Ebook Paul G. Hewitt Conceptual Physics 11th Edition Mechanics

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rable: fn Soh Mxrtinne: Pal Hew md reject Editors Chanda Madhanan ‘Darenout Pablo. nc. lieral Acne, Cd Tr “eat Design: Ely Frick Hi Sacer Pabihing Series Executive Matting Manages Sons Dutan Cover Designer St Ong Mameging Edler Corinne Bora [eles Loge Designer Eze Brown Predation Supervan Mary O'Connll Image Perminion Coordinater Ene Sous Mamalataing Bayer J Seat (Cover Piece: Lehigh Poca Calapan Phoww Rewarcher Dovid Chaver ‘Tat Pinter Wafers, I reduction Service and Campos: Po psine (Cover Phate Credit Intrntiol Space Sain (8), Tabla Aleratnes 'NASA/Naconl Acasa Space Adin Project Manage: Sis Reber Libeay of Congress Cataloging in Mebliation Date Heit, Pal G Concept phi / writen dike by Pal. Hewie—I10h gent lected ide, ¥-13, 978.0821 568000 ISBN-10; 0821-56809 5 1 Phi Tide C232 ass 2010 S302 2409 Copyright © 2010 Pal G. Hew, 300 Beach Drie NE, 1108S. Rerbarg, FL33701- Alleges mred: Manan the Une Sates of Americ. Th publicon i protected by Copyright and perminon shoul be obained fm the publaher ‘ot te any prohibed reproduction, storage ia teva ten ot usin an orm o by at teas eto Inecbineal thowmopyog.onling of lnewnc To cba permason() to we mac fom tha wack. lene weet 3 writen ‘requst wo eon Edtcation Inc, Pemisions Deparment, 1900 E Lake Sve lenew IL 60025, Fe information gels ‘permis ll 47) 486-2635. Many of the designations wil by munufcar and le 0 dining shee prac ate aimed aes Whee thet deigstions appear in thi book, and che publaer on amare fa adem chim, the deigatoe hrve ben pried fe tiles or alles aig 0321-56805 [eae ISBN 15-dig 978-0321 568090 [Sdn] ISBN 10-dpx 0 321-66263-6 [seater ISBN 1 ge 978-0-321-66268-7 Hrscrace) IN 0-dige0-18-157543-0 [High School 13g 9780-1 1575853 [igh School inca PEARSON rompeanenigherdcon 123456 9 10-WBC—14 15 12 1110.09 * ToLillian Lee Hewitt, Kenneth W. Ford, and the memory of Ernie Brown This page intentionally left blank is many hora ‘eth thre people to whom this edition is mentor Ken Ford my wife Lilian, and tay tog Rend Emi Bove Apna pati of Ken, former CEO ofthe Amara nett of Py, ‘opens Chapter 20 and indian his paso forging Koss other pusion. teaching with Germantown Acad my higvachol student in Pennine shown age 620. Llane own on gel and vrioue ater {Photo sated hroughow th bok. She hol our ol {nfl pet cone, Smee. on pge 478. Eric Brown, Cancepeul Phys og dnt ature the photo opener to Chute with aon bene in Appin ‘Tague D7 Sadly. Ended in 2008 athe ge of 82. “The Fie Eaton of Coerpnel Pal Scene was ediced © remurel Cate Spiegel shown on page ‘62. Altough Chui pad aay 1996, is penal ‘onder over or bok. Tat opener phon ro ai and ends. The book ‘npn on pas thom grea nephow Evan Schock (pronounved Swhock-ee with sen) holding pet chick while sting on my ap. Part Onc om page 17 ‘ny Hava fend Chis Man Wits daughter Andes, tc she was our yas dpa on pugs 120 and 461), Chia Man on page 301 Tart Toon pug 195 an Eggpin fouryea oll, Nour Tak Diab ee of cad Nona E Taw Nasa on page 398). Then fom Tal, Pre The open on page 267 with four-year oi Franco Ming Govannuzn pando offen Keith and Ting Bar, Keth wok evel his books pho {0 ncding Taig on page 228 at Four, pag 26, wy sms Ande Neri, a rE 38 ‘ny gnddaupher Mega. daughter of Leica Bob ‘Acar. Pare Sx page 455, Lilacs nepe, Johan Le. Par Seven, pe 965, i Lila’ cousins, Sharon Yee and Loli Chew My andar Grae Hew begin Tare igh on page 619. “fo eebate this Eleventh Edition, chapeer-opning photography are of teacher fiends and. colleagues {nowy in thir das demonsting physics tp {Sof the chapter mater Thee nan fo Bums {oat here, appeat with hci poses iy College of Sun Franco fends and oleagucs open Chaput 2.3, 13,2126. 32 and 38. On page 92 sre oe Wal Mayocs rch the sr tack he dein and bri and again burning peanut om page 299, Diana Linger Markham, physics department chatpetion, is shown om page 75, ‘yak rac ends from oer eles an iver sis include emerius University of Hawait Wale Sige [pled in Chapecr 30, and again shown on page S88 Mary Beth Monroe demonstrates torque on page 129, Resid physics instructor Evan Jones in adtion o open {ng Chapter 30, shows dhe promin of LED light bull on a "Chuck See shown an energy tap on page 174. who opens Chapter 28 fouce pes 00 pope 3ts fbn Hk wks opm Chay 12 opens ‘he entropy photo on page 327. ‘Physics teacher fiends fom high schools include ‘Chicago’ finest, Marshall Ellnstcin now retired, who swings the watcrfiled bucket on page 136 and walks Kasetot on broken lam on page 244, His pre began (Chapect 29. Maral» longs coneributr to his book ‘has produced she DVDs of may lectures, i San Francisco (Conceptual Phys Alize The Sen Francine Ver) and in Hawai (Conepnal Pic Alive) He presen ei {ng 1982 casooe footage saved frm CCSF archives by Uibrarian Judith Bergman. Other teaches fom Minos are ‘Aan Brandon, page 250, and Tom Senior, page 378 ‘Dean Baird, author of Conpual Plc and Compra Phycal Science lib manuals is shown and probed in (Chapeer 17. Tami ns begin wih teaching pho on page 72 fw Pal and his dager Gace On page 7 {other pots ha Hak ouching to Newton ed ee tmp be Seve wth his daghnesGrchen a thet oF (fri Coss Rc. Sew sn Ti ton pe ha lla dg Seana 3p son Pali guin shown om pon 287 an 319, Daher iniow Lod Howie holds coned Rods on page SED The edeating gil foge 202 try deep Lass Alc tionince creche fo ‘Pipa Se extn Tis colored poof ie tar teen trademark of Compna Ph ince the ‘hid Eton. Aimae cen poof he with band Mab ison pope 496 Thar cde, Maga ed Ens Alogi on Pol don make wp the clr of iphoto on page 477. Gandaughct Emily bon poge San and at menionl: Mean on ape 3. Phowe of ty aon Jes ao pages 14,371 and 503. He {Be ny fie grand. Mavuel seen on page 219 and 360, Masuchs gcinors, my wie Mills who poured day 200, brary ole he and above he ate ~w AME PHOTO ALUM, re ooher on page 257. Bethe Deve (3, 0ot 6 fet and biel Betts deinenrameomanlerc past Sure on page 231, Theirson Deve bon pge 418. and fgandion Joba Ferry Hewitt i on page 299. Soncr SaoreHenaeSuchaki an author ener the- slogan ot Charmer Schoel of Theology Mesa ‘efection on page AED. March vn, Joke Sechoc, cana Cem nin fare ted cheminuy corathor ef the Compend Piped ‘Swe etooks was aly ase ou on page 3a0 (or erphais, Dav Willey dos the ve on age 310) aeaed nephew John is eon vocals end pine iknown arf Andrew nhs poplar CDs, se wth it spur on pepe 35 aod 405, The pony lealag © nic on pe 375 apr f Jo a cys wedding pty, to et orig, at Buch Ort. ice Cathy Cares on paps 120, brie and pom, nee ous Lea (on pape 33h dct Bajos, Tacys paras ‘Shame and Dvd Hopwoed,tenchen KlicDipel aed Mask Wore ad hows of Lilla amy inde her mom, Shu Bik Le, ho demerits power on page 295, and her Por the Kin tine, olin ood-mumboed Exes a Poti (and now Rank lng are tthe ed ofthe boo for eee vo hrc, Mere challenging protles ict pmecaed nthe weond dion of th anciary Book, Polo Sees Cor peal Place In addon to thee sweeping changes, updates ach 2 wing ying ate in Cloet4 he Let on ene snanes and power production ot laced in {Chyecr 7 and ie facinating al Whee in Sed eet nthe psc, im Cheer 12, Wives and vibrations in Chaps 12-2 have been te wih ctrl cv tac open chao ot Ean and icmp foc diigo i TOTHE INSTRUCTOR vou fee rorpept tnt _lesrepererenceteratree Sects Se Seana een epiiree eeeemettts SS Sos Soe eeacromes Eee eoe SSS Soee ove SSeS SSeS See Spo eeae Sacer encase See Spee aaa Sooo Lyons, Will Maynez, Eric Muller, Fred Myers, Milo Patterson, Jay Pasachoff, Diane aici Se Seite ees Soe Sec eiorsiees Sole e ieee eee ee eee ee Poe eeeebesenn SESS eres Sees ea eee Seen See iS soteriscaeceenireee = Jim Smith. A note of appreciation is de Clute Masson for the cyberspace compo- ‘nents that go back several editions. thank David Vasque, my dea fiend of my yeas, and Suranne Lyons for cei insight ueorials. Ad I thank Sylvia Rebere {nd the production folks a Proresive Publishing Alternatives for their patience ‘with my last-minute changes. ve been blessed with fist-rate team! Paul G. Howie Se Poenburg Fond ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Wow Great Uncle Paull Before this chickie exhaust: ‘ed ts inner space resources and poked out of ts shel it must have thought it was atts last moments But what seemed like its end was a new beginning. Are we ike chickies. ready to poke through to a new environment and a new under: standing of our place in the universe? Geek matbematcisn Ertsthene of Cyne He wa iclaamed “bt” by hi jged bien second bes is eather, phesopy alts and aarow ook secon priaesin 1 ofthe ety Utara a the wrorkls then greats vary, dhe Monaco, in Fggpt founded by Prolcny Il Soe: Erontcnes wa sophia scenic, and literary matters. is among bis comemporsie wat immermc—Archimedes td abook thm, Aca mathematician, he in 3 metho fr finding pine umber. Ata geogapher, he tmeatued thet of Eats ais with peat aceurcy and thet book o ge geography a mathe o wet Earth a pode dived by a into Fig temperate an od i ineratare were pre data ‘weeks of Gr mes contaiecdIundands of the Papyrus and vellum scrolls. Bu this hums saat oppeeia ted with cheidhed bei the Mouse cher. Threatened by is heteic,” the re destroyed the ulprits—who were lik fide by the cenainy of th truths. Being absolucly ce having ‘much of the destruction, human and oherwise, in the cent that follomed. Eraosthence did sit winner the destruction of his feat brary. fore occured afer iste Today Eratowhencs is most remembered for amazing calculation of Earths sae, with remarkable sccray (neo thousand year ago with oo computers ped licking gos 2) bth chap jou al cx ipl me ‘=e how he accomplished hic 2 cHarrent agourscience false ndtbecawen chat ference ao ogog Farman actty at epee the ‘Shee etors framgs ane Sem ofthermanrace ans fratwsnaceastgtierng Krome about he word and frgareny andconden angi mo {clablelaandtheone Soe Neate tegemings ete red Pitan where ti daco Sesitgurs andre ‘hata uc ar patra theg iy andweser peneahen hey aon iredor nen he doe iceoe om ase Ur eopeesmeg tomate pre Fenethat gether some ort bythe regs ‘Scencemace res heady n occ heathond paces Sed read hruglou he Sternean word scertfc ‘Sracr come toanes takin user when the Roman roe {etme certo drbaran Fenaes iste art ery {Singinthepataathey oan Eure Reson ge way Sunwhchwhered mat came {hewn asthe urcages Dur Ina stine he chnese redo Teatnepnes tnd sora ific Measurements easurements area hallmark of god science. How much you know abou ing soften rclated ro how well you can mescute The wat well ‘put by the famous physicist Loed Kelvin i the 19th century “loft say that ‘hen you can menue vomething and express iia numbers, you know womnching shout it When you cannot measure i, when you cannot expres iin aumbers, your knowledge sof a meager and unsatisfactory kind. It may be the beginning ‘of knowledge. but you have scarcely in your thoughts advanced tothe stage af science whatever it maybe.” Scientific measurement are not something new but fe buck eo ancient mes. I the Sed century 8. for example fail accurate meat ‘remem were made of the sizes of Earth, Bleon, nd Su, aswell ay of the Aicances between them HOW ERATOSTHENES MEASURED THE SIZE OF EARTH ‘Thesia of Earth was ist measured in Egypt by Exatonhenes about 295 9. He cl- stated the circumference of Earth in the fllowing way. Fe know that the Sais highest in the sky 2¢ oon on June 22, the summer solstice. At this time, a vertical stick east its shortest shadow Ifthe Sun is directly overhead, avril stick casts ‘no shadow ac al, which occurs a the summer slice im Syene, a city south of ‘Alexandei (where the Aswan Dam stands today). Eratosthenes leaned chat the ‘Sun wa icc vera at che wimmer solic in Sene fom itary information, {ay were extended into Earth at dis pot, they would pase dough the center Likewise avert line extended into Earth at Alexandria (ot anywhere ds) would sh pa dhough Eat ‘AC noo om une 22, Exatosthenes meanuted dhe shadow cast by a vertical pillar {in Alecandia and found it co be 18 the eight of he par (Figure 1.1) This cor- responds 10 7.1" angle berwen she Suns ays and the veri lla. Since 7.1 is 7.17860 shout 1/30 of aire, Eratonthenerresored dhe the tance Between ‘Alexandra and Syene must be 1/50 the circumference of Earth. Thu the ecu ference of Earth becomes 50 vimes the distance beeen these ro citi. This di ‘tance, quite fat and frequendy traveled, was measured by surveyors to be about nie ‘When the San nly veel at Syren ot diel nthe in Alcan, 800 im north, When the Suns ry shine rely dow a ert wel in Sen hy ast ‘fekerofs rere plain Antbirds t clne ceed othe ‘otf ath, acy ae the smc ang that he Stare mk with de pla at ‘Andis Eartha mete he ange be 1/90 of comple cee. Thee. the dance econ Aandi and Spent 1/90 Earths cameron CHAPTER ABOUTSCIENCE 3 5000 saa (800 kilometer). So Erarothenes eakulated Earths circumference to ‘be 50 x $000 stadia = 280,000 sai. Thisis very closet dhe currently accepted ‘ale of Earths cicumforence ‘Weeger the same result by bypasing degrees akogther and comparing the ngth cof the shadow cast by the ilar tothe height ofthe pla. Geometial reasoning ‘shows, wa clase approximation, tht the ato shadow enol ih ste sume tthe ratio diane bere Alcona and SeneEardhi radia. So us athe plat {times greater shan it shadow, the radius OF Earth mast be mes rater chan the diacince between Alcrndri and Syene. ‘Since the circumference ofa ice Is 2 times its eadius (C ~ 20). Earths ais is simply its ccurference divided by 2 In modern wos, Eads radia is (6370 Kilometers and ies citcmference is 40,000 kan. SIZE OF THE MOON. Acisarchus was perhaps che fst suggest that Earth spins on a daily axis, which ‘accounted forthe daly motion of the stars. He also hypochesied that Earth ‘moves around the Sun ina yearly orbicand thatthe other planets do likewise. [He correctly measured the Moon's diameter and its dance from Earth. He did allthis in about 240 ac, seventeen centuries before hit findings became fally “Arisarchus compare the sa ofthe Moon withthe sae of Earth hy watching an clipe ofthe Moon, Earth, like any body in alight, cae 4 shadow, An elie of the Moon it simply the event therein the Moon pastes into tht shadow. ‘Avistarchuscareflly suid this vent ad found that dhe wide of Earth shadow ‘out atthe Moon was 2.5 Moon diameters. This would scem to indicate that the ‘Moon's diameters 25 times smaller than Earths. Bu because ofthe huge size of ‘the Sun, Earths shadow tapes. as evidence during a solar eclipse. (Faure 12 shows this im exaggerated seal) At that ime, Earth intercepts the Moons 2 Sitar’ rit Z / \, a arta 625 tines aR ae oa siete = tates tem ob < \ ee Me ome er a "een i of ec ene, iy ce aang eed et erupt the et Er cst er. Mow inert. th Mes (ham reece ec ah Mn de py cd arth Hee Mon dc nat Se car ph show Ea, sad a tr ilo rath hu Son ‘Therma the igre plans nan dca wl rn iy es ep ashe mame pes gy er nme ac the ape In aung yc eoe ouemmmeheNom et b ro set ns cs he cn dng een: hy abe ae Eleni += Theyeh century Posh astoromer Malu Cope csted greae Cnetoversy we he pulsed a took poping that he Sunt Anaryandtha Earth veh ‘Poundtnesun Tse con- ‘iced wth the popular vew at ‘ere They io cored th (Chen teacrgsand were med {oraoo years Tetalon poss Gato Eaermas res orpor- ‘Garang te cpemcan ay ‘brown te acer ae, hetdease Copernic aries ‘nee gener crpted “Totndot qui happens age ater age meet io gee its et rth cle! cova nbc they tered (Genet acount cloeaton Later \rthesame century gee was ‘eepted bttheore ef ewiion ‘te condemned and ne teaching ‘ttnem waroriaen tery age aor grupo be peace arto. safaris bat ‘tole ser harmless and en ‘Shentaltenedieaton ous ‘citar A Count acter eel ae Aten cesiayon ‘ee ict jenive spr s oppose en apetnedts Sundihepat ‘Daring lunar cp, Ear ‘hat nerve be 25 tines trie the Mec dame Because (ah Saag ae, arth shadow ‘muse aper The amoust of perc ale ing pe were 4 cnarters apour science shadow—bur us barely. The Moons shadow taper almox o a point at Earths surface, evidence thatthe taper ofthe Moon's shadow at this distance is | Moon iam So during a hunar eclipse Earths shadow; covering the same distance, must tse caper 1 Moon diameter. Taking the eapering of the Suns rays int account, Earth diameter must be (25 + 1) timer the Moons diameter. In thit way, Aristarchus showed thatthe Moons diameters 13.5 tht of Earths The presently accepted diameter ofthe Moon is 3640 kim, within 54% ofthe value calculated by ‘Aitarchas, oe Moon's rit ee (to salto see) (Coc sae ofan lana lps which shown why cigs ae (Tey te crore beth Mame sbi sd deat 5 ws te pl of Erbe se or DISTANCE To THE MOON “Tape a small oi, such 3 dime, eo a window and view i with ne eye that it jst blocks out the fll Moon. This occurs when your eye is about 110 coin diame tery away Then the ratio of cin dlametervin tance about 1/110, Geometrical ‘reasoning of similar tangles shows this sas the ratio of Moon damete/Mown i= ‘tance (Figure 1.4). So the distance to the Moon is 110 tis the Moon’ diameter. “The cay Grecks knew this Arsarchuss measurement of the Moons diameter was allshar was needed vo calculate the Earth-Moon dance. So th carly Grcks know both the sine of dhe Moon and i distance fom Earth Coin diameter _ Moon diameter 1 Coin aitance ” oor atance ” 10 reure ne [An ccc neti: When he oi barely “tp” he Moon the the mere of he ‘lum w the dance ernen you andthe coin equal othe Gamers ofthe Moon othe shen een yma an rab) Mer ea vito Wich this information, Aritarchus made » mesnuroment of the Earth-Son DISTANCE TO TH! IF you were to sepeat the coin-onthe-window-and-Moon exccie forthe Sun (hich would be dangerous odo because ofthe Sun's brightness), guess what: The ratio Su dimer diane also UNO. Thins Bsa the sn of ch Sun sd 4 cnarters apour science shadow—bur us barely. The Moons shadow taper almox o a point at Earths surface, evidence thatthe taper ofthe Moon's shadow at this distance is | Moon iam So during a hunar eclipse Earths shadow; covering the same distance, must tse caper 1 Moon diameter. Taking the eapering of the Suns rays int account, Earth diameter must be (25 + 1) timer the Moons diameter. In thit way, Aristarchus showed thatthe Moons diameters 13.5 tht of Earths The presently accepted diameter ofthe Moon is 3640 kim, within 54% ofthe value calculated by ‘Aitarchas, oe Moon's rit ee (to salto see) (Coc sae ofan lana lps which shown why cigs ae (Tey te crore beth Mame sbi sd deat 5 ws te pl of Erbe se or DISTANCE To THE MOON “Tape a small oi, such 3 dime, eo a window and view i with ne eye that it jst blocks out the fll Moon. This occurs when your eye is about 110 coin diame tery away Then the ratio of cin dlametervin tance about 1/110, Geometrical ‘reasoning of similar tangles shows this sas the ratio of Moon damete/Mown i= ‘tance (Figure 1.4). So the distance to the Moon is 110 tis the Moon’ diameter. “The cay Grecks knew this Arsarchuss measurement of the Moons diameter was allshar was needed vo calculate the Earth-Moon dance. So th carly Grcks know both the sine of dhe Moon and i distance fom Earth Coin diameter _ Moon diameter 1 Coin aitance ” oor atance ” 10 reure ne [An ccc neti: When he oi barely “tp” he Moon the the mere of he ‘lum w the dance ernen you andthe coin equal othe Gamers ofthe Moon othe shen een yma an rab) Mer ea vito Wich this information, Aritarchus made » mesnuroment of the Earth-Son DISTANCE TO TH! IF you were to sepeat the coin-onthe-window-and-Moon exccie forthe Sun (hich would be dangerous odo because ofthe Sun's brightness), guess what: The ratio Su dimer diane also UNO. Thins Bsa the sn of ch Sun sd CHAPTER ABOUTSCIENCE ‘Moon ate both the same to the ee. They both taper the same ange (about 0.59) ‘So, although the ratio of dismter wo distance was know othe early Greeks, diem cteralane or distance alone would have wo be determined by some other means ‘Arisarchus found a method for doing this. Herc what e did Atarchus watched forthe phase f the Moon when it was exact half fll, wih ‘the Sun sil vse inthe sy. Then the sunlight must be falling on the Moon at ‘right angles to his ine of sight. This mcane thc the lines Beoween Earth and the ‘Moon, eeween Earth and the Sun, and beeween the Moon and the Sun for a ‘ght angle gure 15). Hat eon Atle of erigonometry sates that, f you know all the angles i righ rangle ‘ar the length of any one of tse, yu cam calculate the length of anyother side. ‘Aisarchue knew the distance from Earth tothe Moon, Atte time of the hal ‘Moom he ao knew one ofthe angles, 9°. Alle had to da was measure the second angle bevwcen the ine of sight othe Moon and dhe line of sight tothe Sun. Then ‘the thie angle avery sol one is 180° minus the wu of the Bist ewo angles (he tim of the anges in any tingle = 180". "Mesuting the angle beeen the lnc of ight to the Moon and Sun i ie cult to do without a modern want. For one thing, both the Sun and Moon are ‘bot poins, but ate reatvely big. Avisarchus had wo sight ow theie centers {or ther edge) and measure the angle betweea—quit age almost aright angle ‘vel By modern-day standards, his measurement was very crude. He meaured |, while the ru vale was 89.8. He figured the Sua tobe about 20 times the ‘Mooris distance, when infact i is about 400 timc a distant. So although his method was ingenious, his mesvutements were crude. Perhaps Arvarchus found itdificul te believe the Sun was so far away and he exe onthe neater side. We dori know: "Tay me know the Sun to bean average of 150000000 kilometers away. ie somewhat chose to Earth in December (147,000,000 km), and somewhat farther in june (152,000,000 km). 2 OF THE SUN ‘Onc the dante Son is known the 1/110 at of mtd nbs ‘ rcourcment othe Soh damcre. Another way to measare the 1/10 a, issn the meted of Pure 14s menu th dame of the Sas nage a through a pinot pening You shou wy this Toke able hes of apa ‘cron ad angi shine on Th ound image ht ca om a ce ‘below is actually an image of the Sun. You'll see that the size of the image docs not dkcnd onthe sla ofthe pale bs, teen how fr way the pile x theimage Bigs hae mate gtr age not ag one OF oun ole sey Ep ne age lrmed Cad mers dw eof erg fist pick dinner 10—te mew the i of Sew hr eh ‘Siam gu 18 tie apes meet aight wrangle (not vo scale). The Sen rece tetpc megane found if you know the valic of cither mepwtnpeoniaclag one eee ener lr = " ‘The rwand spr oflight cathy she lola ge ft Su he ‘iemwantdene rote mes ‘he Seu dame ater at, VIO: The Sons ameter 1710 ts detncs om Eade CHAPTER ABOUT SCIENCE tific Methods ‘hr noone sccmfic mato. Bat hee ae common ears inthe way em tis do die work. Thi all dies hack vo the Klan phy Callen Gale (1564-1642) and de Engh phibuopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626) They broke fic from the method ofthe Grecks, who worked “upward or dowravan” depending ‘onthe cicunstancs reaching condusions about the phys word by reson am ‘ebirary aeumrions om). The moder cei work "upmard" fine camiing ‘the way the worl actualy works and thes bung smuctreto cxpan fdings ‘no cookbook dexripion ofthe scien method rally acequns, some or al ofthe allowing cps ar likly tbe found inthe way mont ccatits ‘ry cu their work. 1. Recognize a question oa puzzke—suc aan unexpined fat. 2! Makean edcated gcse hypothesis—hat mighc resolve 3. Predict consequences ofthe hypothesis. ‘6. Reform experiments make calculations to text the predictions. 55 Fourultethesimplat genera rule chat onpeizes the dave mai ingredints: hypothe, predicted feet, and experimental ndings. Although these tps ae appealing, much progres in cence ha ome frm tial and cro, experimentation wihout bypothecs, oj plain acidemia discovery bya well prepared mind. The succes of science rests more on an aitude common 1 sienists than oa a patculr method. This aide icone ofiguiey, meget. ‘and humiliry—that linge 0 adi ron Scientific Attitude pute ic common think of ita somthing that unchanging and shu Bar, in acence, a fact gener acloue agement by compecacoberers who mike series of abnerations about the sume phenomenon. Foe example, ‘hee iewas once it tha dhe universe unchanging and pemanen, oa ica fact tha the universe is expanding and cvlsing Ascetic hyprhes onthe cet and isan elacaed gues that only resumed tobe fcual unl sapere lbrcxpeniment When 1 hyporhes hs bee eed ove td one again ad ha oe ‘ren contabited tay beam kon a lw or pronape assent finds evidence tht conta ahypete iw opie then Jn the seni sp kit be changed rdhndoned requ of he ep ‘ton or author ofthe persons adkoating i (nls the contradicting evidence, ‘upon eng, ums be wrongwhich aumetines happe). Fo example, he (pet especie Grok phizopher Arad (304-322) camel chat am cj. flat speed peopatonalt tr weight This dea was el to hea for nay 2000 yea besa Arinorescompeling authority. Calo allgdly showed the {alee of Arno aim with one expernent— demonstrating tha ery and fall at nce pec In single eile experiment othe ontay ough ay thon. ado of pation or te our flr advocate Ia od ‘scene agament by ape wo autor bas ie value? ha pn a as pu i tS ie emp a a in cmd lod harsh wen rain, pedo hemo Tab comm eomepes cue ha ert ed et ‘cums fhnawig shout ‘hewn malingserse tt 7 B chapters asour science ‘erent net pnescohen (rmion dcr what cee Scene mot stg expr dings een when sn wend ie cheng be flees They etre ding bra what hry sod hr vik oom fr nin ec Ppp ere en ny bok Ing thertchen Repl ie sways ended sdop gr lex bated, 1a cod bpyodon wide thioghy oeroting ik dy ad toad ‘hemlongafershey nc br howe Bement qian Si Ter widoprasdcnmptns ofan at qoelened Mr cen, Cana behead ianas amie pes cance coerce Wy supa toes whe or angi Blend wigs Scenic us the word soya way tha ies rom wags vcydy spec meeps ny dee fom ype apps Teacher eotralied Andee tbrerpoa he ott ined ns ges of sagt inration tha encmpaner el coed sd veel hypo ‘bout era pec the marl mol. Pyacit for evap speak af che Gu hwy of tc aor acl chemi apa faery of cli boa Shee men and bose tcl hy “The ts of scene not ath cy undergo change: Sci the oven a they go hapa cin and rine: Ding th fac adel in eatin te of Recoeris bes pony lod Claey idebros scale bekrlor kn bout gehced Salt choc kare ‘nds ewe the way wokcs bond peter and logis ae nd tied deary Tee ecdaemia oft cco of ware «tea Many peopled hain ef ween edge i ed, Carpet con tu be expera et haging tc mina They change tn iad ewer, hiy when contol with 1d experimen eave when a conrply inp otha fr thm to nw pe of vox Mee fpr thas detedog Lae ipering hen: Boneypsices an me by oo ne bono inthe feof exptimentl eden ‘heey fen help seta ohn 0 imho het sus aer fot Nore tt poteca oyuekiew boction poe por nel pag eed prespectral Srey mate arp at ae ace bags be a Inscenc, ts more portant han there bes man of proving am es ‘rg sn a reba mean prog igi hiss mr cer die pies ener alaplane nolyats ye pricy nly dred ec iat mt ngs 7 ceca sche pe reg es Top ectrm. Sele fie oceans ak pero aga keeps ceo at chock tfc ste or prt Sree Te a el ir WE renga es bee TES Sait Abr Hossa perk wi when ont Nowe of eprdmar con fron might a pine an prove me wor ht rs Dare pen ha Fr oe fom in re tomar comple re. Thi rl be pved wg pote acre ‘ha mor compe fe apd ket pe our Esc hypothe har igh ben by iy: Tha gh reve wg xg at rel hr Sind ou been alge a ge vce fom no Sul pak. Avi arn oteweomple ie ome a nd eed i re Compr cinta ad sath and md tpt set the Sn Scherrponte se ond ven alypthed credits corowd Tiapetaleucland wa nmpeng son todo a Conaer the bypotese “The Sime of panes i hoy ene te tee tine fr malig deona” May porple bce bat bis bypode we Ae peritekashb teamed ph nyeraioteen lime ton taste nee yeur owe ne al CHAPTERT ABOUTSCIENCE 9 scene cannot be proven wo0g nrc be kei Sewing te pete“ ics on be ante somerkcre the tinier not emf. Although can Be proven cone by the vein of Sing sane ofteligent We xing chew n the univer there tno wy te proeit ong mo atlign reve found we eared dear ac of {he univer for cons and found ne thar woud ot pve tat daca est “around the next cornez-” On the other hand, the hypothesis “There is no other inligent icin the univer” sic. Do you se why? 'A hypothesis tha x capable of bing prove right But not capable of bing proved wrong i noc a cent hypxhess. Many sich statements are quite reer shleand wit, bu they he ouside che domain of science ‘Check Your Aner ‘nya etic beau there atest frees The statement notony ‘pale ning rw wrong mac Aa Den proved ong tenet ‘hasrotest for pose wongnessandts therefore unscrew fr any ree or concept fr whic hee sno means procedure ote whereby ea Seshowr tbewreng Rison) Sore pculencersts andthe Petendes totrowiedge wi at even conde est forthe pone wronghes eet states Satemertcs an abet that hart or pone ronan “nse nas et the aes phys hw cul we new? Kis mpatat ‘noe that because the nae Ensen sgeneally beng esteem tis ‘rteot peudosertitsSowe hou ot De sep tha te are of inst eta of essary ther highly spect pein sched ten by ‘haratars who wate bmg respects hesehes andthe ports of view allel ts padent a beseptcalotthxe who wishtooeat hensebes by Calingupen the authority fate. "None of sha the ime, nergy, resources ret every ide, mont ofthe time swe take romcbody’s word. How do we know whore word to take? To rue the Tiklhoad of ert sinte acct only the word of how whon eas, thei and findings ae talent in practice eat in principle, Speculations that ano ‘be wested ae repre as “unscientific” This has the long-run eet of compeling honesty findings wal pubic among fellow iets are generally seed to further testing Some of lter, stakes (and deception) are ound ot: wishful thinking expo A deed sett docs not get a sen han im the ot ‘muniy of wicntnts The penly fr fas prafennal excommunication Hone. soamporton w the prage of cnee thts roms mate clan tit. Theres elatvey ine bling ingame in which all es ar called. In ick of ‘stay where night and wrong ate nots cul ested, the prewure to be home it ‘considerably es. “The ideas and concepes most important vo aur everyday life are offen unscien- tific: dir comectess or inconrectness cannot be determined in the laboratory. Tovcrstingy enough. i sem that people honesty bcive tht own ideas about ‘things tobe coret.anl almost everyone is acquainted with people who bold com pte opposite views—so the ideas of some or al) mst be incorrect. How do you know whether or not yo are one of choc holding croncous bli? Ther atest. 0 charters asour science Before you cam be reasonably convinced that you aright about a pacicular ide yt shouldbe sre that yu inderstand the ebjections and the postions of your ‘mos arcuate antagonist. You should find ou whether your views are eupported by sound knowledge of opposing ideas or by your miconrpion of opposing ese ‘You make this divinction by sceng whcther rot you can stat the objections and ppositians of your opposition to tet saisacion. Even if you en succesfully do thas, you cannot babluty certain of being right about yout own ideas, bu the probability f being ight i comsiderably higher it you pas this et (Check Your Anewer Who lnowa for sre Fiend may hae the everest ofa lnyer ban tte ‘arouspontectvew andl betncnct We cate sie about hte 9 The test forcorectren cr crecnernggese evs tat tet of other ot fare fo ou anak you perioral deweopment he ouatengstarate theldeaset your artagomsts be prepared ie sere who av prepare ‘ede evergy-mulpyng macores These machines whch [esleged to dever move energy an they akin awe ae {olsen the duping aes und weeding nds tor deve pert They ae outed by unc whose shares oan gre ‘ant publ wo succrb othe pen they proms cfc ‘ss issn cence oeuoncer ss me every ae ‘hua sucessfal in ecratng apres for many For Adan be veryconnrcny eve tower eon pre {Be Ther bots eat ourrmber bok ontenes nook ‘ors untscence tng our certs age, mest mans were ornate by superstin devs demons dese and agin he ier Undated nes Ute was el medal ies On ‘hough enorme eat id urara gan set now [nas ceerron pert and gui nedom em gro ‘ance We shout eo m what we earned longer har (ngtode whenew an iectous seas sescr oe {ear demon ada we ave no eed to een at ute. Stns agg bu supersto,otat Ju ctons re {nyhingbut rk otis ved by set comet glk lonethiner who te promse henry Paty eels by haters who el magnetic theray.ot oy dem apes tite Yet here scaue or alrmen he superstitions that ‘peop nc out a ease come bch nce enchanting [yong mabe of esl Tera now more an wey ‘outand acing astagers inthe Und Sates ho sre ‘ihe ous bees Agente peerage o? ‘Anercans today bev nao andoccu prenemera ‘han af cent of mesa Europe Fe ewspapes pt ay cence clu. bt neal rove day hoses ‘athough gods and medures sound ustave moet Scene bance, much human tig haat ‘any beleve tat he haan condoning bachward becuse of growing einalogy More Hy howe we de Watchot the spokespeople tiation Pewdosence andiratnaly ar huge andar bess, ret pois in maze berths pai hae ecm experienc [prods uw wha way of onnectng hinge f cing rata between and seg, nd aig see th a yw ail nd Sicnce broaden ur perspec featur A Knowle of oth onan the ‘enor mae ors wolenn hat atthe way we view the wr and dx Sos we mak aout dhe wok and ounces A rly clued pereni Lnomt- ‘geal in both the art and the sciences, " TZ cHarTeR) Asour science The tet at the het an tat onesa Imponesion fees (neta deepestatefal eed Sat sihewond tes ome Science and religion have smarts allo, but they ae basically diferene— principally Because thei domains are differ. The domain of since s natural fonder the domain of religion is matures purpose. Religious bits and practices ‘esa involve faith in, and worship of, supreme beng and the creation of human ‘ommuniy—not the practices of iene. ln this reps cicnce and eligi ate as ‘lifer at apples and orange: The ae evo diferent ye complementary Bede of hemes ‘When werd the mata of igh later this ok, we wl et ght Bia iroraod do's pore To he peo whe lope 0 Sle cee coos saves and pats are contador; ight can be only oe othe ober, and we ive o chose Between then Bur tothe enlightened person, waves and pats complement cach other nd provide decpr ndertnding of ight. sir ont eunly poople whe ie either uniformed or nsinformed shout the der ners toh cece and elie tof ta they nn che etme kelieiagin igo and bebeving in secce-Unko onc ha aah sndrand: ing of cther or beth cher is conradicion in cing goes and being sc ‘ikea onc nking? ‘Many peopl ae rouble about noc knowing the annwcn wo wigs and ir sophical qurinns Some avoid uncertaiey by wnritally ccpting simon a7 (resorting snr As nsponn ese lence breve tar crea Steepable For example, Chapter 31 youl eam that tp vo know ‘vil com boc the thonsearus snd potion of e5 leon ton sees. The trove seule chou crm the hes you co eww cot tbe ches Unseen ine fut ole ccm proce sohay ot we know te ene fundamen gues {ions Why aap prevatonally acted wo Earth’ Why do dears rept one mother? Why do magne incract with other maps! Why docs cncrgy hare tnar? Arche deepest ve cea dnt know the tment thee queon—at ier nt yet. We kno aoc howe where we met oan really abut ky we se By clay ea inp peceren es cel eligi Geren Cheng oak Teoeon losd eed oth coeatonog ener tad en Spon end ecleing ed ‘wahour answers mot scents chows tne lane. Sens in grr x comfore tle with net Knowing ce and Technology cnc and tchaokgy ate ao diferent fim each thc Science isconcerned eh ating Lledge and organising Technolgy sapiens wey tcheologi and ene prc ppc provid the ods ‘ese by cient their explosions “Techncogy + doubedged sword hat an be both hep and haf. We hae the ecnalg.or eampl. ext oa ac fom the ground and hea to_barn he foal ce forthe podcion of energy. Energy prodaction from ol Fads hu benefice our aciey in counden ways On the fp sie she baring of Sou fol danger the environmen is erpeing to blame technology il fix problems suchas pollon, resource depletion, and even overpopulation. These prblens howe ar nx che faa colo’ any are than a Shxgn woud ‘the fa ofthe shogun, eis humans who se the chao. and humans who Arc roponsbe for how iste. Remartaly. we aealy pes the hogy to selse many crvtonmenta ble, Thi 2c eotny icing wich ens fd fect owe stnnble “Otcne hide gn emi wh dy a ect mb ah thera of gor an iene Risk Assessment entero Denes of taco epied th thts When he benef of terctogel nnn aneseente cutee erate rcnclgy cepted rt pps! trys orenmpiecomiructo be bedford Sagres derpe repeal for cus cancer Ra when ‘eri afatechalogy ate peeved outa Rsbeemts, "Should be wsed ver sparingly ena al kanya fer deren groups Asp wefl or cuits but trourgchidencan cause a eet thal nator known aye ymdome Camping a sewage ‘tthe lac rer apse ties townlocted Upsram bul rows doves he utes seage ‘Sheath hazatd Sitar tonng alee wats under (pound maypote ete tors today but eure goner- onthe its cf sachstrageae eater theres ieatage |wtogrundmate Tedncaes Inorg fret Ys a: (erent pei a wel a ern eran ne uso cht ‘ueonen hot debated Which neato shoud bevaldto ‘Segenerapbic verte courter and how Southey be labeler shoul todo natatednotderts putan eto ‘eo posorng wich ils mer than sone Amercanee sch yrartInenatoallmembeectsocety net consferaton then pub pbces ae deca Ts ttcelogy te net as ett apparent Noone falyresan the tango combuston protic hen rtolun vas idee thefuelot oc forauiomebles, {ent ast cert From the nda of 2/20 on ako ns or arrass woul ve been aspen che en ‘meray but theywaebanredby iepenibor mrnens (fhe dy thatnade ak gaia CHAPTER ABOUT SCIENCE otf combustion Boma ute mating aslo amaback ananasenest tah the shor are ate ana he ‘plo al ofa echmclogy seca. Pople seer tohine ay aceping the impos tz a lars canet be made precy sae ‘Processed ods anc eredeed complete ee of ox ‘feral fos etn to some degree eucanot gt the ‘beso wot rskig sn cancez no mate how muchsuy Sen youpph Youcannot vod aac for es nthe Aiyou breathe athe ods ouetandithas been hat “says efor haras rt waked ath fen teleaest "a contansraeactve carbon nto mertion thesame ‘nour dae Sesneenencsearthsteacn Mum By there hme amas been about 00 naturally caning ‘embody The pobabiy eventual denis 0% Nok Scene “Ciesceheip te determine he most robbie asthe teal ofscen prove nen assesamentf the mest, probable ets cles teeing ota Acepance fk ne other hand sa soceta sue Pacing eon 4 ‘ect ges rot nip mpractal ut sean Ay sce Stang toward ply o ser rsh wuld arse res ‘otand hau conomcreveuces it t mote mbit $Xzept none rstandto minimize sk asmachas posite ‘tin he sof rata? Asoc that crept mo ‘aks recees no bene -encrgy sourses, such as phowovoltaics, solar chert electri generation, and bromass “Snenin. Wes he ot hich th tok pened an oy ee pe ‘an un om fs poi wet andl ma be ede al cad Becca pert ooking aah sopemtegtaies ae pats (hai acini ree pe lion eps tha aggre sow ery problem el by hams oy tpcoms re plats mane o oe svotaigng Eats poplin ying “capacity. The greatest obstacle to solving today's penblems lies mote with social inertia SEE ciecclge: Techlay oer encl Whe wed ta chi ode Sipeou The pote ofthc a aera heer wold Wie ppc ‘hn af ehoslgy ova es ete word ics—The Basic Science ence, once called narra compass the eudy of ving hinge sd nooliving things the Iie cences and the physical sciences. The lie sh- ‘ences include biology, zoology, and botany. The physical sciences inchade geology. ‘seronomy, chemistry. and pais. Physik more than a pare of the physical sciences. Ks thea cence. ke abou the nature of bac tings suchas motion Roce, energy. matter, hea, sound, ewan se foght ore some CHAPTER ABOUT SciENce light and the structure of atoms. Chemisty i about how materi put egether how atoms combine form molecule, and how the molecules combine ro make ‘upehe mankind of mater around us. Biolgy i more complex and involves mat ter tha salve. So undemeath biology is chemiery, and underneath chemistry is physic. The concept of physics reach upto thewe more complicated aicns, "Thats why pyia the most bai scence. ‘An understanding of science bepioa with an understanding of physics. The fl- lowing chapers present phys concepealy chat you can enjoy wodrnanding heck Your Anower ‘Af Mem! The human alec wence haneet the leaetundetcody mot ‘dts now sce The eons are var angng fom the common retin that rcs ncrpwherbl to people of areage ably tothe ferme ew ra sere ba denurarizegione mousey Mes the Imsconetions about scence robadiy stn om thecofusn betwee he her otcence and cence tal ‘Soeneesanenchartg human acy sare awn arity of people hit poser ytd anno ae reaching ure ance ‘more abeus theses andthe erorment than peplenthe past weer {Te do. The more you knowabou scene Dw more pasionaeoute!owaré Jer sarandngstheespyses meeuryoue Pease es erspective nly few cenarics ago the mos taleed and mos sil artis. acct and artisans ofthe word directed their gens and effort othe construction ofthe peatcatedrals synagogues. traps, and mongucs. Some ofthe achitec- tual smctures tok centuries to build, which meane that nobody witnessed both the ‘ae dhe end of construstion. Even the architect ad eaty builders ‘who lived toa ripe old age never saw the Bnished results oftheir bors. Entire Tievimer were spent inthe shadows of contraction that muse have seme without beginning or end. This enormous focus of aman energy was inupred by vison that weat beyond wordy conces-—a vin of she cmos. To the peuple of that time, the seractues they erected were thei spaceships offi,” ily anchored ‘but pointing tothe counos “Today the efforts of many of our most sil scientiss, engineers artists, and technicians ar dicted wo building the spaceships hat ready obit Earth an thers tha wll wvage beyond. The time required to build thse spacahips extremely bbe compare with the time spent biking the none nad marble structures ofthe ‘st. Many people working on today's spaeahips were alive before the ist liner ‘rr pasengers, Where will younger lives ka na enmpaabe ie? CHAPTER) ABOUTSCIENCE ‘Wessem to ea the daw ofa major change in human growth fora ie Evan sags im the photo that precedes she epnning ofthis chaps, we maybe ke the fuathing chicken who has exhausted the resorts incre ermine ad ‘sabout to break through wa whol new ange of possiblities Earth wr cradle and has cred ws well Bu cad, however comfortable ae outgrown one day So ‘eth he inspeation hatin many ways imi the npration ofthese who ale the cy cated sages. empl, ad mnquc, we a for the cone. ‘Welive in an exci ime! SUMMARY OF TERMS ‘emi ind yon te rm etane of obit eat oa oad ‘churetion tnd epetimen, rl he formulations Fact Ascent abou the wld chat competent overt Vnhobare male ssrin ofoburvains arom, Law A goatalipaboos or ccna ste lathip tara quis hatha bv tev ner and ort Spin madi rorbcen contadiied As nor They hfs eb norman St aparece re gps “Gram peter ‘rcadoiene ak em thr proce bee es. REVIEW QUESTIONS 1 Bly whats? 2 Thvgheur cage what ee perl eon ‘woe a sou Cael ait Scientific Measurements 3. When he Sun was day rea Sen why wait fly begalrciray hairy 44 tect ce Barina he Sun c9 hab Wy dante pen $: How doa Moen lames compas he ‘unc bane Ethane Moon Gow dre Sundaes omar wah be dnae teres anh on ee 7A Amar bt meee Sth Sere aes ecaen de ged a ere teach on ‘beneath a tree on a sunny day? ‘Mathematics The Language of Science {9 Wha the roe econ in chi bok? ‘Sclentific Methods 10, Ontinesome ferreof the cic method. ‘The Scientific Attitude 1 Disingush among scenic et abypbes al, ant ahy 12. In dip ie, pope afm pied for mini some ica fine ove othe corape oie ‘rmicion.” Athange of mind wee an ago ‘Naina ow sts ren ia cre! 16, Wyse of ar cosa oan bo gceand enc sens encore aoa he ar? ak may poole bie ty wt ches bce ice nd elo? ychaogea mmr beat fling el ies toga questans What bene companies po ace noing ce sneer Science and Technology 19. Ce dicing ace ieee ab hag Physics—The Basie Science 20. Why physic comer roe the bse wince? 6 charter? asour science PROJECTS 1. Paani fcr and nd hc uly he tlhe Naw hima te Sa x ‘Sis Toric el the ard pes of ian ‘ap often Samy ee det apn A ge (Spare il il cars nd ia sh ce ace 2S lemme cake sh Wee iSite te pepe he age eden the Sao ma gh wit sh tog heap ionch.p nds ta ce Larder echoes cra in tected oomoae ‘cry acne sears ore mes ere the tering tenement Smee Satara wiod apace iotinee anette nes Sembee teosce pete Sirmemen as ocetonns Specie oteies 2 Someday Seo estes patecaem ape savamaaiecteedaag aero Sopeacrech Tinga ancl EXERCISES. 1. Win he phy force nd teen ae 2. hh theming ae ei phos a a Oya es shut OS tetera steer ieaanrrto he quo“ Whers fan go whe Ainewrere then herded oe at hae a titel aaatd comcoom diced On youco ts tgpothco bcos aay Cone Wha epee do you propos appr percha 4. They plouphe and mathematician Berean Rel (1K72-1970) wwe about ent he easy prt ofhisife athe rected in the ner pat of his He Do Jen thn ar signa weno o a gn af tens [a Brand uel? (Do you spc ht your poset ‘ew about the word aan wil change You earn Felipe ecient ‘cela nde see no a = es mn ial main tient ha TEES pend peptic ence Se ‘heli cen amp War i a — Sea ene ser inc shan ha nd hor Spicy Shem ‘nC sepl to pp he emer ie yop ane rai he Sa Kerb cndira ehex fom hrc pace sw mre eh Senet inhghespesnes ith eapenrer Stenlingecdieectes en tetrnctor be Wh do youuu rio cies ees hen cd eal Ck or Soe nti pnsdaon eae Sou elec Cheer of bout ot owe! Sapo you Part One Meares 2 Newton's first Law of Motion—Inertia deo ot Th i rock more srkingy vara + Dad Yer aks ised nck sting the oer o he spp al rek mhen he wddny ks domme on the erat othe Univesity of Ca puting wathose pa 2 pag In chivand m ocr chapters we wil dy dh of the geet mide of prematurely on Ch at Day, 1642, studies. Thre athe age of ‘ae barcly survived in his mothers dations forthe work tha was to farmhouse in Engand. is father Sein a apple al wo the pound led hin pry etcading to the Moon and beyond, He bib. and be grew up under the formated the Law of nvr gsavitin aed ppd it yi tate of hie rather end. grand: to saving the centurerld myst off patty trothee Av achild, be showel ao motion and ecean tex: he ineneed the cleulo, an particular signsof bghmes. and. indispensable mathemati > Sayoungicen beseatakenoutaf the woe of Kal tt Galo and fern ch “Thefine ofthe ls v sLtdwkchmawghinmedert thecfandancea iow fee Hehe bee tere pofining ral boks be be “heemel dehadedy pened tne men eset CCHAPTER2 NEWTON'S FIRST LAW OF MOTION—INERTIA stotle on Motion ‘wold motion int two main lace: natn maion ad vif ton Webi consider ech, ot ty matric to peste idem bout motion ‘Awd sere that natural mation procul from the “ature” oF an objet, , coe, Goce A cee CHAPTER? NEWTON'S FIRSTLAW OF MOTION—INERTIA. 21 leo and the Leaning Tower ew Galileo, the foremost scents ofthe catty 17th century, who ave cre= donc tothe Coperican view af amoving Earth, He acompliched this by di crediting the Arwotclian ideas about moron, Although hewas nox the Bs 1 pine ‘ou difficulties in Aristo views, Galco wasthe ito provide conchaive refita- tion though observation and experiment. Galo cay demolished Aviwodcsfaling-body hypothesis. Galo i said ‘have dropped object of erious weights fom the top ofthe Leaning Tower of Piet to compare thet ils. Contrary to Arete anton, Gaile found that + stone tice a heat a another did ot al wice a fas. Facep fo the xml fet of ait reastance, bend that objets of vanous weights, when release tthe same ie, fell vopethce and it the round ae the same time. On one occasion, Galileo llega ateacted sage crowd t wines the dropping of two objects of eilerent ‘wcight fom the top afte rower Lend has it that many observers ofthis demon ration who she objets hit the ground together scold a the young Galileo ‘and continued wo hold fat wo thir Arto teachings. ileo’s Inclined Planes sco was concerned with hac things mave rather chan shy they move. He stowed that experimen rar than logic isthe best tx of knowledge. Aas togle was an astute observer of nature, and he deat with problem around hien father than with abyeract cases that did not occur i hie environment. Motion ainays involved resistive medium such aa or water. He belived vacuum ‘bc imporible and therefore di not give serous consideration te motion in the absence of an interacting medium, That's why it was basic to Avisos that am ‘object requires 4 pishorpullo keep it moving. And ic was this basic principle that Galdeo rejected when he seated that f there is no interference with 2 moving

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