NSCG Assignment 1

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Assignment 1

Network Security and Cryptography

Class: BSCE 6th Session: Spring 2022

(Marks: 10)
CLO: 1
PLO: 1
1. Write, in your own words, a detailed report on what we have studies so far in the first
chapter (minimum: A 2-page report).
In first chapter of our subject network security and cryptography we have some basic concepts
of computer security and network security and we have discussed all the related characteristics
which can be follow to get this security.
1.1: First of all we studied about the computer security concept “Computer security basically is
the protection of computer systems and data from impairment, theft, and unlawful or it is
attain the appropriate protecting the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of
information system resources” there are 2 types of computer security
1. Information security: protect the data from unauthorized access
2. Cybersecurity: protecte computer systems, which communicate to computer networks

1.2: OSI security architecture

The OSI security architecture has a structure explanation of services and structure for supportive
security to the organization’s data. The OSI security architecture targets on security attacks,
structure, and services.
Security attack − Security attack is any act that deal the security of information of an
Security mechanism − It is A process that is design to find and avoid from a security attack.
Security service – It is a communication service that advances the security of the information
processing systems and the information assign of association.

1.3: Security attacks

There are 2 security attacks passive attacks “are the attacks to just learn from the information
from the system and does not harm the information in the system”. Active attacks “the attack
which is done to change system resources or harm their operations ”
1.4: security services
The services of security is categorize in 5 parts
1:Authentication: declares receiver that the message is from the source that it rights to be
from.there are 2 category of authentication
 Peer entity authentication :Used in relation a logical identification to provide sureness
in the identity of the objects connected
 Data-Origin Authentication: In a connectionless transfer, provides guarantee that the
source of received data is as demanded.
2: Access Control: controls who can have access to resource under what state

3: Availability: available to authorized objects for 24/7. 

4: Confidentiality: information is not made available to unauthorized distinct
5: Integrity: assurance of the message that it is not altered

1.5: Security mechanism

It is a set of processes that deal with recovery from security attack. Various mechanisms are
designed to recover from these specific attacks at protocol layers these protocols are discussed
1: Encipherment :
This security mechanism hide and cover the data which helps data to become private
2:Access Control :
This process is used to stop unauthorized access to data which you are sending. It can be done
by various techniques such as applying password,or just by adding PIN to data
3: Notarization :
This security mechanism involves use of trusted third party in communication. It acts as
mediator between sender and receiver so that if any chance of conflict is reduced. This
mediator keeps record of requests made by sender to receiver for later denied
4:Data Integrity :
This security mechanism is used by joining value to data to which is created by data itself.
5: Digital Signature :
This security mechanism is achieved by adding digital data that is not visible to eyes. It is form
of electronic signature which is added by sender which is checked by receiver electronically.
2. Read at least Four (04) of the classic papers cited in Section 1.7 (chapter 1). Papers
can be accessed through scholar.google.com.pk. Compose a 500–1000 word paper that
summarizes the key concepts that emerge from these papers, emphasizing concepts that
are common to most or all of the papers.

Note: Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. You must write you answers to both the questions in
your own words.

CLASS ID: 34740237


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