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Literature Genre Magic Realis

AUTHOR • The Odyssey is an epic poem that

Homero (en griego homérico Ὅμηρος narrates the adventures of
Hómēros; ca. siglo viii a. C.) es el nombre dado Odysseus, also known as Ulysses, on
al aedo a quien tradicionalmente se atribuye la his journey back to his homeland,
autoría de los principales poemas épicos
griegos: la Ilíada y la Odisea. Desde el período Ithaca, from the moment the Trojan
helenístico se ha cuestionado que el autor de War ends, narrated in the Iliad, until
ambas obras fuera la misma persona; sin
embargo, antes no solo no existían estas the moment when he finally returns
dudas, sino que la Ilíada y la Odisea eran home, many years later.
considerados relatos históricos reales.
Nacimiento ca. siglo viii a. C.
Fallecimiento ca. siglo viii a. C.
Written report (quotes from a book)
• Let me not die without glory and
Important Facts Main novels (books) without a fight, but let me first do
• Homer is the most famous writer of the archaic something great that will be counted
• Homer is the most famous era, considered the author of two of the most
among men in the hereafter.
writer of the archaic era, important works of Universal Literature: the
Iliad and the Odyssey • Do not envy the wealth of your
considered the author of • The odyssey : the 8th century BC C., and wrote neighbor.
two of the most important his poems between 750 and 730 B.C., • No man or woman born, cowardly or
approximately brave, can escape their destiny
works of Universal • The Iliad: composed in the 8th century BC, • Misfortune is not so great as to die for
Literature: the Iliad and the narrates a Mycenaean legend set in the 13th a friend, as to find a friend worth dying
century BC
Odyssey for

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