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Review of Related Literature and Studies

The review of the literature and study offered essential background information on the
general and specific problems that will be addressed in the study. This section was organized in
accordance with the major themes or aspects the study is intended to explore.

On the Restrictions of Unvaccinated Individuals

Restrictions on the vaccinated and mandates for getting vaccinated are now very
common. As COVID-19 vaccines have become more available over the past two years,
government policies have increasingly aimed to incentivise uptake (Emely Cameron-
Blake, 2022). Unvaccinated people are more likely to contract a serious illness and
spread the infection to others, so imposing restrictions to limit their contact with other
people is a necessity. It defeats, however, the general objective of protecting their well-
being if those restrictions cause them other hardships in meeting their basic needs.
Likewise, making too many exceptions to allow the movement of unvaccinated people
defeats the purpose of the restrictions to protect the community (manilatimes, 2022)

According to manilatimes (2022) THE harsh restrictions imposed by the

government on the movement of unvaccinated people in response to the massive surge
in Covid-19 infections have been bitterly condemned by critics as 'anti-poor' and 'anti-
people,' but as unpleasant and inconvenient as they may be, they are entirely justified by
current medical evidence. We are concerned, however, that the restrictions as currently
designed and enforced are neither humane nor make efficient use of the opportunity
they provide to bring the pandemic under control.

Additionally, according to the report of rappler(2022), findings revealed that 5

million Filipinos will lose their jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to the
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). This number could rise, depending on
how strong the impact of the pandemic is on the Philippine economy in the coming
months. In this podcast, Rappler labor reporter Aika Rey and researcher-writer Jodesz
Gavilan will talk about why so many Filipinos have lost and will lose their jobs, what are
the government programs to help the people, and how our economy can recover.
According to Rey (2022), If our economy doesn’t jumpstart yet, a lot of businesses will
have to close down and it’s going to be hard, especially for small businesses, to go back
up. Right now, I can see and talk to businesses that really have to close because they
can no longer support their employees. Earlier, we also heard that a school said that
they will no longer be able to operate next school year. I mean, it’s an effect of the
pandemic that not a lot of people have money to buy, to enroll their students. Worst
case scenario, many will actually lose their jobs. This 10 million that the House says is
possible and Secretary Silvestre Bello says is possible, worst case scenario.

On the Coping Strategies of Unvaccinated Individuals

According to Healthlink (2022), the study have shown that during the COVID-
19 pandemic, many of our routines changed. Maybe You find it harder to manage your
health. It is more important than ever to think about staying active and eating well.
Learn about managing your health during a pandemic. These are the following
strategies and beliefs of Unvaccinated Individuals amidst COVID-19:
Trust in god
The action of the individual is guided by his strength trusting God in times of
disaster; believe he is not God will leave to save him in the time of trouble. It was seen
among those who lost their homes due to the eruption of the volcano Pinatubo and
typhoon Yolanda (Bawagan et al., 2015; Quiambao, 2015), and those who died due to
the force of typhoon Yolanda (ESRC DFID Research Impact, 2018). They did not despair
and their confidence pushed them to get up again and start over. According to Raj
(2017), based on his studies in the range of small fishermen, “spirituality” has two
aspects— the personal relationship with God and the cooperation with others. It is more
visible during disasters.
Aside from individual action, help from to close neighbors or relatives. It is
seen to help of neighbors, on a small scale (Su & Mangada, 2016), for example sharing
food, helping with repairs of houses, adopting boats and putting them in safer area, or
resettlement in more durable housing (CARE International UK Shelter Team, 2016). This
was seen in the rebuilding of the community after the eruption of the Pinatubo volcano
in the Tokwing resettlement area (Quiambao, 2015). Also written by Barrameda and
Barrameda (2011) the importance of bayanihan and damayan in the rise from the series
of disasters in Albay.
Organizational action
Outside of the bayanihan, the actions of the together in an organization,
whether it be a local organization or an association in connection with regional or
national organizations (Reliefweb, 2017). It was seen that community organizing was
strong force to hear the voice of those truly affected and to interact with other
organizations, even if it is private or from the government (Reliefweb, 2017). An
example of this is establishment of People’s Surge, an alliance of various organizations,
organizations, and individuals affected by hurricane Yolanda. The alliance became the
medium of advocacy and campaign for national demand to manage adequate funds
and properly program for the affected citizens (Abis, 2016).

On the Reasons of Unvaccinated Individuals

Day said there are multiple reasons why people might be hesitant to get the
COVID-19 vaccines, but the main concern she hears is that the vaccines were developed
very quickly. Acknowledge their concern and be empathetic. Ask if they’re willing to talk
about their hesitancy and any ways in which you could help.If they’re worried about the
vaccine’s safety, help them understand the facts. “There’s a lot of misinformation
floating around about the vaccines,” Day said. “I try to steer people to legitimate sources
and away from information they may read on social media.”Although they were
developed in record time, the COVID-19 vaccines available for use have gone through all
of the same steps and requirements as every other vaccine, meeting all safety
standards Margaret Day, MD (2022).
According to the article of FUTURE (2022), there is a famous confirmation bias,
which can also twist people's perceptions of the risks of the virus through the ready
availability of misinformation from dubious sources that exaggerate the risks of the
vaccines. This reliance on misleading resources means that people who score highly on
the "calculation" measure of the 5Cs scale – the people who actively look for data – are
often more vaccine hesitant than people who score lower. "If you already think the
vaccination could be risky, then you type in 'is this vaccination dangerous?', then all you
are going find is the information that confirms your prior view," says Betsch. Remember
that these psychological tendencies are extremely common. Even if you have accepted
the vaccine, they have probably influenced your own decision making in many areas of
life. To ignore them, and to assume that the vaccine hesitant are somehow wilfully
ignorant, is itself a foolish stance.

The review of literature and studies compiled in this section provides background
knowledge on the existing literature on the restrictions, coping strategies, and reasons
of unvaccinated individuals. Base on the research results, there are many gap between
the vaccinated and unvaccinated people, there are more advantage of being vaccinated
than being unvaccinated. Furthermore, this research have shown what are the reasons
and coping strategies to accommodate with this new normal way of living. The
literature and study also presented the problems and showing solutions of the
presented problems such like; coping strategies of people to overcome with this matter.
In general, peoples needed to be get vaccinated to overcome the problems of being
unprivileged, think more coping strategies and ask advice to the experts, and follow the
tips of experts.

(Emely Cameron-Blake, 2022)
(Bawagan et al., 2015; Quiambao, 2015) (ESRC DFID Research Impact, 2018) (CARE
International UK Shelter Team, 2016) (Quiambao, 2015) Barrameda (2011) (Reliefweb,
2017) (Abis, 2016)

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