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Listening Practice 1.Verb to be.

1. Where is he from?
a. The east coast b. The west coast c. The south coast
2. How old is he?
a. 45 b. 46 c. 47
3. Where is she from?
a. Edinburgh b. Aberdeen c. Glasgow
4. Who is a teacher?
a. Her mom b. Her dad c. Her aunt
Listening practice 2.Likes and Dislikes
1. What is purple?
a. Her clothes b. Her hair c. Her car
2. What does she like on her pizza?
a. salami b. pepperoni c. pineapple
3. What does she like about winter?
a. The clothes b. The food c. The snow
4. What does she say about tennis?
a. She plays everyday b. She hates it. c. She takes lessons
5. What kind of movie does she like?
a. Dramas b. Comedies c. Horror
Point 1: You can ask about likes with the
following pattern: What (….) do you like?
1. What movies do you like?
2. What sports do you like?
3. What foods do you like?
4. What desserts do you like?
Point 2: You can express likes with the following
pattern. I like (………..)

1. I like action movies.

2. I like soccer.
3. I like pizza.
4. I like ice cream.
Point 3: For Yes/No questions, we use the pattern
below. Do you like (………)?
1. Do you like pizza?
2. Do you like baseball?
3. Do you like video games?
4. Do you like coffee?
Point 4: You can answer a Yes/ No question in
the following ways.

1. Yes, I do.
2. Of course.
3. No, I don’t.
4. Not really.
Listening Practice 3. Basic verbs
1. What does she put on her toast?
a. Jam b. Butter c. Veggi Mite
2. What does he do on Satruday?
a. Vacuum b. Wash his car c. Wash his clothes
3. What does she do on the Sunday night?
a. Read a book b. Go the gym c. Listen to music
4. What is his favorite show about?
a. Money b. sport c. People in New York
5. When does she go to bed?
a. 8 b. 9 c. 12

Listening practice 4. Colours

1. What does he say is blue?
a. The sky b. The ocean c. Bluebarries.
2. What does he say is green?
a. Grass b. Cabbage c. Asparagus
3. What does she say is yellow?
a. The sun b. Lemons c. Sunflowers
4. What does she say is white?
a. The clouds b. Ice cream c. Snow
5. What does she say is pink?
a. Her shirt b. Flowers c. Candy

Listening practice 5. Hometown

1. Is his city clean?
a. Yes b. Usually c. No
2. Is his city dangerous?
a. Yes, very dangerous b. No, not really c. No, it is very safe.
3. Is his city expensive?
a. Yes, very expensive b. In some places c. No, not at all
4. What is expensive about her city?
a. The food b. The parking c. Nothing
5. What is interesting about her city?
a. The nature b. The food c. The weather
Listening practice 6. Days of the week
1. On what day is she busy?
a. Tuesday b. Wednesday c. Thursday
2. What day does he go shopping?
a. Friday b. Saturday c. Sunday
3. What does she do on Sunday?
a. Eat with friends b. Go to the gym c. Stay home all day
4. What days does he work?
a. Monday b. Wednesday c. Friday
5. What does she do in her free time?
a. Study language b. Go to the gym c. Surf the net

Point 1: Spell names of the week with a capital letter

Monday / on Monday
Tuesday / on Tuesday
Wednesday / on Wednesday
Thursday / on Thursday
Friday / on Friday
Saturday / on Saturday

Point 2: We use different prepositions for some parts of

the day, either in or at
Morning / in the morning Afternoon / in the afternoon
Evening / in the evening
Noon / at noon Night / at night
Midnight / at midnight

Point 3: The weekend is Saturday and Sunday, and the

Weekdays are Monday to Friday.
Weekend | on the weekend
Weekday | on a weekday
Weekdays | during the weekdays.

Listening practice 7 Nationalities, Languages, and Countries

1) How many languages does she speak? 
 a) Two  b) Three c) Four
2) What is similar about French and English?
a) Spelling of words b) Pronunciation of words c) Word stress
3) What does she teach him to say in Yoruba? 
 a) How are you?  b) Thank you. c) Good bye.
4) What language does she want to learn?  
a) Thai b) Mandarin c) Russian
5) What language does he want to learn? 
 a) Thai b) Spanish c) Russian

Languages, Nationalities and Countries

Point 1: The names of countries, languages, and people

from a country begin with a capital letter.
I am from Germany.
He can speak French.
I love Thai food.
Point 2: The adjective form of a country can be used to
describe people, languages, and items.

People speak Spanish in Spain.

She is Italian, but does not speak Italian.
We bought a Japanese car in Japan.

Point 3: There are some patterns in English for

nationalities but there are many exceptions. It is best to
just remember them case-by-case.
Country Nationality
Japan Japanese
Thailand Thai
China Chinese
Korea Korean
Sweden Swedish
Germany German
Poland Polish
Italy Italian
France French
Spain Spanish
Mexico Mexican
Colombia Colombian
Canada Canadian
Brazil Brazilian

Listening practice 8 Basic Sentence Patterns

1) When does she get out of bed? 
a) Before six b) Before seven c) Before eight
2) What does she do in the morning in bed? 
a) Read books b) Check her phone c) Go back to sleep
3) What does she like to eat in the morning? 
 a) eggs b) toastc) cereal
4) What does she drink in the morning? 
 a) tea b) coffee c) hot chocolate
5) What does she do in the evening? 
 a) do yoga  b) watch TV c) wear pajamas
Sentence Patterns
Point 1: A common sentence pattern in English is S.V.O
which means subject, verb, object.

He has a nice car.

My town has a big park.
She does not eat meat.
They play tennis once a week.
Point 2: WH questions usually follow this pattern:
WH + Auxiliary + S + O + ?

When do you study?

What do you do at your job?
Where did you buy that shirt?

Point 3: Yes / No questions use the same pattern without

the WH word: Auxiliary + S + O + ?
Do you like sushi?
Does this machines need batteries?
Do you get much snow in your town?
Did Bob buy lunch?

Point 4: Yes / No questions often have short form answers.

Do you play tennis?

Yes, I do.
And you?
No, I don't

Listening practice 9 Subject Pronouns

Two people try to guess some famous people.
Answer the following questions about the interview.
1) Who is the first person?
 a) A singer  b) An athlete  c) An acress
2) Who is the second person?
  a) A singer  b) An athlete  c) An actor
3) Who is the third person? 
 a) A singer  b) An athlete  c) An actor
4) Who does she talk about first? 
a) A model b) A rapper  c) A singer
5) Who famous man does she talk about? 
 a) An American  b) A Jamaican c) An Australian

Listening Practice 10 Object Pronouns

Two people discuss how often they meet their family.
Answer the following questions about the interview.
1) How often does he see his family?
 a) Every year  b) Twice a year c) Once every two years
2) Where does he usually meet them?
a) America  `b) Japan c) Both places
3) Who does he meet? 
a) His sister b) His mother c) His brother
4) Who does she meet? 
a) Her father  b) Her brother c) Her sister
5) What does she use to contact family? 
a) Skype b) Twitter  c) Facebook
Grammar Object Pronouns
Point 1: Subject pronouns take the place of a person or noun.

I love music. It makes me happy.

You are here. I did not see you.
Did you see Sue? I just saw her.
Where is Tony? Did you see him?
I like your jacket. Where did you buy it?
My students are funny. I like them so much.
These shoes are dirty. I need to clean them.
We will leave soon. Give us a call tomorrow.

Point 2: The first person object pronoun (me, us) refers to the
speaker. It can be singular (S) or plural (P).

(S) Tell me a story.

(S) My teacher makes me laugh.
(P) They help us a lot.
(P) Did you see us on TV?

Point 3: The second person object pronoun (you) refers to the

listener. It can be singular (S) or plural (P).
just remember them case-by-case.
(S) I like you.
(S) I will call you later.
(P) I like you (guys).
(P) I will call you (all) later.

Point 4: The third person subject pronoun (him, her, it, them)
refers a person, people, thing or things.

I like Bob. I see him every day.

I also like Sue. I often see her at the gym.
Bob and Sue eat out often. I join them sometimes.
They have a horse. They let me ride it.
They have two cars. They never use them.

Listening Practice 11 Demonstrative Pronouns

Two people talk about some clothes and their watches.
Answer the following questions about the interview.
1) How many shirts does she have of the same top?
 a) three b) five  c) seven
2) What clothing items does she discuss? 
a) shoes  b) socks  c) a jacket
3) How much were the pants? 
 a) 40 dollars  b) 50 dollars  c) 80 dollars
4) Where did she buy the pants? 
a) London  b) San Francisco  c) Online
Learn vocabulary from the lesson!
Demonstrative Pronouns
Point 1: Use this and that for singular nouns. This refers to
objects closer to the speaker.

I like this shirt. (close to speaker)

I don't like that shirt. (away from speaker)
Look at that car! (away from speaker)
This bike is nice! (close to speaker)

Point 2: Use these and those for plural nouns. This refers to
objects closer to the speaker.

These jeans are too tight!

Try those jeans.
Are these your books?
No, those books over there are my books.

Point 3: Speakers sometimes do not mention the noun if the

object is clear.

Do you like this shirt?
Do you like this? (Holding shirt)
What are these items?
What are these?

Point 4: After using demonstratives, we often use pronouns

(subject/object) to reference them.
Do you like these?
Yes, I like them. They are cool.
What is this?
It's a coffee maker. I use it a lot.

Listening practice 12 Adverbs of Intensity

Answer the following questions about the interview.
1) What is expensive in Japan? 
 a) cars b) taxis  c) food
2) What is cheap in the UK? 
 a) food  b) taxis c) food
3) What is difficult in Japan? 
 a) eating b) meeting people  c) reading characters
4) She says the roads are _____ in Thailand. 
a) busy b) dangerous c) fun
5) The trains in Japan and Thailand are _____ . 
 a) busy  b) cheap  c) on time
Grammar Adjectives and Adverbs of Intensity
Point 1: Use adjectives after a BE verb to describe things.

My dad is funny.
My sister is smart.
The movie was interesting.
The food is delicious.

Point 2: Use adjectives before nouns to describe things.

I have a big house.

He is a funny guy.
She is a good cook.
He is a lazy student.

Point 3:Use words like very, really, and so to add intensity.

The test is so hard.
She is very nice.
The lake is really beatiful.
The movie is really long!

Point 4: Use not before the adjective and after the BE verb for
negative statements.
He is not nice.
His house is not very big.
She is not free today.
They are not happy with their jobs.
Listening Practice 13 Months and Time Prepositions
Months and Holidays
Meg and Todd talk about American holidays.
Answer the following questions about the interview.
1) When is Valentine's Day? 
a) January b) February c) March
2) When is Saint Patrick's Day? 
 a) March  b) April c) May
3) When is Independence Day in America? 
a) May  b) June  c) July
4) What day is popular in May? 
 a) May Day b) Cinco de Mayo c) Thanksgiving
4) When is Labor Day? 
 a) May b) September c) November
Months / Times of the Year
Point 1: There are twelve months in the year.


Point 2: Always start months with a capital letter.

I love October.
May is very cool.
I leave in June.
See you in August.

Point 3: Use the preposition 'in' for months and seasons.

I will be back in June.

See you in July.
I have a vacation in December.
My birthday is in October.

Point 4: There are four seasons in most English speaking countries.

Listening Practice 14. Ordinals
Answer the following questions about the interview.
1) What does she teach first period? 
a) Math b) Science  c) English
2) What does she teach second period? 
a) Japanese  French c) English
3) What does she teach Third period? 
 a) art b) history c) language
4) What does she teach fourth period? 
a) physics  b) biology c) chemistry
5) What does she coach fifth period? 
a) running b) swimming c) gymnastics

Point 1: Ordinals are numbers that show the order things
appear or occur.
Second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eight ninth tenth

Point 2: Most ordinals are just the number + th

20th | twentieth
30th | thirthieth
40th | fortieth
50th | fiftieth

Point 3: The numbers 1 - 3 have special ordinals.

1 | first
2 | second
3 | third
21 | twenty-first
33 | thirty-third
82 | eighty-second

Point 4: The numbers 11 and 12 have specials spellings that

do not follow the normal rule.
11 | eleventh
12 | twelth
111 | one hundred and eleventh
512 | five hundred and twelfth

Point 5: Numbers that end in -y change to -ieth.

20th | twentieth
30th | thirthieth
40th | fortieth
50th | fiftieth

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