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What is New Media?

New Media refer to highly interactive digital technology. These are very easily processed, stored,
transformed, retrieved, hyper-linked, searched for, and accessed.


• PODCASTS - is a collection or series of digital audio files that are made available for downloading or
listening by the internet.

• ONLINE NEWSPAPER - a newspaper which is published as an electronic document on a computer

network, specifically the digital version of a print newspaper.

• BLOG - also known as "weblog". It is a website where someone is regularly records their thoughts or
experiences or talks about a subject.

• VIRTUAL REALITY - the use of computer modeling and simulation that enables a person to interact with
an artificial 3-D visual or other sensory environment.

• VLOG - it is a blog that contains video materials.

• WEBINARS - short for web-based seminar. It is a presentation, lecture, workshop, or seminar that is
transmitted over the web using video conferencing software.

• SOCIAL MEDIA - it refers to a computer based technology that facilities the sharing of ideas, thoughts,
and information through virtual networks and communities.

• COMPUTER GAMES - a computer-controlled game where players interact with objects displayed on
screen for the sake of entertainment.

Language in new media is sometimes referred to as Computer-mediated communication (CMC). The

CMC is an umbrella term that encompasses various forms of human communication through networked
computers which can be synchronous or asynchronous and it involve one-to-one, one-to-many, or
many-to-many exchanges of text, audio, and/or video messages.

Computer-mediated communication may also be called;

• netspeak

• computer-mediated discourse

• digital discourse
• electronic discourse

• e-communication

• digitally mediated communication

• keyboard-to-screen communication

Crystal (2011) said that only two things are certain;

1. it is not going to go away

2. it is not going to get larger


This type of discourse or computer-mediated communication can be described as:

• Vernacular - it uses language that is common to people regardless of age, social class, gender, or race


° Acronyms - an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word.

For example:

ASAP - as soon as possible

PIN - personal identification number

YOLO - you only live once

AWOL - absent without official leave

° Initialisms - an abbreviation consisting of initial letters pronounce separately.

For example:

Atm - at the moment

btw - by the way

idc - i don't care

ily - i like you

° Emoticons / Emojis - emoticons are combinations of symbols available on your keyboard, like letters
and punctuation marks while the emojis are picture.


° Expressive punctuations - meant to accurately express emotion to the reader and make writing easier
to read. It is meant to serve the writer, so that he or she can express ideas clearly and effectively.

For example:

Hello? vs Hello?!?

No. vs No? vs No!!!


Respelling is a resource whose use is subject to a variety of factors, including user' technoliteracy,
their considerations of audience and purpose, and physical constraints of message production.
Respelling also changes some letters in a word and thus form a new word that is misspelled on purpose.

For example: ( thnx, gudnyt, 2mrw, 2nyt )

Computer-mediated communication is;

• Interpersonal - it is relationship-focused rather than subject-oriented. This can be explained by the

number of group chats (GCs) a person has, and the number of individuals and GCs a person engages

The interpersonal nature of computer-mediated communication is characterized by the following:

° Turn-taking - it occurs in a conversation when one person listens while the other person speaks.

° Topic development - comprises of a single sentence near the beginning of your paper that presents
your argument to the reader. The rest of the paper gathers and organizes evidence that will persuade
the reader for the logic of your interpretation.

° Back-channels - it refers to the use of networked computers and instant messaging software in a
learning or team-based work environment to provide private or one-to-one communication between
the listener and the speaker.

° Repairs - recognize the problem , engage in productive communication and conflict resolution, pose
possible solutions, affirm each other, intergrade solutions into normal behavior, risk.

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