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Group A

1. Cloud computing is essential because it anticipate more flexibility, data recovery,

minimal maintenance, easily accessible, and enhanced security. [1]
Flexibility: There are varieties of flexible packages available in the cloud storage and cloud
VPS providers; you can subscribe every month which you can add storage capacity and
bandwidth as per require. [1]
Data recovery: In cloud computing, data are stored in multiple location. In case of problems
in server, we can access same copy of data from another location. [1]
No maintenance: After you pay/subscribe for a period; everything is handled by the
providers. [1]
Enhanced Security: According to an encryption technology and login security protocols,
company data is considerably safer with cloud computing. [1]

Cloud service models explain the extent to which your resources are handled by you or your
cloud service providers. [2]

Fig: Comparison of Models and existing management resources. [2]

Here areas of blue color and yellow color is managed by you and service providers
Cloud service models consists of following services.
 On-premises: On-premises refers to a model in which the user is solely responsible
for all resources. [2]
 Infrastructure as a service: IaaS is a cloud computing model in which the consumer
can create and configure resources from the compute layer up. Virtual machines,
containers, networks, appliances, and a variety of other infrastructure-related
resources are included. [2]
 Platform as a service: PaaS provides a comprehensive environment for the user,
starting with the operating system. As a result, the consumer is not responsible for
the infrastructure. [2]
 Software as a service: It is the approach with the minimal control and administration
of requirements. Except for application-related administrative activities, the owing
consumer has no control over the backend. [2]
2. A company that embraces cloud technologies and selects CSPs, services, or apps without
conducting due diligence faces plenty Risks in terms of commercial, financial, technological,
legal, and compliance that threaten its success. In a study addressing companies' transitions
to the cloud, Gartner makes the following strategic planning assumption about the cloud:
"By 2020, 95 percent of the organizations will have adopted cloud computing. “Customers
will be responsible for cloud security breaches." [3]
At a high level, cloud environments face the same threats as traditional data center
environments; the attack surface is the same. [4] That is, cloud computing runs software,
and software has vulnerabilities that adversaries aim to exploit. [4] Unlike traditional data
information technology systems, however, with cloud computing, the CSP and the cloud
consumer share the responsibility for reducing the risks presented by software
vulnerabilities. [4]
Following are the cloud computing risks and threat:
 Consumers Have Less Visibility and Control: Companies lose control and visibility
over assets/operations when they are moved to the cloud. When using external
cloud services, the CSP takes on some policy and infrastructure responsibility. [4]
 Insiders take use of Authorized Access: Insiders who abuse their authorised access
to the group's or CSP's channels, structures, and data, also including staffs and
administration staff for both businesses and CSPs, are well placed to cause harm or
exfiltrate information. [4]
 Insufficient Enhanced Significantly Diligence Cybersecurity Risks. [4]
 • Access to a user's cloud credentials has been obtained: A hacker who achieves
direct exposure to a user's personal cloud credentials can use the CSP's services to
provision additional resources. The threat actor could use cloud computing
resources to attack the firm's administrative users and steal their credentials to get
access to the agency's systems and data. [4]
3. Most of the organization used Azure Stack as a security protection in cloud computing. Azure
Stack is an Azure expansion that gives your on-premises environment cloud computing
agility and innovation by allowing businesses to incorporate cloud computing services into
their own data centers. When deployed on-premises, Azure Stack could provide Azure-
consistent services whether the device is connected to the internet (and Azure) or is in a
disconnected environment with no internet access. [5]
Benefits of Azure stack as below:
Business agility: It simplifies access to Azure's built-in capabilities from wherever on-
premises or in the cloud, allowing businesses to keep up with fast-moving markets,
streamline app development, and achieve new rates of success. [5]
Savings: It aids in the reduction of operational costs. Enterprises can adopt certain services
(e.g., IaaS) based on its business needs using Microsoft Azure Stack, resulting in cost savings.
Multi-cloud integration: It facilitates speedy migration between environments using current
tools such as System Center App Controller, which allows for the migration of Azure
resources like as virtual machines, storage accounts, and service bus namespaces between
private clouds based on Windows Server and other clouds. [5]
Compliance and Security: It provides enterprise-grade security at all layers of infrastructure
by preventing unwanted access to sensitive data and assisting with compliance. [5]


AWS Azure
It is Amazon's On-Demand Cloud It is Microsoft's Public Cloud Infrastructure.
Computing Service [6] [6]
AWS is continually improving its Organizations can link their on-premises
hybrid cloud solution. [6] servers to cloud instances. This is useful in
hybrid cloud spaces. [6]
You can monitor a specific machine. [6] The cloud service consists of machines that
respond to different ports with the same
domain name. [6]
Allows for long-term data storage There are no alternatives for brief
and retrieval. data retention and recovery.
There is safeguards in place Ensures safety. by providing authorizations
through predefined references with for the entire account.
privilege control capabilities.

If your business requires a powerful Platform as a Service (PaaS) provider or Windows

integration, Azure is the best option. If your organization is looking for Infrastructure as a
Service (IaaS) or a variety of toolsets, AWS may be the solution of choice. [6]

5. Yes, I would recommend cloud computing to my school because of following advantages:

Innovation in education sectors:  Teachers can engage their students to various of
programmes and tools, allowing individuals to be creative in how they display their
benchmarks mastery. For example, a student could respond to a project by uploading
content, documenting a piece of artwork they developed, or releasing a document they
engaged on with classmates. [7]
Reliable and Accessible: Cloud computing assists schools in meeting their data protection
standards, ensuring the safety of student and employee information. [7] To guarantee the
privacy of their cloud infrastructure, most cloud computing providers invest in safety
precautions. [7]
Collaboration through the cloud: Students must be able to actively engage with each other.
The cloud storage provides all users with accessibility across various platform and offers a
firm foundation for collaboration skills training. [7]

Task 2

1. A protocol analyzer is a hardware and software system that captures and analyses
network or communication channel data, with the software part displaying the collected
output in an understandable format for the end-user. The protocol analyzer shows how
data moves over a communication link using various network protocols such as USB, I2C,
and CAN. Throughout the creation of a software or hardware product, the protocol
analyzer assists engineers in debugging faults, monitoring product performance, and
data link traffic in embedded systems. [8]
Its importance as an enterprise point of view as below:
 One of the most common applications is to analyze network performance and
safeguard the network from malicious activities within an enterprise. This is
accomplished by collecting and recording data packets as they transit through
the network. [8]
 It can be applied to a single device or a group of devices on the same network at
the same time. [8]
 It pinpoints the sections of the network that are clogging up the network's traffic
flow. [8]
 We can use a packet sniffer and see which sites the end-user is visiting the most
on the Internet. We may also keep track of the types of files that the end-user
downloads. This feature allows businesses to keep track of their employees'
surfing habits and enhance their security features as needed. [8]
 It detects unusual packet characteristics in the network and over the Internet.

2. Comparison between Wireshark and colasoft capsa.

Wireshark colasoft capsa

1. Excellent investigate on large volumes 1. Analyzer for wired and wireless
of logs and the ability to add and network monitoring, bandwidth analysis,
research at any time. and network troubleshooting.
2. It supports multiple platforms such as 2. Capsa v13 is compatible with Windows
macOS, Linux, Microsoft, Solaris, NetBSD 7/8/10 and Windows Server 2008/2012.
and FreeBSD.
3. Decryption functionality is also Replay analysis supports decryption of
available for security layer protocols such wireless packets.
WEP, ISAKMP, and Kerberos.
4. When studying traffic, it enables The incidents are captured online and
flexibility in analysis settings. analyzed later.
In the system, we can see 3 different interfaces; go through ethernet and then capture.
We can see too many packets. Pick one packets.
Here we can see Destination, source Mac addresses by clicking to ethernet.

colasoft capsa protocol analysis

We can see mac addresses , IP addresses.

4. Wireshark has a wealth of features that allow you to assess a variety of network issues,
including misconfigurations, device failures, and issues caused by a variety of external
and internal issues. We encourage network administrators to recognize the importance
of using this type of tool. This is a valuable tool for identifying the causes of some
problems that take a long time to find using other methods and have availability
consequences. Information confidentiality takes precedence over other services.
Use Wireshark filters to clean up and perform more thorough traffic analysis as
well as other Wireshark features (tcpstream follow, expert information, etc.). Finally,
you learned how to use charts in Wireshark to analyze the usefulness and efficiency of
your network. Wireshark is a great knowledge base for networking and communications
enthusiasts and one of the best protocol analyzers available today.



[1] Teqwise, "teQwise," 3 April 2018. [Online]. Available:

cloud-computing-so-important-2/. [Accessed 26 May 2022].

[2] . D. Oliver Michalski, "Implementing Azure Cloud Design Patterns:," in An introduction to

Microsoft Azure Platdorm, UK, packt publishingLtd., 2018, p. 7.

[3] M. Cancila, D. Toombs and A. &. K. E. Waite, "Gartner;2017 Planning Guide for cloud computing,"
october 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed
26 may 2022].

[4] T. MORROW, "SEI Blog;12 Risks, Threats, & Vulnerabilities in Moving to the Cloud," 2018.
[Online]. Available:
to-the-cloud/. [Accessed 26 may 2022].

[5] A. ABDULLAHI, "IT Business Edge," 29 December 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed
2022 may 30].

[6] project pro, "project pro," 13 may 2022. [Online]. Available:
%20solution.. [Accessed 2022 may 30].

[7] Vandis, " Vandis," 18 june 2018. [Online]. Available:

importance-of-cloud-computing-in-education/. [Accessed 30 may 2022].

[8] software Testing Help, "software Testing Help," software Testing Help, 2 may 2022. [Online].
Available: [Accessed 30
may 2022].

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