Bliamptis 1968

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A tetrahedron model for research

Emmanuel E. Bliamptis

Citation: Physics Today 21, 12, 32 (1968); doi: 10.1063/1.3034645

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Published by the American Institute of Physics
Figure 2 is a development of the
surface of the tetrahedron with the
faces labeled Deductive, Inductive,
Intuitive and Empirical.
The object of research is to reach
any pertinent derived facts D from
some known available facts A. There
are obviously several ways to achieve
this, but each one has a different prob-
A TETRAHEDRON MODEL ability of success associated with it.
On this basis one may identify several
types of research.
FOR RESEARCH The straight line from A to D, re-
search by accident, is the shortest path
What course does your research take? Is it inductive, but has the smallest probability of suc-
deductive, intuitive or even accidental? Build yourself a cess. As accidents can not be
planned, this type of research is not
tetrahedron and find the sure route to success. very reliable. Furthermore it lacks
the controlled, self-improving and self-
perpetuating qualities needed in sci-
entific research.
EMMANUEL E. BLIAMPTIS A more likely road to D is through
T. This journey would happen if one
were to make observations on the
RESEARCH is a much used term today ducting research and is subject to rules available facts, come up with a com-
not only by those involved in it but that are specific and communicable. plete theory, and then through experi-
also by the general public. Such ex- Some science courses do not even mentation obtain pertinent derived
tensive use has resulted in frequent mention the scientific method; instead facts. This route requires a great deal
misunderstanding and misuse of the they concentrate on presenting more of intuition and luck, which are not
term. This misuse, which sometimes and more isolated facts and occasion- very common. To arrive at a correct
is deliberate, may lead someone to de- ally mention an experiment or observa- theory directly from available facts
scribe his activities as "conducting tion. It is far more meaningful to requires pure genius; because genius
basic research on the ecologic and appreciate the need for an expensive is a scarce commodity, this method is
geographic factors affecting the anad- and difficult experiment than to re- not relied upon very often as the
romous salmo irideus, its feeding hab- member the names, masses and relative main effort in scientific research.
its, and environment," when he is in distances of all the objects in the Another way of doing research is to
fact fishing for rainbow trout. solar system. A plethora of facts is go through a hypothesis H to the de-
To avoid such misuse one must rec- likely to bewilder the student and sired end. But a hypothesis is only
ognize that research is any method condition him to view science with tentative and must be strengthened
that leads from known available awe. before it can be used for deriving new
facts to new acceptable facts. To results. This path represents the em-
the extent that research is controlled Build a tetrahedron pirical approach to research, wherein
and guided toward specific goals it is Let us consider a regular tetrahedron one collects data, formulates a hy-
scientific research. The scientific (figure 1) to help us visualize the pothesis (consciously, or subcon-
method is a particular way of con- relationships among the concepts I sciously), performs a quick experiment
will discuss. In the diagram the ver- (sometimes omitted) and ends up
tices are labeled A, H, T and D, which proving nothing. This approach is
stand for "Available pertinent facts," very close to fishing. A lot of bait
"Hypothesis," "Theory," and "Derived may be lost in trying to fish in an
pertinent facts," respectively. The unknown pond. In other words one
edges of the tetrahedron are labeled may risk a considerable sum of money
Observation, Experimentation, Mathe- and many man years collecting data
matics and Accident. Each one of and never show any new results. The
the edges represents a process that method borders on scientific research
has a certain probability of success. but is only peripheral in its scope.
Each individual researcher can
ohoose his own probabilities. A person The only true path
with no mathematical training is likely Thus only one alternative is left among
The author, who has master's degrees to assign a very small value to the the pure approaches, that is path
in both electrical engineering and phys- probability P(HT) or to ask for help AHTD, which happens to be the long-
ics, works at Air Force Cambridge Re- to increase it. I believe that physicists est one but has the greatest probabil-
search Laboratories. He is interested
might assign the following relative ity of success. This path represents
in pattern recognition and characteriza-
tion of electromagnetic properties of magnitudes: P(AH) = 1 0 2 , P(AT) the scientific method. It starts with
geologic materials through remote-sens- = 10-7, P(AD) = 10-12, P(HT) = a body of pertinent available facts A;
ing techniques. 10-\ P(HD) = 10-5, P(TD) = lO-i. then after careful observation a hy- *


sults. Whenever the new facts are earlier are idealized or pure research
consistent with the old, the cycle is processes using only the edges and
considered successful and the scien- vertices of the tetrahedron. Other
tific method was used correctly. Once paths through the interior and on
proven to be consistent the new facts the faces are possible and perhaps
become old facts and the cycle may more frequent than the pure methods.
be repeated. If a researcher tends to depend on
No guidelines exist for the selection his intuition, his trip is likely to be
of the set of available facts with which near or on the intuitive plane. (If his
to start a research effort. Similarly, "trip" is made under the influence of,
once A is chosen there are no rules say LSD, it may be purely intuitive
concerning the size and orientation of and disconnected.) Pure induction
the tetrahedron. Because systematic has the maximal separation from de-
advance along the path of the sci- rived facts, and pure deduction is most
entific method is always possible distant from available facts.
(though frequently difficult), it is the The reader may want to construct
way most research progresses. his own tetrahedron using figure 2 to
RESEARCH TETRAHEDRON. Arrows Only the scientific method is self- plot his own research path, assigning
show direction of normal progress from checking. One must use extreme care appropriate weights for the location
available to derived facts. Relative at each step, however, because there and probability of each leg. Similarly
probabilities of successful passage from are many hypotheses (only one of a research director may plot the paths
one vertex to another vary widely; the which leads to the correct theory) and followed by his researchers and thus
path AHTD is most likely. —FIG. 1
many facts (only some of which are obtain an estimate of where his group
pertinent in formulating a hypothesis). has strengths or weaknesses.
For the same reason the observations,
mathematics and experiments must be Just the facts, please
chosen and used with care. One must realize that the scientific
pothesis H is formed that organizes A researcher can use the elements method is a tool for obtaining new
and explains these observations. At of one process to enhance another. facts in a systematic and efficient man-
this point mathematics (including Experiments may be performed, for ner; it can in no way replace facts.
logic) is brought to bear on the hy- example, to increase the number of More widespread awareness of the
pothesis, generalizing and strengthen- good observations, and mathematics scentific method will benefit the prog-
ing it and eliminating inconsistencies. may be used in planning experiments. ress and understanding of science
Thus one formulates a theory T that This procedure occurs often and may and scientific research. It will result
can now be tested with carefully obscure the proper location of the in derived facts of better quality and
chosen and planned experiments to process on the path of the scientific greater significance.
yield new derived pertinent facts. method. The only way to recognize To recognize and remember facts is
If the new facts disagree with the such secondary uses of the scientific a sign of a conscious being; to orga-
old, one checks each step in the process processes is to have a full appreciation nize and catalog large amounts of data
for errors before starting again. Even of the objectives and methods in- is a sign of a thinking being; but
seemingly minor oversights have on volved. to derive new facts is the privilege
occasion led to totally unacceptable re- The research methods I discussed of the scientist. •


DEVELOPMENT OF THE TETRAHEDRON in a form suitable for cardboard construc-

tion. Cut along solid lines, score and fold along dotted lines, then tape or glue flaps. —FIG. 2


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