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Our Burning Blood Will Cut Through Fate! [3.

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Thread: Our Burning Blood Will Cut Through Fate! [3.5 Monster(s)]

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Krimm_Blackleaf said:
2009-08-27 04:22 AM

Our Burning Blood Will Cut Through Fate! [3.5 Monster(s)]

Enki, Enkidu and Enkidudu

{table="head"] |Enki|Enkidu|Enkidudu

Size/Type:|Gargantuan Construct (Gunman)|Gargantuan Construct (Gunman)|Gargantuan Construct (Gunman)

HD:|18d10+60 (159 hp)|18d10+60 (159 hp)|20d10+60 (170 hp)


Speed:|60 ft. (12 squares)|60 ft. (12 squares) or fly 80 ft. (average)|60 ft. (12 squares) or fly 80 ft. (average)

Armor Class:|34(+5 Dex, -4 Size, +23 Natural)|34 (+5 Dex, -4 Size, +23 Natural)|36 (+7 Dex, -4 Size, +23 Natural)

Base Attack/Grapple:|+13/+43|+13/+43|+15/+47

Attack:|Masterwork bastardsword +28 melee (4d8+18, 19-20/x2) or slam +27 melee (3d6+18)|Masterwork crescent blade +28 melee (6d6+27, x3) or slam +27 melee (3d6+18) or masterwork crescent
blade +28 ranged (6d6+27, x3)|Masterwork bastardsword +32 melee (4d8+20, 19-20/x2) or slam +31 melee (3d6+18)

Full Attack:|Masterwork bastardsword +24/+19/+14 melee (4d8+18, 19-20/x2) and masterwork bastardsword +24/+19 melee (4d8+9, 19-20/x2) or 2 slams +27 melee (3d6+18)|Masterwork crescent blade
+28/+23/+18 melee (6d6+27,x3) and slam +22 melee (3d6+9) or crescent blade +28/+23/+18 ranged (6d6+27, x3)|Masterwork bastardsword +28/+23/+18 melee (4d8+20, 19-20/x2) and 3 masterwork
bastardswords +28/+23/+18 (4d8+8, 19-20/x2) or 4 slams +31 melee (3d6+18)

Space/Reach:|20 ft./20 ft.|20 ft./20 ft.|20 ft./20 ft.

Special Attacks:|Blade cannon, energy cannon, spiral energy|Blade cannon, spiral energy|Blade cannon, spiral energy, spiral speed

Special Qualities:|Artifice armor, darkvision 60 ft., DR 10/adamantine and magic, immunity to electricity, low-light vision, master's fighting spirit, natural shield, resistance to cold 10, fire 10|Artifice armor,
darkvision 60 ft., DR 10/adamantine and magic, immunity to electricity, low-light vision, master's fighting spirit, natural shield, resistance to cold 10, fire 10|Artifice armor, darkvision 60 ft., DR
10/adamantine and magic, immunity to electricity, low-light vision, master's fighting spirit, natural shield, resistance to cold 10, fire 10

Saves:|Fort +6, Will +6, Ref +11|Fort +6, Will +6, Ref +11|Fort +6, Will +6, Ref +13

Abilities:|Str 47, Dex 21, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1|Str 47, Dex 21, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1|Str 51, Dex 25, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1

Feats:|Improved Two Weapon Fightingb, Two Weapon Fightingb|Brutal Throwb, Two Weapon Fightingb|Greater Multiweapon Fightingb, Improved Multiweapon Fightingb, Multiweapon Fightingb

Environment:|Any warm plains|Any warm plains|Any warm plains


Challenge Rating:|Pilot CR+4(min. 15)|Pilot CR+4(min. 15)|Pilot CR+5(min. 16)


Alignment:|Usually neutral|Usually neutral|Usually neutral

Advancement:|19 HD+ (Gargantuan)|19 HD+ (Gargantuan)|21 HD+ (Gargantuan)

Level Adjustment:|--|--|--


Here before you is a massive armored titan, like a giant white knight. It's face appears as a massive visage on it's torso with menacing yellow eyes and a monstrous mouth. Atop it's head is a strange helmet
with a circular crest of black metal and in each hand is a sleek black sword with a slightly curved blade.

Enki is a powerful gunman model, specifically designed for it's pilot. Enki is unique among normal gunmen in that it is highly agile and maneuverable while maintaining useful armor, and that it is built so
that a pilot can use both it's swords effectively at the same time. Though Enki and his incarnations are not the most powerful gunmen in creation, they certainly are very close to it.


Enki, like all gunmen is most useful in head-to-head melee combat, using his volley of blades while he still has a good gap between himself and his foe, and engaging in melee with his masterwork bastard

Artifice Armor (Ex): Enki acts as both a suit of armor and as a kind of mount to those who pilot it, granting the pilots both mobility and incredible protection. When inside Enki, unless exposing the cockpits
themselves, no one has line of effect or sight to the pilot, but the pilot can see everything Enki does. This means that no one can attack the pilot of Enki unless the pilot opens the cockpit, or an outside
source forces it open. If Enki is attacked and is brought to 0 hp, it becomes completely useless and the shell is broken, leaving the pilot completely exposed. However, it is not impossible to harm the pilots
of Enki, with a few specific rules as to how. If Enki is attacked by a spell or effect that requires a Reflex save, if Enki rolls a 1 on the saving throw, it takes full damage and the pilot takes half that much
damage. Additionally, if attacked with a melee weapon, and the attacker rolls a natural 20 on the attack roll, Enki takes full damage and the pilot takes half of that damage. As a last detail, Enki count as
mounts for determining usability for the Twin Spirit martial discipline.

Blade Cannon (Ex): Enki has a special mechanical implant that allows it to fire a blast of large knives at his opponent. As a standard action, Enki can open the cannons and fire the knives in a 60 foot cone.
The blades deal 8d6 slashing damage and are made of adamantine. Anyone caught in the blast can make a Reflex save (DC 29) for half damage. The save DC is Dex based.

Energy Cannon (Su): Enki is equipped with a powerful weapon in the shape of a helmet. This helmet acts as a disintegration ray except instead of expending spell slots or infusions, the ray can simply just
be used once per encounter. The save DC is equal to 19+the pilot's Cha modifier.

Enkidu and Enkidudu do not have access to this ability.

Master's Fighting Spirit (Ex): Enki is a construct that cannot be used without a pilot, and their fighting ability is with it's own physical might and it's master's ability to fight. Because of this, Enki always uses
the higher of the HD, base attack bonus, base reflex save and mental ability scores of it's pilot, though it uses the lower of Enki's and pilot's Dex scores for all purposes. Lastly, Enki gains the full benefit of
all the feats, maneuvers and skill ranks of the pilot(though using Enki's physical ability scores except Concentration, and size modifiers). If Enki has more than one character piloting it, it adds the highest
abilities and so forth of the two, but does not add both to all totals. When piloting, the pilot of Enki must spend each full round piloting Enki to allow it to function.

Natural Shield (Ex): Enki is capable of reflexively employing a shield made from it's own arm-plate. As an immediate action, enki can gain a +4 shield bonus to AC but enki loses the ability to use it's off
hand to hold weapons until it's next turn, when it can retract the shield as a free action.

Spiral Energy (Su): If Enki is piloted by any humanoid, it runs sufficiently without any other power source. Additionally, the pilot can, by taking 2 Cha damage allow Enki a bonus to attack rolls, armor class,
saving throws, ability checks and skill checks equal to their Cha modifier for one round, gives the additional effect of not causing natural 1's on attack rolls and saving throws to be automatic failures, and
treats all natural 20's as automatic successes, even for things that do not naturally warrant it, such as skill checks. Cha damaged in this way is automatically restored at the end of the encounter. Other
creatures can pilot Enki(such as beastmen-I mean monstrous humanoids), but cannot use the spiral energy ability and must have a sufficient source of electricity to power Enki.


Crescent Blade: Enkidu carries and is proficient with a special weapon known as a crescent blade. It is a two-handed exotic weapon and Enkidu is capable of using it as a ranged weapon, with a range
increment of 150 ft. Because of it's design, it returns to it's wielder after every attack made with it, allowing full attacks to be made with it at range.


Blade Cannon (Ex): Save DC is 32.

Spiral Speed (Su): Enkidudu is a much swifter incarnation of it's previous forms. Whenever Enkidudu uses it's spiral energy ability, it's weapons are treated as if under the effects of the speed weapon
property for 3 rounds. Though Enkidudu can use it's spiral energy every round, it cannot gain the benefits of the spiral speed until 5 rounds have passed.

My Deviantart, Please enjoy it.

Invincible Maiden Avatar by GryffonDurime.

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Homebrew by Krimm Blackleaf

Krimm_Blackleaf said:
2009-08-27 04:23 AM

Re: Our Burning Blood Will Cut Through Fate! [3.5 Monster(s)]
-Gunman Subtype- (As a review!)

Gunman Traits

A gunman possesses the following traits(unless otherwise noted in a creature's entry).

Immunity to electricity
Resistance to cold 10, fire 10
Master's Fighting Spirit (Ex): Gunmen are constructs that cannot be used without pilots, and their fighting ability is with their own physical might and their master's ability to fight. Because of
this, a gunman always uses the higher of the HD, base attack bonus, base reflex save and mental ability scores of it's pilot, though it uses the lower of the gunman's and pilot's Dex scores for all
purposes. Lastly, the gunman gains the full benefit of all the feats and skill ranks of the pilot(though using the actual gunman's physical ability scores except Concentration, and size modifiers).
If a gunman has more than one character piloting it, it adds the highest abilities and so forth of the two, but does not add both to all totals. When piloting, the pilot of the gunman must spend
each full round piloting the gunman to allow it to function.
Artifice Armor (Ex): The gunmen act as both suits of armor and as kinds of mounts to those who pilot them, granting the pilots both mobility and incredible protection. When inside a gunman,
unless exposing the cockpits themselves, no one has line of effect or sight to the pilot, but the pilot can see everything the gunman does. This means that no one can attack the pilot of the
gunman unless the pilot opens the cockpit, or an outside source forces it open. If the gunman is attacked and is brought to 0 hp, it becomes completely useless and the shell is broken, leaving
the pilot completely exposed. However, it is not impossible to harm the pilots of gunmen, with a few specific rules as to how. If the gunman is attacked by a spell or effect that requires a Reflex
save, if the gunman rolls a 1 on the saving throw, the gunman takes full damage and the pilot takes half that much damage. Additionally, if attacked with a melee weapon, and the attacker rolls
a natural 20 on the attack roll, the gunman takes full damage and the pilot takes half of that damage. As a last detail, gunmen count as mounts for determining usability for the Twin Spirit
martial discipline.
Spiral Energy (Su): Gunmen are constructs that can be powered by the sheer force of will and natural energy that comes with being a natural humanoid. If a gunman is piloted by any humanoid,
it runs sufficiently without any other power source. Additionally, the pilot can, by taking 2 Cha damage allow the gunman a bonus to attack rolls, armor class, saving throws, ability checks and
skill checks equal to their Cha modifier for one round, gives the additional effect of not causing natural 1's on attack rolls and saving throws to be automatic failures, and treats all natural 20's
as automatic successes, even for things that do not naturally warrant it, such as skill checks. Cha damaged in this way is automatically restored at the end of the encounter. Other creatures can
pilot gunmen(such as beastmen-I mean monstrous humanoids), but cannot use the spiral energy ability and must have a sufficient source of electricity to power the gunman.


Sidenote: Using Electricity to power Gunmen

Though normal rules for electrically powered machinery is not part your typical D&D experience, many constructs are naturally powered by electricity in it's fundamental state, such as natural lightning or lightning from a spell. To power a gunman on electricity, a typical rule could be that for every 10 points of electricity damage a
gunman would sustain it can be powered for 1 hour. It can only be powered for one hour from any one burst of electrical energy, even if it's more than 10 points of would-be damage. Ways to input electricity into the gunman could be from spells or even magical items that release electricity every so often on their own, or if activated,
such as magical items that can be used to cast lightning bolt or even shocking grasp. However, if a DM decides other ways to power a gunman(electrically or not) they should have free reign.

My Deviantart, Please enjoy it.

Invincible Maiden Avatar by GryffonDurime.

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Homebrew by Krimm Blackleaf

horngeek said:
2009-08-27 04:36 AM

Re: Our Burning Blood Will Cut Through Fate! [3.5 Monster(s)]

AWESOME. I don't know about balance, but this is very, very awesome.

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Krimm_Blackleaf said:
2009-08-27 10:12 AM
Re: Our Burning Blood Will Cut Through Fate! [3.5 Monster(s)]

Originally Posted by horngeek


AWESOME. I don't know about balance, but this is very, very awesome.

Thanks. I'm also in the process of making Byakou, Seyrune, Gember and Shuzack. Probably also their Dai-Gunmen.

My Deviantart, Please enjoy it.

Invincible Maiden Avatar by GryffonDurime.

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Homebrew by Krimm Blackleaf

vasharanpaladin said:
2009-08-27 03:41 PM

Re: Our Burning Blood Will Cut Through Fate! [3.5 Monster(s)]


The-Mage-King said:
2009-10-29 09:55 AM

Re: Our Burning Blood Will Cut Through Fate! [3.5 Monster(s)]
...The awesomeness of this is what made me sign up for this forum in the first place. I needed to mention how awesome it is.

Krimm_Blackleaf said:
2009-10-29 10:57 AM

Re: Our Burning Blood Will Cut Through Fate! [3.5 Monster(s)]

Originally Posted by The-Mage-King

...The awesomeness of this is what made me sign up for this forum in the first place. I needed to mention how awesome it is.

The might I direct you to my homebrew compendium? It's in my sig.

My Deviantart, Please enjoy it.

Invincible Maiden Avatar by GryffonDurime.

Spoiler Show

Homebrew by Krimm Blackleaf

The Tygre said:

2009-10-29 12:10 PM

Re: Our Burning Blood Will Cut Through Fate! [3.5 Monster(s)]
Krimm, tell me, what are you going to do after you've pierced the Heavens so much there's nothing left? Pierce Hell? You've kicked reason to the curb so much that it's basically nothing but a pile of broken
bones and scabs now. Who are you, Krimm? Who?

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Krimm_Blackleaf said:
2009-10-29 01:06 PM

Re: Our Burning Blood Will Cut Through Fate! [3.5 Monster(s)]

Originally Posted by The Tygre

Krimm, tell me, what are you going to do after you've pierced the Heavens so much there's nothing left? Pierce Hell? You've kicked reason to the curb so much that it's basically nothing but a pile of
broken bones and scabs now. Who are you, Krimm? Who?

...Who am I?


...I'm your worst nightmare.

My Deviantart, Please enjoy it.

Invincible Maiden Avatar by GryffonDurime.

Spoiler Show

Homebrew by Krimm Blackleaf

The Tygre said:

2009-10-29 01:49 PM

Re: Our Burning Blood Will Cut Through Fate! [3.5 Monster(s)]

Originally Posted by Krimm_Blackleaf

...Who am I?


...I'm your worst nightmare.

I was actually wondering who the Hell do you think you are?

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The-Mage-King said:
2009-10-29 04:32 PM

Re: Our Burning Blood Will Cut Through Fate! [3.5 Monster(s)]
I've seen it.

Oh, did I see it...

Jayngfet said:
2009-11-07 03:01 PM

Re: Our Burning Blood Will Cut Through Fate! [3.5 Monster(s)]
Hmmm, can we get the Dai Gurren Dan mecha up here too? I'd love to see some Twin Bokun and Mo Shogun.

Originally Posted by Fawkes

Originally Posted by Jayngfet

I don't care what you feel.

That pretty much sums up the Jayngfet experience.

Originally Posted by Fawkes

something something Jayngfet experience.

vicente408 said:
2009-11-07 04:33 PM

Re: Our Burning Blood Will Cut Through Fate! [3.5 Monster(s)]

Originally Posted by Jayngfet

Hmmm, can we get the Dai Gurren Dan mecha up here too? I'd love to see some Twin Bokun and Mo Shogun.

And King Kittan.

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