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A The Stanton Squash Club has decided that it is important for all club members to do these things:
wear sports shoes and clean clothes / have a shower / pay before you play / finish on time
But these things are not allowed:
disturb other players / eat or drink outside the bar / take club balls home
Write have to, don’t have to or mustn’t in the gaps.
You don’t have to wear white clothes, but you have to wear sports shoes.
You mustn’t disturb other players, but you don’t have to be silent.
1 You _________________ finish on time, but you _________________ start on time.
2 You _________________ play with club balls, but if you do, you _________________ take them home.
3 You _________________ eat or drink outside the bar, but you _________________ buy your food in the bar if
you don’t want to.
4 You _________________ have a shower, and you _________________ wear clean clothes.

B Look at the signs and complete the sentences with don’t have to or mustn’t.
You don’t have to go in. 1 ____________ arrive half an
hour early.
You mustn’t eat inside
2 You ____________ arrive late.

3 Small vehicles ____________ 5 Students ____________ make a

wait. noise.
4 Drivers of large vehicles 6 Third-year students
____________ cross alone. ____________ take the exam.

7 You ____________ talk in the 9 Swimmers ____________ pay

library. today.
8 You ____________ put the 10 Swimmers ____________ eat
books back on the shelves. or drink by the pool.

C Put the words in the box in the gaps. Don’t add any other words.
Does she / have to / has / she has / must / mustn’t / have / does she
Mark: We have to get up early tomorrow.
Bob: Why?
Mark: Have you forgotten? Angela ______________ to move to a new flat tomorrow, and I promised we
would help her.
Bob: ______________ have to move out by a particular time?
Mark: No, there’s no rush. She doesn’t ______________ leave her old flat before the afternoon, but there are
lots of things that ______________ to pack, so we ______________ get there fairly early.
Bob: Why ______________ have to move, by the way?
Mark: She said that I ______________ tell you because she wants to tell you herself, when she sees you
D Imagine that you are going to your boy / girlfriend’s parents’ house for dinner. This is the first time
you are going to meet them, so you want to make a good impression! Your best friend offers you
some advice. Complete the advice with must, mustn’t, or needn’t.
1. You wear a formal suit, but you should look clean and tidy.
2. You arrive on time, because it’s disrespectful to be late.
3. You talk too much about your ex-boy / girlfriends.
4. You slouch at the dinner table, as it’s very rude.
5. You be confident, but not arrogant.
6. You kiss the parents. It’s OK just to say ‘hello’ or shake hands.
7. You take an interest in the parents. Ask them some questions about themselves.
8. You take along an expensive gift, but some flowers or chocolates would be a nice idea.
9. You kiss your boy / girlfriend, because it might be embarrassing for the parents.
10. You swear in front of the parents. Remember you want to impress them!
11. You agree with everything the parents say. It’s alright to disagree if you do it politely.
12. You say something nice about the food, even if you don’t like it.

E Imagine that you are a new teacher at this school and today is your first day. One of the other teachers
gives you some advice. Write the advice using the ideas from the box and must, mustn’t, or needn’t.
be strict / dress smartly / eat school dinners / hit the students / make the lessons interesting /

remember all the students’ names on the first day / set homework / stand up all the time in class /

try to be the students’ friend / turn up late for class

1. _________________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________________________
6. _________________________________________________________________________________
7. _________________________________________________________________________________
8. _________________________________________________________________________________
9. _________________________________________________________________________________
10. _________________________________________________________________________________

F Listening. Read Molly’s story. Are the statements about Molly’s aunt’s job true (T) or false (F)
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1. Molly's aunt mustn't be late for work. ______________________________________________ ( )
2. Molly's aunt has to use transport to get to her work. __________________________________ ( )
3. Molly's aunt has to work from 8 to 5. _______________________________________________ ( )
4. She has to take care of a small girl. _________________________________________________ ( )

Present Modal Verbs of Deduction and Probability Exercise
A. To talk about possibility in the present or future, we can use may, might or could followed by the
infinitive without to.
They may/ might/ could be at home now. (present)
He may/ might/ could go out this evening. (future)
may = might = could
B. We use might not or may not for the negative. We don't use could not.

1. Complete the sentences. Use may, might or could and the verbs below.

be get not give refuse sell use

1 If it's a war film, it ____________________quite violent.
2 If the stunt is too dangerous, she ____________________to do it.
3 If you write down your PIN number, someone ____________________it.
4 I ____________________a burger from the take-away.
5 If you lose your receipt, they ____________________a refund.
6 They ____________________ garden furniture at the garden centre.

2. Match the sentences.

Take some sun cream. ................. [ D ] A. You might fall.
1 Let's buy a lottery ticket. ............. [ ] B. It might not be your size.
2 Phone the restaurant. ................. [ ] C. We might get lost.
3 Don't stand on the wall. .............. [ ] D. It might be really sunny.
4 Let's take a map. .......................... [ ] E. We may not have enough money.
5 Try the shirt on. .......................... [ ] F. You might cut yourself.
6 Don't wait for me......................... [ ] G. It may be closed on Sundays
7 Be careful with that knife! ........... [ ] H. We might win.
8 Ask how much it costs. ................ [ ] I. I may be late.

3. Complete the sentences with might + a verb phrase.

be cold / be ill / be in a meeting / go to the cinema / not have time / not like it / have fish and chips
I’m not sure what to do tonight. I might go to the cinema.
1 Kim wasn't at school today. She _______________________________________

2 His phone is turned off. He ___________________________________________

3 It's an unusual book. You ____________________________________________

4 I don't know if I'll finish it. I ___________________________________________

5 I'm not sure what to order. I __________________________________________

6 Take a jacket. It ___________________________________________________

4. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with may, might, or could. Use the verbs

buy / crash / fall / not finish / rain / not reach

1 It ______________________ soon.
2 He _____________________ a mobile.
3 She ____________________ out of the tree.
4 He _____________________ before bedtime.
5 It ______________________ into the hedge.
6 They ___________________ the top.

5. Listen to three conversations and underline the correct answers to the following questions.
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1 What may not happen?

a) They will be in the office.

b) One person will need help.

2 What will she do in retirement?

a) Play music
b) Play golf

3 What might the device make her do?

a) Eat less
b) Walk more

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