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Data validation:

After entering the data into SPSS (after encoding and

decoding process) it is required perform data validation
before going to test your hypotheses and going for
decision making and forecast. This validation consist of
three steps:
1-Reliability test
2-Randomness test
3-Normality test
1-Reliability test:
This test is required when we are dealing with the
unobserved variables. In this case we have asked
multiple questions to assess single variable. We have to
verify the cross validation among the information
appeared in all those questions who are related to each
other i.e. used for the same variable.
This is examined using reliability analysis or Cronbach’s
In SPSS this can be done using the path
Analyze Scale Reliability analysis
The minimum value of Cronbach’s alpha to consider a
group of questions (called items) reliable or crossly
validate with each other is 0.5 or above.
For Example:
When we applied this examination on trustworthiness
we got:

This shows we have 2 questions (items) {T1 & T2} for

trustworthiness and the information or responses in both
the items are enough crossly validated or reliable
(Cronbach’s alpha > 0.5) with each other.
For Example:
When we applied this examination on Experties we got:

This shows we have 3 questions (items) {E1, E2 & E5} for

Expertise and the information or responses in all the
items are not enough crossly validated or unreliable
(Cronbach’s alpha < 0.5) with each other.
In this case we have to identify and remove the outlier
item from this group which is making this variable
For this purpose we have to go again to
Analyze Scale Reliability analysis
And press “Statistics” button and mark check on “Scale if
item deleted” option.
The item total statistics table shows that E5 is outlier i.e.
the responses in E5 are not crossly validated with other
two items i.e. E1 and E2. Therefore, E5 is to be
eliminated from Expertise and it will consist of only two
variables E1 and E2. Now the expertise reliability will
become without E5.

For Example:
When we applied this examination on Attractiveness we

This shows we have 2 questions (items) {A1 & A2} for

Attractiveness and the information or responses in all the
items are not enough crossly validated or unreliable
(Cronbach’s alpha < 0.5) with each other.
In this case we have to identify and remove the outlier
item from this group which is making this variable
For this purpose we have to go again to
Analyze Scale Reliability analysis
And press “Statistics” button and mark check on “Scale if
item deleted” option.

As we can’t remove any outlier as we have fewer number

of items so cannot use this variable for hypotheses
testing and we have to go for data collection again.
After endorsing reliability it is required to transform the
required variable from the items verified for internal
Trustworthiness = (T1+T2)/2
Expertise = (E1+E2)/2
Information_Adoption = (IA1+IA2+IA3)/3
Purchase_Intension = (P1+P2+P3+P4)/4
In SPSS this can be done using “Transform menu”
Transform Compute Variable
2- Randomness:
In statistics the word “randomness” refer the
“representation”. In research if a variable found random
that means its interpretation will be done on general
basis. In SPSS it can be checked from:
Analyze nonparametric tests Legacy
dialog Runs

This is to be done on transformed / newly constructed

If Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) > 0.05 call your variable random
and report it generally.
And If Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05 call your variable non-
random and report it specifically.

As all the sig. values are < 0.05 therefore the findings will
be reported specifically in the domain or the topic.
For Example (As the data was taken for the beauty
Trustworthiness of the beauty products depends on the
advertisement contents and the celerity appearance
Expertise effect of the beauty products depends on the
experts opinion of the experts appear in the videos
Let suppose the sig. value of Information Adoption
appeared 0.198 > 0.05 (So report will be generalized)
The Information Adoption for ay product depends on the
content of the advertisement of that specific product.

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