Lab Exercise No. 2

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General Histology and Embryology

Course Code: DHE1 21



Laboratory Exercise No. 2 - EPITHELIUM

I. Complete the table with drawing

Epithelium Function Microscopic representation
(Draw and identify the tissue)

Simple Squamous
Simple Squamous Epithelium are common
whereas absorption or transport of
materials is important.

Simple Cuboidal
It composed of a single layer of cells that
have a relatively large surface area. The
function of these is the absorption and
secretion of substances like water and salt
in the kidneys and hormones that produced
by glands.
Simple Columnar
It consist of a single layer of tall cells. The
nuclei of the cells form, more or less a
single row. They are generally oval, more
basal than apical in location, and their long
axes lie parallel to those of the cells.

These are tissues formed by a single layer
of cells that gives appearance of being
made from multiple layers, especially when
seen in cross section.

Stratified Squamous
The main function of stratified squamous
epithelium is Protection, this specific role is
to reflected in the direct influence of the
type of physical stresses on the degree and
nature of the stratication
Stratified Cuboidal
It serves as a protectiove tissue, Cuboidal
cells are the epithelial cells with a cuboid
shape with approximately the same height
and width.

Stratified Columnar
Consist of at least two layers of columnar
cells although sometimes the cells of the
deeper layers are cuboidal. It lines the
large ducts of some glands.

It lines the urinary passages and the
urinary bladder. The epithelium changes
its shape in response to either stretching,
as a result of fluid accumulation, or
contraction during voiding of urine.

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