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The word “Mobile Suit” refers specifically to any humanoid mecha in the Gundam series.
A mobile suit is almost always bipedal, has two arms, a head and a torso which contains
the cockpit and power plant. Anything that could be a mech and is outside these
guidelines is usually a “Mobile Armor”. All mobile suits and mobile armories use
Compact Minovsky Reactors as their powerplant, a safer nuclear reactor which uses a
fictional reaction whose only byproduct is Minovksy Particles. Just about everything in
Gundam uses it for power aside from smaller vehicles, so just about everywhere is
saturated with M-Particles. These particles interfere with radar, long range
communication, IR waves and many kinds of radiation. This is why we have mobile suits
and why we see them clashing in close combat so often. Other than fueling the universe

An explanation of Starship stats and rules concerning them:

NAME Self explanatory.

T When a Starship’s Body reaches 0 wounds it tests Toughness, if it fails a number of
times equal to it’s Toughness, or reaches it’s Wounds in negatives it is destroyed.
Ag Unlike most ground vehicles, Starships can dodge attacks from other Battleships, and
roll this to do so. In addition any situations that would require it to determine how well it
handles/flys (IE: Fitting into a tight space at high speed, turning at high speeds) it tests
this as well.
Movement Starships move for free at Cruise speed (1-Whatever), but can sacrifice a half
action to move at all out speed.
MS Capacity What it says on the tin. How many MS’ your ship can hold. Certain ships
such as the Magellan can hold MS’ on it’s hull but not in a hangar. Other ships like the
Musai hold the MS’ in specific areas.
Turret Rating Any MS or Vehicle that isn’t another starship gains -10 per rating while
attacking the starship in question.
Launch Catapults Launch Catapults fire MS into combat at high speeds. As a free
action a Battleship with launch catapults can fire 1 MS per catapult a turn at twice it’s
run speed. While being launched from the catapult, anyone firing at the MS takes a -20
penalty to hit it and gains no bonus from aiming.
WBL Stands for Wounds By Location. This has the AP and Wounds of each subsystem on
the ship. If a subsystem other than the Body reaches zero, it is destroyed.
System AP|Wounds [Bonus/Penalty to hit]
Weapon Systems A Starship can fire a weapon system or battery at a half action per
[Number of Turrets/Systems] Name (Number of turrets/launchers in battery)
[Bonus/Penalty to hit]
Damage – Range – Penetration – Fire Rate (All weapons attack as if they had autofire
and may score additional hits per degree of success up to their fire rate number.) [AP |
Wounds of the Turret/ Battery in question]
Integrated Systems Any special systems that do not fall under the other catagories are

An explanation of Mobile Suit stats and rules concerning them:

Pilot (Type) The skill required to pilot the MS. Most of these sub skills include all of one
type (IE: GM and Zaku) but certain prototypes and special suits require their own skill
S A mobile suit’s strength output. The SB is added to any non-Beam melee attack.
T A suit’s structural integrity. This is tested for certain Critical charts and is relevant to
certain upgrades.
Ag How fast a suit is. This effects the movement rate and is used to dodge while in the
suit. You add the half of the difference of your Agility to this stat if your Agility exceeds
the suit’s. If your Agility is under it, subtract half of the difference between the two from
Movement A mobile suit’s rate of movement: Half-Move/Move/Charge/Run
Integrated Systems A list of the mobile suit’s integrated systems with descriptions of
them. Self explanatory, varies from suit to suit.
Unique Weapons A list of weapons unique to the mobile suit not available in the main
armory. These can be purchase by other suits by using the custom option “Unique
Weapon”, and paying the WUP cost listed with them. By default these are considered
Standard Issue for the suit. Also lists certain integrated weapons.
Standard Issue What the suit comes with for weapons by default. Anyone issued a suit at
the start of the game gets these with it.

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