Media and Information Literacy 12-APOLLO

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10 Proper Etiquette on The Use of Media and Information

1. Think before you click. Think a hundred times before posting something. Is it necessary?
Is it helpful?
2. Don’t make up any wrong information. Spill facts and share some inspiring quotes.
3. Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. Just be yourself and be happy for that.
4. Cite the reliable source of your information. Before you post or share something make
sure that it is from a reliable source and not a fake one.
5. Be polite and considerate. Always humble yourselves. Remember that some people are
facing a big problem right now so we have to be considerate. We must put that on mind.
6. Don’t bully or gang up on people. Everyone is unique and special. You must keep in mind
that we have our own differences and don’t use that as an opportunity to bully them.
7. Don’t access the social media profiles of others without their consent. Give respect to
everybody and give them a privacy.
8. Don’t give your personal information to people you don’t know. Being friendly is good
but you have to set your limitations. Protect your identity because some people might use
this to deceive people.
9. Be smart. Use your knowledge about social media and apply it. Be careful to everything
you do and be responsible. You make yourself accountable to any consequences.
10. Share some encouraging quotes or bible verse. Positivity is needed especially in this
pandemic. A lot of people are anxious, bored and worried but sharing some quotes or bible
verses will help them recover from what they are feeling.

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