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A Read the e-mail below and fill in the gaps with verbs in brackets. Use Present
Simple or Present Continuous Tense

Dear Linda,

How ___________ (be) everything? I ___________ (hope) you are well and that you
____________ (have) fun in London on your vacation. I ___________ (be) currently
in Madrid on a business trip and I _____________ (stay) in this amazing 5 stars
hotel. The view from the room ___________ (be) just incredible. The food
___________ (taste) great and I ___________ (try) a new dish everyday. Right now,
as I _____________ (write) this e-mail, I ____________ (think) about all the places
I ____________ (want) to visit while I am here. Today ___________ (be) my day
off so I ____________ (get) dressed and I _____________ (leave) the hotel as soon
as I ____________ (click) button send.

Talk to you soon!

Hugs and kisses! Xo Xo!


B Make questions about the underlined part

1. John is repairing his car.

2. My family visits grandma June every month.
3. I want a new bike for my birthday.
4. She walks home from school every day.
5. My neighbour Gregory likes cats.
C Make positive sentences into negative.

1. Anthony often feels tired. _______________________________________________________________.

2. He is finishing his new book as we speak.
3. They love camping in the woods. ___________________________________________________________.
4. Sandra waters her flowers once a week. __________________________________________________________.
5. We are building a new playground nearby. _______________________________________________________.

D Fill in the gaps with verbs on the right. Use Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense. LOSE
1. Philip and Devon sometimes ______________ football together. LEAVE
2. Patrick and I ________________ at some houses at the moment. PLAY
3. Listen! Someone ________________ on door. Go and see who is it.
4. Their plane _______________ tomorrow at 5pm.
5. People often ______________ their personal belongings in buses or trains. LOOK

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