALAYSIA Dengan hormatnya saya merujuk kepada perkara di atas. 2. Untuk makluman YBhg. Datuk/ Dato'Indera/ Dato’/ Datin/ Tuan/ Puan, Bahagian Kawalan Penyakit telah membuat beberapa pindaan terhadap Annex 9, COVID-19 Management Guidelines in Malaysia susulan dari perkembangan semasa situasi COVID-19 dalam dan luar negara serta perubahan dasar berkaitan kuarantin dan ujian saringan COVID-19 yang turut melibatkan anak-anak kapal pengangkutan udara dan laut. 3. Sehubungan dengan itu, bersama ini disertakan Annex 9 yang telah dibuat pindaan untuk makluman dan rujukan YBhg. Datuk/ Dato’Indera/ Dato’/ Datin/ Tuan/ Puan. Adalah juga diharap agar Annex 9 yang baharu ini turut diedarkan kepada anggota kesihatan yang berkaitan untuk perlaksanaan aktiviti di lapangan. Annex 9 yang baharu ini berkuatkuasa mengikut tarikh surat ini dikeluarkan. 4. Perhatian dan kerjasama YBhg. Datuk/ Dato'Indera/ Dato’/ Datin/ Tuan/ Puan amat diharapkan dan didahului dengan ucapan terima kasih. Sekiranya terdapat sebarang kemusykilan, pihak YBhg. Datuk/ Dato'Indera/ Dato’/ Datin/ Tuan/ Puan boleh menghubungi Dr Azmi bin Abdul Rahim di talian 03-8883 4122; emel: atau Dr Salmiah binti Baharudin di talian 03-8883 4380; eel: Sekian, terima kasih. “PRIHATIN RAKYAT: DARURAT MEMERANGI COVID-19” “BERKHIDMAT UNTUK NEGARA” Saya yars, menjalanbon smanch, (TAN SRI DATO’ SERI OR HISHAM ABDULLAH) sk. Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan (Kesihatan Awam) Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan (Perubatan) Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan(Penyelidikan & Sokongan Teknikal) Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia Pengarah Bahagian Kawalan Penyakit Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia SENARAI EDARAN 1. 10. 11. 12. Pengarah Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Perlis Pengarah Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Kedah Pengarah Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Pulau Pinang Pengarah Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Perak Pengarah Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Selangor Pengarah Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sembilan Pengarah Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Melaka Pengarah Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Johor Pengarah Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Pahang Pengarah Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Terengganu Pengarah Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Kelantan Pengarah Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sarawak Pengarah Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sabah Pengarah Jabatan Kesihatan WP Kuala Lumpur & Putrajaya ANNEX 9 GUIDELINES FOR ENTRY POINT SCREENING OF TRAVELLERS (SCREENING FOR COVID-19) A. ADVICE TO TRAVELLERS BEFORE DEPARTURE 1, Obtain a Letter of Approval (Entry Permit) from an accredited Malaysian Mission. 2, Present the Letter of Approval from the Malaysian Mission to Airlines, Other Public Transport Companies, and the Immigration Department of Malaysia. 3. All travellers are required to install, activate, and register the MySejahtera application (https:/ The mobile application can be downloaded at Apple App Store, Google play store, and the Huawei Apps gallery. 4, Essential information such as travel information (date and time, flight information, a port of embarkation) and health declaration needs to be input in the MySejahtera application at least one (1) day before the departure date. 5. Take swab for PCR COVID-19 test within 72 hours before departure. B. SCREENING OF AIRCRAFT, TRAVELLERS, AND CABIN CREWS. Travellers (direct and transit) from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka (including students, business travellers, and workers) are prohibited from entering Malaysia except for Malaysian retumees. Malaysian retumees including students, workers, their spouse, and dependent are required to undergo 21 days quarantine at QS with RT-PCR COVID-19 test on arrival, day-10, and day-18 of the quarantine period. 4. Measures on Board Flight 1.1 Announcements i. The pilot of the aircraft shall make in-flight announcements. These announcements shall be made during the flight and just before landing. ii, These announcements shall include the following messages: a. During flights ‘The need for cabin crew to announce the requirement of travellers with symptoms to identify themselves to the airline crew, for example, ‘Any traveller with symptoms of COVID-19 infection such as fever, cough, sore throat and breathlessness to identify themselves to the crew’. b. Upon Landing * Advise travellers to install and register the MySejahtera Application and fill up the Health Declaration Form (HDF) (Appendix 1- new) in the application. Guideline COVIO-19 Management No.6/2020 updated on 7 June 2022 1 ANNEX 9 © Inform travellers that they need to undergo thermal scanning upon arrival. 1.2. Visual Assessment Crew members must be vigilant on travellers with symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, and breathlessness) that did not identify themselves. 4.3. Management of travellers with symptoms of COVID-19 by airline crew i. The aircraft pilot needs to inform the authorities of the destination airport regarding travellers with suspected COVID-19 Infection symptoms as soon as possible. ii, The symptomatic traveller is given protective masks (three-ply masks) and shifts them to an empty area of the aircraft if possible. If not, vacate two rows in front and two rows at the back of symptomatic travellers. iii, Identify a separate toilet for suspected travellers only. iv. The crew must wear a protective mask and disposable gloves. It is advisable to wear a face shield. v. The pilot/crew of the aircraft is to identify the close contacts of the suspected travellers. vi. The close contacts of the suspected traveller are: * Any person sitting within 2 meters (4 rows in front, side, and behind) of the suspected case; + Any travel companions or person providing care who has close contact with a suspected case; * Crew managing the case; and * Anyone having contact with respiratory secretions of the infected traveller. The pilot and co-pilot of the aircraft sitting in a cockpit are less at risk of contact with the infected traveller. He/she is not the close contact. vii. If a crew is a suspected case of COVID-19, travellers served by him/her are categorized as close contact and to be managed accordingly. viii Close contact should provide their contact number and addresses to the health authorities. ix. The crew must fill-up the Traveller Locator Form for suspected cases (Appendix 2). x, | Write all measures taken on board and record them in the Report on Measures Taken Onboard Form (Appendix 3). xi. Submit both Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 to health officials upon arriving. ANNEX 9 1.4 Management of travellers with symptoms of COVID-19 by the health authority i. A Public Health Team (Medical Doctor, Nurse/Medical Assistant, and Assistant Environmental Health Officer) is stationed at the arrival gates. ii, The team will go onboard to announce the health inspection procedure. The team must also request for the traveller locator form (Appendix 2), a report on measures taken on board (Appendix 3), and a general declaration of health and flight manifest. ili, The airline crew informs the health team of symptomatic travellers. The symptomatic travellers will be tagged with red tags. The travellers identified are to be given appropriate protective masks (3-ply) and are to be shifted to the rear of the aircraft if possible. Else, vacate two rows in front and two rows at the back of the symptomatic traveller. iv. All travellers, except those suspected COVID-19 infections, will be allowed to disembark the aircraft to proceed to COVID-19 symptoms screening. v. Symptomatic travellers will be interviewed and examined. If they are fit for the criteria of the suspected cases of COVID-19: a. Refer the case to the hospital for further management and the COVID-19 test. b. Notify health authorities in those areas in which the contacts reside (DHO and State CPRC). vi. The health authority must inform the airline management regarding the suspected or positive COVID-19 case and direct them to disinfect the affected airlines. vil. Any positive COVID-19 case on board, the health authority (respective DHO) needs to. . Initiate contact tracing for *close contact of positive case (traveller and crew). . Take the COVID-19 test, issue a Home Surveillance Order (HSO), and home quarantine for 14 days for all close contacts of positive cases (traveller and crew). . DHO needs to work with the KLIA health office to issue HSO and take the COVID-19 test among the affected airline crew. *refer to for the definition of close contact. Guideline COVID-19 Management No.6/2020 updated on 7 June 2021 3 ANNEX 9 C. SCREENING PROCEDURE AT INTERNATIONAL POINTS OF ENTRY (POE) FOR TRAVELLERS AND AIRLINE CREWS (FLOW CHART - APPENDIX 4) 1. Health officials must ensure all travellers and airline crews. a. b, e. Have had registered their details in the MySejahtera mobile application. :/imysejahtera.malaysia.cov.myl). The mobile application can be downloaded at Apple App Store, Google play store, and the Huawei Apps gallery. Filled up the HDF in the MySejahtera application. cc. Scan MySejahtera QR code for travellers upon arrival d. Has a valid certificate for PCR COVID-19 negative test (refer to appendix 6) taken within 72 hours before departure. Identify any symptomatic travellers/crews. 2. Management of travellers at PoE (Appendix 4) 2.1 Management of Malaysian retumees from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal. a. Take swab for RT-PCR COVID-19 test. b. Sent travellers to quarantine station (QS), placed under an Observation & Surveillance Order (HSO), wears an HSO wristband. c. AtQS: i. The health officer at QS will monitor the health status of the travellers (Person Under Surveillance -PUS) for 21 days. li, At any time, if the PUS develops symptoms, he/she will be assessed further for the severity of the symptoms. * Moderate and severe symptoms — refer to the hospital, * Mild symptoms — take the RT-PCR COVID-19 test. - If positive, refer to the hospital/PKRC. - If negative, continue quarantine at QS. iii. On day 10, take the RT-PCR COVID-19 test and refer to the hospital/PKRC if the result is positive. iv. On day 18, take the 3° RT-PCR COVID-19 test and refer to the hospital/PKRC if the result is positive. v. On day 21, the PUS with a negative test result will receive the HSO release order and the wristband is removed: 2.2 Management of travellers from other countries Take a swab for RT-PCR COVID-19 test Sent travellers to quarantine station (QS), placed under an Observation & Surveillance Order (HSO), wears an HSO wristband. AtQS: ANNEX 9 i. The health officer at QS will monitor the health status of the travellers (PUS) for 14 days. ii, At any time, if the PUS develops symptoms, he/she will be assessed further for the severity of the symptoms. Moderate and severe symptoms — refer to the hospital. Mild symptoms — take the RT-PCR COVID-19 test. - If positive, refer to the hospita/PKRC. - Ifnegative, continue quarantine at QS. iil, On day 10, take the RT-PCR COVID-19 test and refer to the hospital if the result is positive. iv. On day 14, the PUS: - with a negative test result and asymptomatic will receive the HSO release order and the wristband is removed. - with a negative test result but symptomatic, further risk assessment need to be done and the quarantine period can be extended to 21 days and required a 3 RT-PCR on day 18. 3. Management of travellers with recent history of COVID-19 infection or post COVID-19 vaccination — Please refer to Prosedur Pengendalian Pelancong Domestic Dan Pengembara Dari Luar Negara Dengan Sejarah Vaksinasi COVID-19 Yang Lengkap dated 28 April 2021 (KKM.600.29/4/146 Jid.12(75)).. 4. Transiting travellers from overseas at any PoE in Malaysia and going to any domestic destination are required to take a swab for RT-PCR COVID-19 on arrival and complete quarantine procedures at the first arrival destination (state) before proceeding to their planned (state) destination. They also need to comply with any requirement by the state destination. 5. Management of airlines “crew a. Commercial and cargo airline crew (International landing) i. Upload and update MySejahtera (QR code for the crew) ii, Fever screening at PoE. If fever is detected, treat it as a suspected case. If no fever, give HAT and allows self-monitoring at home/ hotel for 14 days. ili, Advise seeking treatment immediately, if they develop symptoms of COVID-19. iv. For airlines from India: crews are prohibited from entering Malaysia except for Malaysian crew. Guideline COVID-19 Management No.6/2020 updated on 7 June 202 5 v. ANNEX 9 For airlines from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Nepal: all crews need to be issued HSO with wristband and quarantine at the hotel until the next travel date. b. Private jet crew (controlled itinerary) i. Ensure a crew provides a valid certificate for the COVID-19 negative test taken within 72 hours before departure. Take a swab for the RT-PCR COVID-19 test on arrival at PoE (the cost is borne by the crew). Airport Health Officer issues HSO with wristband until result RT- PCR comes out. If the result is positive, refer to the hospital for further management. If the result is negative, get a release letter from the nearest DHO. Advises crew to continue self-monitoring at home/ hotel with HAT until departing If they develop symptoms of COVID-19, advise them to seek treatment immediately. *crew is including pilot, steward/stewardess, and flight engineer. 6. Management of Diplomats at PoE a. b. After risk assessment is done, they can be quarantined at home subjected to an approval letter from Ministry of Health / Ministry of Foreign Affair. On arrival at PoE: - i. Ensure a valid certificate for the COVID-19 negative test taken within 72 hours before departure and an approval letter for home quarantine. il. take a swab for RT-PCR COVID-19. ii, Issue HSO with a wristband and quarantine at home (with proof of approval letter) /QS (without approval letter) for 14 days. iv. RT PCR COVID-19 test on day-10 and give release order on day-14 if the result is negative. For diplomats from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal, need to undergo mandatory quarantine for 21 days. Take swabs on day 10 and day 18 of quarantine periods. Give releases order on day 21 if results negative. ANNEX 9 D. PORT HEALTH PROCEDURES DURING PANDEMIC. 1. During the COVID-19 pandemic: i. Allforeign-ragistered ships with positive COVID-19 (non-Malaysian) onboard are not allowed to enter Malaysian ports. ii, All ships will be issued quarantine status. Any personnel is not allowed to go onboard before a risk assessment is done by the Port Health Authority (PHO/DHO) subject to confirmation with the Marine Department Malaysia (MARDEP). 2. Documents that need to be sent to health authorities at least 3 days before arriving at any port in Malaysia include: i. Maritime health declaration Port of call for the past 21 days. Lists of all on-signer, their RT PCR results, and history of contact with the COVID-19 case for the past 21 days. iv. Health status of all crew for the past 21 days. v. Information about death onboard and the cause of death for the past 21 days. 3. The crew of the ship except for the off signer are not allowed disembarking although free pratique has been given to the ship. 4. During the COVID-19 pandemic, any person intends to go onboard ship at any Malaysia port for any other matters except for crew change activity, he/she need to be assessed by the PHO/DHO and MARDEP in regard to the requirements of the COVID-19 tests. 5. Port Health Procedures 5.1 Ships without a suspected case On arrival at the port, the ship's health status will be evaluated through the review of the maritime declaration of health document and other relevant documents. AEHO may decide to board the ship for sanitation inspection and any additional confirmation if any physical inspections are needed a) A free pratique and port health clearance will be issued if the ship has a valid Ship Sanitation Control Certificate (SSCC), Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate (SSCEC), and sanitary conditions are satisfactory. b) If the ship has a satisfactory sanitary condition, a valid Ship Sanitation Control Certificate (SSCC), and Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate (SSCEC), the Captain or Shipping Agent will be issued a Free Pratique and Port Health Clearance. 5.2. Ships with a suspected case The ship captain or the shipping agent is responsible for informing the port health authority of any suspected case of COVID-19 on the ship that plans to enter the Malaysian port. The port health authority needs to inform MOH for advice Guideline COVID-19 Management No.6/2020 updoted on 7 June 2021 7 ANNEX 9 5.3. Ships with emergency cases 5.3.1. Ship with a scheduled call a) AEHO reviews all the emergency requests from the shipping agent. b) Verify the relevant documents and inform DHO or Port Health Officer (PHO) of the decision. c) DHO/PHO discusses with other relevant agencies at the port. The health ministry officer (Disease Control Division) may be consulted. d) If the decision to allow entry, an agent must arrange for a private medical team to go onboard for medical assessment. They may consult Physicians for opinions. - Critical case: refer the case to the hospital immediately - Not critical case: COVID-19 swab test to be done before referring the case to hospital. = "Scheduled call" means the ship has named any port in Malaysia as her next port of calll in accordance with her initial voyage plan and is not meant for any emergency/positive COVID-19 treatment matters. Further confirmation of the dedicated ship status/safety aspects will be clarified and assisted by MARDEP. 5.3.2 Ship with an unscheduled call a) AEHO reviews all the emergency requests from the shipping agent b) Verify the relevant documents and inform DHO/PHO of the decision. c) DHO/PHO discusses with the ministry of health officer (Disease Control Division) for opinion. - "Unscheduled call” means any foreign-registered ships without any related/affected/suspected Malaysian crew on board and has not named any port in Malaysia as her next port of call in accordance with her initial voyage plan, and her pre-arrival notice to MARDEP/DHO/PHO/Port Authorities is made less than three (3) days prior her arrival to any Malaysian port. Further confirmation of the dedicated ship status/safety aspects will be clarified and assisted by MARDEP. 5.3.3 Ship with death case onboard a) Review and verify all the relevant documents and inform DHO or PHO. for decision. b) DHO/PHO discusses with the ministry of health officer (Disease Control Division) for opinion. 6. Notify all suspected COVID-19 cases to the National CPRC, State CPRC, and the nearest DHO. ANNEX 9 7. Procedure for repair, maintenance, surveys, audits, inspections, statutory technical visits, supplies, and any other activities onboard: = Before the embarkation of any individual (except government officers), they and the relevant crew on board should be tested negative for COVID-19. - For activities as mentioned above and are conducted onboard for less than 8 hours, they are exempted for COVID-19 test, however, they need to comply with COVID-19 SOP (face mask, physical distancing, no large group gatherings, and hand hygiene). 8. All International cruise ships are not allowed to enter all ports in Malaysia except in such conditions: Disembarkation of a seriously ill crew/traveller. To receive supplies (food, water, gas) and repair or maintenance work for the vessel. iii, Sign-on /sign-off of the crew with approval from MARDEP, Immigration Department, and the Ministry of Health. 9. Ships with a travel history from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Nepal within the past 21 days: i. On-signer (ship from India) are not allowed to sign-on in Malaysia. ii. On-signer (ship from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Nepal) only allowed to sign on in Malaysia after risk assessment done by MOH & MARDEP and subjected to RT-PCR COVID-19 of all crew onboard. Requirement for RT PCR for all crew onboard will be based on the risk assessment done by MOH & MARDEP. iii, are not allowed to sign-off in Malaysia except for Malaysian crews - they are required to undergo a mandatory quarantine for 21 days at a designated quarantine station RT-PCR COVID-19 test on day 1, day 10, and day 18 of the quarantine period. iv. Procedure for repair, maintenance, surveys, audits, inspections, statutory technical visits, supplies, and any other activities on board are not allowed except for cargo operation including loading and unloading procedure with no direct contact between ship crew and port workers. ~ Ship from India: other than cargo activities not allowed until 21 days of arrival date. - Ship from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Nepal: can be allowed with specific guidelines & risk assessment by Port Authority. (RT-PCR COVID-19 within 3 days post activities), v. Health inspection of ships with recent travel history from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Nepal are detailed in Appendix 7. 10. Suggest for a weekly or biweekly rostered testing with RT-PCR for shore personnel that will go onboard ships eg., pilot, stevedore, lashers, technicians, chemist, etc. Can use MySejahtera or other mediums as platforms to document the results. Monitoring by Port Authority. Guideline COViD-19 Management No.6/2020 updated on ? June 2021 9 ANNEX 9 E. CREW CHANGE PROCEDURE FOR SEAFARERS AND OFFSHORE WORKERS (FLOW CHART- APPENDIX 6) 1. Procedure for Seafarers (all costs for quarantine procedure and COVID-19 test borne by shipping Company or Agent). * Crew change procedure is preferably done at the dock and not at the anchorage. However, this procedure can be done at the anchorage area in certain conditions according to the assessment done by MARDEP. If the crew change needs to be done at the anchorage, the agent, with the advice from MARDEP, will give full assistance ensuring the safety of the health officer during transportation to the ship for inspection. 1.1 Sign-on 1.1.1. Malaysian seafarers a. Seafarers need to communicate with the relevant PHO for the sign- on procedure. PHO will advise the sign-on procedures and quarantine at designated QS. Seafarers to take RT-PCR COVID-19 test at any private lab/ health centre approved by the MOH ( aringan%20Covid-19), i. They are to be given HSO and wristbands by DHO. Quarantine at designated QS. ii, If the result is positive, refer to COVID-19 Assessment Centre (CAC) for assessment/categorization and further management. ili, If the result is negative continue quarantine at QS. * The on-signer monitors their health status daily using Health Assessment Tool (HAT)! MySejahtera and does an RT-PCR test on day 10. + If symptoms develop during the quarantine period, seek treatment at the nearest health centre. On day 14, issue release order, and allow to sign-on if: «Test results are negative. * Asymptomatic Document required before signing-on are: © Day 1 RT-PCR test result. © Day 10 RT-PCR test result. + The release order. If sign-on is cancelled or postponed due to a specific reason on day 14: © Ifsign-on after day 14, RTK-Ag is mandatory. © On-signer must continue quarantine at the designated QS until the sign-on day. 10 ANNEX 9 1.1.2. Non-Malaysian and seafarers from abroad a All seafarers from abroad require the following procedure to enter Malaysia as per SCREENING PROCEDURE AT INTERNATIONAL POINTS OF ENTRY (POE) FOR TRAVELLERS AND AIRLINE CREWS (C 1-4). b Non-Malaysian seafarer resides in Malaysia are required to take RT-PCR on day 1 and day 10 before sign-on, and complete quarantine procedures at QS (in accordance with the evaluation by MOH) for 14 days. ¢ The crew is allowed to sign on once completed the mandatory quarantine period with COVID-19 test negative and the ship has arrived at the port of call. d_ If sign-on is cancelled or postponed due to a specific reason on day 14: 4. Ifsign-on after day 14, RTK-Ag is mandatory. 2. On-signer must continue the required quarantine procedure until his/her sign-on day. 3. If symptoms develop during the quarantine period, they need to seek treatment at the nearest health centre. 1.2. Sign-off 1.2.1 Malaysian and non-Malaysian a. Document and information required from the captain to be obtained from shipping agents: - Maritime health declaration and other health-related documents - Last port of call for the last 21 days - Provide evidence of registration in the MySejahtera application. ~ List of on-signers (intemational) for the past 21 days * History of contact with positive COVID-19, + Fever monitoring and health status of all crew on board. b. Take samples for the RT-PCR COVID-19 test by a private practitioner at the port of entry. i. They are to be given HSO and wristbands by DHO. Quarantine at home/QS (according to assessment by PHO/DHO), ii. If the result is positive, agent identified private hospital or private PKRC for admission / further management. ili, If the result is negative, continue the quarantine for 14 days (21 days if from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal). If symptoms develop during the quarantine period, advised seeking treatment at the nearest health centre. iv. Give a release order on day 14 (day 21 for those from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal) if RT-PCR on day 10/day 18 is negative and the PUS is asymptomatic, Guideline COVID-19 Management No.6/2020 updated on 7 June 2021 11 ANNEX 9 41.2.2 For seafarers on a stationary ship operating exclusively in domestic water for more than 14 days and no on-signers for the past 14 days: Seafarers intendina to fly abroad after signing off. i. Take samples for RT-PCR COVID-19. They are to be given HSO and wristbands by DHO. Quarantine at QS. ii, If the results turn out positive, agent must identified private hospital or private PKRC for admission / further management. ili, If the results turn out negative, continue to serve a mandatory quarantine for 14 days with RT-PCR on day10, or until the date, they are expected to travel abroad (with proof of flight ticket if less than 14 days). iv. If symptoms develop during the quarantine period, advise seeking treatment at the nearest health centre. Seafarers to stay in Malaysia after sianing-off. i. Take samples for RT-PCR COVID-19. They are to be given HSO and wristbands by DHO. Quarantine at QS. ji, If the results tum out positive, agent must identified private hospital or private PKRC for admission / further management. lil, If asymptomatic and the results turn out negative, complete the quarantine procedure for 14 days at QS with RT-PCR COVID-19 on day 10 4.3. Procedure for Residing Malaysian of the “Domestic Malaysia Flag” a. "Domestic Malaysia flag” means any Malaysia registered ships which plying exclusively limited within domestic water and have been confirmed by MARDEP mainly for local passenger ferries, local tugboats, and local bunker/supply boats. b. "Residing Malaysian” means registered seafarers of Malaysian citizens residing currently in Malaysia. c. These seafarers may consider being quarantined at home based on the ship operation confirmed by MARDEP: 1.3.1 If the ship is exclusively operating only within a port limit or operating between two routine points: i. Sign-on requirement: © Negative RT-PCR test on Day-1 © Wristband by DHO Quarantine at home * Negative RT-PCR test on Day-10 + Release & allow to sign-on within 72 hours. * Continue to stay at home until sign-on day. 12 ANNEX 9 ii. Sign-off requirement: Negative RT-PCR test on Day-1 Wristband by DHO Quarantine at home Negative RT-PCR test on Day-10 * Release from quarantine on Day 14 1.3.2 If the ship is operating exclusively within Malaysia water holding either domestic or near coastal safe manning document: i. Sign-on requirement * Negative RT-PCR test on Day-1 Wristband by DHO. * Quarantine at home/QS (base on assessment by PHO) + Negative PCR test on Day-14 * Allow to sign-on within 72 hours * Continue to stay at home/QS until sign-on day. ii, Sign-off requirement ‘* Negative RT-PCR test on Day-1 Wristband by DHO Quarantine at home/QS (base on assessment by PHO) Negative RT-PCR test on Day-14 Release from quarantine 1.4 Any final clearance of the crew change for seafarers who in charge of navigation, electrical, engineering, or catering of the ship, signing-on or off at any port in Malaysia, is subject to MARDEP confirmation and determination taking into account the public health advice and requirements by the Ministry of Health. 2.0 Procedure for Offshore Workers 2.1. Embarkation of Malaysian/Non-Malaysian offshore workers resided in Malaysia. a. Take RT-PCR COVID-19 test at any private lab/health centre approved by the MOH. i. They are to be given HSO and wristbands by DHO. Quarantine at designated QS. ii. If the result is positive, agent must identified private hospital or private PKRC for admission / further management.. iii. If the result is negative, continue quarantine, monitor health status, and take RT-PCR on day 10. iv. If symptoms develop during the quarantine period, advised seeking treatment at the nearest health centre. Guideline COVIO-19 Management No.6/2020 updated on 7 June 2021 13 22 23 ANNEX 9 b. On day 14, allow to sign-on if: © Both test results were negative © Asymptomatic c. The documents required before sign-on are’ * Day 1 RT-PCR test result. * Day 10 RT-PCR test result. * The release orders. Embarkation of offshore workers from abroad The procedure as a sign-on procedure for seafarers from abroad (1.1.2) and appendix 4. The workers are allowed to sign on once completed the quarantine period with a negative COVID-19 test. Disembarkation of offshore workers i_ Offshore workers from domestic offshore platform/vessels a. Take samples for RT-PCR COVID-19. They are to be given HSO and wristbands by DHO. Quarantine at QS. b. If the results turn out positive, agent must identified private hospital or private PKRC for admission / further management. c. If the results turn out negative and asymptomatic, give a release order letter, and removed the wristband. d. Self-Monitoring of health status through MySejahtera application daily for 14 days. At any time, if they develop symptoms like fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, and shortness of breath, the case is to be referred to the nearest health centre. ii, Offshore workers from international platform/vessels a. Take samples for the RT-PCR COVID-19 test by a private practitioner at the port of entry. b. They are to be given HSO and wristbands by DHO. Quarantine at QS. c. If the result is positive, agent must identified private hospital or private PKRC for admission / further management. d. If the result is negative, continue the quarantine for 14 days (21 days if they from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal). If symptoms develop during the quarantine period, advised seeking treatment at the nearest health centre. e. Give a release order on day 14 (day 21 for those from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal) if RT-PCR on day 10/18 is negative and the PUS is asymptomatic. 14 ANNEX 9 2.4 Offshore workers with a day trip to the oil and gas platform are exempted from the COVID-19 test and quarantine procedure. Suggest for a weekly or biweekly RTK-Ag for this group. Note: F. All positive COVID-19 individuals must be notified to the nearest PKD. For all Malaysian travellers, crews, seafarers, and offshore workers with positive COVID-19 test results refer to the government hospital for further management and to refer non-Malaysian to private hospitals. Please assess all Malaysian travellers, crews, seafarers, and offshore workers with positive COVID-19 test results to categorize them as C1 to C5 for decision hospital admission or to be isolated at home/hotel/PKRC. AWARENESS TO PUBLIC, TRAVELLERS, CREW, AND HEALTH STAFF ON COVID-19 INFECTION Increase travellers/ crews/ seafarer/ offshore workers awareness of COVID-19 which include infection prevention and control measures through: i. ii, Distribution of pamphlets and posters online massages. Regular update of information on social media — Website, Facebook (FB) ii, Talks and briefings on COVID-19 transmission mode, prevention and control measures. iv. Health announcements and messages focus on public and tourist sites, Guideline especially at international airports and seaports. Continuously update all health staff and ground handlers on COVID-19, current information and findings include environmental cleaning and disinfection at PoE. Continuously remind staff/crewrtravellers to Avoid 3 C, practice 3W and practice physical distancing. AVOID 3¢ * Avoid crowded places, ‘* Avoid confining and closed place - increase in airflow in a closed space and * Avoid close conversation and talking at close range PRACTICE 3 W * Regular handwashing with water and soap or hand sanitizer. * Wear a mask. CoviD-19 Management No.6/2020 updated on 7 June 2021 15 ANNEX 9 + Wam your family and friend to avoid 3C and practice 3W and practice physical distancing of at least 1 m between individuals and taking care of personal hygiene. G. COLLABORATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES/MINISTRIES Ministry of Health (MOH) Malaysia collaborates with other relevant agencies such as The Immigration Department of Malaysia, airport/port/ground crossing authorities and agencies, airlines, shipping companies, ground handlers, etc. i Dissemination of information regarding COVID-19 infection to personnel and clients going to / coming from the affected countries to increase their awareness and preventing the spread of disease in Malaysia. ii. The Immigration Department of Malaysia is to assist the health personnel in referring travellers from abroad for health assessment. iii All owners of aircraft/ships/vehicles are required to inform the health authorities at the points of entry if there are travellers from abroad showing signs and symptoms of COVID-19 infection. iv Malaysia Civil Défense Force and Royal Malaysia Police are to assist MOH in random patrolling home surveillance. v_ Civil Aviation Authority in Malaysia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to support the dissemination of information regarding traveller's requirements before departure to Malaysia. 16 Appendix 1 ex Ministry of Health Malaysia HEALTH DECLARATION FORM FOR PASSENGERS ON BOARD Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Malaysia. Malaysia is taking all the necessary precautionary measures against the spread of COVID-19 infection into our country. If you are coming from oversea/abroad, you are kindly requested to declare your health status on the overleaf of this card as required under Section 12(1) of the Prevention and Control of infectious Diseases Act 1988 [Act 342]. Any person who contravenes this section, commits an offence (Section 12(3)). The Ministry of Health Malaysia values your sincere cooperation in this matter, Thank You. Director General of Health Ministry of Health Malaysia Disease Control Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia, Level 3, 4, 6, Block E10, Federal Government Administration Centre, Parcel E, 62590 Putrajaya Tel: 03-8000 8000 Fax no: 03-8888 0643, PUBLIC HEALTH COVID-19 HEALTH DECLARATION FORM All person entering Malaysia shall complete all the information required in this Form PARTA (General) 1, Fullname: .. (Use block letters) 2. Gender: Male OC) Female O 3. Age (year/month): ... 4. Passport Number: ....... 5. Nationality: 6. Identity Card No:....... 7. Mode of Transport: Air C1 Sea O land 0 8. Flight No,/Vehicle Registration No./Name of Ship/Name of Train: 9. Seat No. (if applicable): 40. Last Place of Embarkation: ...... 41, Address in Malaysia’ .......-s0s000 12. Telephone No. HOUSE: «ne Office: Mobile PARTB COvID-19 1. Have you travelled overseas the past 14 days? Yes No 2. Date of departure: . Country: 3. Have you had any of the following symptoms over the past 14 days? Please tick if yes Fever Cough Difficulty in breathing Sore throat Sudden loss of sense of taste or smell Other symptoms (please specify): Have you been in ‘close contact with person suspected to have COVID-19? Yes 01 Noo If the answer is yes to either of the question above, please report to the Health Screening Area. 4. Please indicate all countries and cities that you have visited or transited through in the last 14 days (including airport, ports and border crossing), providing the dates of the visit. List the most recent counties first. ‘Definition close contact. + Health care associated exposure, including providing direct care for COVID-19 patients, working with health care workers infected with COVID-19, visiting pationts or staying in the same close environment of a COVID- 19 patient. + Working together in close proximity or sharing the same classroom environment with @ COVID-19 patient + Traveling together with COVID-19 patient in any kind of conveyance ‘+ Living in the same household as a COVID-19 patient Signature: Date Appendix 3 REPORT OF MEASURES TAKEN ON BOARD THE FLIGHT Name of Flight Commander:.. Name of Airline:.. Port of embarkation :, . Date of Arrival:. No. of passengers with symptoms of suspected Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID- 49) Infection. .. oe Seat numbers of passengers with symptoms. ... Measures Taken Onboard Name of authorized airline representative:..............+. Signature.......... Date ..... erases eeaenaiiiien sane 62 Appendix 4 FLOW CHART SCREENING PROCEDURE AT POINT OF ENTRY FOR Ror GAG or deision on ‘further management. Note: « TRAVELLERS FROM OVERSEA Before departure ‘+ Trevelts downloaded and il-up te health declaration in MySejahtera. Take RT-PCR COVID-19 test within 3 days prior to departure ¥ 7 ‘Travelers scan MySejantera OR code Temperature sreening Toke swab for RT-POR COMID-19test ‘© Issue HSO (Annex 14) = Wristband 1 Send QS for quarenine Procedure for 14 days + Hoathassessmont via ySejaiere + Review RT-PCR COVID 18 test, taken on artval once valle ‘continue quarantine unit dy 14 + RT-PCR dav 10 + + Issue release order day 141 ‘asynptomatic +t symptomate,corsiter for ational 7 ays of quzantine and repeat RT-PCR con day 18, 1. Travellers from India, Bangladesh, Pekstan, Sri Lanka end Nepal are prohibited from entering Malaysia 2, Malaysian returnees from Inia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, SriLanka and Nepal, mandatory Quarantine is 21 ays at OS. Updated 7 June 2021 APPENDIX 5, CRITERIA FOR VALID RESULT OF RT-PCR COVID-19 CERTIFICATE 1. Printed copies of Laboratory form 2. Written in English or in Malay language 3. Information provided in the form including: a. Name b. Passport number (optional) c. Test done: RT-PCR ORrrt-Pcr C0 Rapid Molecular: Please name ......-.....100+ ‘Swab: Nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal or deep throat saliva Negative result Date of swab taken is within 3 days of departure. Individual form (not as a group) zene ea Name of health officer and health care provider 4. The traveler does not transit more than 12 hours at any other POE. Appendix 6 FLOW CHART : PROCEDURE FOR SIGN ON/ EMBARKATION ‘A. Seafarers/Offshore workers from abroad Notes > Before departure 1. take RT-PCR COVID-19 test within 3 ays before departure 2. reler guidelines entry & quarantine ‘Scan QR code procedure PUS from abroad from footecoue NADMA, JIM and JLM | > Seofarers fom India Bangladesh, Pakistan, Si ‘Take swab forRT-POR Lanka and Nepal are 0-19 Comptes prohibited from — entering Melosi, + Issue HSO. + Quarantine @OS for 14 days = Weistband ‘© HAT in MYSejahtora «Review RT POR 19 taken on rival once avaiable. Refer CAC for decision “ mute cope ] ” | | on “sue lease order day 14 asyrpiomatc 1 Hsymptomate, do RA ard consider for adtional 7 days of quranine and repeat AT PGR on day 18 Appendix 6 B, Malaysian seafarers / offshore workers reside in Malaysia Notes: application + Refer procedure from aM ReferiD Pry or Tet swab fr RT-POR COVID- +14 daystetare sgn o at * : . management —_ pa ence athosad ‘Quarantine et OS while waling result Sel Monitor heath slats using MySejahtera Cat 3or4 or 1+ Advice to seek treatment If symptomatic # At private lab/clinic ‘© Continue quarantine a QS for 14 days © Continue sef-monior health status RT-PCR test on day 10 PRRGHMotel Private Hospital we Required documents 1. Result RT-PCR day 1 ‘Alot sign on 2. Result RT-PCR day 8 3. Release letter Appendix 6 FLOW CHART : PROCEDURE FOR SIGN OFF/DISEMBARKATION A. Seafarers (Malaysian & Non-Malaysian) Application ‘© Health screening + _ RT-PCR COVID-19 ' ve sien on zest 23dovs Shipsin domes a water $21 dye / semen past 23 dove y “Quarantine @ QS for 4 deys Wristband HAT in MYSejatra RYPCR DIO Cat 112 Cat 3145 014 | Remove wristband Issue Release letter Es PKRCIhotel/ | | Refer hospital home for further quarantine | | management (On etval at pr (PoE) Shipsin domestic water 221 days & no June 2021 Notes + refer guidelines entry & quarantine procedure PUS from abroad from NADMA, JIM and JuM, + fone crew positive, all other crew will bbe quarantine in the ship/QS (depends (on assessment by PHO) + Quarantine @os in + Wiritband Soir Revo + Once ticket avaiable issue release iter, No removed wistband + and allow to sgn oft Quarantine @ aS! home for 14 days (based on RA) Wristband HAT in MYSejhtora REPCR D10 Note ‘Ships wth fie of travel from India Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka & Nepal = Only Malaysian seatarer alowed to signof with (quarantine for 21 days and 3 RT-PCR on day 18 Appendix 6 B. Offshore wor jalaysian / non-Malaysian) Notes RT-PCR COVID-19 test © Atthe port + Allow sign-off + HAT in MYSejahtre for 14 ays Cal 12 Cat 348 | | | Y t | PkRcr Refer hospital hotel! for futher home management quarantine Appendix 7 ys | « Prosedur Pemeriksaan Kesihatan Kapal dengan sejarah perjalanan dari India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka dan Nepal 4. Pendahuluan Kes COVID-19 di negara-negara berikut telah meningkat dengan drastik di mana sehingga 07 Jun 2021:- * India melaporkan sebanyak 28,996,473 kes COVID-19 dengan 351,309 kematian; Bangladesh dengan 812,960 kes COVID-19 dengan 12,869 kematian; Pakistan dengan 935,013 kes COVID-19 dan 21,376 kematian; Sri Lanka dengan 207,979 kes COVID-19 dan 1,789 kematian; dan Nepal dengan 588,124 kes COVID-19 dengan 7,898 kematian. Peningkatan kes COVID-19 ini dikaitkan dengan peningkatan penularan jangkitan Variant of Interest COVID-19 yang mudah berjangkit dan boleh mendatangkan komplikasi yang serius kepada mereka yang dijangkit Sehubungan dengan itu dalam Sidang Khas Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN); Pengurusan COVID-19 Ke 26, Siri 88, bertarikh 26 April 2021 telah menetapkan beberapa keputusan iaitu kapal yang mempunyai sejarah perjalanan ke negara India dalam tempoh 14 hari tidak dibenarkan untuk melakukan prosedur sign off di Malaysia kecuali kru warganegara Malaysia. Kemasukan kapal kargo dari India dibenarkan sekiranya ia mematuhi prosedur- prosedur yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. Lanjutan dari itu, dalam kenyataan Menteri Kanan Keselamatan pada 5 Mei 2021 telah melaporkan pengembara dari 4 negara iaitu Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka dan Nepal telah dilarang memasuki negara ini, Sidang Khas MKN pada 24 Mei 2021 pula telah bersetuju untuk melanjutkan tempoh kuarantin wajib ke atas pengembara dari India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka dan Nepal daripada 14 hari kepada 21 hari. 2. Objektif dan tujuan Tujuan garispanduan ini adalah untuk menyediakan prosedur pemeriksaan kesihatan kapal dari India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka dan Nepal. 3. Prosedur kesihatan kapal dengan sejarah perjalanan dari India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka dan Nepal. Prosedur kesihatan kapal dengan sejarah perjalanan dari India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka dan Nepal adalah seperti di Carta Alir 3.1 Appendix 7 3.1 Carta Pemeriksaan kapal dengan sejarah perjalanan dari India Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka dan Nepal (7 Kapal dengan sejarah perjalanan dari India, “___ Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka dan Nepal Mencadangkan kepada Jabatan Laut Malaysia dan Pihak Berkuasa Pelabuhan untuk menolak kemasukan kapal ke pelabuhan di perairan Malaysia Tidak mematuhi kriteria® ** Gejala CovID-19 Maritime Health Declaration 2 SSCC/SSCEC Mematuhikriteria Kapal diberikan status kuarantin dan *kriteria; dibenarkan rapat ke dermaga 1. Tiada gejala COVID-19 Lo 2. Sijil SSCC/SSCEC yang 1 sah ‘Malim dengan memakai PPE lengkap 3, Maritime Health membawa kapal rapat ke dermaga Declaration ~ . mematuhi keperluan —— kesihatan Pemeriksaan kesihatan kuarantin oleh anggota |. Tiada keu positif COVID- **Pemeriksaan kesihatan Pelabuhan / Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah 19 kesihatan; oe Pengesahan dokumen, Tidak Lulus | Free pratique dan Port Health Clearance (PHC) tidak dikeluarkan saringan kesihatan dan pemeriksaan suhu badan semua kru Lulus t J Free pratique dan PHC dikeluarkan Operasi kargo © Operasi kargo dibenarkan dengan syarat:- tidak dibenarkan © pekerja pelabuhan yang mengendalikan operasi Le argo hendaklah memakai PPE yang bersesuaian; ‘© mengekalkan penjarakan fizikal sekurang-kurang Im dan = © krukapal hendaklah berada di dalam kabin semasa operasi kargo dijalankan « Sign off tidak dibenarkan kepada warga asing « Sign off warganegara Malaysia dibenarkan dengan kuarantin wajib 21 hari di stesen kuarantin **Pemeriksaan Kesihatan Tama > 4 Appendix 7 Proses Kerja Pemeriksaan kapal dengan sejarah perjalanan dari India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka dan Nepal No Perkara Tindakan Pejabat Kesihatan Pelabuhan atau Pejabat Kesihatan yang menjaga Pelabuhan menerima permohonan dari agen perkapalan bahawa kapal dengan sejarah_perjalanan dari _ india, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka dan Nepal akan tiba di Pelabuhan dalam tempoh 3 hari bekerja. ‘Agen perkapalan ‘Agen perkapalan perlu mengemukakan dokumen berikut secara emel: - Sijl sanitasi kapal- SSCC/SSCEC Maritime Declaration of Health Kru List Voyage Memo Temperature list ‘Statement of Fact sekiranya ada kru yang sakit Agen kapal perlu memaklumkan sekiranya ada kru kapal yang bergejala atau positif Covid19 (Salinan ujian dikemukakan). ‘Agen Perkapalan Semakan dokumen oleh Penolong Pegawai Kesihatan Persekitaran (PPKP). Sijil sanitasi kapal- SSCC/SSCEC Maritime Declaration of Health(MDH) Kru List Voyage Memo Temperature list Statement of Fact sekiranya ada kru yang sakit * Salinan ujian kes positif Covid19 PPKP Keputusan hasil semakan dokumen dan maklumat daripada pihak agen: 1. Sekiranya dokumen-dokumen adalah lengkap dan tiada kes bergejala/ positif atas kapal, kapal dibenarkan rapat ke dermaga dan diberi status kuarantin. 2. Sekiranya tidak memenuhi kriteria diatas, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) akan mencadangkan kepada Jabatan Laut Malaysia dan Pihak Berkuasa Pelabuhan yang lain untuk _menolak PPKP/ Pegawai Kesinatan/ Pegawai Jabatan Laut Malaysia, Pihak Berkuasa Pelabuhan 3 Appendix 7 No Perkara Tindakan kemasukan kapal tersebut ke pelabuhan di perairan Malaysia Malim yang akan menaiki kapal dimestikan | Malim/ Agen | memakai PPE yang lengkap semasa membawa kapal rapat ke dermaga Pemeriksaan kesihatan dijalankan oleh anggota kesinatan Pelabuhan / PKD. Pemeriksaan kesihatan meliputi; 1. Pengesahan dokumen (MDH) 2. saringan kesihatan kru 3. pemeriksaan suhu badan kru | PPKP Keputusan pemeriksaan kesihatan: 1.Sekiranya tiada kru yang bergejala | demam dan dokumen adalah mematuhi keperluan kesihatan, kapal diberi Free Pratique dan Port Health Clearance (PHC) dimana _kapal dibenarkan untuk menjalankan operasi kargo. 2. Operasi kargo dibenarkan dengan syarat:- * pekerja pelabuhan yang mengendalikan operasi kargo hendaklah memakai PPE yang bersesuaian; ‘¢ mengekalkan penjarakan fizikal sekurang- kurang 1m ¢ kru kapal hendaklah berada di dalam kabin semasa operasi kargo dijalankan © Sign off tidak dibenarkan kepada warga asing * Sign off warganegara—_ Malaysia dibenarkan dengan kuarantin wajib 21 hari di stesen kuarantin 3.Sekiranya ada kru kapal yang bergejala/ positif Covid19/ dokumen tidak mematuhi keperluan kesihatan, Free pratique dan Port Health Clearance (PHC) tidak akan dikeluarkan. Maka, operasi kargo tidak dibenarkan. PPKP

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