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Saturday LAS

No human mind can comprehend God. We cannot define God. We cannot provide a

comprehensive account of who he is. But why do we need to understand the magnitude of God's
love? Simply because it changes everything. Literally everything.
• Bible, the Creator's manual
• Pag uurong

1. God's love is everlasting

• No expiry date
• Assurance that nothing can separate you from His love
• Bakit too good to be true? The chief point is that there is only one thing that hinders us from
God, and it is not our sin. It is our self-righteousness. Our self-righteousness does not turn
God from us, but us from God. It is not my sin that moves me away from God, it is my refusal
of grace, both for myself and for others.
• May forever kay Lord. Dapat lang ilaban.

2. God's love is for sinners

• The world of performance-based acceptance
• Why does it seem “too good to be true”? Because Jesus’ narrative of unconditional
acceptance goes against the grain of the performance-based-acceptance narrative that is
so deeply embedded in our lives. How could God possibly love sinners? He might be able to
forgive them and even love
them if they promise to improve. But this is not what Jesus taught. In actions and words he
proclaimed that God loves sinners—as they are, and not as they should be.
• God loves sinners. In what is probably the most famous of all of the verses in the Bible, Jesus
tells us: For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in
him may not perish but may have eternal life. Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world
to condemn the world, but in order that the world might besaved through him. (John 3:16-17)
• This passage has brought comfort to countless people, and is considered by many to be
a summation of the entire Bible. Jesus is explaining the reason for his mission: God loved
the world and wanted to save it. Many people believe that God is mad at them, but for some
reason he has yet to punish them fully. Such people would be more comfortable had Jesus
said, “For God was so mad at the world that he sent his Son to come down and tell them to
shape up, that whosoever would shape up would have eternal life. Indeed, God did send his
Son into the world to condemn it, in order that the world might be saved through good works.”
Jesus does not say that God loved “a few,” or “some” or even “many.” He says God loved the
world. And the world, as we know it, is full of sinners. Therefore, God must love sinners. Jesus
did not say, “For God so loved the good people,
the righteous people, the religious people, that he gave his only Son.” He said God loved the
world—an all-inclusive world of sinners. The apostle Paul echoes this when he writes, “But
God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
God loves in spite of the broken and sinful condition of the beloved, and this is the only real
proof of genuine love. The most well-known of all Jesus’ parables is a story about a father and
his two sons, which resonates with our deep yearning to be loved by God without condition.
• Alam ni Lord na on our own di natin kaya na iavoid ang sin, kaya nga nanjan siya.
• It's only when we realize this truth that we get to be empowered to actually be free from the
yoke sin. Why? Because you're now believing to the One who defeated it 2020 years ago!

3. God's love is great

• Hundredfold kay Lord. His thoughts are always higher than our thoughts.
• God's plan of salvation
• Basketball game
• MVP ka kay Lord
• Kung si Taning nga talo na lumalaban pa, pano pa tayo na victorious na.

4. God's love is constant

• The Lord is the only One who fully sees and knows us, and still loves us completely.
• God always invites us in. Knocking the door, gentleman.
• God’s first question is not, “What do you have to say for yourself, you rotten sinner?” but
rather, “What do you lack? Do you need something?”
• Love responds to our doubts about our worthiness by saying, “You are worthy. You are
because I say you are. You are because of my love for you.” Augustine once wrote, “By loving
us, God makes us lovable.” Our worthiness will never be merited, achieved or earned. It is
given to us as a gift, and a gift can only be received."
• Condemned to convinced

One day we will serve others, but only as a response to God’s love, not motivated by guilt.
Marami tayong labels or definitions sa love (true love, tough love, etc.), but I hope na all of us
would choose the strongest foundation. Simple lang naman. God is love.

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