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Design of square Footing

Size of footing b 300 mm
Load on column p 600 KN
Grade of concrete M20 fck 20
Grade of steel Fe 415 415
Safe bearing capacity of soil SBC 180 KN/m2
Factore of safety 1.5

Size of footing
Self weight 10% of column load p/10 60 KN
Total load P 660 KN
Area of footing (total load/SBC) 3.66667 m2
Size of footing (√area) 1.91485 m
Provide size of footing B 2000 mm
Soil reaction for the factored load
qu = 1.5P/B*B 0.225 N/mm2

Depth of footing
Vu = qu*B((B-b)/2-d) = L(M-d)
qu*B = L 450
B-b/2 = M 850
Assuming 0.2% steel, for M20 concrete τc 0.32 N/mm2
Minimum depth required (τc*B*d) = N*d
τc*B = N 640 N/mm2
Depth required 350.917 mm
Depth provided d 360 mm
Provide effective cover 50 mm

Check for Bendings

Mu lim = 0.36fckBXu lim(d-0.42Xu lim)
Xu lim / d 0.48
Mu lim = 0.138fckBd 715.392 N-mm
Mu = qu*B*((B-b) /8) 162.563 N-mm
Mu lim > Mu
Depth provided is sufficient
Check for two way shear
Perimeter of critical section = 4(b+d) 2640 mm
Area of critical section = perimeter * d 950400 mm
Upward pressure in shaded area = qu(B2-P2) 801990
Two way shear = (upward pressure in shaded area/area of critical section) 8.4E-07 N/mm
Maximum shear stress permitted = 0.25√fck 1.11803 N/mm
Depth sufficient for two way shear

Design of reinforcement
Mu = 0.87*fy*Ast*d(1-(Ast/(B*d))*(fy/b))
x = Mu/(0.87*fy*d) 1250.69
y = (1/B*d)*(fy/fck) 34698.8
Ast = (y-√(y -4*x*y)/2 1299.35 mm2
Using 12mm bars 12 mm
Spacing S=((π/4*122)/Ast)*B 174.083 mm
Provide spacing of 170 mm
Provide 12 mm bars at 170 mm c/c at both ways
pt provided = ((π/4*122)/spacing*d)*100 0.1848
τc from table 19 of IS 456 pg. no. 73 0.308 N/mm
vu = qu*B*(((B-b)/2)-d) 220500
τv = Vu/(B*d) 0.30625 N/mm
τv < τc hence OK

Development length
τbd for M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel (1.2*1.6) pg. no. 43 IS 456 1.92
Ld = 0.87*fy*φ/(4*τbd ) 564.141 mm
Provide 575 mm
Provide development length of 575 mm

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