Sin Venns

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Sin: Definitions, Types, and

• Sin is an intentional turning away from God.
• Sin is making a CHOICE opposed to God’s intention for creation.
• The consequences of sin are very much in this world; they do not
merely influence life after death.
• *** Sin affects our relationships with SELF, GOD, and OTHERS
Individual versus Social
• Personal Sin: is the result of an individual knowingly and willingly doing something that
hurts his/her relationship with God, self, neighbour, or nature.
• Mortal Sin: A grave offense against the law of God. It requires full knowledge and complete
consent. It is an intentional turning away from God.
• Venial Sin: A less serious offense against the law of God. The evil done here is not seriously wrong
or the sinner sincerely believes it is slightly wrong.

• Social Sin: a collective sin; we sin as a society by collectively breaking the covenant with
God. As a group or society we participate in a process or system that harms human
relationships. Everyone in the group, to some degree, shares the responsibility for the
damage caused. (Except, perhaps, those who actively criticize the sinful act)
• Systemic Sin: is that wrongdoing and/or evil that over time has crept into, or more usually been
built into the structures of society.
• Institutional Sin: a harmful or evil act on behalf of a corporation, or other institution, towards a
population or creation.
Social and Personal Categorized
Who does it harm? ins against God, neighbour or
• God: anything that hurts our relationship with God

• Neighbour: anything that hurts our relationship with another person

• Self: anything that hurts our relationship with ourself

Who Does it Harm? Diagram
How is it done? thoughts, word, deed, or
• Thought: sinful thoughts (lust)

• Word: Harmful words (hate speech)

• Deed: Harmful action (polluting)

• Omission: Harm caused by lack of action (ignoring poverty)

How Categories
List of Sins
• Abortion • Bullying • Sweat Shops
• Lying • Cheating • Human Trafficking
• Stealing • Drug Abuse
• Illegally Downloading • Birth Control
music • Pollution
• Adultery • Greed
• Pre-marital Sex • Racism
• Response to Poverty Gossip

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